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Image of Hydrospawn
Gender Male
Race Water elemental (Elemental)
Level 16-31 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shrine of Eldretharr, Warpwood Quarter
Status Killable

Hydrospawn is an elite water elemental mini-boss in the Shrine of Eldretharr within the Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul.

Adventure Guide

When the satyr Zevrim Thornhoof sought to control the elementals in Dire Maul, he focused on Hydrospawn, who calmly resided in the pool beneath his altar. As he performed his profane sacrificial rituals, the elemental grew agitated and restless, striking out at Thornhoof's demonic minions. As the years passed, Thornhoof used his victims' energies to whip Hydrospawn into unbridled fury, little by little binding its will to the satyr's commands.


  • Ability warrior disarm.png Riptide Important — Knocks back anyone within a 10 yard radius, dealing 85 to 115 Frost damage. Also disarms all targets hit for 4 sec.
  • Spell shadow demonbreath.png Submersion Magic Effect — Reduces the Stamina of nearby enemies by 10 for 1 min.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Summon Massive Geyser — Hydrospawn summons a Massive Geyser that inflicts Frost damage to all players within 10 yards and knocks them back.
  • Spell frost chillingblast.png Summon Hydroling — Hydrospawn summons 2 Hydrolings at 50% health remaining.
    • Spell frost chillingblast.png Hydrojet — The Hydroling knocks a player back and reduces their threat to zero whenever they strike a player in melee combat.

Objective of



  • Hydrospawn is the only non-nature or arcane elemental in Dire Maul.
  • Oddly, both N Mage [60G] Arcane Refreshment and N [15-30D] An Unwelcome Guest say that Hydrospawn does not seem to be native to the area. This hook was never followed up on, and was contradicted by the Adventure Guide.

Patch changes

External links