Three Corners
Three Corners is a crossroads just inside Redridge Mountains. The crossroads splits three ways and leads to the "Three Shires": Goldshire in Elwynn Forest, Lakeshire, and Darkshire in Duskwood. In its middle stands Tower Watch, a scout tower of the Stormwind Guard which had the reputation of being one of the Alliance's more well-defended towers by the time of the Fourth War.[1]
Alliance adventurers venturing here from Elwynn are asked to assist in keeping the gnolls in check and further examining the situation in Redridge.
Though once a relatively quiet spot patrolled by a lone Stormwind guard, Guard Parker, Three Corners has been built up significantly since the Cataclysm. In addition to the watchtower where the newly promoted Watch Captain Parker studies the encroaching gnolls, barricades with Redridge Garrison Watchmen attempt to keep the riffraff out. In case there was any doubt as to the purpose of the barricades, the accompanying signs, like those of Westfall, read "ABSOLUTELY NO TRANSIENTS! NO EXCEPTIONS!"
Battle for Azeroth
During the Fourth War, Mathias Shaw of the SI:7 arrived here and gave the guards a night off, apparently to allow Varok Saurfang to easily pass through the area. Dark Ranger Lyana and the Horde champion disguised themselves as humans and questioned its guards and Darcy Parker for anything suspicious that could help them locate Varok.[2]
During Death Rising, troops of the Argent Crusade were mobilized under the orders of Guard Captain Josephine, in order to protect the area attacked by the Scourge. The situation was quite chaotic with Bloodthirsty Ghouls attacking the defenses of Guard Captain Fairbanks, while a Frostwyrm occasionally strafed the area.
Guard Captain Josephine announced to the adventurers who came to help them that the Scourge's presence continued to grow, and that without proper reinforcements, Stormwind may soon be under siege. She also transmitted a report to Commander Gregor in Stormwind City to brief them on the situation that is more dire than they anticipated.[3]
- In the tower
- Main article: Tower Watch#NPCs
- Three Corners may have been named after Four Corners, the only place in the United States bordered by four states at once (specifically, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah).
Three Corners tower.
- ^ [50] Eastern Escape
- ^ [50] Corner Crossing
- ^ [50] Field Reports