Goldenmist Village

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For the quest with the same name, see H [1-30] Goldenmist Village.
MobGoldenmist Village
Goldenmist Village.jpg
Type Village
Race(s) IconSmall Soul.gif Ghost
  Formerly High elfHigh elf High elf
Affiliation(s) Independent
  Formerly Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Location Northwestern Ghostlands[26, 15]
Status Active

Goldenmist Village is located in the northwestern area of the Ghostlands. Originally a high elven village, the Salonar sisters lived here,[1] and Sylvanas Windrunner had friends here.[2] Its inhabitants were slain during the coming of the Scourge. They now haunt the village ruins as ghosts.

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When Quel'Thalas joined the Horde and the faction leaders went to visit Silvermoon City, Sylvanas instead went through the Ghostlands and passed through the village. She killed its ghosts, making sure to check every home and kill every specter she could find. She wasn't sure if they would return or if she sent them to an afterlife, though.[2]

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A month after the end of the Argus Campaign, the Windrunner sisters reunited and passed through the village and attacked its ghosts.[3]





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Since World of Warcraft: Sylvanas mentions Sylvanas not knowing if the defeat of the ghosts would be permanent, and the ghosts were present again during The Burning Crusade questing and Windrunner: Three Sisters, there is apparently some kind of a curse holding them bound to the area.

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es:Aldea Bruma Dorada