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Blade's Edge Mountains concept art.jpg
Type World

IconSmall DragonBlack.gifIconSmall DragonRed.gifIconSmall DragonBlue.gifIconSmall DragonGreen.gif Dragons
HumanHumanCultistCultist Human
Blood elfBlood elfNight elfNight elf Elf
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarfDwarfDwarf Dwarf
TrollTrollForest trollForest troll Trolls
VrykulVrykul Vrykul
GoblinGoblin Goblin
NagaNaga Naga
Gnoll Gnoll
IconSmall ScourgeGnome.gif Gnome
Wretched Wretched

DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Orc
OgreOgre Ogre
IconSmall Arakkoa.gifIconSmall Arakkoa2.gif Arakkoa
Broken Broken
Ruler(s) IconSmall Deathwing.gifIconSmall DeathwingHuman.gif Deathwing
IconSmall Eredar Female.gif Ishanah
Location Twisting Nether



Blasted Lands

NeutralBlasted Lands
Hellfire Peninsula Concept Art Glenn Rane 2.jpg
Capital(s) MobCrusaders' Citadel
Races IconSmall DragonBlack.gif Black dragon
IconSmall SpawnBlack Male.gifIconSmall SpawnBlack Female.gif Dragonspawn
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Drakonid
CultistCultist Dracoman
HumanHuman Human
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Orc
OgreOgre Ogre
Gnoll Gnoll
Ruler(s) IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Grand Crusader Perenolde
Major settlements HordeOrgrimmar
ScryersFalcon Watch
MobStormwind Ruins
Minor settlements Three Corners, Broken Lake, Stonewatch
Affiliation Dark Crusade, Black dragonflight, Sons of Orgrim, Burning Legion, Redridge pack

Once home to the Kingdom of Azeroth as well as the Crusader's Citadel the Blasted Lands is now a dry, dead desert where once the heart of the Crusade sat. When the world Shattered, the humans of the Crusade were scattered, leaderless and hopeless- ripe for the taking by the Black Dragonflight. While many of the brood's strongest were on the otherside of the portal Deathwing himself was still in the world, now Outland, and through demonstrations of power easily enslaved the surviving humans under his wing.

During the Invasion of Azeroth Deathwing turned Aiden Perenolde into his pawn and secured the survival of Alterac's army giving Aiden the strongest powerbase among the human survivors. As such Deathwing named him the 'new' Grand Crusader of his Crusade, but assigned his Granddaughter Nalice to watch over him and keep his leash, and left him incharge of Crusader's Citadel. The scattered humans of Stormwind, Alterac, Kul Tiras, Stromgarde and some Silver Hand knights were assigned as his Dark Crusade, fed the blood of the Black Dragonflight that bound their minds to Deathwing's will. Dark cauldrons spread across the Blasted Lands, bringing the surviving humans under his wing. Deep within Crusader's Citadel, the traitorous Sintharia, former mate of Deathwing, is chained. She rebelled against Deathwing and now pays for it by being forced to feed the human's their addiction. The fortifications of the Citadel are guarded by three strongholds held by the Crusade, guarding the March of Destiny that leads to the Dark Portal; Broken Lake, Stonewatch and Three Corners.

The near by ruins of Stormwind were mostly engulfed by the Shattering, the majority of the city fell into the abyss leading behind the keep and two districts including it's barracks. Under the corrupted warlord Jonathan Marcus the Dark Crusade maintain a presence and a strong one; the Crusaders here are elites and the source of daily quests. With Stormwind and Crusader's Citadel under Perenolde's control, the Dark Crusade reigned as the dominate force in the Blasted Lands. However they are not the only one.

The Sons of Orgrim, Expedition survivors of the Invasion of Azeroth, endured. Based out from Orgrimmar, originally named Onslaught before it was renamed in honour of their missing commander Orgrim Doomhammer, these survivalists continue to survive despite the harsh world led by Warlord Ga'nar and recently reinforced from Draenor. Among these forces is the half-orc half-draenei Garona, Daughter of Orgrim and Leran, who is eager to discover what happened to her parents. They challenge the control of the Dark Crusade and have proven to be difficult to lodge, keeping Perenolde's forces at bay.

Creatures across the region are mutated from fel exposure, and dangerous. In the southern razor fens, near the swampy lands, there are several trolls who have escaped enslavement in the marsh lands by establishing small tribal hamlets that raid caravans. Some Dark Iron allies have established themselves to the north, hunting for slaves and providing some aid to the Dark Crusade. The largest cackle of gnolls called the Redridge prowl these lands too eating anything and everyone they can get their paws on.

(It consists of the zones of Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Redridge Mountains, and the Black Morass. Swamps of Sorrow and Black Morass are flipped.)

Stranglethorn Swamps

NeutralStranglethorn Swamps
Nazjatar BlizzCon 2018 3.jpg
Capital(s) BossZin-Vashjir
Races NagaNaga Naga
TrollTroll Troll
Wretched Wretched
IconSmall DragonGreen.gif Green Dragon
IconSmall SpawnGreen Male.gifIconSmall SpawnGreen Female.gif Dragonspawn
IconSmall DrakonidGreen.gif Drakonid
Ruler(s) IconSmall Vashj.gif Queen Vashj
IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin
Major settlements NeutralCenarion Hold
MobSunken Temple
Affiliation Vashj'ir (Bloodscale Naga, Darkcrest Naga, Wrathfin Naga), Atal'Mhuto, Cenarion Circle, Atal'ai, Green dragonflight

Deep in the overgrown,life filled swamplands of Stranglethorn Vale, life seemingly blooms despite everything. However, some time prior to the Shattering Naga arose from the ocean and took the marsh, enslaving the remnant trolls in the area thus allowing them timely survival from the Shattering. The Naga lost their empire and their empress yet were saved by this timely invasion which their leader, Lady Vashj, used to build a divine image of herself. Her timely invasion of this backwater land saved them and they became religiously devoted to their new Queen Vashj.

Queen Vashj intends to spread the swamplands across all of Outland and enslave the other races, overthrow Deathwing and declare herself the true ruler of Outland. The Cenarion Circle, what remains of it, are fascinated that the jungle continues to bloom and expand despite everything, as such Archdruid Fandral Staghelm sent an expedition to investigate the matter and discover the cause of this growth establishing Cenarion Hold in the north of the swamp, near the pass to the Blasted Lands. Aside from the night elves an outpost of Arakkoa called Veil Farekh has been established in the shadows of this jungle, working as a Coalition lasion to this region. The native trolls are enslaved en-masses, the Skullsplitter, Bloodscalp and Darkspear tribe have been enslaved and put to work helping the Naga spread the marshland via chemetical and strange machines. Enclave of elven survivors who fled this far south would succumb to their Wretched state and they too were enslaved, the naga viewing them with disgust. Several gnomes were also enslaved by the Naga, put to work operating their Steam Vault and machines.

However many trolls have broken their shackles or avoided slavery all together. The Atal-Mhuto consists of a cabal of trolls fighting against the Naga slavemasters led by a Shadow Hunter named Vol'jin. They have been freeing any Gurubashi, Darkspear, Skullsplitter and Bloodscalp they can get and every free troll is another to their number. They are initially hostile to outsiders however with the aid of the Circle heroes from Draenor can prove their worth and they'll become friendly and accepting of outsiders.

However the naga aren't the sole threat and not all tribes fell to their conquest. The Atal'ai trolls of the Sunken Temple have fought off the attempts and have commune with the last of their gods; Hakkar the Blood God. Hoping to bringing at least an avatar into the world, Jammal'an the Prophet leads the blood rituals to raise his own slave army and summon Hakkar. The Green Dragon Eranikus has entered the temple to stop them, but found himself bound instead. Free him, and work with him to stop the ritual to summon Hakkar- the trolls have no concept of friend or foe and will attack the mortal's towns as much as the Naga's.

Khaz Modan

NeutralKhaz Modan
Blackrock Mountain (image3).jpg
Capital(s) BossShadowforge City
Races Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dwarf
DwarfDwarf Mountain dwarf
IconSmall DragonBlack.gifIconSmall DrakeBlack.gifIconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Black dragonflight
IconSmall SpawnBlack Male.gifIconSmall SpawnBlack Female.gif Dragonspawn
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Drakonid
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Orc
IconSmall ScourgeGnome.gif Gnome
Wretched Wretched
Ruler(s) IconSmall Thaurissan.gif Emperor Thaurissan
Major settlements Mob The Cauldron
MobAngor Fortress
NeutralBronzebeard Holding
Minor settlements MobFarstrider Lodge
Affiliation Dark Iron Empire, Clan Bronzebeard, Black dragonflight, Horde


Nagrand concept art.jpg
Capital(s) BossGaleheim
Races HumanHuman Human
VrykulVrykul Vrykul
Wretched Wretched
Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
Harpy Harpy
Gnoll Gnoll
Ruler(s) IconSmall Skovald.gif God-King Skovald
IconSmall Human Female.gif Grandmother Lianne
Major settlements ScryersQuel'Danil
NeutralNew Jandvik
Affiliation Skovald's Clans (Tideskorn, Valkyra, Bonespeakers, Drekirjar), Uncorrupted, Jandvik vrykul, Venture Co.

The fields of Arathi are dry but mostly uncorrupted. Most of the corruption was centred in Lordaeron and Stormwind, thus the realms of Stromgarde was left mostly untouched. During the Rise of the Crusade, the woman Lianne had rejected most of the corruption, and when the New Plague spread across the world, the sick were sent to Arathi. Many of these sick were brought to Refuge Pointe, a burrow within Arathi, and treated by Lianne. By living secluded and in quarantine, many survived the corruption of their race including the sick Princes, Galen Trollbane and Varian Wrynn.

During the Invasion of Azeroth the Expedition led by Warlord Ga'nar assaulted Stromgarde city where King Thoras Trollbane held off the Expedition for a time, but the city walls were broken and the Expedition victorious. Sometime following the Shattering of Azeroth the city was abandoned by the Crusade remnants as they were absorbed into the Dark Crusade to the north and south, and in time Grandmother Lianne and her last remaining Uncorrupted humans into the city, rebuilding what they could. The first bastion of Humanity became the last home of the remaining pure humans. Even as the Dark Portal opens again much of Stromgarde remains a crumbling ruins despite the new inhabitant's best efforts.

Other survivors include the Quel'Danil elves, a branch of high elves trapped outside of their home when it was razed, and they hid in the mountains. These elves, led by former Ranger-Captain Vereesa Windrunner, were not aware of the Sin'dorei's ability to state their addiciton, but largely withered away into the Wretched. They divided into two, the Paleblood who are hostile to all, and those who remained within Quel'Danil and tried to live moral lives.

However, they were not the only survivors drawn to the grasslands; so too was God-King Skovald, once enforcer of Faol's will and now free agent. The God-King's loyal vrykul clans broke off from the humans once they fell to Deathwing's sway and instead took the ruined Aerie Peaks as their home. Naming it Galeheim Pinnacle, Skovald's loyal clans of the Tideskorn, Bonespeakers, Valkyra and Dragonriders dominate the lands and made war with the other warlords like the Dark Iron to the south and Dark Crusade to the north, splitting Deathwing's empire in two. He also enjoys hunting Uncorrupted humans and Wretched. Not all vrykul are hostile, however. The town of New Jandvik was established by the Jandvik vrykul in the mountains, and they seek to end Skovald's rule over the vrykul and return them to their honourable past. They are led by a mysterious seer named Havi, a seer who talks of abandoning their previous gods such as Odyn and embracing a new future.

Vrykul raiders have sacked Refuge Pointe and killed any Uncorrupted who had yet to move to Stromgarde, and the community built around Southshore have recently been suffering Wretched attacks. There is work to be done for heroes as the Uncorrupted of Stromgarde and Wretched of Quel'Danil need help. Gnoll cackles also roam the wildlands and some forest trolls have encroached on Uncorrupted and Wretched settlements hoping to wipe out their ancient foes while they are weak.


Ghostlands official art.jpg
Capital(s) MobThas'alah
Races Undead elfUndead elfWretched Wretched
HumanHuman Human
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
IconSmall DragonRed.gif Red dragon
IconSmall SpawnRed Male.gifIconSmall SpawnRed Female.gif Dragonspawn
IconSmall DrakonidRed.gif Drakonid
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
Gnoll Gnoll
Ruler(s) IconSmall Darkfallen Female.gif Lana'thel
IconSmall Necromancer.gif Kel'Thuzad
Major settlements MobZul'Aman
AldorLeranni Song
NeutralVermilion Refuge
Minor settlements MobGarshilan's Lair
MobQuel'Lithien Lodge
Affiliation San'layn, Black dragonflight, Red dragonflight, Cabal

Comprising of the eastern most settlements of Lordaeron and southern Quel'Thalas, this war torn region was where the war between humanity and elf kind began. The woods are divided amongst three hostile factions vying for dominance; the Cabal of Scholomance, the San'layn and the remnants of the Amani.

Here is the domain of Deathwing's loyal San'layn who are led by the so called Blood Queen Lana'thel. The Wretched San'layn prowl these haunted woods seeking powerful artefacts for their draconic masters back in Tirisfal while also hunting the Red dragonflight who have hidden roosts in these woods. The dragon Axtroz has been enslaved by Lana'thel and acts as her personal attack hound as well as guard, protecting the door to her inner most chambers under rotting roots of Thas'dorah, the dead Mother Tree.

While most of these Red dragons are part of the Accord and so are friendly to the heroes from Draenor not all Red Dragons are so approachable. Since Alextrasza was captured some have broken off into their own broods, hunting mortals for food and not caring who they devour. As such even the Reds of the Accord feel they have become a danger to all even other dragons as cannibalism is not beneath these rogue roosts. The Red Dragon Garshilan is the most infamous of these ravenous red dragons, with his former broodmembers Acriditrasz hunting him down. The Red Dragonspawn Baleflame also seeks to hunt rogue Reds, posting bounties to mortals for them to hunt. The Reds will invite those they trust into their secret den within the northern mountains near the ruined Stratholme called Vermilion Refuge.

The Draenei built an outpost in this region during the Invasion which they've named Leranni Song after their lost hero, Rangari Leran. They fight to keep the demon cultists from attaining their sought out power. A draenei by the name of Vaelan appeared one day seeking to undermine the the Cabal, however its actually the Red Dragon Vaelastrasz who is helping the draenei fight the cabalists. These draenei keep in touch with the fellow remnants in Orgrimmar and the Mok'Nathal Stronghold. Though the draenei tried to reach out to the forest trolls the Amani have made it clear they view everyone their enemies and have been attacking them. The settlement is run by Exarch Menelaous who is hopeful they'll find their missing Rangari captain.

These cabalists are the remnants of the Hidden, servants of Benedictus, that remained on this side of the Dark Portal during the previous wars. While they did temporally ally with Faol's Crusade they did not fall inline with Deathwing, returning to their demon masters. The master of the cabal is Kel'Thuzad who was once a powerful archmage of Dalaran and now rules Scholomance, acting as a mortal servant of the Legion. The traitor elf Dar'khan Drarthir once had an office here however he's gone north to make connection with the Sargerei and cooperate work between the Cabal and the Sargerei.

Last among the powers here are the forest trolls who operate out of the troll city of Zul'Aman in the north-east of the Ghostlands. While much of their home was blasted into the abyss by the Shattering enough of the forest trolls still live, rallied together under a warlord named Zul'jin they intend to devour the power of their Loa and become strong. Initially the Accord and their mortal allies intended to ignore the forest trolls especially after the trolls killed and devoured the ambassadors they sent to them, however after they begun consuming their gods the Loa reached out for help. The Accord send their mortal allies to disrupt the Amani before they kill all of their remaining Loa and strike out against the surviving elves, draenei and other races in the vicinity.


Exploring Azeroth - Darkshore.jpg
Capital(s) NeutralNordrassil
MobVenture Capital
Races IconSmall DragonRed.gifIconSmall DrakeRed.gifIconSmall WhelpRed.gif Red dragonflight
IconSmall DragonGreen.gifIconSmall DrakeGreen.gifIconSmall WhelpGreen.gif Green dragonflight
IconSmall DragonBlue.gifIconSmall DrakeBlue.gifIconSmall WhelpBlue.gif Blue dragonflight
Night elfNight elf Night elf
TaurenTauren Tauren
Furbolg Furbolg
GoblinGoblin Goblin
CultistCultist Dracoman
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Harpy Harpy
IconSmall Arakkoa.gifIconSmall Arakkoa2.gif Arakkoa
Ruler(s) IconSmall YseraDragon.gif Ysera the Awakened
IconSmall Goblin2 Male.gif Mogul Kryll
Major settlements NeutralBloodhoof Village
NeutralVeil Tukeh
MobAldor Point
MobRighteous Hold
Minor settlements MobCenarion Thicket
MobManifest Landing
Affiliation Wyrmrest Accord, Sisterhood of Elune, Cenarion Circle, Watchers, Demon Hunters, Venture Co., Sargerei

The invasion of Kalimdor and destruction of the Kaldorei was the ultimate goal of the Crusade, their purpose in engineering. Ten thousand years ago the Kaldorei along with the Dragonflights, Ancients and other minor races banded together to defeat the Legion's First Invasion and so when planning the conquest of Azeroth the demons knew the Kaldorei had to be destroyed utterly. This was the purpose behind engineering the Crusade, to act as their vanguard before. Under the Crusade the woods and homes of Kalimdor burned to ash and death was left in their wake, the Shattering reducing what was once a continent to a third of its size. Now the broken remains of Kalimdor, renamed Kalidar, have managed to endure destruction thanks to the World Tree keeping the landmass together, its roots can be seen emerging from the edge of the landmass. In time the scant few elves that survived regrouped under Nordrassil, drawn there because it was where Ysera the Green Aspect had come to rest and purify its waters.

In time Nordrassil became a refuge not just for the elves but many races both native and alien. The inner most part of Nordrassil is home to the Accord and Sisterhood, the outer reaches have become a permanent refugee camp sprawling outwards and containing races such as tauren, blood elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes and aliens like orcs, ogres and arakkoa. The Sisterhood works hard to tend to these refugees under the leadership of Shandris Feathermoon, the High Priestess. The Cenarion Circle, an order of druids, also work from these roots with their leader Fandral Staghelm by Ysera's side. Finally not within the heart of the city but along its edge are the enclaves to two withdrawn orders of elves; the Watchers, led by Maiev Shadowsong, who once worked as the police force and bounty hunters for the Kaldorei; and the Demon Hunters, an order of elves who use the demonic magics of the Legion to hunt them, led by Illidan Stormrage. These two groups do not get along and cannot trust one another, to the point they won't trust someone who associates with them so adventurers have to choose between them. The Watchers value sigils from the servants of Deathwing as proof of loyalty while the Demon Hunters seek sigils from the Legion as their mark of loyalty. The Coalition have a small presence in the region centered around the arakkoa outpost of Veil Tukeh that is providing aid to the local Accord and their mortal allies.

The corrupted woods of Kalidar are tainted green from the demonic magics used by the Crusade and many of its natives have become feral, loosing their mind and attacking everyone. As such feral furbolgs, tauren and harpies roam the land seeking prey though not all are hostile some of these races have settled under Nordrassil as well, and the tauren have a large settlement of sane tribesmen called Bloodhoof Village led by the elder Cairne Bloodhoof. The Cabal have built a presence too intentionally spreading the corruption of the woods to undermine the dragons' attempts at healing these forests and they use Righteous Hold, a former stronghold of the Crusade, as their base of operations. The Sargerei also built an outpost on Kalidar to experiment on the locals, having recently unleashed some type of weapon on a druid enclave of Cenarion Thicket and their work as created an especially corrupted part of the woods called the Felwood that radiates fel energies and mutates the native wildlife, making it a wild success.

However beyond Legion minions and feral beast races are the servants of Deathwing. The Venture Co. have established a stronghold over these woods too having taken over the once holy grounds of Moonglade and converted it into a lumber camp and strip mine called Venture Capital. Mogul Kryll himself is here directing the operation and they've driven back the elves having killed those that lived in Moonglade when they arrived. Their vast exploition of the land isn't just harming the enviroment, their digging up of Nordrassil roots could destablise Kalidar itself which makes them the greatest threat on the island. The goblins have also enlisted the aid of several of Deathwing's human servants, the Dracoman, who use Manifest Landing as their base echoing decades past where it was the landing site of the Crusade during the genocide. They also have a lumber operation in the Felwood called Irontree Clearing showing they don't care how corrupted the tree is.

Among the broken mountains and glades one can find broods of Reds, Greens and Blues trying to recover their number. While each of the Aspects are to share leadership of the Accord Alextrasza is held captive and Malygos is off somewhere in the ruins of Quel'Thalas, leaving Ysera to keep the surviving dragonkin safe.


Capital(s) BossTempest Keep
Races DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Undead elfUndead elfWretched Wretched
GoblinGoblin Goblin
IconSmall DragonBlue.gif Blue dragon
IconSmall SpawnBlue Male.gifIconSmall SpawnBlue Female.gif Dragonspawn
IconSmall DrakonidBlue.gif Drakonid
HumanHuman Human
Ruler(s) IconSmall Eredar Female.gif Dark Prophet Ishanah
Major settlements ScryersSanctum of the Light
AldorSojourner's Altar
MobArea 52
Minor settlements NeutralSpellweaver Ridge
Affiliation Sargerei, Burning Legion, Alah'Serrar, Kurenai, Venture Co., Blue dragonflight, Cabal

The raging tempests of Netherstorm were once the beautiful woods of Quel'Thalas before the Crusade came and before the Shattering broke it into pieces. Cosmic winds from the Twisting Nether hit this region harder, attracted to the innate arcane energies here, though according to some the region was actually more vibrant before the draenei came. Their colossal Manaforges have been draining the area of magic and killing whatever life remained behind, giving it the purple tint it has now. The Naaru vessel, Tempest Keep, arrived after the world shattered carrying several Naaru and they were targetted by the Legion and their new Sargerei minions for capture. While most Naaru did escape the naaru M'uru and O'ros stayed behind, M'uru being captured and O'ros left to die in Netherstorms' wilds. The Blood elven survivors that clung to Outland to survive stole one of these vessels, the Arcatraz, in the process freeing M'uru. Their escape led them to Draenor, where their vessel would crash into Farahlon due to Sargerei sabotage and they would build Sin'Thas.

In Netherstorm itself the Sargerei largely held domain, their Manaforges also acting as their fortresses and outposts staking their claim to the area and they've been summoning demons to their side by the hundreds. The arcane flux has brought the region to the attention of the remnants of the Blue dragonflight and their master Malygos, who sent two of his top agents to the area to undermine the Sargerei and slow if not stop their mana mining operations. These agents, Kalecgos and Tyrygosa, will happily accept aid from mortals and can be found in Spellweaver Ridge, protected by their sworn dragonkin. They are also curious by the arrival of the so called Nether Dragons, named by mortals who saw these great beasts as dragons, who begun arriving in the wake of Azeroth's Shattering.

Not all elves left, as a group led by the blood elf priest Voren'thal the Seer remained behind to lead an effort to preserve what was left. These elves were inspired by the Naaru and are far more idealistic and optimistic than those who escaped to Draenor, being closer to the Light. They were inspired by M'uru when they raided Tempest Keep and as M'uru chose to stay so did they. They found the ruins of the West Sanctum and built a new fortress, Sanctum of the Light, and named themselves the Alah'Serrar, the Blade of Light. While Voren'thal is the official leader, Lady Liadrin is often the face and frontline of the effort. She's partly why the Alah'Serrar haven't allied with the Kurenai as she does not trust them.

Those Kurenai, or "Redeemed" in their own tongue, are ex-Aldor who initially followed Ishanah on her dark path but after learning of her aligence to the Burning Legion they broke away unwilling to step that far away from the path of Velen, led by Vindicator Nobundo. They lived in self imposed exile in Netherstorm until they discovered the injured Naaru O'ros in the purple rocks of Netherstorm and although they had lost faith years ago they helped nuture the injured being back to health. This path led them to rediscover the Light and truly comprehend how far they nearly fell. They pledged themselves to the Naaru and hoped to redeem themselves, naming themselves as such. They built a base over the ruined East Sanctum, calling it Sojourner's Altar. While the near by elves are also serving the Naaru many of these elves do not trust the ex-Aldor as the were among those who hunted the dwindling blood elves when the draenei first arrived to Outland and for their part the Kurenai don't like the addictive nature of the blood elves. Still Voren'thal is working to bridge the gap between the Alah'Serrar and Kurenai, believing that together they can stop Ishanah.

The Legion and their Light aided foes are not the only presence here, as Deathwing's goblins in the Venture Co. have established a major outpost in this zone called Area 52 where they build weapons and test them as well as steal elven artefacts to ship across Deathwing's empire. The Venture Co. are brokering deals with the recently arrived Ethereum who share the unscrupulous nature of the goblins and don't care who they trade. Such a trade deal between the Ethereum and Deathwing's forces would be dangerous long term so agents are eager to stop it. The arcane storms have also stirred up spirits as ghosts of Fairbreeze Village, Suncrown Village and Goldenmist Village have surfaced which the elves want to put to rest.


Tirisfal Glades concept.jpg
Capital(s) BossUndercity
Races IconSmall DragonBlack.gifIconSmall DrakeBlack.gifIconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Black dragonflight
IconSmall DragonRed.gifIconSmall DrakeRed.gifIconSmall WhelpRed.gif Red dragonflight
IconSmall SpawnBlack Male.gifIconSmall SpawnBlack Female.gif Dragonspawn
IconSmall DrakonidBlack.gif Drakonid
CultistCultist Dracoman
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dwarf
Undead elfUndead elfWretched Wretched
GoblinGoblin Goblin
OgreOgre Ogre
Half-ogreHalf-ogre Half-ogre
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
HumanHuman Human
Ruler(s) IconSmall Deathwing.gifIconSmall DeathwingHuman.gif Deathwing
Major settlements Iconsmall poi196.pngMok'Nathal Hold
MobLegion Hold
Minor settlements NeutralShadowsong Watch
NeutralStormrage Front
NeutralShadowfang Keep
Affiliation Black dragonflight, Wyrmrest Accord, Sons of Orgrim, Watchers, Demon Hunters, Red dragonflight, Burning Legion, Cabal

The western edge of northern Outland is the personal domain of Deathwing, the Lord of Outland. He rules from the ruins of Lordaeron, having built an extensive fortress under the capital city called the Undercity as he feels most comfortable sleeping beneath the Earth. The sewers and dungeons of the Capital City were expanded into a sprawling underground citadel to accommodate him, with Deathwing's most loyal servants the Ebonscale guarding the citadel.

The forces of Deathwing reinforce the region, the Monastery to the north has become the domain of the Wretched of the San'layn and named the Broken Monastery. These Wretched, called the Bloodfallen, are among the most savage and crazed Wretched in service to Deathwing save for those inside the Monastery itself, who are very sane and led by the Wretched Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider.

Devoted Dark Crusaders prowl the region as well. They defend the road into Undercity itself from the attacking elves while also maintaining a hold over Hearthglen in the east, reinforcing these former cities as fortresses. The forces in this area answer to Highlord Alexandros Mograine, one of the original five paladins and Knight Errant, who survived the wars and was among the first to join Deathwing acting as his military commander in the field. Dark Irons have built a foundry in the region producing armaments, armor and golems for Deathwing's empire and their factory paved over the former farms of Andorhal. Goblins of the Venture Co. run amok across the region providing services to Deathwing's army and they maintain the operations at various mines across the region.

The Legion has established Legion Hold over the western mountains and are blasting a path through the region attacking everyone. Their Cabal minions have also established a presence out of the Sepulcher located in the dead woods of Silverpine. The Infernoes of Legion Hold raid the Coalition forces constantly.

In the north the fortress of Mok'Nathal Hold was established by survivors of the Expedition under the leadership of Rexxar, built over Agamand Hills. The fortress is prominently inhabited by ogres and half-ogres though some reinforcements from the Coalition have made it here. They are dealing with Inferno raids and are deeply concerned about the Legion presence in the zone's south. Humans of the Alliance have also arrived, building Chillwind Point yet the humans there are distraught at the catastrophic state their former homeland is in though Commander Ashlam Valorfist is keeping his soldiers in line.

Within the dead Silverpine elves have established two bases, the Watchers have established Shadowsong Watch led by the Warden Sira Moonwarden, while the Demon Hunters have established Stormrage Front under command of Feronas Sindweller. They both stay out of each other's way when dealing with Legion forces in the area. They also have dealings with the Accord as agents of the Red dragonflight seek to liberate their imprisoned Queen Alextrasza who is held in the ruins of Kul Tiras that float off near by. The Kul Tirans lost most of their island in the Shattering however its remains were used by Deathwing as the cage for his imprisoned Dragonqueen and the Kul Tirans now breed Red Drakes to work as slaves for the glory of Deathwing, led by Lord Admiral Barean Westwind.

Far in the south of the region is where Gilneas was. Most of the peninsula was blasted by the Shattering, however small parts of it survived including Pyrewood Village and its keep. Here Genn Greymane has built a new kingdom for himself, one of trade and under handed deals as he formed the Black Market of Outland and he trades to all sides, even demons. He's long stopped caring about details like good and evil and now only seeks to make his own survival comfortable, using the influence of the Black Market to facilitate this.

(Consists of the zones of Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, Western Plaguelands, and the remains of Tiragarde Sound near by. Gilneas was blasted away.]]