Hinterlands storyline

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The Hinterlands are a level 10-30 contested zone. Both Alliance and Horde players arrive here from a tunnel in the Arathi Highlands, but after that, their directions diverge. At first, the factions deal with the rivalry between the Wildhammer clan and Revantusk tribe; eventually, they discover a cult of spider-worshiping Vilebranch trolls in Jintha'Alor and summon and defeat their deity, Shadra the Venom Queen.

The progress for the storyline is tracked in the achievement  [Hinterlands Quests].

Once players have concluded the storyline, they are directed to the Western Plaguelands.


Aerie Peak

  1. A [10-30] Hero's Call: The Hinterlands!
  2. A [10-30] Razorbeak Friends & A [10-30] A Mangy Threat
  3. A [10-30] Out to the Front

Stormfeather Outpost

  1. A [10-30] The Wicked Revantusk & A [10-30] Gan'dranda
  2. A [10-30] Skulk Rock Clean-Up & A [10-30] Skulk Rock Supplies
  3. A [10-30] Down with the Vilebranch


  1. Complete all of the following:
  2. A [10-30] It's Ours Now & A [10-30] Hunt the Keeper A [10-30] Venomous Secrets
  3. A [10-30] Quel'Danil Lodge

Quel'Danil Lodge

  1. A [10-30] In Defense of Quel'Danil & A [10-30] The Highvale Documents

Proceeding to the common conclusion for both factions: the Shadra quest chain with A [10-30] The Eye of Shadra.


Revantusk Village

  1. H [10-30] Revantusk Village or H [10-30] Warchief's Command: The Hinterlands!
  2. H [10-30] Gammerita, Mon! & H [10-30] Lard Lost His Lunch
  3. H [10-30] Stalking the Stalkers
  4. H [10-30] Hunt the Savages
  5. H [10-30] Stomp To My Beat
  6. H [10-30] The Savage Dwarves & H [10-30] Thornar Thunderclash
  7. H [10-30] Skulk Rock Clean-Up & H [10-30] Skulk Rock Supplies
  8. H [10-30] The Fall of Jintha'Alor


  1. H [10-30] Dark Vessels
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. H [10-30] It's Ours Now & H [10-30] Hunt the Keeper & H [10-30] Venomous Secrets
  4. H [10-30] Darkcleric Marnal

Proceeding to the common conclusion for both factions: the Shadra quest chain with H [10-30] The Eye of Shadra

Shadra quest chain (common conclusion)

  1. B [10-30] The Eye of Shadra
    • Optional chain:
    1. B [10-30] Can't Make An Omelette Without...
  2. B [10-30] The Fang of Shadra
    1. B [10-30] Starvation Diet
  3. B [10-30] The Shell of Shadra
  4. B [10-30] Summoning Shadra
  5. B [10-30] Shadra the Venom Queen