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Image of Cadrestrasz
Title <Fallingwater Host>
Gender Male
Race Red dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord, Red dragonflight
Location Fallingwater Overlook, Valdrakken
Status Alive

Cadrestrasz is a red dragon located at Fallingwater Overlook in Valdrakken.


Inv misc ticket tarot bluedragon 01.png [Fallingwater Overlook VIP Entry Pass]
5g 26s 31c
Inv misc ticket tarot beasts02.png [Stack of VIP Passes]
105g 26s 31c



Be welcome.

Buy I would like to buy from you.
Gossip <Ask what the VIP passes are for.>

Purchasing a ticket with us will allow you to attend a private event at the Fallingwater Overlook.
We shall clear out the premises, allowing only those who have purchased tickets to enter.
Gossip I'd like to ask something else.

Patch changes

External links