Terokkar Forest quests

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This is a list of all Terokkar Forest quests. The progression of the storyline is tracked in the achievement  [Terror of Terokkar].

Optional Breadcrumbs:

Neutral The Warden's Secret

You are first directed to Cenarion Thicket and Earthbinder Tavgren:

This is not a prerequisite.

  1. The quest line formally starts with:
  2. N [15-30] By Any Means Necessary
  3. N [15-30] Wind Trader Lathrai
  4. N [15-30] A Personal Favor
  5. N [15-30] Investigate Tuurem
  6. B [15-30] What Are These Things?
  7. A [15-30] Report to Allerian Post or H [15-30] Report to Stonebreaker Camp
  8. B [15-30] Attack on Firewing Point
  9. B [15-30] The Final Code
  10. B [15-30] Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know

Neutral A'dal

  1. N [15-30] A'dal
  2. N [15-30] City of Light
  3. Choose your allegiance: Aldor or Scryers? You will not be able to change it easily!

Neutral Shattrath City side quests

Also includes areas close to Shattrath City

From the AldorAldor:

From the ScryersScryers:

From Seth

From Vekax

  1. N [15-30] The Outcast's Plight
  2. N [15-30] More Feathers (Repeatable)

From Oloraak - Sethekk Halls

  1. N [15-30] Can't Stay Away
  2. N [69D] Brother Against Brother - Classic only, in retail the quest giver is inside the instance

From Old Man Barlo - Fishing Dailies:


Alliance CrestAllerian Stronghold

From Andarl:

From Ros'eleth:

  1. A [15-30] Olemba Seeds
  2. A [15-30] Vessels of Power

From Thander:

From Bertelm:

  1. A [15-30] Timber Worg Tails
  2. A [15-30] The Elusive Ironjaw
  1. A [15-30] Unruly Neighbors
  2. Unlocks all of:

From Taela Everstride:

  1. A [15-30] WANTED: Bonelashers Dead! (from a Wanted Poster)
  2. A [15-30] Torgos!

From Lieutenant Gravelhammer:

  1. A [15-30] Speak with Private Weeks
  2. A [15-30] Who Are They?
  3. A [15-30] Kill the Shadow Council!

From Lady Dena Kennedy:

  1. A [15-30] Secrets of the Arakkoa (breadcrumb to The Skettis Offensive)

Horde Crest Stonebreaker Hold

From Rakoria:

  1. H [15-30] Olemba Seed Oil
  2. H [15-30] And Now, the Moment of Truth

From Rokag

From Mawg Grimshot:

  1. H [15-30] WANTED: Bonelashers Dead! (From the Wanted Poster)
  2. H [15-30] Torgos!

From Malukaz:

  1. H [15-30] Vestments of the Wolf Spirit
  2. H [15-30] Patriarch Ironjaw
  3. H [15-30] Welcoming the Wolf Spirit

From Kurgatok:

  1. H [15-30] An Unwelcome Presence
  2. Unlocks all of:

From Advisor Faila:

  1. H [15-30] Speak with Scout Neftis
  2. H [15-30] Who Are They?
  3. H [15-30] Kill the Shadow Council!

Neutral The Skettis Offensive

  1. A [15-30] Secrets of the Arakkoa or H [15-30] Surrender to the Horde or N [15-30] Speak with Rilak the Redeemed
  2. N [15-30] The Eyes of Skettis
  3. N [15-30] Seek Out Kirrik
  4. N [15-30] Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
  5. N [15-30] Veil Rhaze: Unliving Evil
  6. N [15-30] Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike
  7. N [15-30] Veil Shalas: Signal Fires
  8. N [15-30] Return to Shattrath
  9. N [15-30G2] The Skettis Offensive

Neutral Refugee Caravan

From Lakotae:

From Mekeda:

  1. N [15-30] Before Darkness Falls
  2. N [15-30] Cabal Orders
  3. N [15-30] The Shadow Tomb

From High Priest Orglum:

From Soolaveen and Ramdor the Mad:

  1. N [15-30] Recover the Bones
  2. N [15-30] Helping the Lost Find Their Way

NeutralSha'tari Base Camp

From Scout Navrin:

From Commander Ra'vaj:

  1. N [15-30] An Improper Burial
  2. N [15-30] A Hero Is Needed
  3. N [15-30] The Fallen Exarch

From Oakun:

  1. N [15-30] The Dread Relic
  2. N [15-30] Evil Draws Near

From Dwarfowitz and Chief Archaeologist Letoll:

  1. N [15-30] Digging Through Bones
  2. N [15-30] Fumping
  3. N [15-30] The Big Bone Worm

From Vindicator Haylen

  1. N [15-30] For the Fallen
  2. N [15-30] Terokkarantula
  3. N [15-30] Return to Sha'tari Base Camp


Auchenai Crypts chain:

  1. N [15-30] I See Dead Draenei
  2. N [15-30] Ezekiel
  3. N [15-30G3] What Book? I Don't See Any Book.
  4. N [15-30] The Master's Grand Design? (to Nagrand)
  5. N [15-30] Vision of the Dead
  6. N [15-30] Levixus the Soul Caller (back to Terokkar Forest)
  7. Varies in Retail or Classic

Mana-Tombs quests - all but breadcrumbs are Classic only, in Retail quests are in the instance:

  1. A [15-30D] Eckert the Mad or H [15-30D] Grek's Crazy Night
  2. Unlocks both:


  1. N [15-30] Threat From Above
  2. N [15-30] To Skettis! - Access to Skettis quests

Once in Skettis:

  1. N [15-30] World of Shadows
  2. N [15-30] Secrets of the Talonpriests
  3. N [15-30] Ishaal's Almanac
  4. N [15-30] An Ally in Lower City
  5. N [15-30] Countdown to Doom
  6. N [15-30] Hazzik's Bargain
  7. N [15-30] A Shabby Disguise
  8. N [15-30G3] Adversarial Blood
  9. N [15-30G5] Terokk's Downfall

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