King of the Gordok (Horde)

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HordeKing of the Gordok
Start Stonemaul Ogre
End Stonemaul Ogre
Level 15-30 (Requires 15)
Type Dungeon
Category Dire Maul
Experience 4,500
Rewards 2g 73s
Shareable Yes


Kill King Gordok.


You kill Gordok leader, you new ogre king. If you king, then ogre leaders like Kromcrush and Kreeg that survive pay you big tribute and you stop Gordok invasion. If you do that, then me very happy ogre and we take Dire Maul FOR DA HORDE!!!

Go, little <race>! Kill ugly Gordok ogre king and maybe dis be new Stonemaul Hold! Yar!


You new Gordok king?


Little <race> did it! Now Horde more powerful than ever! YAR!


You will receive: 2g 73s

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shoulder 145v2.png [Pauldrons of Tribute] Inv bracer 71v1.png [Wristbands of Tribute]
Inv boots robe common c 01.png [Slippers of Tribute] Inv weapon rifle 24.png [Tribute Gun]

Patch changes

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