Aliden Perenolde

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Not to be confused with Aiden Perenolde.
MobAliden Perenolde
Image of Aliden Perenolde
Title Lord
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 41
Class Warrior, Priest
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Syndicate[1]
Former affiliation(s) Alterac, Alliance of Lordaeron, Durnholde military
Occupation Leader of the Syndicate,[1] Crown prince and heir to the kingdom of Alterac
Location Dandred's Fold, Alterac Mountains
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable WoW Icon update.png
Relative(s) Aiden (father),
Unnamed siblings,[2]
Isiden (cousin)[3][4]
Mentor(s) Aedelas Blackmoore[1]
Companion(s) Elysa (mistress)

“Damn it, Father! Two years I've spent trying to overcome the stigma you've cast upon our family name. Two years! You stupid, selfish bastard, you've ruined everything!”

— Aliden confronting his father[2]

Lord Aliden Perenolde was the last known leader of the Syndicate[1] and the oldest son[2] of King Aiden Perenolde, the ruler of the kingdom of Alterac during the Second War.

Aliden has not been seen since the Cataclysm, presumably having been killed by Horde adventurers.


Being King Perenolde's eldest son and as such Alterac's crown prince, Aliden was pampered as a youth, never knowing hardship or travail, and never really facing danger either.[5]

Beyond the Dark Portal

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After Alterac's betrayal to the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Alliance's leaders discussed what should be done with the kingdom. While Aliden was the rightful heir, the king of Stromgarde disagreed on making him the new king. Terenas Menethil believed him to be an unfitting leader with no real experience.[5]

When the Horde along with Deathwing came for the Book of Medivh, Aliden's father, Aiden, stole and traded it to the Horde for the independence of his lands (thus driving out the Alliance). Aliden was able to recognize the Horde's death knights, indicating some sort of military familiarity. When Aliden saw what his father had done, he confronted him and punched him in the face. He claimed that his father had ruined everything, for Aliden wanted to redeem their surname's reputation from his father's betrayal.[2] Prince Aliden's fears proved right, as no one supported his claim to the throne during the later Alterac crisis.

Aliden later rose through the ranks of the Durnholde military under his mentor Aedelas Blackmoore,[1] being friends with Captain Skarloc. Aliden then decided to take up operations in the Alterac Mountains before the Third War.[6]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Having become the leader of the Syndicate, Aliden was in charge of operations in the Alterac Mountains. He strongly believed in slavery and sought to place the orc race back into chains — to return, in fact, to the days of Alliance internment camps.[1] Also, like Aedelas Blackmoore, Lord Aliden had close ties with an orc named Nagaz (a member of the Argus Wake), reminiscent of Blackmoore and his pet orc gladiator Thrall.

After Gol'dir learned Aliden's plans, he saw that Perenolde's mistress, Elysa, was wearing the pendant Warchief Thrall had been looking for.[1] With this information, the orc Krusk tasked Horde adventurers to recover the necklace that had belonged to Taretha Foxton and kill Aliden. The Horde champions traveled to Dandred's Fold, killed Aliden Perenolde, and retrieved Taretha's necklace from the frightened mistress.[7][8]


  • Spell holy powerwordshield.png Power Word: Shield — Wraps an ally in a shield that lasts up to 30sec., absorbing damage. While the shield holds, spell channeling will not be affected by damage taken.
  • Spell holy renew.png Renew — Heals an ally every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
  • Spell nature sleep.png Sleep — Puts nearby enemies to sleep for up to 6 sec. Any damage caused will awaken them.

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In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Aliden Perenolde is the son of Aiden Perenolde and the heir to the throne of Alterac.[9] He is in his 40s; though his body is strong, his grey hair shows his age. His clothing and armor often feature the Perenolde crest.[10] Aliden currently leads the Syndicate, a bandit group that includes Alterac's fallen nobles who seek to reclaim their kingdom.[11]


Aliden Perenolde was told from an early age that he would succeed his father as lord of Alterac. He was just beginning to make a name for himself in court when the Alliance sacked their capital city for his father's misdeeds. Aiden Perenolde was ultimately imprisoned, and any other collaborators were stripped of their titles and property, then imprisoned or exiled. Aliden's status as heir apparent was forgotten yet, the young Lord Perenolde dreamed of reclaiming his ancestral lands. Years later, he got his chance.[10]

While his father was rotting in prison, Aliden attempted to assume command of the exiled Alteraci, and eventually, from these exiled the Syndicate would be born.[9]

Third War

Aliden was not content to be a lowly highwayman. He had since grown into a man as charismatic and ambitious as his father. He realized he had to do something drastic to reclaim his ancestral lands. Thus, when the Burning Legion and the Scourge assaulted Lordaeron, he did not repeat his father's mistake by allying himself with the enemy. With the Lordaeron kingdom crippled in the aftermath of the Third War, he knew this was the time to strike. He convinced (or browbeat) the other nobles that this was the time for the Syndicate to attack openly and reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Simply taking advantage of the Alliance's distraction, Aliden and his forces moved on his lands in the Alterac Mountains. The harried and panicked citizens, the people the nobles once ruled, were frightened and confused and put up little fight, more concerned with the hellish creatures that rampaged over the land.

In the mind of Aliden Perenolde and his peers, it was the Alliance that betrayed them, and not the other way around.[9][10]

The Syndicate

When Aliden came up with the idea to take advantage of the Alliance's crippled state and attack neighboring lands, the Syndicate came under his rule, grudgingly. Little organization seems to exist beyond that, although Lord Falconcrest (who does not trust Aliden) has taken command in the Arathi Highlands. The Syndicate suffers from pride and jealousy, each noble wishing to be in Perenolde's position. There is a lot of infighting.

Even though the Syndicate regained much of its lands and more, Perenolde will not be satisfied until he takes Alterac City from the Crushridge ogres, thus he has offered a great bounty to anyone who can reclaim his ancestral lands for him, though it is dubious he would honor such a bargain. One of the smarter decisions Perenolde made for the Syndicate was to break up the bandit gangs that joined them among the noble families, giving the bandits new allegiances so the gangs could not stay together to work against the nobles. This trick worked perfectly, and most bandits went along with it for the greater reward.[10]

The noble households (gangs of criminals, really) hold only nominal loyalty to Perenolde or each other, and thus greater forces are rare. Lord Perenolde knows he is a target for the nobles who chafe under his rule (including his children) and protects himself accordingly.[12][10]

RPG notes

  • In Lands of Conflict, Aliden is not mentioned but a character named Beve Perenolde (daughter of Aiden Perenolde) seemingly takes his role. She has siblings so it could still be considered she is Aliden's sister.


  • He was good friends with Captain Skarloc.
  • While his armor would imply that he was a warrior, his skills indicated he was a priest.
  • Oddly, Perenolde wears the tabard of Stormwind in-game.

Patch changes


External links

Preceded by:
Aiden Perenolde
Ruler of Alterac
(Fighting for control against Isiden Perenolde)
Succeeded by:
No known successor

es:Aliden Perenolde fr:Aliden Perenolde