Collector Zik

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NeutralCollector Zik
Image of Collector Zik
Gender Male
Race Red dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord, Red dragonflight
Location Fluttering Cavern, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Collector Zik is a red dragonspawn located in Fluttering Cavern in the Waking Shores. He is catching Reveling Shimmerwings.



Isn't this cave marvelous?

The shimmerwings congregate here for some unknown reason, flying around in strange, dancelike patterns. If I were a superstitious dragonspawn, I might call it a ritual.

I'm here to study their behavior. Every shimmerwing I collect, catalogue, and release gets me one step further to understanding the phenomenon--though as you can see, there's a lot of shimmerwings to go through.

Gossip What else can you tell me about shimmerwings?

<Collector Zik pushes up his glasses and clears his throat.>
Some shimmerwings are migratory, and can, in fact, migrate thousands of miles over the course of their lifetimes in order to find warmer weather.
While it's likely that many of the shimmerwings in this cave have come from nearby, it's possible that some flew all the way from the Azure Span, or even further.
Gossip I had another question.

Gossip I can help! Give me a net.

Your help is much appreciated! Simply catch the shimmerwings and I'll take care of the rest.
And if you happen to lose your net, return to me for another one!
The player receives the Shimmerwing Net buff, with the Catch Reveling Shimmerwings extra action button.
Gossip I had another question.

Gossip How many shimmerwings have you collected so far?

I've only just started. We still have many, many shimmerwings left to collect.
Gossip I had another question.
Lepidoralia the Resplendent spawned
Aha! Eureka! Finally, my research-- Wait, did you hear that?
The legends, they're true! The beast that flutters! We're all doomed!

Patch changes

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