Red dragonflight members

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The following are members of the red dragonflight, from both in-game and novels.


Name Role Status Location
 Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Aspect of the red dragonflight and queen of the dragons. Alive Various
 Acridostrasz Asks adventurers to kill Overlord Wyrmthalak in Blackrock Spire. Alive Various
 Lord Andestrasz Dragonriding Emissary. Teaches the player dragonriding. Alive Various
 Andrestrasz Sleeping in a cave on the coast of Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom. Alive Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom.
 Andustrasza Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Aquinastrasz Vermillion Redoubt Flight Master. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Aurastrasza Quest giver at Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight. Alive Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
 Axtroz Objective of H [60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz. Killable Wetlands
 Aymestrasz A drake sworn to protect Lailastrasza during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Azerastrasz Flight Master. Alive Skytop Observatory, Waking Shores
 Belastrasza A whelpling at the Little Scales Daycare. Alive Valdrakken
 Belgaristrasz Quest giver in the Oculus. Alive Oculus
 Belnistrasz Quest giver in Razorfen Downs prior to patch 6.0.2. Alive Unknown
 Bojsanz A flightleader during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Cadrestrasz Fallingwater Host. Alive Fallingwater Overlook, Valdrakken
 Caelestrasz Son of Alexstrasza, killed in battle with Sinestra in Bastion of Twilight. Deceased Various
 Cauteristrasz 'The Burning Healer', a professor at Algeth'ar Academy. Alive Algeth'ar Academy, Thaldraszus.
 Celastrasza Inhabitant of Vermillion Redoubt. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Ceristrasz Quest giver at Ruby Dragonshrine in the Dragonblight. Alive Ruby Dragonshrine, Dragonblight.
 Cielstrasza Wyrmrest Accord Quartermaster. Alive Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
 Clokkistrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Corastrasza Quest giver at Coldarra in the Borean Tundra. Alive Various
 Crimsastrasza Student at Algeth'ar Academy. Alive Algeth'ar Academy, Thaldraszus
 Cristalstrasz A wingleader who killed many Primalists during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Crystastrasza Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Daenistrasz Killed in the Second War, encountered by the Horde during the Fourth War. Killable Great Sea
 Danastra Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores.
 Demestrasz Innkeeper. Alive Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
 Lord Devrestrasz Commander of Wyrmrest Temple Defenses. Alive Various
 Professor Dyanstrasz 'Master of the Drum', a professor at Algeth'ar Academy Alive Algeth'ar Academy, Thaldraszus
 Elistrasza A drake captured by Djaradin during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Eryna Red dragon spying on the twilight dragonflight in the Twilight Highlands. Alive Twilight Highlands
 Estarastrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores.
 Falastrasz Found talking with Osithra and Shimidormi in the Late Night Lab. Alive Late Night Lab, Thaldraszus
 Fenistrasza Died thousands of years ago battling Tarjin the Blind who keeps her skull as a trophy. Deceased Outcasts's Alcove, Waking Shores
 Harrostrasza Sells Awakened tier set gear Alive Parting Glass, Valdrakken
 Holthkastrasz Offers ferry transport. Alive Ruby Lifepools, Waking Shores
 Horakastrasz A sentinel of the magical barrier protecting the dragon lands during the Dragon Soul's empowerment during the War of the Ancients. Alive Unknown
 Professor Ichistrasz Professor at Algeth'ar Academy. Alive Algeth'ar Academy
 Irastrasza A member of the Hearthstone Club. Alive Algeth'ar Academy, Thaldraszus
 Kaestrasz Stable Master. Alive Valdrakken
 Kandrostrasz Quest giver in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Alive Various
 Korialstrasz Former prime consort of Alexstrasza. Deceased Various
 Koristrasza Quest giver in Razorfen Downs. Alive Razorfen Downs
 Kuthulustrasz Inhabitant of Valdrakken Alive Ruby Enclave, Valdrakken
 Lailastrasza A drake at the timee of the War of the Scaleborn. Sister of Talinstrasz. Unknown Unknown
 Lillistrasza Quest giver at the Ruby Lifeshrine in the Waking Shores. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Lirastrasza Quest giver in Twilight Highlands. Alive Various
 Lyrastrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Maivastrasza A member of the Hearthstone Club. Alive Algeth'ar Academy, Thaldraszus
 Mazastrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Mirazi Inhabitant of the Hissing Grotto Alive Hissing Grotto, Waking Shores
 Mostrasz Helped the rogue adventurer infiltrate Ravenholdt Manor to look for a stolen egg. Deceased Various
 Narillasanz Rare spawn in Hillsbrad Foothills. Killable Hillsbrad Foothills
 Nethestrasz Flight Master. Alive Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
 Nostrastrasz Inhabitant of Vermillion Redoubt. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Novrastrasz Inhabitant of Vermillion Redoubt Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Orastrasz Charged with guarding the Dragon Soul, was killed by the Old Horde to get it. Deceased Redridge Mountains
 Raelorasz Quest giver in Borean Tundra. Alive Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra
 Rathestrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Relastrasza Ferry. Alive Skytop Observatory, Waking Shores
 Rheastrasza Quest giver in the Badlands, killed by Deathwing after purifying a black dragon egg. Deceased Various, Badlands
 Rumiastrasza Host of the Ruby Feast in Valdrakken along with her pet duck, Chef Morsel. Alive Ruby Feast, Valdrakken
 Saristrasz Alexstrasza's majordomo during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Majordomo Selistra Quest giver and Alexstrasza's Majordomo in the Dragon Isles. Alive Waking Shores
 Setrastrasza Inhabitant of Vermillion Redoubt. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Surristrasz Quest giver and flight master at Amber Ledge in Borean Tundra. Alive Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
 Szarostrasza Herbalism Trainer. Alive Waking Shores
 Tariolstrasz Quest giver and Steward of Wyrmrest Temple. Alive Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
 Tederastrasz Inhabitant of Vermillion Redoubt. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Theri Found playing with drakonid children at the Cascades. Alive Cascades, Thaldraszus
 Timaeustrasz Brought news to the Aspects of betrayal during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Tionistrasz Stable Master. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Tirastrasza Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Torastrasza Majordomo to the Ruling Council of the Wyrmrest Accord. Alive Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
 Torostrasz The ghost of a red dragon who flies above the Veiled Ossuary. Active Veiled Ossuary, Thaldraszus
 Tyranastrasz 'The Scholarly One', first consort of Alexstrasza, killed by Deathwing. Deceased Skull on display in Ironforge
 Urlostrasz Ferry. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Vaelastrasz Son of Alexstrasza, corrupted by Lord Victor Nefarius and killed by adventurers in Blackwing Lair. Killable Various
 Valdestrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Varastrasza Proprietor of Victorious Visage in Valdrakken. Alive Victorious Visage, Valdrakken
 Vargastrasz Quest giver at the Ruby Dragonshrine in Dragonblight. Alive Ruby Dragonshrine, Dragonblight
 Velastrasza Quest giver in Twilight Highlands. Alive Various
 Veritistrasz An old dragon whose life story you can listen to at the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Various
 Vordrastrasz Inhabitant of Vermillion Redoubt. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Vyrastrasza Can be killed but is not required during the death knight order hall mount questline. Killable Ruby Sanctum
 Sanctum Guardian Xerestrasza Quest giver and guardian of the Ruby Sanctum. Alive Ruby Sancum
 Xitostrasz Fighting the Primalists at Flashfrost Assault. Alive Flashfrost Assault, Waking Shores
 Ymistrasza A flightleader during the War of the Scaleborn. Unknown Unknown
 Zallestrasza Was sent to Drustvar to ensure Vadekius' remains could not be raised. Alive Various
 Zarasz Former slave of the Dragonmaw Clan with malformed wings. Alive Unknown
 Zhustostrasza Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Zienestrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Zoristrasz Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Alex Wrathion's pet Alive Celestial Tournament, Timeless Isle


Name Role Status Location
 Allik 'Kazra's Biggest Fan', a drakonid child admiring Kazra in Valdrakken. Alive Valdrakken
 Aluri Flight Master. Alive Valdrakken
 Axor Sells blacksmithing supplies. Alive Forkriver Crossing, Ohn'ahran Plains
 Calderax Conquest quartermaster. Alive Gladiator's Refuge, Valdrakken
 Gardener Cereus Sells garden supplies. Alive Ruby Enclave, Valdrakken
 Daza Red Steward. Alive Thaldraszus
 Captain Drine First Talon of Valdrakken, oversees the security of the city. Alive Seat of the Aspects, Valdrakken
 Gohfyrr Sells alchemy and inscription supplies. Alive Artisan's Market, Valdrakken
 Commander Grust Injured commander at the Veiled Ossuary. Alive Veiled Ossuary, Thaldraszus
 Guardian Kaine Inhabitant of Eon's Fringe. Alive Eon's Fringe, Thaldraszus
 Gardener Kibik Inhabitant of Eon's Fringe. Alive Eon's Fringe, Thaldraszus
 Kovki Inhabitant of Eon's Fringe. Alive Eon's Fringe, Thaldraszus
 Krendisc Sells blacksmithing and engineering supplies. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Commander Lethanak Leader of the Shrineguard. Alive Various
 Marinth Innkeeper of the Roasted Ram after the death of Tithris Alive Roasted Ram, Valdrakken
 Officer Obernax Flight Master. Alive Veiled Ossuary, Thaldraszus
 Oubertzi Heavylifting Champion. Alive Various
 Pars Inhabitant of Gelikyr Post Alive Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus
 Guardian Raddic Inhabitant of Eon's Fringe Alive Eon's Fringe, Thaldraszus
 Gardener Rafalsia Sells alchemy supplies Alive Ruby Enclave, Valdrakken
 Ru'kroszk Found tending to a wounded dragonspawn Alive Waking Shores
 Seknar Quest giver in Valdrakken Alive Gladiator's Refuge, Valdrakken
 Sendrax Quest giver in the Waking Shores, sacrificed herself to save the last dragon egg the Primalists stole Deceased Various
 Ambassador Taurasza Assists the adventurer in making contact with the Maruuk Centaur Alive Rubyscale Outpost, Waking Shores
 Gardener Tulish Inhabitant of Valdrakken Alive Ruby Enclave, Valdrakken


Name Role Status Location
 Akora Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Akxall Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Amella Head Egg-Tender. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Observer Assistant Ata Inhabitant of Eon's Fringe. Alive Eon's Fringe, Thaldraszus
 Ayasanth Was captured after being sent to try and break up a Deathwing cult. Alive Smoldering Perch, Waking Shores
 Aylveth Innkeeper. Alive Apex Observatory, Waking Shores
 Caretaker Azkra Quest giver in the Waking Shores. Alive Conservatory Outpost, Waking Shores
 Gardener Azra Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Baleflame Assisted an adventurer in killing Obsidia. Alive Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands
 Bathoras Quest giver in the Waking Shores. Alive Ruby Life Pools, Waking Shores
 Bracketzi Fallingwater Chef. Alive Fallingwater Overlook, Valdrakken
 Dazakros Asks an adventurer to aid the local hornstriders in their fight against water elementals. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Mender Eskros Asks an adventurer to check up on Ecologists Iskha and Tharu. Alive Waking Shores
 Faramin Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Ambassador Fastrasz Innkeeper. Alive Wingrest Embassy, Waking Shores
 Firellon Inhabitant of the Waking Shores. Alive Waking Shores
 Hjorik Flight master. Alive Apex Observatory, Waking Shores
 Ecologist Iskha A dragonspawn attempting to stop the ecological destruction of the wetlands by wind and water elementals with his mate, Tharu. Alive Restless Wetlands, Waking Shores
 Crabtender Kad'irsza Was helping crabs when she was attacked and injured by gorlocs. Alive Waking Shores
 Kahtzar Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Keshki Asks an adventurer to rescue frogs from being bullied by the much bigger hornswogs. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Kildrumeh Asks an adventurer to stop the Primalist assault on the Ruby Life Pools. Alive Flashfrost Assault, Waking Shores
 Krillonn Tailoring Trainer. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Kskeiton Sells trade goods. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Lasztak A dragonspawn attempting to catch a whelp hiding in a tree. Alive Ruby Life Pools, Waking Shores
 Lokanna Plays the lyre in the Roasted Ram inn. Alive Roasted Ram, Valdrakken
 Maldra Flametongue Was a Primalist, attempted to leave but was caught by Orian Darkwater. Alive Thaldraszus
 Lord Raadan A dragonspawn under the control of Hex Lord Malacrass. Killable Zul'Aman
 Wrangler Rendra Proto-Drake handler. Alive Waking Shores
 Scoutstrasza A scout in the Waking Shores. Alive Waking Shores
 Setimothes Pet trainer in training. Alive Thaldraszus
 Supplier Sukinoth Sells general goods and repairs. Alive Veiled Ossuary, Thaldraszus
 Sweelin Innkeeper. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Szaratheldra Innkeeper. Alive Garden Shrine, Thaldraszus
 Sergeant Tagrik Found dead by an adventurer after an attack by the Primalists at South Hold Gate. Deceased South Hold Gate, Thaldraszus
 Old Tesha Research assistant. Alive Al'gethar Academy, Thaldraszus
 Ecologist Tharu Attempting to stop the ecological destruction of the wetlands by wind and water elementals with his mate, Iskha. Alive Restless Wetlands, Waking Shores
 Trellain Sells enchanting supplies. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Lifecaller Tzadrak Gives young dragonspawn their Calling. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Tzurok Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Vaeros Nursery Director. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Vakaron Bartender. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Vaknai Flight master. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Guardian Velomir Survivor of the attack at South Hold Gate. Asks an adventurer to find his missing unit. Alive South Hold Gate, Thaldraszus
 Caretaker Ventraz Asks an adventurer to thin out the number of lava elementals in the Erupting Cavern. Alive Erupting Cavern, Waking Shores
 Xius Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Xolleth Inhabitant of the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Zahkrana Tender of the green dragonflight's eggs at the Ruby Lifeshrine. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Zherrak Alchemy Trainer. Alive Ruby Lifeshrine, Waking Shores
 Collector Zik Catching butterflies in the Fluttering Cavern. Alive Fluttering Cavern, Waking Shores

Former members

Name Role Status Location
 Keristrasza Quest giver in Coldarra, then a boss in the Nexus after killing Saragosa. Killable Various
 Kyranastrasz Fell in battle many years ago, later raised into undeath to be a mount for the Deathlord. Active Kyranastrasz' Rest, Lost Glacier
 Defier Draghar Part of the Primalists invading the Ruby Life Pools. Killable Ruby Life Pools
 Eranog Former commander of South Hold Garrison, joined the Primalists and became the first boss of the Vault of the Incarnates. Killable Vault of the Incarnates
 Seeker Teryx A member of the Sundered Flame in the Ohn'ahran Plains. Killable Ohn'ahran Plains
 Ko'jo 'Rebel Drakonid', who joined the Primalists, objective of N [10-70] We Don't Negotiate with Primalists. Killable Thaldraszus
 Talinstrasz A drake who joined the Primalists during War of the Scaleborn. Brother of Lailastrasza. Unknown Unknown
 Broodguardian Ziruss A Primalist in the Vault of the Incarnates. Killable Vault of the Incarnates


Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Name Role Status Location
 Baelzor the Defiler Alive Unknown
 Garshilan Leader of a patrol. Alive Grim Batol

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Name Role Status Location
IconSmall DragonRed.gif Vustrasz the Ancient Treasure guard. Alive The Catacombs
