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The War Within campaign

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The War Within campaign covers all of the story in the The War Within expansion, the beginning of the Worldsoul Saga trilogy.

Prelude: Hunt for the Harbinger

Added in patch 10.2.7 as part of the Dark Heart campaign, Khadgar has asked players to come to Dalaran to figure out what's going on with the Harbinger after they claimed the Dark Heart.

  1. N [70] The Harbinger
  2. N [70] Door to the Ren'dorei
  3. N [70] Riftwalker Reports & N [70] Cracks in the Void
  4. N [70] Galakrond's Unrest
  5. N [70] Walk a Mile in Her Shadows
  6. N [70] Dark Descension
  7. N [70] Legacy of the Void
  8. N [70] The Path Taken
  9. N [70] And Be One Traveler, Long I Stood
  10. N [70] Defend Telogrus Rift
  11. N [70] Null and Void
  12. N [70] Radiant Warnings

Intro: Visions of Azeroth

Magni tried to commune with Azeroth to learn what the Radiant Song was warning us about but fell unconscious during the process. Hopefully he can recover with the aid of the Dalaran archmages.

Magni awoke with new insight into the Radiant Song. Azeroth has been trying to warn us that Khaz Algar, a titan installation from legend, is in danger. Dalaran will teleport to the island to defend it.

Dalaran rushed to the aid of Khaz Algar, only for the Archmage Drenden to reveal himself to be Xal'atath in disguise! She attacked Dalaran with an army of nerubians at her command.

  1. B [70] The War Within
  2. N [70] Oh, THAT Sword
  3. N [70] Azeroth's Voice
  4. N [70] Painful Lessons
  5. N [70] The Bronzebeard Family


Isle of Dorn

Main article: Isle of Dorn storyline

Dalaran has been brought down by Xal'atath and the nerubians, landing on the Isle of Dorn, surface of the continent of Khaz Algar. The local earthen are none-too-pleased by this turn of events, but they begrudgingly ask adventurers for help pushing the nerubian attackers out of their capital of Dornogal. After that, they need to get the Council of Dornogal back together after a schism splintered the four parties.

The Ringing Deeps

Main article: Ringing Deeps storyline

After reopening the Coreway in Dornogal down to the Ringing Deeps that was damaged in the initial nerubian attack, players come across the Machine Speakers also patching themselves up from a nerubian attack. The High Speaker hasn't been seen in ages, as he's too focused on restoring the Hall of Awakening, a device that wakens earthen from their stasis. Without it, the earthen numbers have been dropping precipitously over the years.


Main article: Hallowfall storyline

After solving the High Speaker problem, players (and Anduin Wrynn) push through to Hallowfall, the light-filled cavern that the Arathi settled in to 15 years ago after getting teleported there while searching for the emperor's prophecy. Beledar has been shifting between Light and Shadow without rhyme or reason, which has not been helping the Arathi fend off against more nerubian attackers and the kobyss from the Undersea.


Main article: Azj-Kahet storyline

The nerubians were, of course, prepared for an assault from the Arathi, as the webbed-up Reckoning airship can attest to, scatting the Arathi and Anduin across the zone. Help the fighters get their feet under them and gather some new allies to take down Queen Ansurek and Xal'atath.

United We Stand

At level 80, the campaign continues, tracked in the  [United We Stand] achievement:

Against the Current

  1. Surface Bound
  2. The Fleet Arrives
  3. Embassies and Envoys
  4. There's Always Another Secret

Ties that Bind

News from Below

The Machines March to War

A Light in the Dark

Patch changes

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