Category:Zone storylines
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This category contains overarching quest storylines for each zone and patch campaign in World of Warcraft.
This only applies to retail version of the game. For Classic releases, see World of Warcraft campaign and World of Warcraft endgame and patch storylines.
Level | Kalimdor | Eastern Kingdoms | ||||||||||
Start 1-10 |
Goblin | Troll | Orc | Tauren | Draenei | Night elf | Worgen | Human | Gnome | Dwarf | Undead | Blood elf |
1-20 | Kezan & Lost Isles |
- | - | - | - | Gilneas City & Gilneas |
- | - | - | - | ||
1-30 | - | Durotar | Mulgore | Azuremyst Isle & Bloodmyst Isle | Teldrassil | - | Elwynn Forest | Dun Morogh | Tirisfal Glades | Eversong Woods & Ghostlands | ||
5-30 | Azshara, Northern Barrens | - | Darkshore | Westfall | Loch Modan | Silverpine Forest | - | |||||
7-30 | Ashenvale | Redridge Mountains | - | Hillsbrad Foothills | ||||||||
10-30 | Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace, Southern Barrens | Duskwood, Northern Stranglethorn & Cape of Stranglethorn | Wetlands, Arathi Highlands & Hinterlands | |||||||||
15-30 | Feralas, Dustwallow Marsh, Thousand Needles, Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater, Silithus, Felwood, Winterspring |
Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands, Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands |
The Burning Crusade Level Zones 10-30 Hellfire Peninsula Zangarmarsh 15-30 Terokkar Forest Nagrand 20-30 Blade's Edge Mountains 25-30 Netherstorm Shadowmoon Valley 25-30 Isle of Quel'Danas -
Wrath of the Lich King Level Zones Start
8-30Death Knight
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave10-30 Borean Tundra Howling Fjord 15-30 Dragonblight Grizzly Hills 20-30 Zul'Drak Sholazar Basin 25-30 Icecrown Storm Peaks -
Cataclysm Level Zones 30-35 Vashj'ir
(KF, SE, AD)Mount Hyjal 30-35 Deepholm 30-35 Uldum 30-35 Twilight Highlands 32-35 Molten Front -
Mists of Pandaria Level Zones Start
The Wandering Isle10-35 Jade Forest 15-35 Valley of the Four Winds Krasarang Wilds 20-35 Kun-Lai Summit 25-35 Townlong Steppes 30-35 Dread Wastes 32-35 Isle of Thunder -
Warlords of Draenor Level Zones 10-40 Intro experience 10-40 Frostfire Ridge Shadowmoon Valley 15-40 Gorgrond 20-40 Talador 30-40 Spires of Arak 35-40 Nagrand 40 Garrison Campaign, Tanaan Jungle -
Legion Level Zones Start
8-10Demon Hunter
Mardum and Vault of the Wardens10 Intro experience 10-45 Azsuna Highmountain Stormheim Val'sharah 45 Suramar, Broken Shore, Argus 45 Epilogue -
Battle for Azeroth Level Zones 10-50 Intro experience 10-60 Tiragarde Sound Zuldazar 20-60 Drustvar Nazmir 30-60 Stormsong Valley Vol'dun 10-50 Alliance War Campaign Horde War Campaign 50 Kul Tiras finale Zandalar finale 50 Nazjatar, Mechagon Island, Black Empire Campaign -
Shadowlands Level Zones Start
1-10Exile's Reach 10-60 Intro experience 10-53 Bastion 10-55 Maldraxxus 10-58 Ardenweald 10-60 Revendreth 60 Kyrian Campaign,
Necrolords Campaign,
Night Fae Campaign,
Venthyr Campaign60 The Maw, Korthia, Zereth Mortis, Epilogue -
Dragonflight Level Zones Start
10Dracthyr evoker
Forbidden Reach10-70 Intro experience and Waking Shores 10-70 Ohn'ahran Plains 10-70 Azure Span 10-70 Thaldraszus 70 Renown of the Dragon Isles, Renown Campaigns, Forbidden Reach (max-level) 70 Zaralek Cavern, Fractures in Time, Fury Incarnate 70 Emerald Dream, Seeds of Renewal, Dark Heart -
The War Within Level Zones 70-73 Intro experience and Isle of Dorn 73-75 Ringing Deeps 75-78 Hallowfall 78-80 Azj-Kahet 80 The War Within, Siren Isle 80 Undermine
Pages in category "Zone storylines"
The following 152 pages are in this category, out of 152 total.
- Dark Heart campaign
- Darkshore storyline
- Death knight starting experience
- Deepholm quests
- Demon hunter starting experience
- Desolace storyline
- Dracthyr starting experience
- Draenei starting experience
- Dragonblight quests
- Dragonflight campaign
- Dread Wastes storyline
- Drustvar storyline
- Dun Morogh storyline
- Durotar storyline
- Duskwood storyline
- Dustwallow Marsh storyline
- Dwarven starting experience
- Searing Gorge storyline
- Seeds of Renewal campaign
- Shadowlands campaign
- Shadowlands epilogue
- Shadowlands intro experience
- Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe) storyline
- Shimmering Expanse quests
- Sholazar Basin quests
- Silithus storyline
- Silverpine Forest storyline
- Siren Isle campaign
- Siren Isle storyline
- Southern Barrens storyline
- Spires of Arak storyline
- Stonetalon Mountains storyline
- Storm Peaks quests
- Stormheim storyline
- Stormsong Valley storyline
- Suramar storyline
- Swamp of Sorrows storyline
- Talador storyline
- Tanaan Jungle storyline
- Tanaris storyline
- Tauren starting experience
- Teldrassil storyline
- Thaldraszus storyline
- The Burning Crusade campaign
- The War Within campaign
- The War Within max-level questlines and activities
- Thousand Needles storyline
- Tiragarde Sound storyline
- Tirisfal Glades storyline
- Townlong Steppes storyline
- Troll starting experience
- Twilight Highlands quests
- Waking Shores storyline
- Wandering Isle storyline
- Warlords of Draenor intro experience
- Western Plaguelands storyline
- Westfall storyline
- Wetlands storyline
- Winterspring storyline
- Worgen starting experience
- World of Warcraft campaign
- World of Warcraft endgame and patch storylines
- Wrath of the Lich King campaign