Combat pet

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Combat pets are pets under the direct control of the player. Combat pets can be permanent or temporary, and most classes are able to summon at least one. Some combat pets have multiple abilities, while others have only a basic auto-attack, but all share the basic pet commands, allowing the player to control their movement and behavior. Players can only have one combat pet active at any time, and summoning another will dismiss the current pet.


There are two primary combat pet classes: hunter pets and warlock minions. These classes have a number of available combat pets (although only one can be active at a time) and the chosen pet is permanent. Each of the available pets has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as different abilities. Hunters must Ability hunter beasttaming.png [Tame Beasts] found in the world so that they can become their pets, while warlocks use powerful spells to summon their minions from the Twisting Nether. Hunter and warlocks pet summons do not have cooldowns.

Unholy Death knights also have permanent combat pets; the Inv pet ghoul.png [Risen Ally].

Many other classes can summon temporary combat pets. Priests can summon the [Shadowfiend] or the [Mindbender], dealing damage and restoring mana; Balance druids can use [Force of Nature] to summon 3 treants; Frost mages can use [Icy Veins] to summon a Water elemental; shamans can use [Fire Elemental] and [Earth Elemental] to summon the corresponding elemental, and Enhancement shamans can additionally use [Feral Spirit] to summon 2 spirit wolves. However, most of these combat pets have a very limited duration, and with sizeable cooldowns are only available part of the time.

All other classes are unable to summon combat pets.

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28):
    • The Aggressive pet stance has been removed and replaced with the Assist stance.
    • The Defensive pet stance will now only cause the player's pet to attack enemies which attack the pet or the master.
  • Bc icon.gif Hotfix (2007-03-13): Party members should now see pet health bars update properly. This hotfix will take effect after a realm is restarted following the hotfix's deployment.
  • Bc icon.gif Hotfix (2007-02-26): Pets will no longer trigger the Flame Wreath effect.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Pets will now enter passive/follow mode when their masters mount.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07): Pet speed has been increased when out of combat and following their master.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07):
    • Pets in defensive mode that respond to attacks will no longer flag their masters for PvP. If the master issues an explicit attack command, the master will be flagged.
    • You can issue pet commands while you are stunned, fleeing, etc.
    • Pets and summons no longer get stuck when you get on a boat or zeppelin.
    • Non-aggressive enemy NPCs no longer attack pets and summons.

External links