Shen'dralar Zealot

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NeutralShen'dralar Zealot
Image of Shen'dralar Zealot
Title <House of Shen'dralar>
Gender Both
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 42 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shen'dralar
Location Dire Maul

Shen'dralar Zealots are Shen'dralar night elves located inside the Athenaeum of Dire Maul West.


  • "Keep your voice down, stranger. You do not want to disrupt the Master's meditations."
  • "Has the Prince recanted the tale of the Ashbringer? It is our most favorite of his stories. His favorite is the follow up to the Ashbringer. Of course, nobody has ever been able to get that story out of him."
  • "The Master holds great interest in the Lair of Nefarian. If only someone would defeat the dragon and his minions and retell the tale to the Prince. I bet that would loosen the Prince's lips. The Ashbringer could be found!"

Patch changes

See also

External links