Zackett Skullsmash

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NeutralZackett Skullsmash
Image of Zackett Skullsmash
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Undead)
Level 1-80 Elite
Class Death knight
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Halls of Reanimation, Naxxramas [35, 23]; Later at [55, 49]
Status Active

Zackett Skullsmash is a goblin located in the rafters of the Halls of Reanimation in the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. After  [Wards of the Dread Citadel] has been earned, he can be found high up near the ceiling, reachable through a series of Grapple Points using the  [Makeshift Grappling Hook]. A path starts above Stalagg's platform at [23, 25][25, 22][27, 25][24, 24] on the next layer up → [29, 24][34, 21]. Initially having been Bored to Death he can be roused from his slumber with a helping of  [Stratholme Holy Water], as poking him proves fruitless.

After completing N [1-80] Inconvenience Fee, he relocates to the eastern side of the center ring by the Portal to Eastern Plaguelands where he sets up shop and trades Scourgestones for Death's Bargaining Chips.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Zackett Skullsmash
Item Cost Type
 [Dented Raider's Helmet] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Helmet]
 [Dented Raider's Spaulders] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Spaulders]
 [Dented Raider's Chestpiece] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Chestpiece]
 [Dented Raider's Bracers] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Bracers]
 [Dented Raider's Gauntlets] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Gauntlets]
 [Dented Raider's Belt] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Belt]
 [Dented Raider's Leggings] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Leggings]
 [Dented Raider's Boots] 3 Death's Bargaining Chip Old transmog or  [Lamented Crusader's Boots]
 [Slime-Covered Scroll] 12 Death's Bargaining Chip Non-BoP ancient recipes
 [Phylacterweave] 2,000g Tier 3 crafting reagent
 [Plagued Grain] 15 Death's Bargaining Chip Toy
 [Rotten Delicious] 30 Death's Bargaining Chip For  [Reins of Valiance]
 [Pattern: Cursed Cloth] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 cloth reagent -  [Cursed Cloth]
 [Pattern: Languished Leather] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 leather reagent -  [Languished Leather]
 [Pattern: Scourged Scales] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 mail reagent -  [Scourged Scales]
 [Plans: Undeath Metal] 20 Death's Bargaining Chip † Tier 3 plate reagent -  [Undeath Metal]

 †Requires  [Drop Dead, Gorgeous]


Ability rogue feigndeath.png Bored to Death — Unable or unwilling to acknowledge the existence of life.



Main article: Inconvenience Fee#Notes


  • Maybe you will find a use for that! Someday.
  • Well, it's a good paperweight!
  • Whoa. I didn't even know I had that thing!

Hey, if it isn't my favorite <class>! Got any more scourgestones for me?

Buy I would like to barter with death, knight.


  • When awakened, he says he's been napping for over a decade. This may refer to the 15-year length of time between when Naxxramas was retuned for Wrath of the Lich King and when he was added.

Patch changes

External links