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AllianceMiguel Rodrigues
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Former affiliation(s) Lakeshire Guard, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Adventurer, formerly Captain of the Lakeshire Guard
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) Unnamed Lakeshire farmer parents, Marcos Daimon (adoptive father), Leugim Santangelo (son)
Student(s) None, formerly Miguel Augusto


Early life

Year 11 BDP - 0 ADP

Rodrigues was born at the town of Lakeshire as son of a couple of farmers. His parents, although not exactly rich but also not exactly poor and aiming a better future for their child, saved most of the money they acquired with their work to pay him a good school at Stormwind City in hopes to see their son away from the life they detested so much. Aside from that, not much is known about Miguel's life with his parents.

First War

WCOnH logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.

Year 0 ADP - 5 ADP

Eleven years later, the dreams of Rodrigues and his family were soon interrupted by the invasion of the relentless Orcish Horde. The mayor of Lakeshire at the time determined some farms to provide food solely for those involved in the war effort, and Rodrigues's family was among them, the worst part is that they weren't paid for this work and weren't given any sort of aid to keep their lives going on. The angered young Rodrigues wasn't willing to see his parents in such a shameful situation and questioned them several times about it, to no avail.

Seeing that he couldn't convince his parents to not yield to the authorities, Miguel abandoned his family and Lakeshire, the 11 years old boy going to Stormwind on foot. It was a dire walk, and the boy ended up fainting once he reached the gates of the city, one of the guards saw him lying on the ground and decided to take him with him.

The guard planned to seek a family that would adopt the exhausted lone child, but his pity for the boy was such that he adopted the kid himself.

The guard, named Marcos Daimon, brought Miguel to his house, where the kid was nursed back to health and given new clothes, Rodrigues became afraid once he noticed he woke up in the house of a strange man and Marcos noticed that, thus, Daimon asked that they talked about each other, so that they would cease being strangers to one another.

Marcos was a strong willed man who, although still a soldier, had such solid opinions and admirable tactical mind that his suggestions and critics were taken into consideration by his superiors, something that was terribly frowned upon by the rest of the city guard but those who knew Daimon and his work wouldn't care about those who were against the idea. These marvelous features were expressed by his charismatic way of talking to the people, and this speech was what convinced Rodrigues to live under the guard's tutelage.

The two had a great time together, they seemed to forget about the turmoils and tensions of the raging war whenever they were side by side and playing around, their favorite activity was playing "Orcs and Humans", a game in which the two would mimic a duel between a member of each race that give the game its name. Secretly, Daimon was preparing his adopted son for the worst, for he indirectly taught self-defense skills to the kid so that Rodrigues could defend himself should the Horde eventually arrive at Stormwind and Marcos be unable to protect him.

During Year 5 ADP, Daimon's nightmares became true and the orcish clans invaded Stormwind City, Daimon locked his kid on their house's basement and rushed to protect the city alongside the other guards, meanwhile, Rodrigues noticed that a hole was opening on the basement, upon lightning a candle, the light revealed that an orc was trying to ambush the citizens through the underground. Rodrigues despaired as the orc rose from beneath the earth, but he was a 16 years old teenager now, he couldn't let fear overcome him, he had to make his adopted father, and Stormwind City, proud of him, thus, he picked up a pair one-handed swords that Marcos left for him and charged against the orcish warrior.

The two engaged in a brutal battle but Rodrigues was, impressively, victorious. Although the orc had already opened several cuts and deep wounds on the human, Miguel picked up another candle from a nearby table and lightened it, after taunting the orc and seeing the hulking greenskin charge at him, Rodrigues put the candle's fire on the orc's right pupil, making him half-blind and vulnerable while roaring in pain. Rodrigues then ended the fight by slashing an "X" shaped cut on the orc's chest and then piercing his throat with both blades.

Miguel deemed his basement not safe anymore and left it only to see Stormwind in ruins, Rodrigues couldn't believe what his eyes were showing him, thus the man decided to explore the city, he walked around the whole city, avoiding the orcish scouts and hiding himself beneath piles of corpses to observe the debris around him. Totally disturbed by the sight of a ruined city filled with corpses of humans of all age, Rodrigues ran for his life, but ended up stumbling upon a still living soldier: Marcos Daimon.

Rodrigues's adopted father had an orcish axe carved right in the middle of his face and several scorch marks around his neck and legs, the dying Marcos, in his last words, told him to run and never look back, his skull eventually shattering by the might of the orcish axe, thus making the man finally succumb to his horrid wounds.

Miguel hid himself in the shadows of the city and escaped it, upon losing all hope, the teenager was found by one of the remnants of Stormwind's army, who warned him that Anduin Lothar was organizing the survivors of the massacre to seek a safe haven. Strongly willing to preserve his life and have his revenge against the Horde, Rodrigues accepted and joined the survivors of the Kingdom of Azeroth in their march for safety.

Second War

WC2-BnetE-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness or its expansion Beyond the Dark Portal.

Year 6 ADP

Like the many refugees from Azeroth, Rodrigues arrived at Lordaeron through Southshore. The young man decided to explore the land and settled himself at the proximities of the town of Brill inside a wooden tent made by him, then routinely wandering around Tirisfal and often stopping at Brill to buy food and other supplies for his personal tent.

This habit of his met a quick end when he became aware that the Horde was not only advancing against Lordaeron, but its armies had already reached Hillsbrad Foothills, such news brought up his desire to avenge Daimon, thus the man followed Lordaeron's armies in order to find the orcish forces.

The Battle at Crestfall

Miguel fought as a civilian volunteer throughout most of the Second War. But things began to change when he saved the life of a soldier of Lordaeron during the battle at Crestfall by executing a successful [Spell Reflection] by slamming his shield against a Death Knight's [Death Coil], thus not only instantly killing the knight due to the effects of his own spell but these same properties also healing some of Rodrigues's recently acquired wounds.

The volunteer and the soldier had a brief talk while fighting against the forces of the Horde, the Lordaeron soldier was impressed by the young man's determination and skills, when asked about the one responsible for making him quite a skilled warrior, Miguel merely answered that it was "his father", which means that he completely abandoned his original family due to their "weakness" towards the authorities of Lakeshire. The soldier said that he was looking for someone with those skills and that he wished to speak with Rodrigues once the battle was over.

With the victory of the Alliance of Lordaeron at Crestfall, the soldier spoke to some of his superiors about the dedicated volunteer and recommended that he was recruited into the Alliance's main army. They didn't have much time to decide on such matters due to the war getting more frenetic and violent by each passing day, thus they hastily accepted to include Rodrigues as a soldier of the Alliance forces, serving in the army of survivors of Azeroth, even receiving a new set of armor and a pair of twin axes to match his current status.

With his mind filled with ambition and plans, Miguel fought with all his strength against the Orcish Horde in order to make a name for himself and, probably, start a military career.

Assault on Blackrock Spire

Although the Battle of the Dark Portal is considered by many as the bloodiest of the Second War, it was during the Siege of Blackrock Spire that Rodrigues's life became dangerously close to an end. As he slaughtered the orcish forces that stood in his way alongside the many soldiers of the Alliance, Miguel had his left shoulder armor destroyed by an Amani ambusher's two-handed axe, luckily for the human, the blow wasn't strong enough to reach his flesh. Enraged by the forest troll's insolence, Rodrigues counterattacked and the two engaged in a duel.

While the hulking troll was far more powerful, Rodrigues's acrobatic dodges proved to be a difficult obstacle for his opponent's aggressive offensive, but things were also hard for the human, because when his axe blows weren't parried, the cuts open in the muscular troll's flesh wouldn't prove to be relevant wounds. After hours fighting solely against each other, the human's chest armor had been heavily damaged during the fight and Rodrigues decided to take it off. Finally, the duel seemed to come to an end, the forest troll tried to lend an incredibly dangerous blow with his knee against Miguel's now exposed belly, but the human dodged it by jumping and landing over the troll's knee used for the attack, before the forest troll could put his knee out of the way, Rodrigues kicked the troll in the face with his plate boots, compromising his enemy's counsciousness. Miguel then seized the opportunity to lend a decisive blow by slashing the troll's throat with both axes at the same time, as his enemy fell on the ground, Miguel heard an incredible roar coming from the skies: it was one of the Horde's enslaved red drakes, preparing to cast a fire breath against the Alliance soldiers in front of it, Miguel being among them.

The drake kept flying in circles while charging the breath, making it difficult for the ranged units to bring it down, the draconic creature, in a cunning move, spitted a [Pyroblast] instead of a breath, catching its targets on the ground by surprise. While Miguel's allies ran for their lives to escape the immense incoming fireball, Rodrigues picked up the dying Amani troll and hurled him against the blast, thus making the fireball explode in mid-air and pulverizing the troll.

Rodrigues was exhausted not only because of the effort in the battle itself, but also because of the strength he had to put into raising and throwing a troll as big as a forest one, the drake, however, was everything but tired, and it was angry at Miguel's defiance, the beast then began hurling several fireballs against Miguel and whoever got near him while dodging the arrows of the high elven rangers and the spells of human mages.

Rodrigues used what remained of his strength to pick up the fallen troll's two-handed axe, and taunted the beast several times, to the point that the red drake stopped flying in circles and began charging a massive fire breath in order to incinerate the human, just as it got distracted by anger, the rangers and mages seized the opportunity to bring the beast down to the ground. Once the draconic beast hit the ground, it rapidly repelled all nearby melee and ranged units from both Alliance and Horde with a single spinning tail swipe attack while getting back on its feet. The creature's wings were damaged and it could no longer fly, thus, the drake entered into a killing frenzy state, consumed by anger and the fear of losing its life.

Miguel once again taunted the creature, making it charged mindlessly in the human's direction, with a grim smile on his face, Rodrigues threw the troll's two-handed axe at the drake, the spinning axe's hilt hitting the creature's head and shattering its skull, as the creature fell, the drake's dying process was made faster by the human footmen that focused their blows against it.

Rodrigues's victory over both his recent enemies was short lived, for suddenly a pair of  [Jambiya] daggers pierced his back, screaming in pain, the angered human jumped foward and turned around to see what was going on, it was an orc in full Warlord's Vestments, but he was awkwardly swift. The orc rapidly rushed before the injured human could think of any reaction and disarmed him of his two axes, kicked Rodrigues's stomach and even brought the man to the ground with a single leg sweep. The Horde ambusher was ready to put an end to the human but he was interrupted by having his skull nearly pierced by a high elf ranger's twin shortswords, the orc simply crouching to avoid the blow as a result of his reflexes, Rodrigues, however, swiftly rose and hit the orc's face with his knee, but due to his injuries, Miguel ended up falling back to the ground while the orc rose and backhanded the human as he fell.

While the orc rogue was too busy fighting the elven ranger who arrived to save the human, Miguel crawled his way to the enemy and held the orc's legs as tightly as he could so that the orc would find it harder to escape the elf's rapid attacks. Struggling to break free from Miguel's hold and to survive his fight with the ranger, the rogue decided to retreat by sitting down on Rodrigues's body, thus making the human finally let the orc go, and roll away to the crowd of battlers nearby.

Now that the orc was no longer in sight, the elven ranger helped Miguel to get up and the two retreated from the battle, the two eventually went to an isolated area that, many years later, would be the site of Thorium Point. The duo stayed there while Rodrigues recovered from his wounds with the aid of the ranger.

With the decisive victory of the Alliance over the Horde at Blackrock Spire, Miguel and the ranger left their hideout upon hearing the proud cries of victory all over the region and rejoined the army. After being warned that the next battle would take place near the Dark Poral itself, the elf asked about where Rodrigues was going, Miguel answered that he had much to accomplish, and shouldn't let his wounds stay on his way, he had a war to finish fighting.

The elf insisted that Rodrigues shouldn't keep on fighting, stating that his injuries would be his doom, this briefly angered the human soldier. Rodrigues called the elf for a talk in private, once they had arrived in the chosen place, Miguel assassinated the high elf using a pair of knives he looted from an orcish corpse on his way to the meeting. Rodrigues took the elf's ranger outfit and weapons to replace his overly damaged plate armor, telling the ranger, which was now a corpse, that he was needing some new armor and that his "clever mouth" had to "shut up", for not only he wasn't letting go the greatest opportunity to shape a promising future for himself, but he also wasn't letting anything or anyone stand in his way to spill as much orcish blood as he could in order to make the Horde pay for Daimon's death. Upon returning to the main army with his new gear, Rodrigues was questioned about what happened. He stated that they were ambushed by orcish remnants and that the ranger died during the skirmish, Miguel then faked an emotional speech saying that, since the ranger was the one who saved his life, he promised to honor him by carrying the gear with which he brought "those savages" to justice. Since there was no way to distinguish which of Rodrigues's wounds were acquired during the Assault and which ones were acquired in this "ambush" he spoke of, his colleagues had no choice but believe in the man, thus Miguel marched to fight in the Battle of the Dark Portal.

With the end of the Second War, Miguel settled himself at Southshore, where he began working as a guard and helped rebuilding the town alongside some other refugees from Azeroth.

Back to the beginning

Year 7 ADP

There was a certain day in which Rodrigues suffered an accident helping to rebuild the inn, his wounds weren't properly healed and thus left several sequelae all around his body, thus he ended up falling from a house's roof while carrying a plank over his shoulders due to his body not being well enough to carry such weight. Some people crowded the area around the fallen man to check his wounds.

Rodrigues's sight was extremely blurred as he lost counsciousness, however, he saw a woman coming from the crowd and approaching him, the man's eyes widened, though the reasons for it are unknown, some people say that her very sight had a positive impact in his heart as it kept him awake long enough to, although with some aid, walk to a house for treatment, some would say it was only a delusion since he wasn't in his perfect mental state due to his head's collision with the ground. What matters is that, with this woman helping him to get up and bring him to her house, Rodrigues slowly recovered and became increasingly interested in her.

After three months and ten days solely lying in Maria's bed and receiving the best treatment the woman and her family could give, Rodrigues rose and, considering himself more indebted than grateful with those who took care of him, said that he would dedicate most of his future payments to them. Despite Maria and her relatives insisting that Miguel didn't need to do it, the man simply left their house and said that they would accept it liking it or not.

Upon presenting himself to the authorities of the Southshore Guard, Miguel had a terrible surprise, it seemed that some of his colleagues had mined his reputation within the guard to their superiors during Rodrigues's absence. Whoever those people were, their false accusations were pretty much convincing and they had even forged fake proofs of such deeds, among those grave accusations were things such as bribing the citizens in order to gain more cash in addition to his current salary as a guard.

Not being able to to proof the calmuny of their plot, Miguel was fired of the guard. The case soon became public and the people of Southshore chose not to believe in these accusations, often asking to put Rodrigues back into the guard, to no avail.

Now that he wasn't able to do the only job he was qualified for, Miguel lost all means to earn money and was unable to keep his house in a decent state, which would soon crumble after three weeks due to lack of maintance. Luckily, Miguel was having a dinner with Maria and her family when they heard the noises of his house dismantling.

Upon checking on the debris, Maria's family invited the man to live among them while he found no other job, an offer promptly accepted by Rodrigues.

Miguel's adoption by Maria's family caused the guard, under the influence of Miguel's opposition, to ignore their presence even when the town found itself in trouble, due to this mistreatment, the family decided to return to their homeland, bringing Miguel with them back to the lands of the reformed Kingdom of Azeroth, now the Kingdom of Stormwind.

As coincidence would have it, the family settled themselves at Lakeshire, Rodrigues's birthplace. Shortly after arriving there, Miguel and Maria's father applied for work on the Lakeshire Guard and both were accepted. As time passed, Miguel and Maria eventually grew more interested in one another, which led both into a relationship.

While Maria's father quickly rose in the ranks due to his experience as a vetean from both First and Second wars, Miguel did not meet such success, his stubborn and reckless nature wasn't as tolerated as it used to be during his days fighting for the Alliance of Lordaeron or as a guard of Southshore.

By the end of the year, there some rumors about massive shades wandering the proximities of Lakeshire at night, although the mayor tried to say that such sights were nothing and that the town was safe, the population was extremely worried, upon seeing that his speech wasn't enough to calm down his people, the mayor ordered that the leadership of the Lakeshire Guard created a small task force to reinforce the patrols at night.

The task force was created and Miguel was part of it. The group spent about two weeks patrolling the proximities of Lakeshire in order to see such huge shades but they found nothing aside from gnolls, however, when questioning a citizen who wandered around the town at that same time, the notion that such shades could be gnolls were ultimately neglected, for the apparations seemed bigger than even the biggest gnoll the "Night Watchers" had found that night.

Ever since the beginning of the improved night patrolling, the population claimed to have not seen any sort of shade during the night anymore, thus the mayor, although receiving appeals to not do so, dismantled the extra night patrolling task force. The decision of the mayor was accepted without questioning by the Lakeshire Guard's superiors.

Miguel had privately suggested a plan to get to the bottom of this mystery even though they weren't supposed to reinforce the night watching anymore, such plan included keeping the same task force and hiding them in a randomly chosen strategic spot of Lakeshire, the spot would change on a daily basis and, with those soldiers hidden, the "shades" would probably show up again now that the town wasn't supposedely as protected as it used to be. The captain whom Miguel spoke to accepted the suggestion and brought it to his superiors as his own idea, in order to avoid critics of disrespecting the military hierarchy.

Miguel's plan was set into motion unbeknownst to the mayor, and after another two weeks period, they witnessed as the shades approached, the soldiers finally managed to see the silhouettes that lurked around the borders of the town and tried to describe them. Their doubts about the shades' nature would quickly vanish, as several of the mysterious creatures light their respective torches on fire and roared, before the light could reveal their full body, Miguel recognized those roars, those were the roars of orcs.

Blackrock & Roll: Redridge Tour

Suddenly, Lakeshire found itself surrounded by a band of Blackrock escapees, after another vicious roar, they charged against the town. Miguel and his colleagues got out of hiding and ambushed some of the Blackrock invaders, rapidly killing them. Meanwhile, the orcs tried to set the town on fire but all the torches thrown by them were intercepted by the frost magic of the mages residing at the town, also, a skirmish ensued in front of the Lakeshire Town Hall, the battle called the attention of the rest of the guards, who soon joined the fray in such eagerness that they weren't even wearing the proper gear for battle aside from their weapons.

With the invaders repelled, the leadership of the Lakeshire Guard began organizing a team to find the source of these orcish escapees. Captain Malov was chosen to lead the group and choose its members, among them were Miguel and other six soldiers. On that same night, Malov's team departed from Lakeshire to the Lakeridge Highway, which was filled with other Blackrock escapees, the team tried to avoid them and go deeper into the land through stealth, but Miguel couldn't stand hiding anymore. Fed up of his own initial plan of doing things discreetly, Miguel disrespected his Malov's orders to stay hidden and ambushed three orcs near the bush the team was hidden.

The nearby orcs rapidly charged against Rodrigues but he didn't care, since the orcish escapees were wearing improvised leather gear with rubbish wooden weapons with rocky blades and the human was wearing appropriate guard equipment. The teammates asked Captain Malov what were they going to do, and the captain replied that Miguel had to pay for his mistake, such mistake that could have costed the life of their team and even cost the success of their mission. Malov proceeded to say that they should seize the opportunity created by the distraction unwittingly provided the hotheaded Rodrigues and proceed with their mission. However, as they were about to discreetly leave the bush where they were hidden, Miguel's hand suddenly invaded and grabbed Captain Malov by his neck, hurling him against the orcs, who rapidly massacred the fallen man. As Malov's sight rapidly blurred while being lacerated by the orcs, his last view was Miguel, with a proud grim smile in his face and arms crossed, watching the captain die.

Seizing the orcs' distraction in destroying Malov, Rodrigues yelled for his comrades to rise from the bush and attack, and they did so in order to try to save the captain. The orcs were eventually defeated but Malov was utterly destroyed. When questioned about the action by the other six angry soldiers, Miguel merely answered that he was in charge of this operation and confessed that he was the author of the plan which culminated in discovering the Blackrock.

Two of the soldiers became even more angry at Rodrigues for his atrocity and tried to kill him, but the other four were part of an increasing group among the Lakeshire Guard: this group had watched Rodrigues's ways, they admired his aggressive nature and desire for victory at all costs, they wanted the guard to act that way, to fight the enemey using their own strategies against them, to fight fire with fire. Unfortunately for Malov and those two soldiers, four members of the task force supported Miguel's way and not only accepted his leadership over the operation but swiftly forgot the fact they were once angry at him for what he did to Malov, deeming the action as a way to purge the task force of cowards.

The reduced group marched through the highway, killing as many orcish ambushers as they could, they wondered how so many savages managed to escape the internment camps, but decided to leave this thought for later. The human marauders eventually found a small outpost near the end of the highway, which location would be that of Render's Camp in later years. At that camp was the orc who coordinated the escapees' operations was located, this orc warlock was called Dra'zor.

Dra'zor stared as the team walked in the camp's direction and told the nine grunts around him to stay by his side. The approaching team suddenly began to run and leapt like savages in the orcs' direction, the warlock and his guards were surprised because, in a few moments, the group had already reached them and had already beheaded five of the nine grunts when landing. A skirmish ensued for many hours, the surviving grunts weren't as fools as the beheaded five ones and, empowered by the demonic power emanated by Dra'zor, were fighting toe-to-toe against Miguel and his group.

Miguel eventually noticed that orcs were blind by their savagery, and decided to taunt every single one of them while lending blows against many of them with [Cleave] slashes from his sword, thus redirecting the orcs' attention solely to him. This proved effective as many of those soldiers almost lost their lives several times due to Dra'zor's [Shadow Bolt] offensives while Miguel had means to avoid such spells, such as slamming his shield against those bolts and reflecting them and swiftly holding his sword with his mouth in order to jab Dra'zor's throat to interrupt his spellcasting.

Three of the other four soldiers focused solely on opening wounds on the orcs while the last one, who was once a priest of the Church of the Holy Light who defected after the First War, decided to take some distance from the fight and use his experience with the Light in order to heal his allies from afar, the battle raged for even more hours, eventually ending at the dawn of the next day.

With a much more organized team effort, the orcs were eventually killed and their corpses savagely ravaged by the humans who couldn't stand fighting in such an organized and, as they called, "theatrical" manner for so long. They decided to behead every single fallen orc at the camp as a prize and proof of their deeds, but when they were about to behead Dra'zor, his [Soulstone] brought him back and he swiftly leaped backwards, using the full extent of his power to become a shadowy beast through [Metamorphosis], however, the power was too much for him to hold, and thus he used the form's wings to retreat before the demonic energy dominated him completely.

When asked about the escaping warlock, Miguel told his men to let him go with his disgrace, for another and even more glorious opportunity to kill him would rise. The group then turned around and left the camp with their prizes.

Before going to Lakeshire, they searched for Captain Malov's body and found it on the same place that they left it, with his other four colleagues carrying the orcish heads, Miguel picked up Malov's corpse in his arms and the group finally marched back to the town. The citizens' view of their arrival was impressive, the group arrived as the sun was rising behind them, the dry blood of their wounds seemed to shine even though the sun was illuminating solely their backs and the sight of the fallen Malov in Miguel's arms had a huge impact on them.

The leadership of the guard and the mayor arrived to receive them and praised them for their efforts and asked that they told the whole population about the operation as they prepared Captain Malov's burial.

Miguel told them almost everything, the parts related to his and his "loyalists" betrayal over Malov were replaced with the Captain and two of his soldiers, these two originally being the ones who opposed Miguel and were killed, heroically charging against an immense group of orcish marauders that arrived at the orcish outpost in order to give his wounded men time to escape from the outpost. With fake tears in his face, Miguel said that he and his colleagues followed his leader's orders at first, but regret was slowly consuming them and they decided to return to the orcish base, he said that the sight was both amusing and horrid: amusing because Malov and his two soldiers alone had managed to kill more than a half of the group, but horrid because the surviving orcs were eating the human trio's body parts, hence why Malov's corpse was ravaged. Miguel went even further, saying that the orc who led the group, Dra'zor, had arrived alongside them, explaining such conclusion by saying that the orc asked if Malov's team were the ones responsible for foiling the warlock's plans for Lakeshire, the remaining team was afraid to challenge the warlock and his orcs but Miguel took the charge of the operation and ordered his soldiers to attack, then, according to this version of Miguel's, the battle against Dra'zor occurred, all events that transpired during this fight were truthfully reported in the man's tale, except for Dra'zor's retreat, which was omitted, Rodrigues declared the orc dead for good and his men caught an orcish head from a random orc corpse in the highway on the way back to Lakeshire in order to serve as proof of Dra'zor's fake demise. This specific part of Miguel's story, in which he "heroically" takes over the leadership of his fallen leader and raises his men's morale is an allusion to Turalyon succeeding Anduin Lothar shortly after his fall and bringing the Alliance of Lordaeron to victory at Blackrock Spire, such allusion was hoped to have some psychological impact since the events of the Second War were pretty much recent and many people would able to make such analogy.

The people who were there were extremely touched by Miguel's lies, the four men who helped him looked at Rodrigues with a proud half-smile, also faking tears. As the main leaders of the guard paid their respect for Malov and the two soldiers who fell in battle, the fake-crying Miguel felt a hand be placed over his right shoulder armor, he looked over it and noticed it was Maria, the two then watched the end of the burial together and embraced. Maria's father was also there, some 25 yards behind the mayor, who was right in front of Malov's grave.

After the burial, the leaders ordered Miguel to follow them, they wanted to speak with him in private. They went to Three Corners, where the Lakeshire Guard's leadership declared that, due to his leadership capabilities in such a dire and desperate moment was to be richly rewarded, Miguel was promoted to Captain. Once their talk was finished, Miguel and his leaders returned to Lakeshire to resume their duties.