Schematic: Major Recombobulator

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  • Schematic: Major Recombobulator
  • Use: Teaches you how to make a Major Recombobulator.
    • Major Recombobulator
    • Item Level 28
    • Trinket
    • Use: Restores 649 health and mana to a friendly target and attempts to dispel any polymorph effects from them. Reduced effectiveness against polymorph effects from casters of level 61 and higher.
    • Requires Classic Engineering (275)
    • 10 Charges
    • Sell Price: 6s
  • Thorium Tube (2), Truesilver Transformer, Runecloth (2)
  • Requires Classic Engineering (275)
  • Sell Price: 40s

Schematic: Major Recombobulator is found in the Gordok Tribute in the Gordok Commons of Dire Maul.

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