Capital Gardens

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For the larger dungeon complex, see Dire Maul.
Capital Gardens
Dire Maul West, DMW
Dire Maul loading screen.jpg
Dire Maul loading graphic
Location High Wilderness, Feralas
Race(s) HighborneHighborne Highborne
Night elfNight elf Night elf
End boss IconSmall Highborne Male.gif Prince Tortheldrin
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 15-30
Classic lvl 55-60
Player limit 5
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed
Capital Gardens

The Capital Gardens are the western instance in Dire Maul. The area might once have been a pristine city park district, but now the trees stand gray and withered, and the broken streets are full of dangerous ancients.

Most Highborne lived here until their defeat and escape from Dire Maul. After the Fourth War, Zekhan reported that the only trace of them is in the form of wailing ghosts.[1]




The Athenaeum · Court of the Highborne · Prison of Immol'thar

Dungeon denizens

Bosses Monsters NPCs

Quest guide

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
A [15-30D] The Highborne IconSmall NightElf Male.gifTelaron Windflight Dreamer's Rest, Feralas
H [15-30D] The Highborne IconSmall Tauren Male.gifHadoken Swiftstrider Camp Mojache, Feralas
N [15-30D] The Cursed Remains IconSmall Highborne Male.gifEstulan Capital Gardens, Dire Maul
N [15-30D] The Shen'dralar Ancient IconSmall Highborne Male.gifEstulan Capital Gardens, Dire Maul
N [15-30D] The Warped Defender IconSmall Soul.gifShen'dralar Watcher Capital Gardens, Dire Maul
N [15-30D] The Madness Within IconSmall Soul.gifShen'dralar Ancient Capital Gardens, Dire Maul
N [15-30D] The Treasure of the Shen'dralar IconSmall Soul.gifShen'dralar Ancient Capital Gardens, Dire Maul


Boss Item
Tendris Warpwood  [Petrified Bark Shield]
 [Stoneflower Staff]
 [Tanglemoss Leggings]
 [Warpwood Binding]
Magister Kalendris  [Amplifying Cloak]
 [Elder Magus Pendant]
 [Flamescarred Shoulders]
 [Magically Sealed Bracers]
 [Mindtap Talisman]
 [Pattern: Big Bag of Enchantment]
Tsu'zee  [Brightspark Gloves]
 [Murmuring Ring]
 [Threadbare Trousers]
Illyanna Ravenoak  [Force Imbued Gauntlets]
 [Gauntlets of Accuracy]
 [Padre's Trousers]
 [Quickdraw Gloves]
 [Well Balanced Axe]
Immol'thar  [Bile-Etched Spaulders]
 [Blade of the New Moon]
 [Cloak of the Cosmos]
 [Demon Howl Wristguards]
 [Evil Eye Pendant]
 [Eyestalk Cord]
 [Odious Greaves]
 [Robe of Everlasting Night]
 [Vigilance Charm]
Prince Tortheldrin  [Bracers of the Eclipse]
 [Chestplate of Tranquility]
 [Distracting Dagger]
 [Eldritch Reinforced Legplates]
 [Emerald Flame Ring]
 [Fluctuating Cloak]
 [Mind Carver]
 [Silvermoon Leggings]
 [Timeworn Mace]
Trash  [Eidolon Cloak]
 [Eidolon Talisman]
 [Orphic Bracers]
 [Petrified Band]
 [Stonebark Gauntlets]
 [Wand of Arcane Potency]


Patch changes


External links