Realm of the Mage Hunter

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Realm of the Mage Hunter
Minimap of the Realm of the Mage Hunter

The Realm of the Mage Hunter is the domain of the eredar lord Balaadur. During the fifth stage of N Mage [10-45] The Mage Hunter, Balaadur pulls the mage player into this realm, where they confront and kill the eredar in order to reclaim  [Ebonchill].

Notes and trivia


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

As it has similarities with a number of small Twisting Nether locations the Realm of the Mage Hunter could be a location in the Twisting Nether. Archive of the Tirisgarde mentions that Balaadur took Ebonchill when its owner got ripped into the Twisting Nether. For comparison the N [45] Between Worlds quest has Kruul's Twisting Nether location described as his realm.

Alternatively, the Realm of the Mage Hunter could be a pocket dimension.

Patch changes

External links