Gordok Commons

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For the larger dungeon complex, see Dire Maul.
Gordok Commons
Dire Maul North, DMN
Dire Maul loading screen.jpg
Dire Maul loading graphic
Location High Wilderness, Feralas
Race(s) OgreOgre Ogre
Ogre mage Ogre mage
End boss IconSmall Ogre Male.gif King Gordok
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 15-30
Classic Level 55-60
Player limit 5
The Gordok Commons

The Gordok Commons are the northern instance in Dire Maul. This area of the city has been taken over by the Gordok, the elite members of the Gordunni ogre clan, and are now the seat of power for King Gordok himself. By tradition, however, whoever slays the king will become the new King Gordok.[1]

Following the Fourth War, Zekhan and Rexxar confirmed that despite the deaths of multiple kings, many warriors were still present within the ruins.[2]

Tribute run

Gordok Commons is unique in that there are two methods of completing the dungeon. The first is to simply kill and loot everything. The second is to instead sneak past as many bosses as possible and only kill King Gordok. Upon slaying the King, the Gordok Tribute chest will appear, and its contents depend on how many of the bosses are still alive.




Gordok's Seat · Halls of Destruction

Dungeon denizens

Bosses Monsters NPCs

Quest guide

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
H [15-30D] Ogre in the Field IconSmall Mok'Nathal Female.gifOrhan Ogreblade Stonemaul Hold, Feralas
A [15-30D] Eyes in the Sky IconSmall Shandris.gifShandris Feathermoon Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
N [15-30D] A Broken Trap Broken Trap Halls of Destruction, Dire Maul North
N [15-30D] The Gordok Ogre Suit IconSmall Goblin Male.gifKnot Thimblejack Halls of Destruction, Dire Maul North
N [15-30D] The Gordok Taste Test IconSmall Ogre Male.gifStomper Kreeg Gordok Commons, Dire Maul
N [15-30D] Unfinished Gordok Business IconSmall Ogre Male.gifCaptain Kromcrush Gordok Commons, Dire Maul
A [15-30D] King of the Gordok IconSmall Crow.gifDruid of the Talon (Dire Maul) Gordok Commons, Dire Maul
H [15-30D] King of the Gordok IconSmall Ogre Male.gifStonemaul Ogre (Dire Maul) Gordok Commons, Dire Maul


Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other
Guard Mol'dar and Guard Slip'kik

 [Jagged Bone Fist]
 [Ogre Pocket Knife]
 [Unsophisticated Hand Cannon]

 [Sublime Wristguards]
 [Robe of Combustion]

 [Hyena Hide Belt]

 [Denwatcher's Shoulders]
 [Modest Armguards]

 [Bulky Iron Spaulders]
 [Gallant's Wristguards]

 [Heliotrope Cloak]

 [Gordok Nose Ring]
 [Gordok Shackle Key]
 [Gordok Inner Door Key]

Stomper Kreeg

 [Kreeg's Mug]

Guard Fengus

 [Jagged Bone Fist]
 [Ogre Pocket Knife]
 [Unsophisticated Hand Cannon]

 [Robe of Combustion]

 [Hyena Hide Belt]

 [Modest Armguards]

 [Gallant's Wristguards]

 [Gordok Nose Ring]
 [Gordok Shackle Key]

Knot Thimblejack

(Knot Thimblejack's Cache)

 [Pattern: Belt of the Archmage]
 [Pattern: Chromatic Cloak]
 [Pattern: Hide of the Wild]
 [Pattern: Shifting Cloak]
 [Pattern: Cloak of Warding]
 [Pattern: Felcloth Gloves]
 [Pattern: Girdle of Insight]
 [Pattern: Inferno Gloves]
 [Pattern: Mongoose Boots]
 [Pattern: Mooncloth Gloves]
 [Pattern: Swift Flight Bracers]
 [Ogre Tannin]

Captain Kromcrush

 [Monstrous Glaive]

 [Boots of the Full Moon]

 [Mugger's Belt]

 [Kromcrush's Chestplate]

 [Gordok Shackle Key]

Cho'Rush the Observer

 [Cho'Rush's Blade]
 [Mana Channeling Wand]
 [Observer's Shield]

 [Insightful Hood]

King Gordok

 [Barbarous Blade]

 [Crown of the Ogre King]

 [Bracers of Prosperity]

 [Harmonious Gauntlets]
 [Leggings of Destruction]

 [Grimy Metal Boots]

 [Ace of Warlords]
 [Band of the Ogre King]
 [Brightly Glowing Stone]
 [Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I]

Gordok Tribute
(Tribute Run)

 [Barrier Shield]
 [Rod of the Ogre Magi]
 [Unyielding Maul]
 [Ogre Toothpick Shooter]
 [Skullcracking Mace]

 [Mindsurge Robe]
 [Oddly Magical Belt]

 [Cyclone Spaulders]
 [Hyena Hide Jerkin]
 [Mud Stained Boots]
 [Shaggy Leggings]

 [Ogre Forged Hauberk]
 [Carrion Scorpid Helm]

 [Elemental Plate Girdle]
 [Gordok Bracers of Power]
 [Scarab Plate Helm]

 [Redoubt Cloak]

 [Counterattack Lodestone]
 [Tarnished Elven Ring]
 [Schematic: Major Recombobulator]


Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2018-08-01): Reduced the damage of several creatures in Gordok Commons.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Level range reduced to 42-52 (was 55-60). It is no longer possible to travel between the Capital Gardens and the Gordok Commons.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): No longer requires the  [Crescent Key] to enter.
  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2005-08-17): Chests in Dire Maul have temporarily been disabled to stop players from exploiting them, which was resulting in realm instability and instance crashes on multiple realms. This includes only the normal chests and should not affect tribute runs. A more permanent fix will be applied in Patch 1.7, and the chests will be reinstated then.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Added.


External links