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This article is about the 10- and 25-player version of Naxxramas introduced with Wrath of the Lich King. For the original 40-player raid introduced in patch 1.11 and removed in patch 3.0.2, see Naxxramas (Classic). For the TCG set, see Naxxramas (TCG).
"Naxx" redirects here. For the Abomination Factory NPC, see Naxx (NPC).
Naxx, Naxx10, Naxx25
Naxxramas loading screen.jpg
Naxxramas loading graphic
Location The Carrion Fields, Dragonblight [87, 51]
Race(s) IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gifIconSmall Cultist Male.gifIconSmall Cultist Female.gif Human
ScourgeScourgeScourgeScourge Scourge
End boss IconSmall Kel'Thuzad.gif Kel'Thuzad
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 80
Player limit 10/25
Key None
Arachnid Quarter

Grand Widow Faerlina


Construct Quarter



Plague Quarter

Noth the Plaguebringer
Heigan the Unclean


Military Quarter

Instructor Razuvious
Gothik the Harvester
The Four Horsemen


The Four Horsemen

Lady Blaumeux
Thane Korth'azz
Baron Rivendare
Sir Zeliek


Frostwyrm Lair



Other NPCs

Mr. Bigglesworth



Naxxramas is an introductory level-80 raid dungeon floating above the Dragonblight in Northrend. It is a Scourge necropolis, the seat of the archlich Kel'Thuzad, who used it as a location of torture, suffering, torment, and to all accounts some horrific experiments before his defeat.[1]

The original incarnation of the dungeon was regarded as the most difficult pre-Burning Crusade raid, requiring 40 well-equipped, skilled players to complete. In the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion, Naxxramas was moved to Northrend and retuned as an entry-level raid dungeon for level 80 players. Like all other Wrath raid dungeons, Naxxramas has both 10- and 25-player versions.


Road to Damnation

Naxxramas floating above the Carrion Fields in World of Warcraft.

Naxxramas was originally an ancient, subterranean nerubian ziggurat. During the War of the Spider, the undead Anub'arak led an army of Scourged nerubians to conquer the ziggurat for the Lich King Ner'zhul. Under Anub'arak's oversight, the Scourge then altered the structure into a potent war machine.[2][3][4] The Scourge credits the architect Obrahiim as being "pivotal in the conception of Naxxramas".[5]

In 15 ADP,[6] Kel'Thuzad traveled to Northrend to answer the Lich King's call and found his way to Naxxramas. The Scourge let him inside and Anub'arak guided him around the structure's four wings, where the Scourge were building up a massive stockpile of plague cauldrons and military supplies. Frightened by the horrors he saw and by the realization that the Lich King was preparing for a war against the living, Kel'Thuzad teleported out of the ziggurat, but the Lich King's servants quickly intercepted him. Ner'zhul forced Kel'Thuzad to swear fealty to him and granted him command over Naxxramas, stating that it would serve as Kel'Thuzad's vessel in establishing the Lich King's hold on Azeroth. He showed Kel'Thuzad a vision of cultists using dark magic to tear Naxxramas out of its subterranean home and transform it into a flying necropolis.[2][3] Kel'Thuzad returned with the necropolis to Lordaeron to form the Cult of the Damned and begin the Scourging of Lordaeron.[7]

Due to his fighting a war against the Scarlet Crusade, the Argent Dawn, the Forsaken and the humans of the Alliance, as well as constant incursions of adventurers from every race and nation into the Scourge-controlled Plaguelands on a daily basis, the forces of Kel'Thuzad have been severely taxed to maintain the security of the necropolis. But now the gates of Naxxramas are open, and Kel'Thuzad's new forces are rapidly sweeping away all opposition to the Scourge.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Naxxramas in Journey Trailer.

The entrance to the dread citadel of Naxxramas, a rune portal, was located in the Plaguewood. Previously, all attempts to enter had been stymied by the magical wards placed upon the rune portal. The Argent Dawn devised a way to gain entry via arcane cloaking - an old cantrip of the Kirin Tor with a few modifications of Archmage Angela Dosantos.[8]

During the first Scourge Invasion, the Scourge attacked Stormwind City, which later led to an Alliance counterattack. Bolvar Fordragon recruited Alliance heroes who raided Naxxramas, defeating abominations, death knights, and even Kel'Thuzad.[9]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Above the war-ravaged wastes of the Dragonblight, Naxxramas has returned with renewed fury during the Scourgewar. As the Alliance fortress of Wintergarde Keep was enough of a thorn in the Lich King's side, he brought Naxxramas from Stratholme with Kel'Thuzad leading siege, once again seated in the frigid heart of the necropolis.[1] As factions from around the world converge at the gate to Icecrown, the war against the Scourge enters its most pivotal hour. It is within Naxxramas that the tide of battle could turn against the Lich King or irrevocably in his favor.

Exploring Azeroth

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the war against the Jailer, the Bronzebeard brothers reported that Naxxramas still floated over Wintergarde Keep, with Muradin Bronzebeard feeling as if the necropolis was waiting for something. Muradin was also worried about the fact that no one had been able to knock it down yet.[1]

Getting there

No special access is required - simply fly to the necropolis above the Carrion Fields of the Dragonblight not far from Wintergarde Keep and Venomspite. A Meeting Stone and the instance line are at the bottom of the necropolis.

Secrets of Naxxramas

Added in patch 10.1.5, a number of ancient secrets of Naxxramas have been revealed to players with an empowered  [Argent Dawn Commission]. Complete the  [Wards of the Dread Citadel] achievement (and the  [Memory of Scholomance] achievement!) to unlock secrets account-wide.

Once unlocked, start by crafting a  [Makeshift Grappling Hook] from parts found inside the instance, then find and wake up Zackett Skullsmash using  [Stratholme Holy Water] and his N [1-70] Inconvenience Fee quest.

After that's done, find  [Omarion's Second Handbook] to make progress on the  [Putting Wilhelm Out of Business] achievement, collect a frost resistance set for  [Never Bothered, Anyway], and feed a  [Rotten Delicious] to earn the trust of the  [Reins of Valiance], steed of Thane Korth'azz.

Raid setup

The 10-player version
  • Raid composition – three of the wings can be completed with 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 6 DPS, although a common setup (and one better suited for beginning Naxxramas) is 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 5 DPS.
  • General gear check – level 80 rares and/or epics from crafting or heroic dungeons.
  • Tanks: A good start is to have 540 Defense, 22,000 HP, and 21k Armor rating.
  • DPS: Ideally each DPS should have at least 1.5k DPS, 2.5k AP or 1350 Spell Power. Also a hit rating near 7.5% is also desirable.
  • Healers: Shoot for 1500 bonus heal (now equivalent to approximately 900 spell power) and 160 MP5.
The 25-player version
  • Raid composition – aim for 3-4 tanks, 6-7 healers and 14-16 DPS.
  • General gear check – level 80 epics from crafting and normal mode raids.
  • Tanks – at least ~25,000 unbuffed HP.
  • DPS spellcasters should have 17% to hit.


The Naxxramas bosses
Naxxramas map with boss locations
Bosses Monsters Map
IconSmall Housecat.gif Mob Mr. Bigglesworth
The Arachnid Quarter
Arachnid quarter
The Plague Quarter
Plague quarter
The Military Quarter
Military quarter
The Construct Quarter
Construct quarter
Frostwyrm Lair
Frostwyrm Lair & Kel'Thuzad's Chamber


Main article: Naxxramas loot

Naxxramas loot includes the Tier 7 raid sets, which are based on the Tier 3 raid sets that dropped in the original Naxxramas. There are two versions: The Tier 7 "Heroes'" sets from the normal mode 10-man, and the Tier 7.5 "Valorous" sets from the heroic mode 25-man. While these sets are inspired by the original Tier 3 sets, they have received significant model updates.[10]

Since patch 4.0.1, 10 and 25 player both drop a total of 185 [Justice Points].


10-player mode 25-player mode Objective
Arachnid Quarter
 [The Arachnid Quarter (10 player)]  [The Arachnid Quarter (25 player)] Defeat the bosses of the Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas.
 [Momma Said Knock You Out (10 player)]  [Momma Said Knock You Out (25 player)] Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas without dispelling frenzy.
 [Arachnophobia (10 player)]  [Arachnophobia (25 player)] Defeat Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub'Rekhan's death.
Construct Quarter
 [The Construct Quarter (10 player)]  [The Construct Quarter (25 player)] Defeat the bosses of the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas.
 [Make Quick Werk of Him (10 player)]  [Make Quick Werk of Him (25 player)] Kill Patchwerk in Naxxramas in 3 minutes or less.
 [Shocking! (10 player)]  [Shocking! (25 player)] Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges.
 [Subtraction (10 player)]  [Subtraction (25 player)] Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas with less than 9/21 people.
Plague Quarter
 [The Plague Quarter (10 player)]  [The Plague Quarter (25 player)] Defeat the bosses of the Plague Quarter of Naxxramas.
 [The Safety Dance (10 player)]  [The Safety Dance (25 player)] Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid dying.
 [Spore Loser (10 player)]  [Spore Loser (25 player)] Defeat Loatheb in Naxxramas without killing any spores.
Military Quarter
 [The Military Quarter (10 player)]  [The Military Quarter (25 player)] Defeat the bosses of the Military Quarter of Naxxramas.
 [And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player)]  [And They Would All Go Down Together (25 player)] Defeat the Four Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other.
Frostwyrm Lair
 [Sapphiron's Demise (10 player)]  [Sapphiron's Demise (25 player)] Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas.
 [The Hundred Club (10 player)]  [The Hundred Club (25 player)] Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100.
 [Kel'Thuzad's Defeat (10 player)]  [Kel'Thuzad's Defeat (25 player)] Defeat Kel'thuzad in Naxxramas.
 [The Fall of Naxxramas (10 player)]  [The Fall of Naxxramas (25 player)] Defeat every boss in Naxxramas.
 [Just Can't Get Enough (10 player)]  [Just Can't Get Enough (25 player)] Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber.
 [The Dedicated Few (10 player)]  [The Dedicated Few (25 player)] Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 9/21 people.
 [The Undying]  [The Immortal] Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Naxxramas serves as the setting for Hearthstone's first adventure: Curse of Naxxramas. The adventure feature encounters with each of the 15 bosses from the raid's second incarnation in both Normal and Heroic mode, offering in reward 30 new Naxxramas-themed cards for use in the rest of the game, featuring ghouls, zombies, nerubians and legendary minion versions of bosses such as Kel'Thuzad, Baron Rivendare and Feugen and Stalagg.

Additionally, the Naxxramas card back was rewarded for achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Season 4, which took place during July 2014. The flavor text reads: "The gooey center is Ooze slime. Don’t lick it."

Notes and trivia

  • From the corpses of the fallen, their armor was stripped and taken back to Naxxramas to be used for unknown purposes, desecrating it. The armor pieces were recovered by adventurers.[11]
  • According to Muradin Bronzebeard, the Plagueheart Raiment is made of cloth scraps from Naxxramas, fouled with plague and pestilence and left entirely uncleansed, which seems to be the point of it: the source of power that makes the corrupting, painful spells of the warlock who wears it even stronger.[12]
  • Naxxramas can be seen floating in the sky in the Blizzard World map in Overwatch. It is a restaurant called Snaxxramas.



Patch changes



  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2022-10-20): Death Knight NPCs can no longer cast Unholy Frenzy on raid bosses.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.4.0 (2022-08-30): All mobs within Naxxramas now have 30% more health and deal 30% increased damage. This change applies to both 10 and 25-player modes.

See also


External links

es:Naxxramas fr:Naxxramas