Gordok Bushwacker

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MobGordok Bushwacker
Image of Gordok Bushwacker
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 46 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gordok
Location Halls of Destruction, Dire Maul North

The Gordok Bushwacker is an ogre that appears after the Ogre Tannin Basket in the Halls of Destruction in Dire Maul is opened. He runs down the ramp to the basket and if not immediately aggro'd, he will run over the platform a few times erratically before assuming a calm pacing near the ramp up.



'NO!!! It puts the tannin in the basket, or it gets the mallet again!'


Inv misc key 11.png [Gordok Shackle Key]


When you grab the  [Ogre Tannin], an ogre screams Noo! It puts the tannin in the basket, or else it gets the mallet again. which is a reference to the serial killer "Buffalo Bill" from Silence of the Lambs, lowering a bucket down the well to his victims and saying "It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again."

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