Lorekeeper Mykos

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NeutralLorekeeper Mykos
Image of Lorekeeper Mykos
Title <House of Shen'dralar>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shen'dralar
Location Athenaeum, Dire Maul
Status Alive

Lorekeeper Mykos is a night elf located in the Athenaeum in Dire Maul.

Following the Fourth War, she made a donation to the archives of the Sanctum of Light by removing the Athenaeum mark of the book  [The Light and How to Swing It], written by Uther for Arthas, so that all paladins of the Silver Hand can read it.[1]


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.



Kildrath tends to overdramatize the situation. For example, "Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery," has been stolen over 400 times.

The mark of the Athenaeum protects the tomes, preventing any unauthorized viewings.

<Lorekeeper Mykos sighs.>
  • Lorekeeper Mykos says: When will they learn?
  • Lorekeeper Mykos says: Imbecile! Have you not learned the Dewey Decimal System? It has been 3,000 years since you began working for us! Incompetent buffoon.


Patch changes

See also


External links