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Mangled Corpse

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(Redirected from Sergeant Tagrik)
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NeutralMangled Corpse
Image of Mangled Corpse
Race(s) Red dragonspawn, Green dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 68-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Red dragonflight, Green dragonflight
Location South Hold Gate, Thaldraszus
Status Deceased

Mangled Corpses are located at South Hold Gate in Thaldraszus. The red dragonspawn is named Sergeant Tagrik and the green dragonspawn is named Kaora.


Red dragonspawn

The body is of a Dragonspawn. Given the heavy armor, it appears this wasn't one of the normal guardians.

Green dragonspawn

The body of this guardian has fine metalwork upon its horns.

Patch changes

External links

Red dragonspawn Green dragonspawn