Halls of Stone

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Halls of Stone
Halls of Stone loading screen.jpg
Location Ulduar, Storm Peaks
Race(s) Iron vrykul Iron vrykul
Iron dwarf Iron dwarf
IconSmall Trogg.gif Forged iron trogg
Colossus Colossus
End boss IconSmall IronVrykul Male.gif Sjonnir the Ironshaper
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 65 - 80
Player limit 5
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed

Maiden of Grief
Tribunal of Ages
Sjonnir The Ironshaper


Other Ulduar instances

Halls of Lightning (5)
Ulduar (25)

Halls of Stone (5)

Maiden of Grief
Tribunal of Ages
Sjonnir The Ironshaper

Halls of Lightning (5)

General Bjarngrim

Ulduar (10/25)

Flame Leviathan
Ignis the Furnace Master
XT-002 Deconstructor
The Assembly of Iron
General Vezax
Algalon the Observer (summoned)

Halls of Stone is a 5-man wing of Ulduar in the Storm Peaks, and the home of the Tribunal of Ages and the Forge of Wills.[1]. The entrance is located in the southern part of the titan city by going west until you see the gate. It has a lot of lore closely tied to it. This is one of the non-linear instances in Wrath of the Lich King. The scale of the instance is large, with tall halls and rooms, but is still small enough to move about in without a mount.

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard visited Ulduar and reported that the iron dwarves maintain some presence at the Halls of Stone, with one they questioned about the journey of their ancestor, Mina Stormsmith. The nameless iron dwarf claimed to have been present when Mina Stormsmith arrived 500 years ago; recanting the tale to them of how Sjonnir The Ironshaper attempted to have her destroyed. She came here to ask them to "remade" her deceased brother, but they refused and Sjonnir ordered them to kill her, as she was of flesh and therefore weak in their eyes. She fought wave after wave of iron dwarves until her ax shattered, but a spirit arrived in a wave of blinding light to save her from death. She then took up her broken weapon and fought her way out of Ulduar.[1]


Community site

The reasons for Loken's treachery and the fate of the other guardians remain a mystery, but there have been whispers of a great evil at work behind the fall of the titan city. For any heroes brave enough to seek out the truth, it lies within the corridors of the ancient compound. Thus far, however, few have braved the perils of Ulduar and returned to tell of their discoveries.[2]

Adventure Guide

Upon departing Azeroth, the titans entrusted loyal protectors with safeguarding Ulduar, an enigmatic city nestled in the mountains of the Storm Peaks. Designated supreme among his brethren was the guardian known as Loken, but with the power of the titan complex in his hands, he turned to darkness and plunged the region into chaos.


Maps and subregions

Dungeon denizens

The Halls of Stone bosses.


The order of bosses is non-linear, so the order below doesn't necessarily represent the encounter order.


Bosses Monsters NPCs
  • Hall of the High Father


Main article: Halls of Stone loot



Kaldir Ironbane offers two quests just inside the instance. There is also an escort event involving Brann Bronzebeard, that also rewards you with a rare item. Completion of this event unlocks the door to Sjonnir the Ironshaper. Note that you start the quest and can hurry him along by talking to him.



Patch changes


External links

Dungeon Subzone Entrance Scenario