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"My loyalty to the Forsaken is equal to mine with the rest of the Horde, after all, it required both an orc and one of yours to start my "unholy existence", hm?"

HordeLeugim Santangelo
Image of Leugim Santangelo
Title <Overseer of the Grey Legion>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 90
Class Mists of PandariaMonk
WoW Icon update.png-Mists of Pandaria Warrior (up to Burden)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Grey Legion (Horde)
Former affiliation(s) Stormwind (Alliance)
Location Undercity, Tirisfal Glades
Status Active
Relative(s) Maria Santangelo (mother), Miguel Rodrigues (father)

Leugim Santangelo is part of the new generation of Val'kyr-risen Forsaken and a character played by Mig64 on the Wyrmrest Accord US server.


Early Life

Child of a Pseudohero

Year 11-15 ADP

Leugim was born as Miguel Augusto at the town of Lakeshire, son of Maria Santangelo and Miguel Rodrigues. While Maria Santangelo was just a common citizen, Rodrigues was a successful Captain of the Lakeshire Guard, he was a local hero for his incredible deeds in the battles against the Blackrock clan in the region. However, behind this hero, lied an arrogant monster of a of the most recurring visions of Miguel's past is perhaps the traumatizing sights of his father smacking his mother in the face when he was only 2 years old. Countless were the days in which Miguel witnessed his mother being beaten by his father. Of course it wasn't on a daily basis, when Rodrigues wasn't beating his wife he was saying horrible things to her and constantly fighting, such sights confused the baby and had influence over its mind, hence why his first word was in fact a whole sentence: "Stop hurting!". The day of Miguel's first words was perhaps the only day in which he managed to convince his father to stop beating his mother, the brutish man was so surprised that he and Maria shared their first and only moment of affection ever since the beginning of their marriage.

During Miguel's first day as a 4 years old child, Rodrigues decided that the boy would follow his path as a warrior, after telling that to his son, the child replied by saying: "I don't want smash and cut people, daddy, I wanna learn funny spells to help family and make people happy...Arcane is so funny, I want to be like those 'magies' that visited the town yesterday.". After landing a brutal smack on the child's left cheek, Rodrigues said that he wasn't asking if his son wished to be a warrior, he said that the boy would become one. This was the first time in which Miguel was victim of his father's violence...the first of many...

The training began shortly after the event cited above, a inhumane training...

Path of the Warrior

Year 15 ADP

Rodrigues would immobilize his son and cover his eyes with a bandana and abandon him in different parts of the region on a daily basis, leaving Miguel with only a small iron sword and an old buckle to defend himself, the boy's objective in the training was, after removing the bandana, to find the way back home alone using solely the equipment given to him. During the first six weeks, Miguel always got lost and his angry father had to spend hours looking for him, normally finding the boy hiding in a bush or near a tree, but always with marks of teeth and claws on his whole body, but the young Augusto got used to it over the course of time, he began to successfully return home wherever he was abandoned and with less wounds, in fact, there was a point in which he even began to return home with chunks of boar meat for his mother to cook for dinner.

Once Miguel learned to walk around Redridge, his father would challenge his extremely tired son to duels once he returned home, should Rodrigues consider the boy too weak and unprepared, he would carry Augusto to their house and beat the child exactly the same way he did with the kid's mother. Maria tried to interfere several times, but she was locked in her room with chains preventing her to leave her bed and covering her face with one of his old helmets, preventing that her screams go through the house's walls.

Being forced through all this training and seeing this and other atrocities done by his father, the young child soon began to feel the taste of hatred and desire for revenge. Although he tried to keep it to himself, Miguel's face would never hide how the kid was feeling.

Because of this intense daily training, Miguel had to study at home for he didn't have time to go to any school, and because of his father's tyranny and limited contact with other people, the boy wasn't a sociable person.

The child who had enough

Year 17 ADP

Two years later, Miguel was fed up of his father's horrible deeds and decided to denounce him, the six years old kid stormed the town hall and rushed to the mayor's room. The mayor recognized him as Rodrigues's son and decided to hear what the boy had to say, Miguel told everything his father did to both he and his mother, the mayor was surprised that a war hero like Rodrigues would do something like that, he went to their house alongside a few guards to investigate.

But all he found was his mother cleaning the house while Rodrigues was training with a dummy, a guard noticed the woman's wounds and questioned Rodrigues about it, Rodrigues said that the Blackrock clan had managed to storm his house and that Maria tried to defend it, she was spanked but Rodrigues and Miguel managed to save her life and repel the invaders.

Of course he was lying, but there truly was a Blackrock invasion to Lakeshire two days before Miguel's denounce. Because of this unfortunate coincidence, the mayor and the guards believed in the vile man's words. Maria and Miguel tried to convince the mayor that Rodrigues was lying, the mayor got angry that they were being so ingrate to their hero, and left the house.

From this day on, nobody would believe in Maria nor Miguel's words, and Rodrigues's figure as a hero was reinforced, being called a "martyr who had to fight both the threats of Lakeshire and his evil family that tried to corrupt his image".

Hours later after the mayor left the family's house, Rodrigues made his wife faint with a kick in the head and spanked Augusto, father and son resumed the forced training in the next day.

Unexpected Friendship

Year 17 ADP

On the aforementioned "next day", Miguel was trying to find his way back home, but it was being harder than before because he couldn't walk nor defend himself properly due to his wounds after his father beat him in the previous day. Suddenly, he found someone, a 11 years old girl resting near a tree, wearing a twill clset, with a long black hair and cat eyes, Augusto was curious about her presence -he thought he was the only child left behind in the middle of the region- and decided to approach her.

The girl stared the boy as he approached her, at first she didn't seem so welcoming, but after looking at his wounds her face was covered with worry. Without saying a word, she rose and grabbed Augusto by his shoulders and helped him to sit down, she sit in front of him, and the two began to chat. She introduced herself was Asiral Dornelles, the surname sounded familiar because there was a small Dornelles family at Lakeshire, after Augusto asked her if she was also from the same town as he, her answer was positive. Asiral preferred to spend her time among the trees and wild animals rather than among humans and their towns, she said that her house was a nightmare and that nature seemed to comfort her and give the energy she needed to deal with her parents once she returned home. Asiral was horrorified after hearing Miguel's description of his house and father, she heard of his father as a hero of Lakeshire and couldn't imagine he was such a monster, unlike the mayor, she believed the boy. They felt sympathetic of each other, Asiral invited Miguel to spend the afternoon with her in the wilds of Redridge, she said she would enjoy the company of someone who felt similar to her when it came to family matters, the boy accepted with a smile on his wounded face. During that time, they talked about nature, the animals, and the possible reasons of their respective families' problems as she tended Miguel's wounds using leaves and herbs. During the early evening, the duo returned to Lakeshire and went to their respective houses.

For the first time ever since the begin of the training, Miguel returned with a smile in his face, his parents asked him the reason, the child lied saying that "training just got interessing" and that he even learned how to make bandages, his father opened a grim smile, but he did nothing other than testing his son's skills that day. Lucky for not being beaten that day, Miguel's wounds started to recover thanks for Asiral's improvised bandages.

In the next day, Asiral and Miguel found each other, both kids temporarily forgetting about their problems because of joy provided by the surprise. Using their knowledge of the region to go to the place where they first met while talking about the news of their lives in the way, Miguel then said that he wanted to see Asiral always when he was forced to wander around Redridge, the smiling Asiral then replied by marking that place place where they were as their "hideout".

Thus, the duo spent every single afternoon together, returning to Lakeshire when night was about to fall, Asiral always tending to Miguel's wounds from his father's aggression and Miguel protecting her from wandering hostile presences, such as Blackrock orcs, spiders and gnolls. Sometimes, Miguel would accompany Asiral to her house and would stay near her room's window, hearing as the Dornelles girl played some songs in her piano, Asiral's second most favorite activity.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Year 25 ADP

To Fight Against our Fathers

Miguel's life remained like this for eight years: Father spanking Mother, Father beating Child, Forced Training, Studying with Parents, having problems with the people of Lakeshire due to his and Maria's reputation and spending afternoons with Asiral as his sole relief. But things would change once he became a fourteen years old teenager.

Miguel was returning to Lakeshire, this time Asiral chose to accompany Miguel to his house, a strange look on the boy's face, he told Asiral to stay by the house's door, for he would need someone outside, Asiral didn't understand it, but she agreed. Miguel entered his house and found his father trying to hit Maria with a two-handed mace. "I've had enough!", yelled Miguel as he remembered the past years, he decided that he would use his years of training against the person who forced him into it, considering himself strong enough to do justice by his own hands this time.

Miguel closed and locked the house's door and ran to his father's room, there, he picked up a two-handed sword and rushed to his mother's room, where she was dodging her husband's attacks. Miguel charged at his father from behind, hitting him in the hindhead with the sword's hilt and proceeding to land a blow with his knee aimed at the man's spine. After receiving both blows, the angered Rodrigues quickly turned around and tried to smash his son with his mace, but Miguel dodged the attack. Father and son engaged into a fight to the death, the desperate Maria decided to search for help and unlocked the door, finding a shocked Asiral. Asiral introduced herself as a friend whom Miguel met at Redridge, and both went to call the Lakeshire Guard for help. The town heard the sounds, the citizens were curious and scared, a lot of people plus the guard went to Rodrigues's home and the guards broke the fight.

After being questioned by a captain of the guard, Miguel said that he couldn't stand what Rodrigues did to him and his mother, however, the reputation that he earned when he was six years old lived on, everyone was about to imprison Miguel for what he did, as more guards tried to immobilize the boy, Asiral and Maria yelled, begging the guards not to do it.

Suddenly, a "rage consumed" Rodrigues broke free from the guard that held him and slammed the poor man against the floor, Rodrigues then jumped high into the air and tried to smash his son, but Miguel also broke free from the guards and threw his weapon on his father, Rodrigues was luckily hit in the stomach by the spinning sword's hilt, meaning he wasn't cut or pierced, but still falling back to the ground.

Roaring in pain, the bloodthirsty man yelled everything he did to his son and wife throughout his whole life, saying that they deserved everything and that Maria was a "slut" while Miguel was nothing more than his "wayward marionette". Everyone, citizens and guards included, was perplexed with Rodrigues's confession, the sorrow for spending many years distrusting Miguel's words to protect a person as corrupt as the vile father in their minds.

Thus, Rodrigues was exiled from Lakeshire as punishment, the weight of his heroic deeds in defense of Lakeshire preventing him from being executed. Upon seeing his father vanishing in the horizon, mother and son embraced each other, overjoyed and crying tears of victory, they were finally free from the villain.

From this day on, Miguel began to try to live an ordinary life, Maria restored contact with her parents and brother at Stormwind City thanks to Rodrigues's exile, Maria said that he would stay with them and study there. Augusto accepted, he really wanted to meet this other side of his family which he never heard of, but said that he would return to Lakeshire after he finished with it and during holidays.

After some months of peaceful preparation for the long trip, Miguel gave his mother a final hug and then went to Asiral's house, she was sad that her only friend would leave, and wrapped him in a long embrace, Miguel answered in kind, the boy took his leave with maps of Redridge, Elwynn and Stormwind in hands.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Year 27 ADP

Scourge Invasion

Two years later, the life of Miguel and his Stormwind family had it's peace interrupted by a surprise attack from the Scourge, while his grandmother was afraid and decided to lock themselves up completely at the basement of their house, Miguel and his uncle decided to jump into action and join the fray in Stormwind City's defenses while his grandfather, wearing a helmetless Battlegear of Wrath and armed with a  [Battle Tested Blade] pair, stayed at home to defend it from any incoming enemies. Miguel, equipped with his grandfather's equipment from before he retired, charged into battle against the zombies that the infected citizens and adventurers of the Alliance became, followed by his uncle in full Vindicator's Battlegear and armed with an  [Arcanite Reaper].

Miguel wearing his grandfather's old Stormwind Guard gear. He wore this equipment throughout the whole Scourge Invasion.

Two days after the beginning of the invasion, Miguel was surrounded by a swarm of Plague Zombies as he defended the Cathedral Square, he managed to hold his ground alone for the first ten minutes but he was beginning to get tired and their numbers simply did not deplete, luckily, a huge contingent of Stormwind guards and a male dwarf paladin arrived in the nick of time to save him. Thus, Miguel managed to destroy the zombies with the help of the guards and the dwarf adventurer, but he was not safe. Upon returning to his grandparents' basement alongside his uncle, his grandfather pointed to his knee and asked what happened, Miguel then noticed something was wrong, marks of teeth pierced the old plate armor and pierced his flesh, Augusto realized that he was infected. His grandmother began to cry and Augusto became desperate, but his uncle said that the Argent Dawn sent healers to aid in the city's defenses and that they were able to help to purge the afflicted from the infection should one come to them before turning into a zombie. Augusto them rapidly left the basement and ran as fast as he could across Stormwind to find such healers, the plague slowly turning his mind more wild and violent, he brutally beat every single undead he found in his way until he found three Argent Healers at the Old Town, his pupils had become green for the plague's fluids were replacing the water of his eyes, but fortunately the three healers together purged his body from all disease, the young warrior was thankful and returned to battle.

On the fourth day of invasion, several Necropolises and lesser undead showed up, which forced Miguel and his uncle to return to their house's basement and stay there until it was over, however, not even their house was safe anymore, they saw Miguel's grandfather locked in combat with three Plague Zombies plus eight lesser ghouls. While the veteran was able to defeat the eight lesser undead by himself, the plagued trio used their vast experiences and strategies from their time as adventurers to their advantage, but the arrival of his son and grandson brought balance to the conflict. The three zombies proved to be formidable opponents to the human trio but the indignation of Miguel's grandmother with the time her relatives were taking to save the house cleansed her mind of all fear and made her join the skirmish armed with a frying pan and a machete and making use of improvised skills of an angry housewife and teacher. The quartet then destroyed the three zombies and repelled the other undead who tried to invade their house again for the following days.

However, almost one month later, the Scourge received even more reinforcements, this time being abominations and the mighty frost wyrms, a single Towering Horror was able to overwhelm the combined forces of Miguel and his relatives, but the abomination was terribily wounded by a [Penance] barrage sent by a male night elf priest alongside two clerics of the church, which allowed the family to counterattack by dismantling the beast's body with a triple [Bladestorm] attack by Miguel, his grandfather and his uncle. With their house no more due to their battle against the abomination, Miguel and his family retreated to the Cathedral alongside the two clerics while the night elf went to fight in the Dwarven District. At the Cathedral, the family helped the priests in the defense of the building as a mean of retribution. This mutual aid would pay off later, for when the Scourge invasion was finally repelled, some priests paid the reconstruction of the Santangelo family's house in order to give them their thanks for helping to protect the Cathedral.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Year 28 ADP

Return to Lakeshire

Miguel on the day he returned to Lakeshire.

Three years later, some months before Miguel would be 17 years old, Miguel was forced to return to Lakeshire for his family at Stormwind was wiped out by Deathwing's invasion to the city, they were walking around at the park while Miguel was pondering about his life at the Cathedral of Light. Augusto was welcomed warmly by his mother, Maria's wounds from many years of spanking were incredibly healed in this three years period, the young man gave her the news of his grandparents' and his uncle's demise, the two then were suddenly silent, they walked to their house, it was totally different from Rodrigues's time, and Maria said that while she felt like she lost a portion of her heart with their deaths, nothing would surpass the relief of seeing that her son was alive and well.

Miguel spent some hours with Santangelo, to help his mother recover from the bad news and to know their new house, then he went to Asiral's house, but the house was empty. Scared that his friend was gone, he ran to their old "hideout", and surprisingly found her, crying while sitting near a tree. Miguel sat down in front of her and asked what happened, she looked deeply into the man's eyes, and recognized her old friend, hugging him and stating that his presence had just dried some of her tears. Asiral's parents moved to Stormwind City and abandoned her at Lakeshire.

Miguel then decided to take Asiral to live with him and his mother, he didn't want his friend to stay forsaken, Asiral hesitated at first, but she accepted.

With the coming of the Cataclysm came an increase in the Blackrock threat, thus, Miguel decided to use the skills he was forced to learn to the safety of Maria, Asiral and Lakeshire, working alongside the Lakeshire guard as a civilian volunteer, using his own weapons and armor.

Shortly after the defeat of Deathwing, Miguel found a mortally injured orcish spy named Arnosh Stripribs during one of his scouts, Miguel was ready to kill the orc rogue but Stripribs asked that the human heard his tale first. Arnosh was in fact spying the Blackrock clan since Thrall was still Warchief and only recently was he finally discovered, but Stripribs managed to escape death. Miguel decided that the orc represented no threat since he was also an enemy of the Blackrock and started to take care of Arnosh until his wounds were fully healed.

Arnosh spent days hidden in the proximities of Lakeshire, recovering from his wounds with the help of the human, over the course of time, human and orc became friends, Stripribs would often tell the human stories about the Horde, such as how he escaped his internment camp with the help of Thrall, and Miguel would talk about how his father forced him to be something he didn't want to and how he dealt with it.


When Arnosh was almost fully healed, he was found by a citizen of Lakeshire. The Lakeshire Guard was quickly called to imprison Arnosh, but Miguel stood in their way, he tried to convince the guards by telling the orc's history to them, but it was all in vain, the guards were still eager to take Stripribs as prisoner for he was a member of the Horde.

Maria and Asiral arrived in the scene, Santangelo looked at the orc and then to her son and asked him what was the meaning of that. Miguel explained the whole situation to the two worried women and asked their help to convince the guards to leave Arnosh alone, Maria told Miguel to let the soldiers do their job, "But the enemy of our enemies is our ally...and in this case, he's my friend.", replied Miguel. Upon hearing that, Asiral placed herself beside Miguel and both stood as a human wall against the guards, the soldiers said that if they didn't let them pass to get the orc, they'd be considered traitors of the Alliance, Arnosh told Miguel not to worry about him, he didn't to cause any trouble to the man. Feeling that her son was threatened and seeing that the orc did care about Miguel, she also put herself beside Augusto.

Miguel told Arnosh to run and charged against the Lakeshire guards, but Arnosh refused to do so, he wouldn't abandon his friend, the one who saved his life, the rogue joined the battle. Asiral and Maria joined the fray wielding small axes that used to belong to Rodrigues. In a certain point of the battle, Miguel was grievously wounded, the worried eyes of Maria widening to immense proportions, in her anger, she threw her axe in the face of one of the guards, Asiral yelled as if she felt her friend's pain, kicking a soldier in the stomach and slicing his face with her axe.

Arnosh quickly grabbed the dying Miguel in his arms and ran away with the human, Maria and Asiral giving chase, Stripribs wanted to take Miguel to a place where he could recover, the trio went to his and Asiral's "hideout", where Dornelles began to desperately grab leaves and herbs, Arnosh laid Miguel near a tree and went to help Asiral while Maria attempted to stop the bleeding, in order to keep her son focused on living, Maria began to talk with him, Miguel's voice getting weaker by each passing second, but always answering his mother as he admired their efforts to keep him alive. Arnosh and Asiral returned with improvised bandages, Miguel observed as his old friend covered him with the bandages, a wide smile in his face and his eyes almost closing. After vomiting a small quantity of blood, Miguel's skin was extremely pale, he ordered his mother and friends to stop, he raised both hands and asked that life was forsaking him and that he wished to spend his last moments with those whom he cared, then look at his mother and launching a different glance at Asiral while completing with: "...and loved...", Asiral grabbed Augusto's left hand while Arnosh held the right one and Maria raised Miguel's head and put it on her lap.

The tears of friendship covered his hand while the tears of a mother seemed to bless his mind when falling on his forehead, Miguel was feeling lighter by each tear that fell on his extremely pale skin. Asiral said that the time she spent with him, mainly those afternoons at Redridge's wild, was guarded in a special place in her heart and proceeded to embrace the dying man, Maria kept saying that he had to resist, but all Miguel did was smile, he said he accepted dying for doing the right thing, Arnosh then promised him he would give Miguel a second life, no matter the cost.

After nodding at Arnosh, his smile faded and his eyes slowly closed, the young warrior died. Asiral's and Maria's cries became huge yells of pain, scaring the nearby wildlife and even the Blackrock nearby, Arnosh rose and grabbed Asiral by her shoulders, took her off the corpse and then held the dead man on his arms. Maria said that she wished to bury her son and asked where was the orc taking him, Stripribs said that he would give Miguel a second chance in life and that he'd keep the promise. Asiral and Maria were surprised that he was serious about it, the orc begged that they trusted him, but warned that depending of the method, it might take some time until they can see Miguel again, the desperate duo nodded at the orc and Arnosh answered by saying "Lok'tar aka'magosh...sisters." and took his leave. Arnosh ran all through the Eastern Kingdoms with the boy's corpse in hands, he stopped by each Horde outpost but no healer there wished to ressurect the human even when Arnosh said that he was responsible for saving the orc's life. Arnosh then decided to seek the help of the Alliance itself but he was alway attacked before he could explain anything. As a last resort, Arnosh took him to the Forsaken village of Deathknell.

Leugim, I am...

Miguel shortly after his dark rebirth.

Arnosh arrived at Deathknell, after many failed attempts to ressurect Miguel in other places, Stripribs decided to take desperate measures. Walking around the graveyard of Deathknell with Miguel's corpse in his arms, Arnosh begged a val'kyr named Gazorra to raise his friend as one of the Forsaken. For some reason, Gazorra was hesitating to hear the orc's plea even if that meant an increase in Lordaeron's manpower, Arnosh put Miguel's corpse in front of the val'kyr and kneeled before her, his face featuring a mix of hatred, despair and huge sadness, he stared Gazorra and the undead creature was able to sense all these feelings as if they had formed an aura of Stripribs's eyes. Undertaker Mordo decided to interfere, after speaking some words in Gutterspeak, Gazorra decided that she would rise Miguel as one of the undead. Once the val'kyr had finished channeling, the corpse opened it's eyes, there was nothing but empty sockets inside, but suddenly a huge glow came from inside those sockets and two ghostly spheres materialized. The corpse rose and looked at his surroundings, clearly confused of what happened, it looked at it's hands, the fingers became claws made of bone, the body seemed to eternally dormant, the creature was confused, but upon looking at a near death Arnosh, it recovered it's memories.

The undead Miguel ran to his fallen friend and asked him what happened, Stripribs told his friend about everything he did to ressurect him and decided to do something that only a few orcs did: to ask for forgiveness. Arnosh asked Miguel's pardon for undeath was the only sort of rebirth which he was capable to give to the human, and said that Miguel could return to death if he wished so. Miguel was quiet, kneeling before his friend with his right hand on the orc's forehead, the undead observed as the wounds of the orc were opened and bleeding once again and shaked his head, saying that he was eternally grateful by the sole fact that he was given a second chance to live, the old orc rogue opened a wide smile and died shortly after.

Gazorra and Mordo asked what was Miguel's decision, the undead rose and stared the undertaker, then rapidly looking to the val'kyr, he said that by having suffered so much at the hands of his own kind and to be granted another chance to live though the sacrifice of an orc and the help of a Forsaken, his rotting heart belonged to the Horde. "Mainly the Forsaken.", the val'kyr stated with a grim smile.

Miguel walked in Gazorra's direction and stopped when he was face to face with her, "My loyalty to the Forsaken is equal to mine in relation to the rest of the Horde, after all, it required both an orc and one of yours to start my 'unholy existence', hm?", said Miguel with an ironic smile, the newly risen then proceeded to leave the graveyard and go for the church in ruins, he was curious to learn more about his kind.

Undertaker Mordo followed him and asked how should he call Miguel other than "new one" or "fresh corpse", Miguel stopped when he was at Deathknell's small iron gate to the graveyard and turned to the forsaken, "Mig...", the memories of his parents and Asiral came to his mind and interrupted his answer, the new undead knew that although he was "alive" once again, there was little to no chance that his mother and Asiral would accept him as he is, thus, he decided to start a new "life" and renamed himself. "...sorry, I mean...Leugim. Leugim Santangelo is the name.", said the former Augusto. Mordo nodded at the fresh corpse and returned to the graves to resume his work.

Miguel Augusto was now reborn, even with a new name: Leugim Santangelo. Leugim being his first name backwards, which represents his eternal opposition to his father, and Santangelo being his mother's surname, which is some sort of memento of the person he cared the most in his previous life. Although he knows that his human life no longer belongs to him, Leugim wanted to shape his future as a Forsaken without forgetting what he once were, hence his new name.

The Walking Santangelo

Leugim spent his first week among the locals of Deathknell, asking them to answer some of his questions about undeath and also helping them to deal with the newly risen who went mindless, Santangelo using the deranged zombies as training dummies to adapt his fighting style to his current condition.

At the end of that week, Leugim decided to leave Deathknell and go deeper into Forsaken territory, a deathguard named Darnell gave Leugim a map of Tirisfal and suggested that he went to Brill.

Leugim had some problems to reach Brill even with the help of a map, getting used to Tirisfal was being harder than he expected. What Santangelo did at Brill was basically the same thing he did while in Deathknell: learning about the ways of his brethen by speaking with the locals and helping to defend Brill from threats other than mindless undead, such as spies from Gilneas.

Over the course of time, Leugim adapted the fighting style he was forced to learn to the use of a weapon that his wretched father never managed to master: the polearm.

The Forsaken Watchers

Leugim had a task to accomplish at Garren's Haunt, but he was having problems to find it's place for his map was really limited, that was when a voice came to him asking if he wanted any help. Leugim looked behind him and saw the source of it, an elven woman, but she wasn't like the others, her body was twisted, decomposed, a ear was missing, she was undead.

Leugim looked at her sole eye, his memories from his three years at Stormwind made him recognize that icy glow: she was a Death Knight. Santangelo at first thought he could deal with it by himself, and politely refused the woman's aid, after several minutes trying to find the location of Garren's Haunt without success, Leugim reconsidered and went to Brill's town hall to seek help.

He found the same undead elf there, and decided to accept her aid this time, the woman marked the location in Leugim's map, Santangelo thanked the woman and mentioned that he was still getting used to Tirisfal Glades for he was recently risen, he was about to take his leave when the elven woman told him to wait, Leugim turned back to her and shrugged.

Leugim, shortly after acquiring his new gear and giving up his polearm.

The elven death knight introduced herself as General Mebahiah of the Darkwatch, she asked if Leugim wasn't interessed in joining an organization known as the Forsaken Watchers, stating that it would be good for his adaptation to undeath and that they even had a program to help the newly risen. Leugim didn't hide his interest but remarked that he wouldn't join a group which he knew little more than nothing, the two than began to talk about it. After hearing Mebahiah's extensive description of who were the Watchers and what they did, Leugim decided that he would join their ranks.

Thus, Leugim Santangelo joined the Watchers as member of the Darkwatch, he began working at Tirisfal Glades under direct supervision of Mebahiah in order for him to get used to the new land, the warrior was later transferred to the Western Plaguelands, where he worked for most of his time.

Leugim's services to the Forsaken Watchers had not only a great impact in his development as a Forsaken and adaptation to his new life but also in his general appearance, losing his jaw on two different occasions and having it replaced by a new one, he also lost his original hair, which was replaced by worgen fur.

His polearm-wielding would also meet it's end because of his stay with the Watchers, after being disarmed several times in a spar with General Mebahiah at Fenris Keep, Leugim noticed how unbalanced he was with the weapon. Though he now had basically all the time to train it, he decided to make a less radical change to his adaptation of his original fighting style, thanks to that same occasion, Leugim noticed the physical strength he possessed even after death, and after gaining some gold coins through some last services wielding his polearm, he managed to buy a two-handed sword and a massive shield.

The Darkwatch were put on a temporary hiatus by order of General Mebahiah Frostbane due to lack of relevant Alliance-Horde activity ever since the demise of Deathwing, but Leugim continued his work as a Wight at the Plaguelands, though not with the same frequency he used to have.

Santangelo would often follow Mebahiah to Orgrimmar, however, he would only use her travels as mean to guarantee that he would not be blamed for not working while sating his curiosity to know more about Arnosh's people even though the Darkwatch was on a hiatus. After spending some time in Orgrimmar, Leugim returned to the Eastern Kingdoms and went to Silvermoon City, where he coincidentally met fellow Watchers Jonix, Felleira and Laerith Terabrin.

Despite the "relieving" coincidences, Silvermoon is considered the warrior's most disturbing experience in undeath due to the amount of "idiocy" he witnessed there.

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Year 29 ADP

Attack on Theramore Isle

Leugim was returning to the Bulwark from his daily patrols around the Western Plaguelands when he saw an orc and a Forsaken debating about something that involved the city of Theramore, Santangelo made no effort to hide his curiosity and questioned the duo about it. After hearing some harsh words about misinformation from the orc, the Forsaken explained to him that the Horde was preparing to assault the Alliance city at Dustwallow Marsh. The Forsaken said that he was reluctant to take part into that for he feared that the Alliance would send a massive offensive against Undercity in retaliation, while the orc declared that such cowardice was not to be tolerated in Hellscream's Horde and that every able-bodied member of the Horde should take part in it.

While Leugim understood the Forsaken's "fear", he considered himself more a member of the Horde as a whole than the Forsaken specifically, and felt compelled to take part into the conflict. With the Darkwatch on a hiatus, Leugim decided to follow his own agenda for a while, and took a zeppelin to Orgrimmar.

All these events took place shortly after the conquer of Northwatch Hold and Leugim became aware of it thanks to a troll hunter who told him the news. The troll was preparing himself to join the battle and asked if Santangelo would like to come along, the undead warrior rapidly accepted. Thus, Leugim, the troll hunter and his pet raptor went to Northwatch using an abandoned small Northwatch boat at the proximities of Tiragarde Keep and joined the marching Horde forces in their offensive against Theramore. Leugim and his two companions fought in the first skirmishes around the isle but decided to fall back when they saw a dwarf paladin crawling in the ground among the confusion of the battle, using his small size to his advantage to go through the enemy front lines. Whatever plan that paladin had in mind was interrupted by the Forsaken-Troll-Raptor Team, for the trio ambushed him and forced him to retreat to the shadows of Dustwallow Marsh, the troll and his pet gave chase to the dwarf while Leugim went deeper into Theramore, slaughtering as many soldiers of the Alliance as he could.

Leugim pitting against a quartet of Alliance adventurers.

Santangelo was eventually attacked by the combined might of a male worgen hunter and a female dwarf shaman, Leugim managed to be evenly matched with the Alliance duo by using his massive shield to reflect the shaman's spells against her and block the worgen's bullets while constantly leaping away from them to dodge their offensives or near to them to make them lose balance and attempt to open some wounds by recklessly executing a spinning attack with his sword. Santangelo eventually managed to open deep wounds on both enemies at the same time during one of his Bladestorms, the dwarf and the worgen were about to retreat when they were backed up by a male worgen death knight who used his [Death Grip] to pull Leugim away from them and a male night elf priest that healed their wounds to non-lethal proportions. Now in clear disadvantage, Santangelo took fast steps backwards and strongly stomped the ground with his saronite leg, using the impact as an impulse leap away from them. Leugim was hiding among the battlers when he noticed some adventurers of the Horde invading Foothold Citadel, Santangelo joined the adventurers in their assault. After defeating Hedric Evencane alongside the adventurers, Leugim finally understood the purpose of that assault: to save the Horde spy Thalen Songweaver, after witnessing the adventurers freeing the blood elf, Leugim returned to the battle outside the citadel.

Leugim was ambushed by a female human warrior shortly after leaving Foothold Citadel, the ensuing fight between the two led them to the center of Theramore, where the Alliance forces were amassed and surrounded by the Horde. Suddenly, the forces of the Horde began to retreat, but the confused Leugim didn't stop fighting against the woman.

Also suddenly, a huge shadow of a zeppelin covered the isle's center, both Leugim and the woman stopped their fight to look to the sky and see what was going on, it was the Horde's zeppelin with the mana bomb still attatched to it. The Forsaken tried to leave the city, an escaping orcish mage outside of Theramore saw Leugim running, and luckily for him, the orc decided to help Leugim, the mage blinked in Leugim's direction and they escaped through a portal to Stonard.

However, the bomb exploded while the portal was still closing and an extremely small part of the arcane explosion went through the portal and nearly killed Leugim and the orc, but the Forsaken used his shield to desperately reflect the wave back into the portal and succeeded, though his shield was obliterated and the impact threw him some yards away. Upon returning to the spot he arrived, he noticed that the woman he fought was thrown by the explosion through the portal, or at least what remained of her, after carefully removing the helmet of the mana-twisted "corpse", Leugim recognized her still moving face, the dying deformed woman seemed to have also recognized Leugim, she let out a cough that emanated smokes of pure arcane power and said her last words " least...glad...see you...las...tim...". Leugim somehow felt compelled to hold her hand, and he did so. After briefly opening a smile, the creature rapidly turned into arcane dust.

The familiar face and voice made Santangelo come to a conclusion: that arcane-twisted creature was no one other than Asiral, his first and only love interest when he was alive. Santangelo rose and nodded at the orc mage, who watched everything, and silently left Stonard to go to the depths of the Swamp of Sorrows, where he tried to medidate in order to mitigate the damage that his past was trying to cause by haunting his mind. Leugim considered that his first test to see if he had really adapted to his current existence, it was his deepest desire to see Asiral and his mother again despite his condition, and he indirectly contributed to Asiral's destruction, also, a tsunami of nostalgic memories came to his mind when he held her deformed hand, all this increased the strength of his guilt. After two hours of medidation, Leugim came to the conclusion that Asiral's death was merely an unavoidable event due to his new loyalty to the Horde since she tried to stand in his way, returning to Stonard and then to Tirisfal to resume his work at the Western Plaguelands three days later. However, Leugim felt a burning hatred for his Warchief deep inside him, having preferred to have killed Asiral during their duel rather than seeing her go through all that arcane torture.

Seeking inner balance

Some time after the Theramore tragedy, the memories of the explosion of the city and Asiral's death were still trying to make Leugim cling to his humanity, Santangelo then stops his work in order to seek a way to bring balance between what he used to be and what he is, this made him collide with the culture of a newly arrived members of the Horde: the Pandaren. The undead warrior had witnessed a few of them wandering around Tirisfal fighting the evils of the land with their exotic fighting style and powers or only speaking with the locals, their style of self-defense and their discipline in combat was something that called Leugim's attention. Santangelo eventually met a Huojin monk named Bojo Kegpaw, the pandaren is one of the few of his kind that believe that the Forsaken can learn the ways of the monk. The curious Leugim asked him many questions about his people, culture and philosophies to the point that an average person would find annoying, but not Kegpaw, the two eventually shared a long and uncommonly friendly conversation during hours. At one point of their talking, Leugim spoke about his former life and mentioned the division in his own being and the constant inner conflict in his mind, Bojo finally understood why the undead approached him, and looked to the undead with a wide friendly smile with bubbles of ale coming from inside his mouth.

As a Huojin, Bojo preferred to aid Leugim with quick decisions and actions instead of long statements and thinking, thus he invited the undead to a journey to the homeland of his people: Pandaria. Bojo came from the Wandering Isle, so Pandaria would also be something new for him, he was sure, however, that the answer for Leugim's inner balance was there.

Leugim training at the Peak of Serenity.

Thus, Leugim and Bojo departed to Pandaria, eventually coming into contact with the native pandaren, both were impressed by the sight and customs of the natives, though Leugim's "impression" was largely supressed by his desire to finally bring peace to his mind. The two stopped by Dawn's Blossom and decided to chat a bit while Bojo had a drink at the Drunken Hozen, Kegpaw said that he observed Leugim's fighting style during their few services to the Horde in the region and that he seemed to feel as much pain as those he hurt and killed, as if his body was being forced to fight in that way. Leugim stated that was the only way he could defend himself and mentioned the "days of failure" that he wielded a polearm, Bojo remembered when Santangelo told him his story and nodded, the pandaren then offered himself to teach Leugim how to fight in the ways of the monk, stating that doing so requires a perfect connection between mind and body and that practicing these methods would bring Santangelo the balance he desired, Leugim said he would accept if they weren't in the middle of the scenario of a full scale war between the Alliance and the Horde, but he was interrupted by an elder pandaren woman who said that there was a place of great peace for those who wished to pursue such paths, Bojo asked the woman where was this place located. The woman silently left the Drunken Hozen and motioned the two to follow her, she called her three cloud serpents and told the pandaren and the undead to mount them, she then guided Bojo and Leugim to the Peak of Serenity at Kun-Lai Summit, where Leugim abandoned his plate armor, replacing it with the monk's leather attire, thus beginning his training. Meanwhile, Kegpaw improved his skills in the native ways.

During the days that passed, Leugim developed a huge affinity with the healing properties of the mists, after speaking of it to his masters, they showed him that this path of healing also included physical combat instead of pure "magic" casting. Bojo told him that a monk is a fighter in all moments, and that a healer must also be a strong protector instead of a "coward" that stand behind the front lines casting "healing magic". Thus, Santangelo decided to explore such affinity and fully dedicate himself in this path.

One week later, Leugim noticed that he hasn't heard any of his fellow Watchers' voices from his portable FCD, such thing intrigued the monk apprentice, and he decided to return to the Tirisfal Glades and check what was going on, but he spoke to his masters first, they allowed him to do so and even teached him a spell that could easily bring Leugim back to the Peak of Serenity to resume his training. After learning the spell, Leugim returned to the Eastern Kingdoms.

The undead's first stop was Brill, where he stumbled upon his general, Mebahiah, the elven woman was also returning from a period of absence and asked the monk about the other Watchers, Leugim replying that he had no idea afterwards. After much discussion about the current situation, the duo came to the conclusion that, due to even the high-ranking members' absence, Mebahiah was to be in charge. Determined to contribute as much as he can to the Forsaken Watchers' rebuilding, Leugim returned to the Peak of Serenity, where he picked up his old gear. When questioned about the action, Leugim answered his masters that he would wear his former armor whenever the Watchers needed him while he was still in-training, stating that he would fully abandon it once he mastered his skills, the undead proceeded to explain his current situation to them in order to justify such decisions, and the masters nodded at him, understanding his reasons.

Nonetheless, Leugim now trains at the Peak of Serenity with his FCD very close to him, alert to any calls.

Hallow's End

Leugim became aware of a Hallow's End celebration going on inside the laboratory at the Apothecarium (such celebration by organized by the Royal Apothecary Society itself) thanks to a fellow forsaken monk-in-training that had recently arrived at the Peak of Serenity. Santangelo remembered how he never actually cared about Hallow's End back in his days as a living human and his opinion hadn't changed much, however, he was curious to know how the Forsaken celebrated it and decided to go to Undercity.

After finishing his daily training, Leugim used his [Zen Pilgrimage] to teleport him back to the Undercity, he wasn't wearing his leather attire, but his old plate armor and two-handed sword. The forsaken went to the crowded laboratory and handed his weapon at request from one of the organizers of the event for security purposes. One of the first people he talked to was Mebahiah, for she was the only one he knew among all those people (Laerith would arrive later as the second one), after the duo was greeted by a forsaken in rather exotic clothing, Leugim became aware that his general resigned from the Forsaken Watchers, this fact had some impact on his hope for the Watchers' rebuilding as Mebahiah was the only figure of leadership he saw ever since his return. Once more people began to join the talk, Leugim discreetly took a seat on the floor, away from the circle composed of most of the crowd, his sole purpose to be there was to sate his curiosity by simply observing those around him. He noticed that everyone who was there had a small wickerman that was to be burned down on a determinate moment of the festivities, since he was there just to watch, Leugim didn't care much about the fact he wasn't warned of that and thus didn't bring any.

A few forsaken approached Leugim, asking him about his lack of a wickerman, he answered these people by telling them his true reason to be there, however, they all said that the people who helped organizing it provided the materials needed to build a wickerman, so the people who didn't bring their own would be able to build one and take part in the celebration, however Leugim kept loyal to his purposes and denied all suggestions and advices to take part into it. However, Leugim didn't stay silent, he also wanted to test how people reacted to his interventions and would often make remarks about everything that attracted many people's attention during the celebration.

Finally, the time to burn down the wickermen came, the whole crowd formed a huge circle between the place where Doctor Herbert Halsey generally stays and the nearby bookshelf. Leugim was among them, arms crossed and watching the people preparing their wickermen for the fires. He was then approached by Mebahiah and a recently arrived Laerith, the elven woman handed Leugim her own abomination-like wickerman, stating that she did it many times and this was Santangelo's first time. Leugim insisted that Mebahiah should burn her own wickerman to the point he even tried to give it back to her, but he was convinced by her persistence.

Leugim kneeled down and put Frostbane's wickerman on the floor, he wanted to burn the object in a "unique style" so he picked up a small keg with volatile brew from inside his chest armor and drank it whole, after shaking his head in a rapid sequence to mess with the brew still in his mouth, Santangelo opened his mouth and unleashed a very weak [Breath of Fire], strong enough to burn down the wickerman.

After remarking that he really wasn't supposed to be a brewmaster monk, Santangelo stared the burning wickerman, watching the flames somehow made him become lost in his thoughts for a while. After the abomination-like object was completely turned into ashes, Leugim rose and, still with his back turned to the duo, wished Mebahiah and Laerith a happy Hallow's End.

With the celebration coming to it's end, Leugim thanked Mebahiah for giving him her wickerman as the woman and Laerith took their leave. After some time after their depart, Leugim decided to leave the laboratory and recalled that he had to get his sword back from the organizer, however, he was nowhere to be found and neither was his weapon. Angered by having his weapon stolen, Leugim decided to leave without his sword, returning to the Peak of Serenity in order to meditate and proceed with his training. During his meditation, Santangelo was not only soothing his anger but also considering the possibility of resigning from the Forsaken Watchers, since the only Watcher he saw up to Hallow's End was Laerith and the rest of the leadership was missing.

Future Planning

Leugim spent the next day post-Hallow's End meditating about the possibility of resigning from the Watchers while he wasn't training, Santangelo asked his pandaren masters for advice, but they stated that, although they were eager to clear the forsaken's doubt, they couldn't advise him for the monks didn't want to interfere in the matters of other factions. Leugim couldn't help feeling disappointed, his doubt growing bigger, this slightly made Leugim's masters regret not aiding him, mainly because that they knew who would benefit from the constantly strengthening doubt in the undead's mind.

Santangelo was afraid that, by leaving the declining Forsaken Watchers, he would only contribute to it's almost certain doom when he could simply help the group which helped the man shape his personality as one of the Forsaken.

Leugim was then approached by his pandaren colleague Bojo Kegpaw, who said that his doubts and fears related to his other allegiances were acting like a boulder in the forsaken's progress as a monk, Santangelo acknowledged that with a silent nod, and asked for Bojo's pardon for "ending up like a proof that his kind are, perhaps, not fit into these ways", Kegpaw answered with a hearty chuckle and told Leugim to look around him: there were many monk apprentices of all races from both Alliance and Horde training there, together even, completely forgetting their antagonisms for the sole purpose of sharpening their skills to better serve their people, and among those races were many Forsaken.

Leugim then silently walked away and opened a bag full of his belongings, he picked up his former plate armor and then returned to Bojo, wishing him the best of luck in his path and that he hoped to see the pandaren again. Kegpaw asked if Leugim was sure about his decision, the undead replied with a nod, stating that this global turmoil that is reaching Pandaria is a matter of extreme urgency, thus he had to dedicate to the cause of his people as much as he could, he also said that his months at the Peak of Serenity brought him the balance he desired to his mind, although he remained a rather impulsive person, but that was his nature ever since he was alive so the undead didn't care much about this feature.

Bojo opened a wide smile upon seeing Leugim's determination, the pandaren even said that he was going to give Leugim a present for his journey: Kegpaw called for his blue dragon turtle mount, and opened a box that the creature carried on it's back. Bojo then retrieved a two-handed black axe. The pandaren happily handed the axe to the warrior and told the weapon's story to the undead, Santangelo was impressed with the offer and promptly accepted it. Leugim then went to speak of his leaving to his masters, the pacient pandaren understood his reasons and said that it would be great for the "mental balance" the warrior was seeking and wished him the best of luck, also stating that the Peak of Serenity would welcome Santangelo whenever he wished to return.

With Futou in his hands, Leugim used his [Zen Pilgrimage] and returned to the Undercity, where he became aware of "interessing events".

The Undercity Battalion

On that same day, once he arrived at Undercity, Leugim found an unsual poster in the Warchief's Command Board, which talked about a new branch of Undercity's military, "The Undercity Battalion" was the name, that was recruiting able-bodied Forsaken and Death Knights of all races of the Horde in order to bolster its ranks. Leugim, seeing this as a great opportunity to dedicate himself then set out to Fenris Keep at Silverpine Forest, where the poster said that the recruiting process was taking place. Upon presenting himself to Executor Verhindern, the Battalion's second-in-command, Leugim was directed -while being constantly threatened by Verhindern's gun- to the High Executor of the Undercity Battalion, Else Schneider, who gave the warrior some paperwork so that he could become an official recruit of the Battalion, after analyzing the paperwork, Else accepted Leugim as a recruit and gave him a portable FCD, much similar and in better conditions than those he used to have during his time with the Forsaken Watchers.

Some time later, Else and Verhindern called the Battalion's initial recruits, among them was Leugim and two former colleagues from the Forsaken Watchers: the archer Laerith Terabrin and the Lightslayer Apprentice Hartia. Another recruit was Einsley, an undead woman who was friend to a blood elf named Anaberyl, whom Leugim met when he briefly visited Orgrimmar in one of the few moments in which the undead man left the Peak of Serenity during his training to become a monk.

Leugim and the the other recruits were rallied at the Ruins of Lordaeron and Else had Verhindern make the recruits go through a series of drills that ranged from push up to marching, which culminated into a brief sparring between the recruits near the training dummies of the War Quarter.

Leugim fought with Hartia and opened the fight by mixing his traditional [Charge] with a frontal kick of his plated boot on the man's stomach, the Lightslayer was thrown some really few yards away but quickly recovered by leaping to Leugim's back and attempting to carve his daggers on Santangelo, although the warrior tried to dodge with a sidestep, one of the heated daggers eventually pierced the exposed bone of his right arm, but it eventually disarmed the lightslayer from one of his daggers due to Santangelo's sidestep. Leugim then swiftly moved to Hartia's back and hit his spine with Futou's hilt, Hartia seemed to fall as if he had lost counsciousness, Leugim tried to strike him with a slice from Futou to keep his combo going, but it was merely a shadowy illusion of the lightslayer's [Spectral Guise]. Hartia suddenly showed up from the shadows and successfully carved one of his heated daggers in Leugim's head, Santangelo grew both angry and nervous as the dagger rapidly invaded his rotten flesh and skull, thus he unleashed a desperate [Bladestorm], which failed to hit the lightslayer but succeeded in repelling him as Hartia dodged by leaping backwards.

The recruits' spar was interrupted when Executor Verhindern arrived with members of the Royal Apothecary Society, bringing a "gift" to the recruits of the newly formed Battalion, shortly after their arrival, an immense abomination made of several Alliance corpses stitched with iron plates named Bubba showed up. The recruits' next task was to fight together and defeat the hulking Bubba.

Leugim gave Hartia's dagger back and the two were the first ones to strike, the warrior charged against the abomination and leapt while the lightslayer jumped on his back and used Santangelo as a platform to jump to the creature's face and pierce it's head with his daggers while Leugim attempted to slice the creature's jaw with an upward slash from his axe. However, Bubba rapidly enveloped Leugim with his chains and hurled the warrior away while tossing the Lightslayer a few yard behind, while Leugim fell with like a rock on the ground, Hartia almost fell on the green liquid that flows around Undercity's sewer. Meanwhile, Laerith and Einsley landed succesful shots against the abomination, one with his crossbow while the other wielded a gun, the duo were responsible for most of the successful blows against the creature. During a certain point of the battle, after failing several times to land a single hit at Bubba and being hurled against the ground, Leugim decided to use his experiences as a monk, he tried to distract Bubba with a fake [Heroic Leap] in which he stopped when he was half the way to reach the abomination and used a [Roll] to go behind the creature, Leugim was about to jump and try to land a [Blackout Kick] on the creature's head, but Bubba swiftly replied with a massive fart which forced Leugim on the ground, a blow which he claims to have broken his pride forever.

Shortly after, Hartia, who was also having difficulty in hitting the creature and avoiding its blows but was being far more successful in Leugim considering he caused way more damage, leapt to the creature's shoulder and then grabbed one of the lamps that hanged in the War Quarter's ceiling and smashed it against the abomination, setting the creature on fire as a consequence. Bubba, however, resisted bravely against the multiple offensives against it, and was extremely angry of being set on fire and was fed up of Laerith and Einsley's barrages, the creature grabbed a light post and began spinning around in [Bladestorm] style. The "Bubbastorm", as the creature itself named the attack, managed to knock away all of the recruits, except for Leugim, who dodged by simply kneeling down. The warrior was mad, his pride broken right in front of his superiors, Santangelo rose and hurled Futou against Bubba's head with a [Heroic Throw], as the axe flew in the spinning creature's direction, Leugim switfly charged his hands with blue Chi energy, the undead then unleashed a massive damage-enchanced [Chi Burst] aimed against the abomination's common hole in the stomach. When Bubba noticed Santangelo's commotion, the abomination on fire was already with Futou carved in it's head and some parts of its boy destroyed by the inside due to the blast. Once the still living Bubba came to the ground, High Executor Einsley and Executor Verhindern intervened and finished the job by finally killing the creature and planting explosives in it's corpse, while the others recovered from the "Bubbastorm", Leugim ran and recovered Futou before the abomination finally exploded into a rain of flesh and pieces of organs. After cleaning up the mess caused by the explosion, the recruits went to the Apothecarium, where they were promoted to full soldiers of the Battalion.

Despite avenging his "broken pride" by unleashing such an unexpected blow against Bubba, one that was actually decisive to defeat it and was his sole successful try to hit it, Santangelo has been secretly suffering from a inferiority complex since then.


Half a month later, the warrior decided to seize the opportunity of his leadership's absence, Leugim used his [Zen Pilgrimage] to go to the Peak of Serenity and pay a visit to his monk colleagues, after some time talking to his former masters as they prepared themselves for another training session, Santangelo asked about the absence of Bojo. The pandaren masters told the forsaken that Kegpaw felt that he was spending far too much time at the peak and should do more for the Horde, so he departed to Eastwind Rest in order to help his allies and "practice his skills on the blue training dummies of the battlefield" for a while. After thanking his former masters, Santangelo went to Eastwind Rest, where he found Bojo talking with the fellow Horde pandaren at the base camp, the undead then joined the talk and spent some minutes speaking to his pandaren comrade, Kegpaw even gave Leugim a  [Orgrimmar Tabard], that the pandaren recovered from the corpse of an orcish rogue some days before, as a gift for their reunion.

The reunion between the undead and Kegpaw was swiftly interrupted by a Darkspear troll mage seeking help, before he'd be harassed by the orcs at the camp, Bojo intervened and called Leugim to come with him. Once the trio left Eastwind Camp, the troll reported an immense increase in Alliance activity at the shores of Krasarang Wilds and that his two brothers were imprisoned during one of their patrols there, Leugim said that there wasn't much that he and Bojo could do about it since, according to the troll, the Alliance seemed so overwhelming. The troll, however, remarked that Horde reinforcements had reached the shore and that a clash between the two factions ensued. With this notion, Leugim and Bojo agreed to help the troll to find his two brothers.

Santangelo, Kegpaw and the troll took a flight route to Dawnchaser Retreat and moved to the shores of Krasarang, aiding the Horde's soldiers in defeating the Alliance's troops while trying to find the last spot where the Darkspear troll saw his brothers. Upon arriving at the spot, which was somewhat 315 yards to the west of what is Lion's Landing now, they were ambushed by a worgen hunter, a worgen death knight and a human warrior.

As the Alliance-Horde trios pitted against each other, they saw a female dwarf shaman carrying the immobilized brothers of the troll on her gryphon's back, she was flying towards a jungle area between Dawnchaser Retreat and the shore (though it was closer to the latter), berserking at the sight of his captured brothers being taken away from him again, the troll unleashed a [Frost Nova] that trapped both the Alliance trio plus Leugim and Bojo and blinked away, abandoning both the undead and the pandaren.

Luckily for the frozen adventurers, a wave of orcish grunts, followed by blood elf mages, and human footmen, followed by dwarven riflemen, arrived. While Leugim and Bojo were freed by the elven mages' fire magic, the Alliance trio had their freezing trap destroyed by the dwarves' explosive traps. Leugim and Bojo told the grunts that they couldn't retribute the favor at the moment for they had a traitor to deal with, and departed. It was fortunate for the undead and the pandaren to leave that skirmish, for their saviors were massacred by the coordinated blows of the enemy shortly after the Forsaken-Pandaren duo moved away.

Blocked by a huge wall of soldiers of both sides (predominantly Alliance ones), Leugim and Bojo were forced to fight their way to the other side of the shore, where the forces of the Horde could be found in a better situation and amount of manpower. Now that they were relatively safe, the two went deeper into the jungle in order to search for the traitorous troll, and eventually found him and his brothers being massacred by a group of ten male human footmen, five male dwarven riflemen and two male night elves, one being a warrior and the other a priest. With the three trolls rapidly eliminated, the Alliance group charged against Leugim and Bojo.

The two realized that they were about to fight a losing battle, but refused to give in to what they considered cowardice, and they went into a suicidal offensive against the group. Bojo managed to steal a gun from a rifleman and smash it against the face of a footman, killing the human instantly, he then brought the night elf warrior and two other footman to the ground, though not killing them, by smacking their faces with his [Spinning Crane Kick] while Leugim repelled his enemies with his [Bladestorm], Santangelo eventually managed to open some deep wounds on the night elf priest and two riflemen, the footmen managed to fully dodge the onslaught. The undead and the pandaren held their ground for the first ten minutes of battle, Bojo constantly stunning his enemies with his swift target switching punches from his [Fists of Fury] while Leugim leaped from one side to the other while throwing small spheres of Chi energy against his enemies. However, the Alliance soon turned the tides of the fight by dividing themselves into two groups, one group led by the night elf warrior surrounding Bojo and forcing him away from Leugim and the other one led by the night elf priest forcing the undead away from the pandaren.

Now surrounded, Leugim charged Futou with Chi energy, causing the impact of his strikes on his enemies' body to unleash one Chi sphere against a nearby enemy ( [Sweeping Strikes]), however, not even his cunning was able to match the overwhelming numbers of his enemies. Leugim was eventually disarmed from Futou and brought down, immobilized and with two riflemen's guns pointed to his head while the night elf priest charged an empowered [Smite], well aware of the undead's natural weakness to it. Despite Leugim's wild attempts to break his enemies' hold over him, he wasn't successful in escaping, the priest then was about to cast the Smite when suddenly an axe pierced his head and his body fell motionless to the ground. Suddenly, a quartet of orcish grunts showed up from the nearby bushes and attacked the eight Alliance troops that submitted Leugim. Santangelo, now free, seized the opportunity and recovered Futou in order to rejoin the fray.

Although slightly outnumbered and with the Alliance receiving reinforcements in form a female human priest and a dwarven priest, the Horde quintet and the Alliance group were evenly matched, but the balance soon turned to the Horde's favor when the battle received a surprising guest: Garrosh Hellscream himself, recently arrived at Krasarang and accompanied by a Horde adventurer, jumped in and, strengthening the morale of the Horde group with his dreadful roar, helped them smash those Alliance soldiers once and for all. Leugim was shocked by finally seeing the Warchief in person and the way that the mag'har orc fought throughout the skirmish was something had the undead taken aback. Neither Santangelo nor Hellscream made eye contact with each other even though there was a point in which they were relatively close, but Garrosh didn't even notice the undead's presence, he joined that battle solely because he saw orcish grunts fighting against Alliance forces, the Warchief then merely ordered the Horde adventurer that accompained him to move on, then returning to the shores himself.

Shortly after Hellscream's departure, Kegpaw arrived, completely -though not deadly- wounded, the pandaren was saved by a group of tauren Sunwalkers from Dawnchaser Retreat. United again, Santangelo and Kegpaw decided to stay at Krasarang and help out the Horde at the shores, staying there until the complete foundation of Domination Point.

With the Horde base founded and ready to battle and Kegpaw returning to the Peak of Serenity through [Zen Pilgrimage], Leugim decided to return to the Undercity, afraid that his superiors would look for him should they have already returned, thus having a goblin use oil to power one of the portal devices at Domination Point to open a portal to the Shrine of Two Moons, Santangelo then took the Shrine's portal to the Undercity.

The man searched the whole city and then went to Fenris Keep, without any sort of sign of neither Else nor Verhindern, Santangelo decided to resume his duties as a soldier of the Undercity Battalion despite their absence.

During one of his patrols, Leugim pondered about the impact that the presence and sight of the Warchief. He felt both impressed by seeing such an influent and strong leader right in front of him, but at the same time, this same presence brought him flashbacks from Asiral's death, while Santangelo tries to mitigate it to this day, he cannot fully tolerate the very existence of his Warchief. While one would expect that an average member of the Horde fighting side by side with the Warchief, even if only during some seconds like Leugim's case was, would raise one's self-esteem, it only made Leugim's inferiority complex worse instead, for not only did he lose a former dear person in a horrid and dishonorable way, Leugim expected to kill Asiral in a duel if both were destined to fight against each other instead of witnessing her turn into arcane dust, but he now owes his continuous existence to the same person who devised the plan that ended up in Asiral's demise.

The Horde Council

"The Horde Council" is the name of the meeting organized by Trade Baron Salsbury of the Blackmarket Cartel. The day had finally come and neither Else nor Verhindern had returned from their absence, Leugim, however, having left a warning of the meeting at Fenris Keep in the Battalion's files, was patiently waiting for them at Ratchet.

The undead watched as the members of several guilds and organizations gathered near the inn, none of them being his leaders, the corpse grew slightly nervous, he even considered leaving the town for someone in such a low rank as he couldn't be a true representative of the Undercity Battalion, but he neglected his own idea, the forsaken man decided to stay and report everything he'd hear on that meeting, he stole a drunk goblin sailor's notebook and his writing set and then went outside of the inn to wait for Salsbury's arrival.

Once Salsbury arrived and waited for some more people to attend to the meeting, he called the representatives of each guild to follow him to a Blackmarket ship, where the council would begin. Leugim hesitated in following, the rank issue troubling him again, but after some minutes of pondering, he decided to go, luckily, the representatives were introducing themselves and no relevant discussion had begun when Leugim arrived.

The meeting's main subject was about the attending guilds' current situation and if they had any aid to offer or request. Despite not finding much relevance in what was being said, Leugim took note of everything. However, there was something that called his attention.

The Undercity Census, representeded by chairwoman Catteline, stated that they were ambushed by the kaldorei during a meeting of theirs with the Ironfang clan of orcs at Ashenvale, and that their few troops found plans for an Alliance attack against Splintertree Post on a determined day. Many of the organizations offered themselves to help the Ironfang in the defense of the outpost, while Leugim stated that he would take the report to his leaders and they'd come with an answer.

Once the meeting was over, Leugim returned to Tirisfal and went south to Fenris Keep, Silverpine Forest, in order to put his report of the meeting in the Battalion's files.

The Battle of Splintertree

Two days later, the day stated on the kaldorei attack plans found by the Undercity Census had arrived, according to it, the night elves would bring allies to attack Splintertree Post at Ashenvale.

Meanwhile, at Tirisfal, Leugim was eager to take part into this conflict, but there still was no sight of his leaders and he hadn't seen his other colleagues from the Battalion for some days. Santangelo then decided to follow his own agenda again, the undead went to the chest where he put his belongings at Fenris Keep, picked up the Orgrimmar Tabard which Bojo gave him, the only object stored in it. Santangelo then messed with the Battalion's files and destroyed all documents related to him or his existence within the Undercity Battalion, and rapidly departed to Orgrimmar after a bribing a mage of the Mage Quarter to open a portal for him.

Leugim made contact with Catteline and she said for him to rally as much people as he could and then meet her and her group at the Mor'shan Rampart, while Leugim didn't manage to bring anyone, he was surely present at Mor'shan, where he joined Catteline's group in their approach to Splintertree while the other groups of other guilds and organizations were already there.

Catteline's group took a different approaching route to Splinterpree since the main road, according to the plans, was to be used by the Alliance to strike against the outpost, thus they could be attacked from behind at any time if they took this path. The group then arrived at a spot in the west which was very close to Splintertree Post, where they found the Horde base under siege by kaldorei and their Ancients, Catteline's group then dealt with whatever night elf they found near their spot and prevented the kaldorei from using it for an alternative offensive against Splintertree. There, they awaited the orders to ride to the gate and join the main defenders, the defense force was composed of many guilds such as the Undercity Census, the Ironfang clan and the Grey Legion.

Finally, a considerably-sized group of humans, night elves, dwarves and worgen showed up and charged against Splintertree, thus starting the battle, the invaders were surprised and didn't expect to find such a heavy defense inside Splintertree and weren't able to pass through the gate, they were locked up in a skirmish against the many Horde guilds defending it, meanwhile, Catteline and her group charged, attacking the invaders from the west. The mix of sudden happenings contributed to the fast demise of the group, but those who claimed to be victorious were told to shut their traps by their leaders, who feared that the battle wasn't over.

They proved to be right as a second wave of them approached, much bigger and powerful, Leugim disengaged from Catteline's group and preferred to serve his own will during the battle, charging alongside the many orcish, tauren and blood elf warriors and orcish grunts near him. Although Leugim didn't engage in combat directly with any of them, Santangelo chose to adopt a different strategy than usual by helping his allies to outnumber their opponents, slowing them and many other sources of crowd control that he was capable of doing, in a particular occasion, Leugim leapt and helped a tauren warrior to defeat a death knight by disarming him and silencing him with his Interrupting Roar, thus preventing the death knight from using his many spells, and finally attacking the worgen's rotten limbs to slow him down during his escape, thus enabling the tauren to finally crush him. Once the second wave was defeated, some Alliance members attacked by air, Leugim rushed back inside the post and helped the defenders to bring them down from their mounts, those who fell on the ground were quickly massacred but those who fell over the buildings had to be taken care by ranged fighters, although Leugim himself summoned his mount and flew to deal with a gnome rogue that fell over the building near the stable master on a single occasion. Many reported to have spotted Alliance rogues inside the Splintertree Mine, but those were dealt with by Catteline and those who accompanied her inside it.

As the defenders were distracted with the threat inside Splintertree, an even bigger third wave arrived, so big that basically all races of the Alliance were accounted for, the few defenders who remained at the gate were having difficulty to keep so many Alliance invaders at bay and some of the local grunts even perished, the defenders of Splintertree then rapidly ran back to the entrance of the outpost, pushing the Alliance out of it when they were about to finally enter it. The skirmish lasted for several minutes, Leugim using the same strategy from the first wave, a dwarf death knight eventually pulled Leugim near to him through his Death Grip and several mages focused their spells on him, Santangelo quickly reacted by filling his both with Chi and unleashing an expanding wave of Mass Spell Reflection, reflecting some of the mages spells, Leugim then disarmed the death knight and sweeped his legs, bringing him to the ground, the undead then leapt back inside Splintertree in order to escape the mages. Several of the Horde defenders were affected by the Chi waves of spell reflection unleashed by Leugim, though only for a small while like it is supposed to be. Now back inside Splintertree, Santangelo returned to the fray at the entrance.

Although the battle was to set place solely on Splintertree Post, the final conflict happened to the east of it, the Alliance was finally expelled from the entrance of the base and attempted a retreat, but the defenders gave them chase and a final battle ensued. Leugim's strategy was interrupted one last time when a female night elf warrior tackled him, the undead almost fell but regained his balance by stomping the ground, the impact of it messed with the elf's balance and Leugim seized the opportunity to land several reckless strikes against her, however, most of them were parried by the elf's sword or blocked by her shield, the two then engaged in a duel amid the whole conflict, one simply couldn't hit the other due to their defensive reactions, Leugim was at the peak of his reflexes and managed to parry her blows with his axe or with his plate gauntlets, while her sword and shield seemed like a thick saronite wall due to their impressive avoidance. After a while, however, the elf suffered from a nuisance which Leugim had almost forgotten, she began to be consumed by tireness, her offensive and defensive moves were getting slower, weaker, and with questionable aim, Santangelo grinned and began pressing her even more wildly them before by smashing Futou's blade against her, forcing her to block it constantly and being unable to attack until she laid down both her arms, suffering from the ever inscreasing fatigue. Her tireness distracted her, when she looked around, she couldn't see Leugim anymore, he suddenly landed on her exposed head and stomped his plate boots against it, shattering her skull. As the elf's lifeless body fell, Leugim took an impulse over her head to leap back to the main conflict, hastening her corpse's falling process.

The Horde was finally victorious, the Alliance invaders were deceased and Splintertree had to worry solely on the Darnassian attackers from now on, although even those ended up several casualties on that day, they would soon return to resume the siege which has been ongoing ever since the Cataclysm.

The victors returned to Splintertree, the guilds checking for their wounded and talking about what just happened, as for Leugim, he wandered alone around Splintertree, checking on the other organizations there, as if analyzing them out of pure rotten curiosity. Leugim felt like he took part in a great battle, but his curiosity demanded a second and more valid opinion, thus, Santangelo tried to seek an orc to talk about it, but most of them were too busy with their own people and guilds and the grunts were rightfully busy watching for any further Alliance menace.

Somehow, Leugim's curiosity was something that was amplified when he was raised, perhaps because as a side-effect of the very necromantic process or due to the many new places and things he witnessed, the true source of his inquisitve nature remain unknown.

Leugim started to think that he wouldn't be able to know about what he considered the "true magnitude" of the battle and picked up his hearthstone, which was bound to Orgrimmar. However, he spotted a lone orc dual wielding twin axes and in full black plate armor, save for his chest which was partially covered by a studded leather harness, the undead warrior approached the orc and the two talked about the battle, after having his doubts clarified, the orc demanded that the undead stated his reasons of him coming out of nowhere to ask about such subject, the orc's tone intimidated Leugim as his fingers twitched a bit, the undead holding the urge to pick up Futou. Despite the seeming animosity between the two, Leugim explained that he always thought that the orcs, due to everything they have been through, have a much wider war experience than he could ever dream of, the orc then nodded and told him he was right to think this way and Leugim, remembering Stripribs, stated that he had a good teacher.

Suddenly, the conversation took an unexpected route, the orc ordered the undead to tell him his name, upon hearing it, the orc decided to call him "Gim" only, despite Leugim's initial tries to "fix" the orc's mistake, he was properly ignored as the orc proceeded with his speech, he demonstrated interest in the forsaken due to his high regard of orcish values, the orc, introducing himself as Mol'Tsok Scaleflayer, asked if Leugim wished to seek honor and glory and made promises related to these two subjects, the undead became slightly confused and distrustful, but answered positively since the recent happenings left him without a cause to fight for. The orc then told the undead that he would join him and his group: the Grey Legion, the fact that Mol'Tsok told him such thing instead of asking him was something that made the forsaken even more distrustful, suddenly, a figure sneaked behind Leugim and left a device over his shoulder armor, Leugim rapidly picked up and checked it, the device was a communicator, the figure then whispered to him, welcoming him to the Legion and introducing himself as its leader.

Now even more unsure of what was happening, Santangelo picked up his axe and demanded answers, Mol'Tsok slowly picked up his axes and asked if he wanted to fight him, the undead replying that he would if no clarifications were given, then tried to say to both the figure and Mol'Tsok that he wasn't sure if he actually wanted to join and that he was considering staying all by himself for a while, however, he was ignored by both Scaleflayer and his mysterious leader, the orc then stated that he wanted to see Leugim at Orgrimmar at the next day and left Splintertree.

The confused corpse then used his hearthstone and returned to Orgrimmar, but what matters is that he ended up joining the Grey Legion.

The Grey Legion

Once Leugim arrived at Orgrimmar, he witnessed a small group of people questioning the Kor'kron in an act of open defiance at the Valley of Honor, the undead then decided to approach it a bit in order to watch, suddenly a goblin and a female pandaren arrived ordered to some specific people to leave the troublesome group, as they did so, Leugim heard from one of them the mention of the name "Grey Legion", Santangelo then followed them without any attempts to look discreet and openly joined the circle of people that they formed, many of them eyed the corpse who suddenly showed up, trying to understand his presence, the goblin who stood by the pandaren woman preferred a direct approach, asking who Leugim was and what was he doing among them. After confirming with those two if that group was actually the Grey Legion, Leugim stated that, although he didn't understand the whole situation at all, he had somehow joined it, and showed his communicator to prove it, the goblin then introduced himself as Lance Topsail and the pandaren called herself Mu, their tone switching to a slightly more welcoming one.

Once Topsail was done warning the members of the Legion to never mess with the Kor'kron again and the group was dismissed, Mu asked Leugim if there was anything that Leugim wished to know. This is a situation in which Leugim would have laughed hard, because he basically knew nothing and couldn't even understand exactly how he ended up in the Grey Legion, thus his answer was obviously positive. Leugim asked about the Legion itself what was their main function, what was the cause the fought for, and Mu explained that the organization operates in Northrend, bringing supplies from the northern continent to the war effort to the south at Pandaria. Leugim and Mu spoke for quite some time and Leugim's confusion slowy converted into interest towards the Grey Legion, the two eventually went to the northern part of the Valley of Honor on the Legion's mysterious leader's orders, such leader eventually showed up when they arrived on his desired spot, revealing himself as Phasm, Grand Commander of the Grey Legion. Phasm gave Leugim a better insight and some more details of the Legion's work and means of operation, which made his interest in staying with the guild increase.

Once they were done talking and each one followed their own way, Leugim pondered if he should really stay in a group in which he joined under exotic circumstances, then he looked at the other members, the racial diversity of the Legion and its contribution to the Horde's war effort tickled Leugim's stance of loyalty to the Horde as a whole instead of prioritizing his own people, the Forsaken. The Forsaken Watchers were fundamental to his adaptation, the Undercity Battalion proved to have had the potential of a good experience, but both had a very heavy focus in the Forsaken's lands and interests, it is true that many of them converged with the general interests of the Horde, but Leugim wanted something that would make him feel more part of the faction itself, and the Grey Legion provided it for him, an opportunity to be useful to the Horde while staying side by side with its many peoples. Thus, Santangelo decided to accept the confusing event which brought him to this guild and stay among the Legion.

Later on, Leugim would find out that Mol'Tsok was allowed to build his own squad, the "Mol'Tsok's Flayers", within the Grey Legion and that the undead was not only part of it but the orc's "head underling". Santangelo was more doubtful than impressed when he became aware of it, he kept asking himself for days about how someone like him, who was an extremely recent member of the Legion, was suddenly given such responsibility. The answer would come during one of Leugim's private talks with Mol'Tsok, in which the orc, although initially feeling insulted, gave his reasons to the corpse, remarking his interest in improving his personal honor and wishing to behave like a true member of the Horde: an orc, according to Scaleflayer. Such interests were dormant in Leugim's mind as he initially viewed his loyalty and service to the Horde as a mean to repay his debt with Arnosh Stripribs, but they were slowly "awakened" as time passed due to him feeling even more at home among the Horde races and the memories of his friendship with Arnosh and the orc's stories constantly coming to his mind. This time, Leugim was impressed, no doubts in his mind. After hearing Scaleflayer's speech, Santangelo has since then felt like he had found his definite place as a useful member of the Horde and has been dedicating himself to keep the situation as such, not only for his desire to help his allies but to keep himself safe, for Scaleflayer has little to no patience for failures.

Leugim eventually developed pretty much well as a member of the Grey Legion, eventually raising to the rank of Overseer (the third highest one) some time later, his promotion being heralded by Mol'Tsok himself, who was both reluctant of letting his Right Hand go but also proud of his deeds.

The Death Knights of Dragonblight

A few days after joining the Grey Legion, Leugim took part into his first operation. Grand Commander Phasm became aware of an unknown trio of death knights that refused to identify themselves while strangely close to the Grey Legion's supply routes at Dragonblight. Worried by this matter, the undead decides to send the bulk of the Grey Legion to scout the area.

The Grey Legion deploys at Agmar's Hammer and begins their patrolling, the group of which Initiate Leugim was part of eventually spots who seemed to be trio of death knights, two Undead Humans, one of them mounted on top of a frost wyrm, and one goblin. The Legion members ordered the trio to identify themselves, but all they did was laugh at the group. The death knight in the middle then made his frost wyrm mount charge in such an incredible speed that it managed to run over the whole group, Leugim included.

The group swiftly recovered and engaged the death knights in battle, Leugim engaging the other undead human in a duel as the rest of the group focused combined attacks against the other two.

The corpse initially charged at his opponent and attempted to slice his helmet with Futou's blade, but the death knight swiftly side-stepped and attempted to afflict Leugim with [Frost Fever] through his [Icy Touch], but the warrior swiftly landed his fist in a [Pummel] inside the open part of the helmet, interrupting the death knight's concentration and casting. The two then exchanged several blows from their respective weapons, however, whenever the two didn't seem to be evenly matched, the death knight was on advantage. Leugim's disadvantage grew by the moment as the death knight's plagues, spread by his runeblade sword, sewed into the warrior's flesh and weakened his physical strength, however, a troll hunter briefly aided Santangelo by firing a barrage of arrows against his enemy, although they did no damage, the death knight's attention towards Leugim was compromised, which allowed the corpse to swiftly bring his opponent to the ground with a [Leg Sweep]. Santangelo then carved Futou on the snowy ground of Dragonblight and mounted on the fallen death knight, landing a barrage of Chi-enchanced punches against his head, however, the death knight propelled himself up several times and eventually managed to make Leugim get off of him, Santangelo hitting his face in the snow. The warrior wouldn't lose time, however, as the death knight quickly rose, Santangelo was faster and rapidly grabbed Futou in his hands and sliced the death knight's head off, killing his enemy instantly. The other death knights were killed shortly after, but the frost wyrm escaped.

Suddenly, a call for aid from Overseer Mu could be heard from the Legion's communicator channel, they were having trouble in dealing with a frost wyrm that ambushed them and things seemed grim, once Mu's group position was revealed, Leugim and some others broke from their group to aid them. With the frost wyrm dealt with, Phasm ordered the Grey Legion to return to Agmar's Hammer in order to tend for the wounded, which were many, Leugim himself tried to help some of the wounded by converging his Chi energy into a [Soothing Mist], but his lack of training caused him to make an absurd mental effort in order to channel the mist and the corpse was forced to stop before something happened to him.

After some time recovering inside the main stronghold of Agmar's Hammer, Uzitec Goldmind, a goblin mage of the Grey Legion, arrived and opened a portal to Orgrimmar, thus sparing his colleagues of having to wait for their manpower to recover from their wounds in order to make a longer travel back to Kalimdor.

Due to his efforts on that day by killing one of the death knights and helping with the wounded, Initiate Leugim was promoted to the Soldier rank alongside most of the initiates who took part into that operation.

The reasons behind those death knights' suspicious and aggressive nature towards the Grey Legion remain a mystery to this day, it is theorized they were probably adherents of what remains of the Cult of the Damned and saw an easy target in the Grey Legion's supply routes at Dragonblight.

The Battle of Grizzlemaw

See the main article: The Battle of Grizzlemaw

During a deployment to Grizzly Hills in Leugim's time as a Legionary, he was ambushed by a trio Frostpaw Shaman while scouting around Grizzlemaw, a group of Redfang Furbolgs passed by as Leugim defended himself and joined the fray upon seeing their enemies there. Because Leugim killed one of the Frostpaw shaman, he was welcomed as an ally among the Redfang and, during his stay with the frenzied furbolgs, the forsaken warrior uncovered an Alliance operation in which a group of human rogues, possibly adventurers, were supplying the Frostpaw tribe with weaponry and some manpower reinforcement in the form of assassins in order to gain their favor.

The corpse reported the situation to Commander Topsail, revealing that this Frostpaw-Alliance cooperation was the cause of the compromising of Grey Legion supply lines at the region. After two days of refining his strategy for the battle, Santangelo exposed the situation to other members of the Legion alongside his solution, rallied the Redfang furbolgs and advanced against the Frostpaw tribe while the Grey Legion infiltrated the tree amid the chaos and slayed the leader of the Alliance forces. Once the leader was gone and the Alliance there was slaughtered by the Redfangs, guided by more sophisticated strategies of battle than the standard savage ones they were used to, Leugim and the Grey Legion retreated from Grizzlemaw, leaving the Redfangs and Frostpaws to fight their own battle without outside influence.

The Ashenvale Deployment

Certain day, Grand Commander Phasm called Commander Topsail and the Overseers of the Grey Legion for a meeting at the tavern of the Valley of Strength. Leugim was caught by surprise as he was sparring with Legionary Pazie at the barracks of the Valley of Honor, having to cancel the session in order to attend to the meeting before their training battle began properly. With the exception of the overseer Kirote Dawnshield, all of those called for the meeting were there: Grand Commander Phasm, Commander Lance Topsail, overseers Mu, Mol'Tsok Scaleflayer, Tengiu and Leugim.

Phasm brought dire news, the Warchief had deemed most of the Legion's supply lines in Northrend useless and thus ordered them closed, also, Hellscream removed the Grey Legion's allowance of peons, which means that the organization lost its means of harvesting of resources, the Grand Commander was apprehensive about this situation, for he feared that the legion's disbandment would be inevitable if they didn't take swift countermeasures. As an obvious solution, the leading figures of the legion discussed means of making the Grey Legion sustain itself, Overseer Mu brought up the idea of putting the soldiers' professional skills to use by making those with harvesting abilities tend to the demands of the soldiers with crafting skills, thus comercializing their creations and bringing income to the organization, this brought up a brief argument between Overseer Mol'Tsok and Overseer Mu, the orc refusing to sell the fruits of his incredible works with blacksmithing, deeming it as "dishonorable", which ended in Scaleflayer accepting the idea, although with extreme reluctance.

The Grand Commander also stated that this situation could also mean that the Grey Legion was losing its usefulness in general in the eyes of the Warchief, since they were reassigned from Northrend to Ashenvale. Leugim stated that the fact that the Grey Legion was reassigned instead of instantly disbanded could mean that the higher command was willing to see the if the legion could prove its worth in a place much closer to Hellscream's eyes, this was swiftly replied in a pessimistic manner by Phasm, who that the higher command could be using this reassingment as a last mission before ordering the disbanding of the legion. The leading figures agreed that, independent of the higher command's intentions related to the deployment to Ashenvale, the Grey Legion had to prove itself as a force to be reckoned within the Horde. This was also saw as a good opportunity to put the plans related to making the Grey Legion self-sustainable into motion.

Leugim then came up with his own idea, it wasn't supposed to conflict with Overseer Mu's plans, in fact, it acted more as a complement. Overseer Santangelo proposed that, since he had no skills with any professions and didn't understand how to administrate such business, he would use the Grey Legion's death knights and individuals with any sort of necromantic abilities to raise the corpses of the fallen as very basic undead creatures to be used as mindless larborers in service of the legion. Thus, the legion would gain resources and supplies while the soldiers were unable to do their new jobs for whatever reason. The undead harvesters wouldn't need to receive any sort of salary in order to be stimulated to work, thus increasing the income of the organization. The plan was widely accepted and approved, Overseer Scaleflayer stating that "THIS is an excellent idea".

Another topic brought up for discussion was about the reputation of the Grey Legion, although its status as part of the Horde military, people in general tended not to have a good idea from them, to the point of disrespecting them many times. Thus, Phasm demanded that the commanding structure became more severe in both its treatment towards those below them but also related to punishment. The punishments didn't need to be anything brutal, in fact, extra drill sessions for disobedient members was a good example of what sort of dire punishment the Grand Commander was talking about.

After discussing some final details, Phasm dismissed the commander and the overseers. While Mu and the other overseers went to the Orgrimmar Rear Gate to call on the soldiers in order to discuss about this new scenario, Leugim reclused himself in the shadows of the Hall of the Brave at the Valley of Honor, where he acquired a map of Ashenvale in order to think of a strategy and a good spot to place his future minions, it needed to be away from orcish eyes, but also not so far from Splintertree Post, the place where the Grey Legion would settle.

On the next day, the Grey Legion moved, settling at Splintertree Post as planned. Not long after arriving. Willing to prove himself in his first deployment as an Overseer, Santangelo vigoriously organized a small task force composed of Legionary Kryeiloth, an orc death knight and Initiate Vestakya, a blood elf hunter, and Leugim himself, the trio departed Splintertree and marched to the west in order to seek a suitable hideout to place the future ghoul larborers of the Grey Legion, the trio was eventually ambushed by a number of night elf sentinels, but the night elven women were swiftly dealt with thanks to Leugim's combined skills of a warrior mixed with Chi abilities, Kryeiloth's frigid axe slashes plus his ability to prevent the night elves from taking distance and Vestakya's relentless shots to those who managed to avoid Kryeiloth's grasp. Obviously, Leugim had Kryeiloth raise the fallen women, the sentinels were risen as partially sentinet ghouls, whose quality was better than the average of death knights' thanks to Kryeiloth's studies of necromancy. The trio finally found a suitable place, after emptying it from a small pack of night elven druids, Leugim and his task force claimed The Shady Nook for the Grey Legion, where all the ghouls would settle, using the cave as some sort of home while harvesting the minerals from within it and doing some lumber harvesting from the trees in the proximities of the place.

This strategy of raising the corpses of the fallen would become a recurring method used by Overseer Leugim in the future whenever he had a death knight in his team, using the undead as larborers and protectors of whatever places the Grey Legion claimed for themselves.

The Battle of Thistlefur Village

After studying the map of Ashenvale, Leugim found out that the Thistlefur tribe of furbolgs occupied a strategic point between Hellscream's Watch and Maestra's Post and even had a shortcut to reach and flank Orendil's Retreat, thus the Overseer's mind became full of ambition, perhaps overwhelmed. Leugim remembered his past experiences with the Redfang tribe and how he managed to temporarily lead them in battle, which made him conclude that, if the Legion managed to make peace between the Horde and the Thistlefur, they'd be worthy allies while providing extra manpower to destroy the nearby Alliance settlements and reinforce the siege staged by Horde invaders at Maestra's Post. However, Leugim also remembered how the Redfang answered only to him and not the rest of the Legion, which granted him a wrong idea about the furbolg race in general. Deeming the Thistlefur as volatile as the Redfang, Leugim decided that the best way to have both desired territory and force bolstering was submitting them into servitude.

Thus, the Overseer rallied a group composed of Legionnaires Suke Wovenclaw and Tsukia Graceleaf, Soldiers Haoshi, Battroz and Krazix and marched to Thistlefur Village. The group was prevented from entering the village by the interference of two bulky berserkers, although the two mighty furbolgs and the Legion sextet and the berserker duo were evenly matched, the small skirmish met an end when Tsukia used her powers as a sorcerer to conjure a huge cloud high in the sky that unleashed two overpowered lightning bolts at the two berserkers, reducing them to ashes, the sight of the attack scared the rest of the furbolgs into the village, some of them even dubbing Tsukia as "Skywitch" for their inability to properly understand the true nature of the mighty spell.

Leugim stepped forward, walking into the village with the other five Legion members following, the Overseer approaching one of the furbolgs in angry and heavy steps, the corpse demanded that they called anyone they found relevant enough to represent them at that moment, threatening to decimate the whole village should they not comply. Leugim knew he didn't have enough manpower to do so and that Tsukia wouldn't be able to make such complex conjurations constantly, thus he had to rely on the fear the Grey Legion's presence was imposing.

The scared furbolg nodded and called for an elder shaman: a huge old furbolg approaching the group in slow steps as his hands trembled a bit due to his age, Gorja was his name. Elder Shaman Gorja had seen the Legion's ferocity and Tsukia's mighty conjuration, and like the rest of the tribe, was incredibly scared, the old furbolg questioned Leugim about his reasons behind such unnecessary bloodshed in a tone that expressed a painful, and sad indignation from an old and relatively wise creature. But Leugim was irreducible, and imposed that, from that day on, the Thistlefur tribe would have to serve the Legion and aid them in the form of supplies, manpower and territory, once again letting out the falacious threat of destroying the tribe. Tsukia, Suke and Haoshi expressed their disapproval of their Overseer's methods in their facial expressions and with a few attempts of trying to convince Leugim of forging a proper alliance with them, but Leugim was convinced that furbolgs were nothing but savages that needed to be tamed and not only rejected their suggestions but also ordered silence.

As the debate between the Overseer and the Thistlefur Elder Shaman continued and slowly grew into a possible incoming bloodshed, a trio of furbolgs came to Gorja, shouting desperately: it was the Sentinels, the night elves also staged an invasion to Thistlefur village, their numbers were overwhelming. Gorja, Leugim and the Grey Legion watched as the night elves spread around the village and engaged the local defenders in combat, the Overseer and the Elder Shaman looked at each other with distrustful glares, but then nodded. Without a word, a truce was forged between the corpse and the furbolg, the Grey Legion and the Thistlefur tribe joined forces to fend off the invading night elves.

The combined might of the two factions provoked casualties enough for the local tribe guards to hold them off while the Grey Legion and Elder Shaman Gorja engaged Alizsha Moonarrow, the leader of the Sentinel invaders, and her two bodyguards in combat. The bodyguards were swiftly pulverized by another of Tsukia's conjured lightning-spilling clouds, reinforcing her fame as "Skywitch" among the Thistlefur, Gorja was impressed upon seeing it so close and the joy of having such power by his side invigorated him. Alizsha proved to be a hard challenger, but thanks to Krazix's hit-and-run tactics and engineering gadgets plus Haoshi's arrows and Barttroz's bullets, Suke's cunning and crowd control combined with Tsukia's many spells, Leugim's brute force plus chi abilities and Elder Shaman Gorja backing up the Legion through use of his many healing abilities plus empowering them with the primal fury of [Bloodlust], the Sentinel leader was killed.

Without Alizsha to guide them, the remaining Sentinels retreated from Thistlefur village, but Suke and Haoshi were deeply wounded, Gorja stepped forward and used his abilities as a shaman to mend their wounds as a mean to repay them for the favor. As Leugim observed his forces speaking to the Elder Shaman as he talked about the desperate situation they were facing due to the corruption his tribe suffered pitting them against both Alliance and Horde, the Overseer concluded that perhaps not all furbolgs were like the Redfang and the Frostpaw, and that the victory of both the Grey Legion and the Thistlefur that day proved Santangelo's brutal arrival as unnecessary. Although he didn't admit it, Leugim regreted approaching the furbolgs in such a bloodthirsty manner and adjusted his terms, approaching the Elder Shaman and proposing an alliance between the Grey Legion and the Thistlefur tribe, Gorja declined at first, the Elder Shaman didn't wish the Thistlefur to become any close of being full members of the Horde for the news he had of the new Warchief and his deeds were mostly unpleasant and concerning, further reinforcing his declining by stating that this would make them pawns to Hellscream's monstrosity. Leugim thus remade his proposal to a pact of mutual cooperation between the Grey Legion and the Thistlefur, suggesting that both sides would help each other without inducting the furbolgs into the Horde, an idea gladly accepted by Gorja.

The Grey Legion thus departed victorious, returning to Splintertree Post with the news of acquiring new allies in the region and that the Alliance suffered further casualties.

The Battle of Ashenvale

See the main article: The Battle of Ashenvale

Leugim was at the inn of Splintertree Post alongside overseers Mu and Mol'Tsok and other Legion members who were resting from two days filled with missions when he heard Grand Commander Phasm's yell in the communicator channel that warned of approaching Alliance forces. Leugim, Mu and Scaleflayer organized the very few numbers of Legion members present to defend Splintertree in what would seem a losing battle, joining the local grunts in their skirmish against the relentless Alliance invaders, who quickly managed to reach the inn. The dedicated few was in huge disadvantage and the battle was getting more on the Alliance's favor by each passing second, however, they managed to hold the Alliance long enough for the incoming reinforcements of the bulk of the Grey Legion forces plus the Ironfang clan to flank the invaders from behind and push them back.

After aiding in thwarting the Alliance's second attempt to invade Splintertree Post, Leugim approached his former superior, Mol'Tsok, and asked, in a sarcastic tone, what did he think about the battle, the orc laughed, noticing that the undead was making an allusion to the day they met and the corpse joined the Legion, stating that "that depends". After their brief talk, Leugim seized the distraction of the orcs around him and ordered the Grey Legion blood elf monk Remulous to gather as much Alliance corpses and skeletons as he could and send them to The Shady Nook, the strangely cheerful elf swiftly picked up a cart and filled it with the corpses of the fallen, eventually delivering it at the assigned spot. After reporting his success to Leugim through the communicator channel, the Forsaken overseer departed alongside Legionary Pazie to The Shady Nook in order to check on the ghoul larborers risen by the orc death knight Kryeiloth. The undead were fine and working, their cave untouched by the Alliance. Leugim then ordered Pazie to scout the proximites of The Shady Nook all the way to Forest Song in order to track down Alliance presence, the goblin woman reported that there were no findings. Leugim then received an unexpected visit, a small group of Thistlefur furbolgs led by Elder Shaman Gorja arrived at The Shady Nook and offered themselves to protect the ghouls, despite their distaste for them, as a mean of retribution for the Grey Legion's previous aid against the Sentinels's invasion at their village.

Later on, Leugim joined the Grey Legion in the victorious assault against Astranaar, watching over Phasm alongside the other overseers as the Grand Commander negotiated with the defeated night elven leadership, then secretly having Kryeiloth raise the nearby corpses while both Horde and Alliance forces were focused in the tense negotiation. Leugim also accompained the rest of the Grey Legion back to Splintertree Post once the battle was over, standing by overseers Mu, Kirote and Scaleflayer as they heard to Phasm's speech and then saluted their greatest allies of that day: the Ironfang clan.

This day was glorious for Leugim, to stand and fight victoriously side by side with an orcish clan who wouldn't disturb him for the fact he was a corpse, orcs like the ones described in Stripribs' tales, the reason of why Leugim chose to stay in the Horde upon being risen. Part of the corpse's pride, broken by his fight with Bubba at Undercity, was slightly restored. The corpse then glanced at the Legion as they walked away after being dismissed and was able to feel that any small spark of doubt about whether he was right or not to join the Horde suddenly vanished, the corpse was completely sure now, his place in this world is with the Horde, and he will fight until the Horde's rightful piece of Azeroth has been claimed and the Alliance dismantled.


Leugim's initial decisions as an Overseer caused a great turmoil within the Grey Legion, among his first deeds were: taking initiates and soldiers to Azshara in order to practice their skills on living targets, such targets being caged animals trapped and tortured by Leugim; His harsh and aggressive leadership methods, akin to what he learned with Mol'Tsok; His use of the Grey Legion death knights' necromantic abilities to raise Alliance corpses as ghouls to work for mindless larbor; Having shamans of the Legion summon elementals to serve as living target dummies during training sessions, one of them being even corrupted by demonic magic by a warlock under orders of Santangelo himself with the excuse of using it to improve the Legion's preparation to face demons, that same Grey Legion warlock summoning a demon to serve the same purpose as the corrupted elemental on that same occasion, resulting in Leugim pitting his own forces against both a demon and a fel-infused elemental at the same time; Slaughtering Thistlefur furbolgs at Ashenvale in order to submit them into servitude to the Legion during a deployment to the region, the bloodshed of furbolgs was only prevented by an unexpected Alliance invasion to the village, forcing the Legion and the Thistlefur to work together, which eventually ended up developing into a pact of cooperation between the two factions that would last up until an invasion of Horde forces from Hellscream's Watch several weeks later.

In most of these occasions, there was a resulting inner commotion within the Legion, most of them would simply not approve of the corpse's methods. While Leugim insisted in saying that he was merely doing what had to be done, the opposition would simply say that it was just mindless and unnecessary violence. Leugim's attitude and planning caused so much trouble that he was even threatened to be removed of the Grey Legion by Commander Lance Topsail, the goblin's words weighted heavily on his mind, more than any of those who protested against him. Leugim was confused, his operations ended in success and without casualties, but even then there would be dire complains, he felt as if he was wrong no matter what he did, the corpse wasn't willing to give in to what he considered to be "petty morals" of the "underlings", but at the same time, he knew there should be a balance between his style of action and the thoughts of others, but it seemed impossible to achieve.

Aside from this, or probably because of it, many soldiers and even initiates had little to no respect for Leugim, which would result in a huge effort to make them work, the corpse put a few punishments into motion in order to make them learn discipline but it was also frowned upon. There were underlings that wouldn't respect him, his methods to deal with it weren't considered proper, Leugim was facing his own inner turmoil in his mind, he felt shackled and at the mercy of those who didn't approve of his leadership methods. Luckily for him, these indisciplinate members weren't the majority of the Legion's manpower, but they still posed a serious problem whenever the corpse had to work with them.

This issue persisted for quite some time, and deep inside him, Leugim suffered, facing it on a nearly daily basis was torture to him, but he never demonstrated it, although he was crumbling in the inside, Leugim would seem the same mentally solid, cruel and harsh Overseer in the outside. Leugim needed help and he knew it, he wasn't willing to ask for it, though, his pride wouldn't allow him and this would only make matters worse. However, the spontaneous advice of several other members in the Legion who didn't oppose him helped mitigate the ever-growing despair within him, to a point.

Serving the Horde well was Santangelo's greatest goal in undeath, but all this was slowly convincing him that he was nothing more than a burden and that, if he truly wished to serve the Horde, his demise would be the best help he would provide. Hours after leading a Grey Legion task force to secure the oil trade routes and escort oil carriers between The Fold, at Stonetalon Mountains, and Silverwind Refuge, at Ashenvale, Leugim ran deep into the forest and turned his communicator off, the ill thoughts about himself had finally consumed his mind. Leugim climbed the highest tree he found with extreme determination, whatever he was going to do, it was meant to be the only proper service to the Horde and the Grey Legion that he could do. Once he reached the highest portion of the huge tree, he looked down, hesitating. But suddenly, guilt would pull the trigger. Arnosh came to Leugim's mind, the orc sacrificed himself in order to bring Santangelo back to life, and now the corpse noticed that, with the "chaos" he was causing, Stripribs' sacrifice was in vain. Leugim shook his head to wash the memories away, he didn't need them anymore, he was certain of what he needed to do, he didn't climb that tree like a pitiful dead monkey for nothing, the corpse let out a low snarl and hurled himself off the tree, expecting that the fall would destroy his body for good, freeing his soul from its link to it and finally ending the ridiculous warmonger that was Leugim Santangelo.

The corpse fell brutally on the ground, his plate armor shattered and the once mighty Futou was reduced to pathetic smithereens, pieces of the plate gear and the Greataxe of the Black Challenger crawling into Leugim's deformed and damaged flesh, bone and organs; His limbs twisted, fragments of broken bones piercing them; the only thing that remained slightly intact was his spine, which had only a few cracks in the boney part, the impact was mostly mitigated thanks to the Cobalt reinforcement and the plate armor taking it before the rest of the body, his face was also saved for he fell on his hindhead, causing severe damage to the back of his skull and neck bone. Leugim attempted suicide, but he didn't die, his body resisted, it was destroyed, but not enough to cause permanent death. The corpse agonized due to his failed attempt, afraid that the Legion would find him and those who didn't see the truth, the ones who didn't oppose him, would find means to repair him, he was unable to move, his body would answer his soul's commands as it was still strongly bound to it, but it was too broken to even make the most basic crawl or roll, Santangelo had no choice but stay there, staring the sky with a hopeless look, awaiting for someone to seal his fate, awaiting his end.

The incredible happened, though. As destiny would have it, Leugim heard a familiar whistling, it was a pandaren in red leather armor and a Huojin tabard, gathering herbs and putting them into a bag while whistling lowly, the pandaren walked from one side to another of the corpse's proximity, up until he finally stumbled on Leugim and fell near him, the pandaren composed himself, complaining of the pain he was feeling in his feet, once he finally looked down to check on the "rock" that caused his tripping, he recognized Leugim, and Leugim recognized him: it was Bojo Kegpaw. Bojo stared the corpse in shock, almost motionless, he tried asking Leugim what happened but the corpse wouldn't speak, merely answering with a blank stare, a stare which Kegpaw saw in the beginning of the year when they first met, the stare of disgrace and defeat of a broken mind, the pandaren took the destroyed corpse in his arms and rushed to Splintertree Post, where a mage friend named Mizaia of his was waiting for his return. Mizaia was surprised with Bojo's early return and with his "package", the desperate Huojin monk asked that she opened a portal to the Undercity in order to save a friend, while Leugim grunted and snorted at the notion of making friends post-death, Mizaia nodded at Bojo and promptly opened the portal. Bojo, Leugim and the female pandaren mage went from Undercity to Deathknell, where Leugim was left to have his body repaired. Miraculously, Leugim's body, although heavily damaged, didn't need to have any parts replaced, perhaps reinforced with some extra stiching, but not fully replaced. Leugim spent hours having his body readjusted and the pieces of Futou and his armor removed from him, with Bojo and Mizaia watching over him and fending off some nearby newly risen Forsaken that went wild, meanwhile, there was a val'kyr watching everything with her arms crossed, it was Gazorra, she shook her head at the sight, unaware of the reasons behind his current state, but she did say that what they were witnessing and the time that was being lost repairing Leugim was the reason she hesitated into raising him, calling Santangelo nothing but a troublemaker. Bojo swiftly rose his fists and charged at Gazorra in order to shut her up, but was frozen still by Mizaia, who begged that he didn't pay heed to the val'kyr's taunting for the good of his friend shortly after dispelling the ice tomb. After some long time, Leugim was finally physically well, but his mind was far from such state, he wouldn't talk or barely move properly, the Forsaken who took care of Santangelo then said that the best was to dispose of him, since he grew useless, Gazorra nodded approvingly. Bojo snarled and took the nearly motionless undead in his arms and rested him over his shoulder, his determinate tone saying that Leugim should have never left the Peak of Serenity, and that they would return. Mizaia nodded at Kegpaw and opened a portal to the Shrine of Two Moons, the trio then went to the Peak all the way from the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Leugim was then given a new leather attire to replace some of his destroyed plate armor, some of the remaining intact parts, such as his boot, were covered by leather in order to match his current vestment, he then spent the rest of the day laying over the floor near the fountain of the Serpent Shrine under the watch of Bojo and other monks who tried to soothe his mind through Mistweaving and standard talk, even though they knew the corpse wouldn't answer any time soon. By the late night of that same day, Leugim made a slight move with his claws and slowly rose to his feet, sighing heavily as he looked at the few monk caretakers that were awoke at the time. The monks cheered and each one of them gave Leugim a light fist jab to the shoulder as a sign of approval of his return, the corpse merely answering them with a nod, pondering about what just happened. After answering the monks's questions about what happened to him, Leugim was approached by one of the mistweavers, who stated that he let himself give in to despair and doubt, the monk and Leugim took a walk around the Peak, the mistweaver explaining to him how the pandaren learned to master their emotions in order to not trigger the Sha and how Leugim's lack of control over such emotions were the only thing that prevented him from being a full monk, Santangelo then mentioned that his small time training could also be a reason, the pandaren chuckled, stating that Leugim not only had a natural talent for it, but his lack of need to sleep also had him train about nine times more than an average apprentice. He said that was imperative that the corpse mastered or at least acquired some stronger control over his emotions, both positive and negative, the mistweaver said that, since Leugim's kind has been forged in war and fighting, the trials that Leugim would face in the next morning would have him fight his inner demons directly and even literally. On the night of that same day, Leugim put himself into a state of deep meditation for about six hours nonstop in order to prepare himself.

Physical Description

Leugim's skin is pale and his fingers have become proper bone claws that sprout out of his hand.

The center of Leugim's arms are nothing more than pure exposed bones and his stomach has a huge scar in it, which is where he took the blow that resulted in his death.

The undead's spine sprouts out of his flesh and is slightly deformed, which does not allow him to take a more erect stance, at least not for long. To avoid being a weak point, the spine was covered and reinforced with Cobalt plate armor. Unlike his ingame appearance, his improved spine is under the armor.

Despite having his lower jaw replaced once and his throat being repaired twice through the stiching of both dwarven and human flesh, one can easily recognize Leugim by looking at his face, which remains slightly intact when compared to the rest of the body.

After several problems with the limbs of his original legs, Leugim had two new human legs attatched through corpse-stitching. It should be noted that these legs had recently been ripped off from the corpse of an Alliance spy at Deathknell, thus they have no bones exposed and they're fully covered by his leg and feet armor, even though the skin shows clear state of rotting and is full of cuts and even a deep wounds that shows a bit of its inside but not enough to avoid being covered by armor.


  • Leugim only realized that he loved Asiral in the moment of his death, this and her death proved to be good in a way, since he never became aware that she didn't share the same feelings for him, thus avoiding some dire period of grief.
  • Leugim went through a brief period of great irony in his life during the Attack on Theramore Isle: the dwarf paladin whom Leugim ambushed was the same who saved him from being overwhelmed by a swarm of Plague Zombies during the Scourge Invasion, also, the night elf priest who arrived and saved the dwarf shaman and the worgen hunter who Leugim was defeating was the same who saved him and his family from a Towering Horror during the Scourge Invasion.

External links

Preceded by:
Right Hand of the Scaleflayer
Succeeded by:
Suke Wovenleaf