Guardians of the Dream campaign

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Emerald Dream zone map

The Guardians of the Dream campaign covers the quests added in patch 10.2.0, predominantly taking place in the Emerald Dream as part of the overarching Dragonflight campaign.

Prelude: The Coalition of Flames

The Coalition of Flames storyline was added in patch 10.1.7 during the Fury Incarnate campaign, and serves as a required prelude to the campaign proper.

Shandris Feathermoon summoned you to investigate a secret meeting of two Incarnates, Fyrakk and Vyranoth. You discovered that Fyrakk has allied with Druids of the Flame in his merciless endeavor to enter the Emerald Dream and seize control of what grows within.

  1. N [70] A Sentinel's Summon
  2. N [70] Fire Season
  3. N [70] Dousing the Wards & N [70] Eyes of Fire
  4. N [70] Through the Flames
  5. N [70] Inflammatory Information
  6. N [70] Raise the Alarm


Speak with Merithra to venture into the Emerald Dream.

The six-chapter campaign is tracked in the  [Defenders of the Dream] achievement. The first three chapters unlocked the week of 7 November 2023 alongside the patch itself.

Enter the Dream

  1. N [70] Call of the Dream
  2. N [70] Emerald Welcome
  3. N [70] Feast or Flaming
  4. N [70] Wild Gods in Our Midst
  5. N [70] Burning Assault & N [70] The Face of Our Enemies
  6. N [70] The Cruel
  7. N [70] Amirdrassil
  8. N [70] Lost to the Flame
  9. N [70] Between Fyrakk and a Hard Place
  10. N [70] Home in the Dream
  11. N [70] A Multi-Front Battle

Druids of the Flame

Tyrande, Singed Sisters, and the burning barrow
  1. N [70] The Burning Barrow
  2. N [70] Ashen Soil & N [70] Not Yet Lost
  3. N [70] The Smoldering Copse
  4. N [70] Burning Ground & N [70] Grim Reprisal
  5. N [70] Forlorn Hope
  6. N [70] The Looming Cinder

Ice and Fire

  1. N [70] Mayhem Incarnate
  2. N [70] Best Laid Plans & N [70] Light 'Em Up!
  3. N [70] Primalist Directive & N [70] Finding Terro
  4. N [70] Assault on the Wellspring
  5. N [70] Big Bright Beautiful Barrier
  6. N [70] Power, Eruption, and Lies
  7. N [70] Tactical Withdrawal

This ended the first week of the campaign. Upon completion of Tactical Withdrawal, a great number of side quests opened up in the Central Encampment and Eye of Ysera.

Eye of Ysera

This chapter (and the follow-ups) unlocked the week of 14 November 2023 with the launch of Dragonflight Season 3 and Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope.

  1. N [70] Eye of Ysera
  2. N [70] A New Brute
  3. N [70] Fire Watch
  4. N [70] In and Out Scout & N [70] Disarm Specialist
  5. N [70] Good Counsel
  6. N [70] Putting Roots Down
  7. N [70] Merithra's Gambit
  8. N [70] Triple Threat & N [70] Might of the Forest
  9. N [70] Flight and Fight
  10. N [70] The Ember Still Smolders

A Dream of Fields and Fire

  1. N [70] The Bloom Begins
  2. N [70] Forward Unto Fire
  3. N [70] A Clash of Ice and Fire & N [70] Hazardous Horticulture
  4. N [70] Defense of the Ancients & N [70] A Scrap of Hope
  5. N [70] Fighting Fire With Fire
  6. N [70] The Age of Mortals & N [70] Aerial Supremacy
  7. N [70] Echo of the Firelands

New Beginnings

The Dragon Isles changed

After defeating Fyrakk the Blazing in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (or starting the week of 12 December without any raid progress), the final chapter of the campaign begins.

  1. N [70] A Blossom Witnessed
  2. N [70] A Changed Land
  3. N [70] Auspicious Gathering
  4. N [70] Offerings for the Well & A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [70] A Personal Offering
  5. N [70] New Moon
  6. N [70] Something Worth Celebrating & N [70] A Different Enthusiasm & N [70] A Disquieting Feeling
  7. N [70] Andu-falah-dor

Other quests

Most optional side quest lines unlock after completing chapter three of the campaign, ending with N [70] Tactical Withdrawal.

A Call to Aid

  1. N [70] A Call to Aid
  2. N [70] Smother the Flames
  3. N [70] One Last Step
  4. N [70] Bound to You
  5. N [70] Under the Surface
  6. N [70] Wounds of the Past
  7. N [70] A Better Future, Together

A Sleepy Search

  1. N [70] A Sleepy Search
  2. N [70] Build-a-Blanket & N [70] Fluffy Filler Retrieval
  3. N [70] Heated Hearthstone Hustle
  4. N [70] Sleepy Druid in Emerald Dream

Dryad Garden

Optional breadcrumb: N [70] The Dryad Garden

  1. N [70] Pineshrew Panic & N [70] Grousing Garden
  2. N [70] Druid-Guardian Conference
  3. N [70] The Family Business & N [70] Growth Experience
  4. N [70] A Poisonous Promotion
  5. N [70] What Do I Call You?

The Q'onzu Query

  1. N [70] The Q'onzu Query
  2. N [70] Q'onzu's Qualification
  3. N [70] Q'onzu's Perception
  4. N [70] Q'onzu's Distraction
  5. N [70] The Answers You've Earned
  6. N [70] Sky Mother's Ire
  7. N [70] Aviana's Assessment, N [70] Q'onzu's Quandary, & N [70] Ashphodel Research Notes
  8. N [70] Uproot the Cause & N [70] Appalling Pollen
  9. N [70] Overseer Oversight

Trouble at the Tree

  1. N [70] Trouble at the Tree
  2. N [70] Hatted Hibernation
  3. N [70] Merithra Says

Great Crates

  1. N [70] Great Crates!
  2. N [70] Crate of the Art

Memory of the Dreamer

  1. N [70] Memory of the Dreamer
  2. N [70] Healing Helper
  3. N [70] Nature Persists & N [70] A Solemn Summons
  4. N [70] Requiem in a Dream
  5. N [70] Ancient Memories

Misfit Dragons

Join Wrathion and Vyranoth as they recruit additional dragonflights to the defense of the world tree.

Unlocked the week of 14 November 2023, Wrathion wants to ally with the netherwing flight from Outland. This chain awards the  [Grotto Netherwing Drake] for players who did not previously acquire it from the Trading Post in July 2023.

  1. N [70] A Dragon in Hand is Worth Two in the Roost
  2. N [70] Draconic Diplomacy
  3. N [70] A Dragon's Eye View
  4. N [70] Cavern Cleaning
  5. N [70] A Whelping Hand
  6. N [70] Delectable Delicacies
  7. N [70] Home in Time for Tea
  8. N [70] The Thorignir
  9. N [70] Dragon Keeping

Burning Out

Unlocked the week of 14 November 2023, a Druid of the Flame has wandered up to the Central Encampment and wants to defect.

  1. N [70] Burning Out
  2. N [70] A Passed Torch

A Mix of Hope, Care, and Patience

Unlocked the week of 14 November 2023, a multi-day quest line eventually rewards the  [Reins of the Ochre Dreamtalon] mount.

  1. N [70] Some Water...
  2. N [70] A Dash of Minerals...
  3. N [70] The Right Food...
  4. N [70] And a Pinch of Magic
  5. N [70] A Little Hope is Never without Worth

A Relocated Disc

Unlocked the week of 21 November 2023, players must have completed all past chapters of the Tyr storyline, up to and including N [70] Dislocated Disc Located from patch 10.1.7:

  1. N [70] Data Recovery
  2. N [70] To Tyrhold! For Tyr!
  3. N [70] Infiltrating the Nighthold
  4. N [70] Disc Delivery
  5. N [70] A Tyrful Reunion
  6. N [70] Time to Process
  7. N [70] Logotyrapy (next week)


After defeating Fyrakk the Blazing in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope, lucky death knights, paladins, and warriors who loot the shadowflame-infused version of  [Fyr'alath the Dreamrender] from Fyrakk's corpse start a quest chain to forge the equippable legendary  [Fyr'alath the Dreamrender].

  1. N [70] The Shadowflame Axe
  2. N [70] Handling It
    1. N [70] Handling It: Symbiotic Glowspore Grip
    2. N [70] Handling It: Shadowed Dreamleaf
    3. N [70] Handling It: Glowspore Grip
    4. N [70] To the Test: Symbiotic Glowspore Grip
    1. N [70] Handling It: Concentrated Sophic Vellum
    2. N [70] Handling It: Radiant Fleck of Ash
    3. N [70] Handling It: Radiant Vellum
    4. N [70] To The Test: Concentrated Sophic Vellum
    1. N [70] Handling It: Rune of Shadowbinding
    2. N [70] Handling It: Taut Tethercoil
    3. N [70] Handling It: Prototype Rune
    4. N [70] To the Test: Rune of Shadowbinding
  3. N [70] An Axe Tempered
  4. N [70] The Power of Temptation

The Power of Dreams

Defeat Gnarlroot inside Amirdrassil on all difficulties, and it drops the  [Twisted Dreaming Essence]. After a few weeks of raiding (but no earlier than the week of 12 December 2023), players will acquire enough quest items to complete the follow-up quest and earn the  [Incandescent Essence] helm enchant.

  1. N [70R] Essence of a Broken Dream
  2. N [70R] The Power of Dreams
  3. N [70R] The Power of Dreams, Awoken

Patch changes