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Vermillion Redoubt

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NeutralVermillion Redoubt
Vermillion Redoubt.jpg
Type Outpost
Race(s) Red dragon Red dragon
Affiliation(s) Red dragonflight
Location Northwestern Twilight Highlands[28, 25]
Status Active
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone.gif Mass-transit
Undone.gif Portal(s)

Vermillion Redoubt is a red dragonflight outpost in the Twilight Highlands. It is centered around a large red tree. It is a glade of perpetual crimson standing sentinel high above the fortress of Grim Batol. The scale-shaped leaves of mighty oaks tremble and drift in a brisk highland breeze.[1] The area also contains a few shallow ponds where schools of  [Highland Guppy] can spawn.

During the Cataclysm, several red dragons and red dragonspawn could be found here, many of them fighting the twilight dragonflight and Twilight's Hammer.

During the Fourth War, void-twisted twilight dragonflight led by Vexiona attacked the Redoubt. Aided by Kalecgos and an adventurer, the Vermillion dragons led by Alexstrasza defended the area and drove the invaders away.[2] She returned to the area, seeking refuge and solace following the deaths of Korialstrasz and Ysera.[3]

Travel connections


(You need to do some quests to gain access to this flight path)


Patch changes


External links