Dragonblight quests

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This is a list of quests in Dragonblight.

The progression of the storyline in this zone is tracked in the achievement Alliance  [Might of Dragonblight].


Optional Breadcrumbs:

Redirecting the Ley Lines

  1. A [15-30] A Disturbance In The West and A [15-30] To Stars' Rest! or
    A [15-30] Your Presence is Required at Stars' Rest or
    A [15-30] Hero's Call: Dragonblight! (optional)
  2. A [15-30] Rifle the Bodies
  3. A [15-30] Prevent the Accord
  4. A [15-30] A Strange Device
  5. A [15-30] Projections and Plans
  6. A [15-30] The Focus on the Beach & A [15-30] A Letter for Home
  7. A [15-30] Atop the Woodlands & A [15-30] Strengthen the Ancients
  8. A [15-30] Search Indu'le Village
  9. A [15-30] The End of the Line
Informing the Queen
  1. A [15-30] Gaining an Audience
  2. A [15-30] Speak with your Ambassador
  3. A [15-30] Report to the Ruby Dragonshrine
  4. A [15-30] Heated Battle
  5. A [15-30] Return to the Earth
  6. A [15-30] Through Fields of Flame
  7. A [15-30] The Steward of Wyrmrest Temple
  8. A [15-30] Informing the Queen
  9. N [15-30] Report to Lord Devrestrasz
  10. N [15-30 Daily] Defending Wyrmrest Temple

The Warden's Task

  1. A [15-30] The Liquid Fire of Elune
  2. A [15-30] Kill the Cultists
  3. A [15-30] The Favor of Zangus
  4. A [15-30] The High Cultist


  1. A [15-30] The Lost Courier (optional, starts in Borean Tundra, leads to Stars' Rest)
  2. A [15-30] Of Traitors and Treason (Stars' Rest or Howling Fjord)
  3. A [15-30] High Commander Halford Wyrmbane (Stars' Rest or Howling Fjord)
  4. A [15-30] Naxxramas and the Fall of Wintergarde
  5. A [15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
  6. A [15-30] Return to the High Commander
  7. A [15-30] Rescue from Town Square
  8. A [15-30] Find Durkon!
  9. A [15-30] The Noble's Crypt
  10. A [15-30] Secrets of the Scourge
  11. A [15-30] Mystery of the Tome
  12. A [15-30] Understanding the Language of Death
  13. A [15-30] A Righteous Sermon

After Return to the High Commander

  1. A [15-30] Imprints on the Past
  2. A [15-30] Orik Trueheart and the Forgotten Shore
  3. A [15-30] The Murkweed Elixir
  4. A [15-30] The Forgotten Tale
  5. A [15-30] The Truth Shall Set Us Free
  6. A [15-30] Parting Thoughts
  7. A [15-30] What Secrets Men Hide & A [15-30] The Path of Redemption & A [15-30] The Return of the Crusade?
  8. A [15-30] Frostmourne Cavern

After Return to the High Commander

  1. A [15-30] The Demo-gnome
  2. A [15-30] The Search for Slinkin
  3. A [15-30] Leave Nothing to Chance
  4. A [15-30] Understanding the Scourge War Machine

Angrathar The Wrathgate

Completing these quests awards the achievement  [Veteran of the Wrathgate].

  1. A [15-30] Into Hostile Territory
  2. A [15-30] Steamtank Surprise
  3. A [15-30] Scattered To The Wind & A [15-30] Breaking Off A Piece
  4. A [15-30] The Chain Gun And You
  5. A [15-30] Plunderbeard Must Be Found!
  6. A [15-30] Plunderbeard's Journal
  7. A [15-30] Chasing Icestorm: The 7th Legion Front
  8. A [15-30] Chasing Icestorm: Thel'zan's Phylactery
  9. A [15-30] Finality
  10. A [15-30] An End And A Beginning
  11. A [15-30] To Fordragon Hold!
  12. A [15-30] Audience With The Dragon Queen
  13. N [15-30] Galakrond and the Scourge
  14. N [15-30] On Ruby Wings
  15. A [15-30] Return To Angrathar

The following quests have been removed in patch 4.0.3a:

  1. A [74] Reborn From The Ashes
  2. A [74] Fate, Up Against Your Will
  3. A [74] A Royal Coup
  4. A [74] The Killing Time
  5. A [74] The Battle For The Undercity

Group quests, after Return to the High Commander

7th Legion Front

  1. A [15-30] Pest Control
  2. A [15-30] Canyon Chase



  1. B [15-30] Disturbing Implications
  2. N [15-30G2] One of a Kind
  3. N [15-30G2] Mighty Magnataur
  4. N [15-30G3] Reclusive Runemaster
  5. N [15-30G3] Wanton Warlord

The Dragonflights



  1. N [15-30] Seeds of the Lashers
  2. N [15-30] That Which Creates Can Also Destroy
  1. N [15-30] Cycle of Life
  2. N [15-30] The Plume of Alystros



  1. N [15-30] The Obsidian Dragonshrine
  2. N [15-30] No Place to Run & N [15-30] No One to Save You
  3. N [15-30] The Best of Intentions
  4. N [15-30] Defiling the Defilers & N [15-30] Culling the Damned
  5. N [15-30] Neltharion's Flame
  6. N [15-30] Tales of Destruction


These quests give Kalu'ak reputation.

"Strategic Alliances"

  1. N [15-30] Return to Sender (optional)
  2. N [15-30] Stocking Up
  3. N [15-30] Nozzlerust Defense
  4. N [15-30] Shaved Ice
  5. N [15-30] Soft Packaging
  6. N [15-30] Something That Doesn't Melt & N [15-30] Hard to Swallow
  7. N [15-30] Harp on This! & N [15-30] Lumber Hack
  8. N [15-30] Stiff Negotiations
  9. N [15-30] Slim Pickings
  10. N [15-30] Messy Business & N [15-30] Stomping Grounds
  11. N [15-30] Apply This Twice A Day
  12. N [15-30] Worm Wrangler & N [15-30G3] Really Big Worm

Light's Trust

  1. N [15-30] The Call Of The Crusade (optional)
  2. N [15-30] The Cleansing Of Jintha'kalar
  3. N [20-30] Into the Breach! (classified as Zul'Drak) (exclusive with A [20-30] Reallocating Resources from Grizzly Hills)

Moonrest Gardens

  1. N [15-30] Avenge this Atrocity!
  2. N [15-30] End Arcanimus


Optional Breadcrumbs:

The Taunka

  1. H [15-30] The Taunka and the Tauren (breadcrumb from Agmar's Hammer)
  2. H [15-30] Into the Fold & H [15-30] Pride of the Horde
  3. H [15-30] Blood Oath of the Horde
  4. H [15-30] Agmar's Hammer

Redirecting the Ley Lines

  1. H [15-30] Your Presence is Required at Agmar's Hammer or H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Dragonblight! (optional)
  2. H [15-30] Rifle the Bodies
  3. H [15-30] Prevent the Accord
  4. H [15-30] A Strange Device
  5. H [15-30] Projections and Plans
  6. H [15-30] The Focus on the Beach & H [15-30] A Letter for Home
  7. H [15-30] Atop the Woodlands & H [15-30] Strengthen the Ancients
  8. H [15-30] Search Indu'le Village
  9. H [15-30] The End of the Line
Informing the Queen
  1. H [15-30] Gaining an Audience
  2. H [15-30] Speak with your Ambassador
  3. H [15-30] Report to the Ruby Dragonshrine
  4. H [15-30] Heated Battle
  5. H [15-30] Return to the Earth
  6. H [15-30] Through Fields of Flame
  7. H [15-30] The Steward of Wyrmrest Temple
  8. H [15-30] Informing the Queen
  9. N [15-30] Report to Lord Devrestrasz
  10. N [15-30 Daily] Defending Wyrmrest Temple

The Pit of Narjun & Nerubians in Icemist Village (requires H [15-30] Agmar's Hammer)

  1. H [15-30] Victory Nears...
  2. H [15-30] From the Depths of Azjol-Nerub
  3. H [15-30] The Might of the Horde
  4. H [15-30] Attack by Air!
  5. H [15-30] Blightbeasts be Damned!

Taunka in Icemist Village

  1. H [15-30] Strength of Icemist
  2. H [15-30] Chains of the Anub'ar
  3. H [15-30] Return of the High Chief
  4. H [15-30] All Hail Roanauk!

Traitors to the Horde

  1. H [15-30] The Flesh-Bound Tome
  2. H [15-30] Koltira and the Language of Death
  3. H [15-30] In Service of Blood & H [15-30] In Service of Frost & H [15-30] In Service of Unholy
  4. H [15-30] The Power to Destroy
  5. H [15-30] The Translated Tome

Containing the Rot

  1. H [15-30] Containing the Rot
  2. H [15-30] The Good Doctor...
  3. H [15-30] In Search of the Ruby Lilac
  4. H [15-30] Return to Soar
  5. H [15-30] Where the Wild Things Roam

Angrathar The Wrathgate

Completing these quests awards the achievement  [Veteran of the Wrathgate].

  1. H [15-30] The Kor'kron Vanguard!
  2. H [15-30] Audience With The Dragon Queen
  3. N [15-30] Galakrond and the Scourge
  4. N [15-30] On Ruby Wings
  5. H [15-30] Return To Angrathar

Following quests have been removed in patch 4.0.3a:

  1. H [74] Darkness Stirs
  2. H [74] Herald of War
  3. H [74] A Life Without Regret
  4. H [74] The Battle For The Undercity


The Forsaken Blight and You

  1. H [15-30] Give it a Name and H [15-30] To Venomspite! (from Howling Fjord)
  2. H [15-30] Imbeciles Abound! (from Agmar's Hammer)
  3. H [15-30] The Forsaken Blight and You: How Not to Die
  4. H [15-30] Emerald Dragon Tears
  5. H [15-30] Spread the Good Word
  6. H [15-30] The Forsaken Blight

The Forgotten Coast

The Scarlet Onslaught

"Need to Know" opens after "Stealing from the Siegesmiths":

  1. H [15-30] Need to Know
  2. H [15-30] The Spy in New Hearthglen
  3. H [15-30] Without a Prayer
  4. H [15-30] The Perfect Dissemblance
  5. H [15-30] A Fall From Grace
  6. H [15-30] The Truth Will Out
  7. H [15-30] Do Unto Others

Dragon's Fall