Netherstorm quests

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Zone map

Netherstorm is a level 25-30 zone in Outland. Its storyline can be roughly divided into three parts - helping the B.O.O.M. at Area 52, helping the Consortium, and helping the mages trapped in Kirin'Var Village.

The progression of the storyline is tracked in the achievement  [Into the Nether].

Optional breadcrumbs:

Area 52

Building the X-52 Nether Rocket

To and from Rocket-Chief Fuselage

  1. N [25-30] Off To Area 52
  2. N [25-30] You're Hired!
  3. N [25-30] Invaluable Asset Zapping
  4. N [25-30] Dr. Boom!


There are two quest chains that depend on whether you allied with the Aldor or the Scryers.


From Exarch Orelis:

  1. N [25-30] Assist Exarch Orelis
  2. N [25-30] Distraction at Manaforge B'naar
  3. N [25-30] Measuring Warp Energies
  4. N [25-30] Attack on Manaforge Coruu
  5. N [25-30] Sunfury Briefings
  6. N [25-30] Outside Assistance
  7. N [25-30] A Dark Pact
  8. N [25-30] Aldor No More
  9. N [25-30G] Socrethar's Shadow
  10. N [25-30] Ishanah's Help
  11. N [25-30G5] Deathblow to the Legion


After N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu, from Magistrix Larynna:

  1. N [25-30] Kick Them While They're Down
  2. N [25-30] A Defector
  3. N [25-30] Damning Evidence
  4. N [25-30G2] A Gift for Voren'thal
  5. N [25-30] Bound for Glory
  6. N [25-30G5] Turning Point

Shutting Down the Manaforges

As with Socrethar chain, there are two quest chains that depend on player's standing between Aldor and Scryers.


After N [25-30] Distraction at Manaforge B'naar, from Anchorite Karja:

  1. N [25-30] Naaru Technology
  2. N [25-30] B'naar Console Transcription
  3. N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar
  4. N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu
  5. N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Duro
  6. N [25-30G3] Shutting Down Manaforge Ara


From Spymaster Thalodien:

  1. N [25-30] Report to Spymaster Thalodien
  2. N [25-30] Manaforge B'naar
  3. N [25-30] High Value Targets
  4. N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar
  5. N [25-30] Stealth Flight
  6. N [25-30] Behind Enemy Lines
  7. N [25-30] A Convincing Disguise
  8. N [25-30] Information Gathering
  9. N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu
  10. N [25-30] Return to Thalodien
  11. N [25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Duro
  12. N [25-30G3] Shutting Down Manaforge Ara

Protect Area 52!

After N [25-30] Consortium Crystal Collection, from Papa Wheeler:

  1. N [25-30] Pick Your Part
  2. N [25-30] Help Mama Wheeler
  3. N [25-30] One Demon's Trash...
  4. N [25-30] Declawing Doomclaw
  5. N [25-30] Warn Area 52!
  6. N [25-30] Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.
  7. N [25-30] You, Robot
  8. N [25-30] Back to the Chief!

Area 52 Side quests

After N [25-30] You're Hired!, from Rocket-Chief Fuselage:

  1. N [25-30] Report to Engineering
  2. N [25-30] Essence for the Engines
  3. N [25-30] Elemental Power Extraction

From Boots:

  1. N [25-30] Securing the Shaleskin Shale
  2. N [25-30] That Little Extra Kick

From Sab'aoth, at Cosmowrench:

From Wind Trader Tuluman, at Tuluman's Landing:

  1. N [25-30] Dealing with the Foreman
  2. N [25-30] Dealing with the Overmaster

From others:


Full Triangle

From Anchorite Karja or Spymaster Thalodien:

  1. N [25-30] Assisting the Consortium or N [25-30] Assisting the Consortium
  2. N [25-30] Consortium Crystal Collection
  3. N [25-30] A Heap of Ethereals
  4. N [25-30] Warp-Raider Nesaad
  5. N [25-30] Request for Assistance
  6. N [25-30] Rightful Repossession
  7. N [25-30] An Audience with the Prince
  8. N [25-30] Triangulation Point One
  9. N [25-30] Triangulation Point Two
  10. N [25-30G] Full Triangle
  11. N [25-30] Special Delivery to Shattrath City
  12. N [25-30D] How to Break Into the Arcatraz
  13. N [70D] Harbinger of Doom (Classic only)

Midrealm Post

From Mehrdad:

  1. N [25-30] Run a Diagnostic! (150 reputation)
  2. N [25-30] Deal With the Saboteurs (250 reputation)
  3. N [25-30] To the Stormspire
  4. N [25-30] Diagnosis: Critical
  5. N [25-30] Testing the Prototype
  6. N [25-30] All Clear! (250 reputation)
  7. N [25-30] Success!

From Shauly Pore

  1. N [25-30] Keeping Up Appearances
  2. N [25-30] The Dynamic Duo
  3. N [25-30] Retrieving the Goods

From Gahruj

  1. N [25-30] Drijya Needs Your Help
  2. N [25-30G] Sabotage the Warp-Gate! (Escort), Note: escort must get aggro first!


From Aurine Moonblaze:

  1. N [25-30] Flora of the Eco-Domes
  2. N [25-30] Creatures of the Eco-Domes
  3. N [25-30] When Nature Goes Too Far

From Nether-Stalker Nauthis:

  1. N [25-30] Fel Reavers, No Thanks!
  2. N [25-30] The Best Defense
  3. N [25-30] Teleport This!

From Zuben Elgenubi:

  1. N [25-30] In Search of Farahlite
  2. N [25-30] Hitting the Motherlode

From Zephyrion

N [25-30] Surveying the Ruins

Ethereum Staging Point

From Protectorate Advisor Rahim:

  1. N [25-30] Seek Out Ameer
  2. N [25-30] A Mission of Mercy
  3. N [25-30G] Ethereum Secrets
  4. N [25-30] A Thousand Worlds (Only available at Revered)
  5. N [25-30G] Stasis Chambers of Bash'ir
  6. N [25-30G] The Mark of the Nexus-King
  7. N [25-30H] Stasis Chambers of the Mana-Tombs
  8. N [25-30] The Eye of Haramad (Only available at Exalted)

Destroying the All-Devouring

From Professor Dabiri

  1. N [25-30] Recipe for Destruction
  2. N [25-30] On Nethery Wings
  3. N [25-30G5] Dimensius the All-Devouring

Nexus-King Salhadaar

From Commander Ameer:

  1. N [25-30] The Ethereum
  2. N [25-30] Ethereum Data
  3. N [25-30] Potential for Brain Damage = High
  4. N [25-30] S-A-B-O-T-A-G-E
  5. N [25-30] Delivering the Message
  6. N [25-30G5] Nexus-King Salhadaar

The Celestial Ridge

  1. N [25-30] A Not-So-Modest Proposal
  2. N [25-30] Getting Down to Business
  3. N [25-30] Formal Introductions
  4. N [25-30] A Promising Start
  5. N [25-30] Troublesome Distractions
  6. N [25-30G] Securing the Celestial Ridge

Protectorate Watch Post side quests

From Researcher Navuud:

From Flesh Handler Viridius:

Item drop fron Congealed Void Horror:

From Agent Ya-six at Access Shaft Zeon:

The Violet Tower

Main quests

From Ravandwyr at Area 52:

  1. N [25-30] The Archmage's Staff
  2. N [25-30] Rebuilding the Staff
  3. N [25-30] Curse of the Violet Tower
  4. N [25-30] The Sigil of Krasus
  5. After Sigil of Krasus, the quest line splits up:

Kirin'Var Village side quests

From Apprentice Andrethan:

  1. N [25-30] Indispensable Tools
  2. N [25-30] Master Smith Rhonsus

From Thadell:

  1. N [25-30] Needs More Cowbell
  2. N [25-30] When the Cows Come Home