The Highborne (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Highborne
Start Telaron Windflight
End Estulan
Level 15-30 (Requires 15)
Type Dungeon
Category Dire Maul
Experience 480 experience
Rewards 6s
Shareable Yes


Speak to Estulan.


Estulan, a powerful and uncorrupt Highborne, has managed to enter the western wing of Dire Maul and has asked for assistance in cleansing it. Regardless of your personal convictions of the Highborne, it is an effort I must support for the good of Feralas. May the wind carry your spirit there with great swiftness.

You will find Dire Maul to the southeast.


I sensed your coming all the way from Dreamer's Rest. Your assistance would be most welcome.


You will receive: 6s

Patch changes

External links