World of Warcraft campaign

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The World of Warcraft campaign covers the zone storylines of the original World of Warcraft (and, by extension, World of Warcraft: Classic).

This only covers the leveling zone storylines - for endgame and patch storylines summary, see World of Warcraft endgame and patch storylines.

Eastern Kingdoms

Eastern Kingdoms
Eastern Kingdoms loading screen

The continent to the east, and the one where humans, dwarves, gnomes and undead characters begin their journey.

Alliance Crest Elwynn Forest

Main article: Elwynn Forest (Classic) quests

Humans start the game very much at peace, and their starting zone reflects it. However, there are still hints of something dark on the horizon...

The most notable quest chains of Elwynn Forest involve uniting a pair of lovers from feuding families, helping an old lady get her necklace back, and confirming that murlocs are, indeed, a threat.

Upon finishing up in Elwynn Forest the players are directed towards Westfall.

Alliance Crest Dun Morogh

Main article: Dun Morogh (Classic) quests

Dwarves and Gnomes share their starting area. It is not very turbulent, with its main antagonists being Frostmane tribe trolls and Leper gnomes from Gnomeregan.

The dungeon Gnomeregan is located here.

The most notable quest chains of Dun Morogh involve fighting Frostmane Trolls both in Coldridge Valley and in their home, stealing beer for a rival brewer, helping a Siege Engine pilot stock up and developing and delivering new sorts of beer.

Once the player's business in Dun Morogh is concluded, they are directed towards Loch Modan.

Horde Crest Tirisfal Glades

Main article: Tirisfal Glades quests

Undead characters rise fresh out of the grave in this area. The main antagonists are remnants of the Scourge as well as ever-anti-undead Scarlet Crusade.

The Scarlet Monastery dungeon complex is located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains involve helping local apothecaries develop new ways to kill people, fighting against the Scarlet Crusade, reaching out to a lich to prove not all undead are Scourge and directly assaulting the biggest remnant of the Scourge in Tirisfal Glades.

After finishing up, the player is directed towards Silverpine Forest.

Alliance Crest Westfall

Main article: Westfall quests

The former breadbasket for the kingdom of Stormwind, now (mostly) abandoned. Serves as a secondary zone for human characters. The main antagonists here are the Defias Brotherhood.

The dungeon Deadmines is located here.

The most notable quest chains involve a treasure hunt with big rewards for little more than running around and an investigation into the Defias Brotherhood, concluding with the assault on the Defias stronghold of Deadmines.

After Westfall, the players go onward towards the zone briefly visited during The Defias Brotherhood chain, Redridge Mountains.

Alliance Crest Loch Modan

Main article: Loch Modan quests

The verdant, forested area surrounding a massive lake. Serves as a secondary zone for dwarf and gnome characters. There are many different enemies, from kobolds and murlocs to ogres.

The most notable quest chains involve fighting troggs to ensure Loch Modan's safety, delivering explosives to an excavation site, and revealing a mole in the process, and uncovering a plot to destroy the Stonewrought Dam.

After the events in Loch Modan conclude, the player is directed towards Wetlands to the north.

Horde Crest Silverpine Forest

Main article: Silverpine Forest quests

This dour forest serves as the secondary zone for undead characters. The enemies you fight here consist of remnants of the Scourge, Arugal's worgen in Pyrewood Village and the mages of Dalaran in Ambermill.

The dungeon Shadowfang Keep is located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains involve dealing with respectively Arugal's worgen, the Scourge forces and Thule Ravenclaw's Rot Hide gnolls and Archmage Ataeric's Dalaran forces.

After finishing up, the player is directed towards Hillsbrad Foothills.

Alliance Crest Redridge Mountains

Main article: Redridge Mountains quests

A mostly peaceful region east of Elwynn Forest. Not unthreatened however, as both gnolls and Blackrock clan orcs prove.

The most notable quest chains involve delivering requests for reinforcements for the magistrate, running errands for a local blacksmith, learning who exactly drives the gnolls onward and testing one's fortitude (and patience) in order to get a book for a priest.

After finishing up, the player is encouraged to move on to a zone they briefly visited early, the Duskwood. Alternatively, the player is provided a breadcrumb towards Loch Modan and, by extension, Wetlands.

Alliance Crest Duskwood

Main article: Duskwood quests

A darkened forest south of Elwynn Forest. Dark magic from nearby Karazhan has cursed this once prosperous land. The main antagonists here are Nightbane pack worgen and undead north of Raven Hill.

One of the Dragons of Nightmare appears in this zone. Low-level characters beware!

This is where quest chains get long for the Alliance. The most notable ones involve helping an old hermit with something far darker than one can imagine, investigating a different type of horror, and fighting to put an end to undead haunting Raven Hill.

The path forward forks here. Players can either follow the Morbent Fel questline to Wetlands, and from there go to either Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Foothills (which another breadcrumb from Duskwood leads to) or across the sea to Dustwallow Marsh. Or the player can disregard the breadcrumbs and head south to Stranglethorn Vale

Alliance Crest Wetlands

Main article: Wetlands quests

The marshlands located on the edge of Khaz Modan and Lordaeron. Serves as a crucial transportation area for the Alliance characters due to having one of the two ports they can use to sail to Kalimdor. The main opponents here are Dragonmaw clan orcs and Dark Iron dwarves.

The most notable quest chains involve recovering a valuable statuette from the murlocs, investigating the curse of the Third Fleet and fighting against both Dragonmaw orcs and Dark Iron dwarves. In addition, parts of Duskwood's Morbent Fel quest chain happen here, while The Missing Diplomat quest chain runs through this zone.

There is a fork in the road for the Alliance characters here. The simple breadcrumbs lead to Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad Foothills, while The Missing Diplomat chain runs through this zone eventually leading to Dustwallow Marsh across the ocean.

Neutral Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains

Main article: Hillsbrad Foothills quests
Main article: Alterac Mountains quests

A pair of regions in the southern Lordaeron. Hillsbrad Foothills serve as both a tertiary undead zone and a higher-level zone for both factions. Alterac Mountains has almost no quests of its own, being mostly connected to the mentioned higher-level storyline. The main antagonists here are the other faction, Crushridge ogres, and the Syndicate.

The entrance to the battleground Alterac Valley is located in the Alterac Mountains.

The most notable quest chains in the lower level parts involve creating a chemical capable of killing through sheer pain and conquering the town of Hillsbrad for the Horde. For the higher level quest chains, the most notable involve fighting murlocs threatening Southshore and collecting materials for a memorial statue on the Alliance's side, while the Horde's involve crushing the Syndicate and dealing with an ogre that became a bit too independent of his masters.

After finishing up in this zone, the player is directed west, to Arathi Highlands. Horde players also get a breadcrumb that eventually leads them to Desolace.

Neutral Arathi Highlands

Main article: Arathi Highlands quests

The mountainous region in southern Lordaeron. Major enemies fought here are Boulderfist clan ogres, Witherbark tribe forest trolls, members of Syndicate and rampaging elementals.

The entrance to the battleground Arathi Basin is located in this zone.

Most notable quest chains in this zone include reactivating the defenses of the Tower of Arathor for the Alliance, aiding the spirits of Hammerfall in their recovery and claiming the famed sword Trol'kalar for the Horde and going deep-sea treasure hunting and helping a certain "princess" out of her predicament.

After concluding the questing, the player is directed by Faldir's Cove questline to Stranglethorn Vale and by the "princess" questline to Badlands.

Neutral Stranglethorn Vale

Main article: Stranglethorn Vale quests

Massive jungle at the southernmost tip of Eastern Kingdoms. One of the most active zones in the game. The main opponents here are Gurubashi tribe trolls, Venture Company bandits and pirates of Bloodsail Buccaneers.

The entrance to the raid instance Zul'Gurub is located in this zone. The famous Gurubashi Arena is also located in this zone.

There are too many notable quest chains to count. The most notable ones involve going on a safari, collecting a missing manuscript page by page, dealing with an insane Alliance officer and saving the life of Vol'jin's son.

After the long, long journey that is Stranglethorn Vale, the player is directed towards Tanaris on the southern edge of Kalimdor, Hinterlands in northern Eastern Kingdoms or Swamp of Sorrows to the north-east.

Neutral Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands

Main article: Swamp of Sorrows quests
Main article: Blasted Lands quests

The ground zero of the First War. A swamp in the southern part of Eastern Kingdoms and a burned-out wasteland to the south of it. The main enemies to be fought in the Swamp of Sorrows are Atal'ai tribe trolls. Meanwhile, the main opponents in the Blasted Lands are demons.

The world boss Lord Kazzak and the Dark Portal are located in the Blasted Lands.

The zones are not exactly rich with quests, especially the Blasted Lands. The notable quest chains involve helping collect scattered supplies and investigating a strange temple for the Alliance, and dealing with murlocs and investigating a strange temple for the Horde. In addition, there is a high-level quest chain involving fallen heroes, demon hunters, and ancient demons.

After finishing up in those zones, the player is directed to the opposite edge of the continent, to Hinterlands. The Horde also gets a breadcrumb to Badlands early on, and later in the Rakh'likh questline the player is directed to Azshara.

Neutral Badlands

Main article: Badlands quests

A place which name truly first. Despite being practically in the heart of Alliance territory, this is a zone with one of the most crucial Horde outposts, while Alliance presence is nonexistent to the point of not even having a flight path. The main opponents here are Dark Iron dwarves.

The dungeon Uldaman is located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains in this zone include attempting to rescue a dwarf, going on a reagent run, summoning an earth elemental through pure technology and finding a solution to doom.

After finishing here, the player is directed west, to Searing Gorge.

Neutral Hinterlands

Main article: Hinterlands quests

A hilly, forested area in eastern Lordaeron, primarily inhabited by Wildhammer dwarves and forest trolls. The main enemies here are the aforementioned forest trolls, and Horde fights against the Wildhammer dwarves and high elves of Quel'Danil Lodge as well.

One of the Dragons of Nightmare can appear from the dream portal in the north-eastern portion of the zone.

The most notable quest chains for Alliance involve continuing the investigation of a mysterious temple and saving the offspring of one of the most venerable gryphons. For the Horde, the most notable quest chains involve recovering ripple for an orc and investigating an unusually potent venom.

After finishing up the player is directed back to the Swamp of Sorrows or the Blasted Lands, just in time for a quest line to open up to send them to Azshara. Alternatively, the player can head to the capital city to pick up a breadcrumb to the Western Plaguelands.

Neutral Searing Gorge

Main article: Searing Gorge quests

A relatively small zone in southern Khaz Modan. Major inhabitants here are Dark Iron dwarves, both friendly and hostile.

The Dungeons Blackrock Depths, Lower Blackrock Spire and raid instances Upper Blackrock Spire, Molten Core and Blackwing Lair are located in the Blackrock Mountain to the south.

The most notable quest chains include avenging a dwarf the player failed to save and helping a man avenge his father.

After completing the quests here, the player is directed south, through the Blackrock Mountain to the Burning Steppes.

Neutral Burning Steppes

Main article: Burning Steppes quests

An ash-covered zone in northern Azeroth. Between Blackrock clan orcs, Dark Iron dwarves, and black dragons, this place is about as unfriendly as it gets.

The Dungeons Blackrock Depths, Lower Blackrock Spire and raid instances Upper Blackrock Spire, Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair are located in the Blackrock Mountain to the north.

The most notable quest chains include investigating the old Dark Iron capital city and infiltrating their current one, dealing in dragon eggs and revealing the true threat to Stormwind.

After finishing here, the player is directed towards Winterspring and, later, to the Eastern Plaguelands.

Neutral Western Plaguelands

Main article: Western Plaguelands quests

An area in northern Lordaeron. Not as heavily affected by the Scourge plague, this area still has a chance to recover. The main enemies here are members of The Scourge and Scarlet Crusade.

The dungeon Scholomance is located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains involve creating a key to Scholomance, neutralizing the plague-spewing cauldrons of the Scourge, and helping to right a tremendous wrong.

Roughly halfway through questing the player will receive a breadcrumb towards the Eastern Plaguelands. From that point onward, the two zones are roughly matched in terms of questing.

Neutral Eastern Plaguelands

Main article: Eastern Plaguelands quests

A heavily plagued area in north-eastern Lordaeron. Some areas are borderline unrecognizable. The main enemies here are members of The Scourge and Scarlet Crusade.

The dungeon Stratholme and the raid instance Naxxramas are located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains involve inspiring an old paladin to get out of his funk, helping to right a tremendous wrong, and either helping or killing a certain Ranger-Lord.

This is one of the end-of-leveling zones, as such no follow-ups are necessary.


Kalimdor loading screen

The continent to the west, and the one where orcs, trolls, tauren and night elf characters begin their journey.

Horde Crest Durotar

Main article: Durotar quests

Orc and troll characters take their first steps in this rough land. Between quillboar, harpies, centaurs, Kul Tiras remnants, Zalazane's followers and Burning Blade orcs, there is plenty of enemies to choose from.

This zone doesn't have much in terms of quest chains, most quests being unconnected to each other. The only notable chain involves fighting the demon-worshipping Burning Blade orcs, and is notably lengthy for an early quest chain.

After finishing up, the player is sent onwards to The Barrens.

Horde Crest Mulgore

Main article: Mulgore quests

Tauren characters start their journey in these lush greenlands. The main antagonists here are the opportunistic Venture Company.

The most notable quest chains involve following the tauren rites to truly earn one's place in Thunder Bluff, investigating the poisoning of tauren water supply, and clashing with the Venture Co. goons.

Once the player's business in Mulgore is done, they go onward towards The Barrens.

Alliance Crest Teldrassil

Main article: Teldrassil quests

The massive tree north of Kalimdor serves as a starting point for night elf characters. The major enemies fought here are corrupted furbolg.

The notable quest chains involve gathering Moonwell water and learning the history of Teldrassil, helping a herbalist with his work and fighting the corrupted furbolg.

After concluding the questing in Teldrassil, the player is directed towards Darkshore.

Horde Crest The Barrens

Main article: Barrens quests

The massive savanna, located right in the middle of Kalimdor. Saying it is frequently visited is undersaying it. The Barrens serve as a secondary area for orcs, trolls, and tauren characters.

The dungeons Wailing Caverns, Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs are located in this zone. In addition, the Horde entrance to Warsong Gulch battleground is located in the northern part.

Fittingly for the size of the zone, there is a large number of quests, both as quest chains, and one-offs. The most notable chains include hunting an increasingly dangerous game, investigating nature irregularities and eventually attacking said irregularities' source, and being baffled by goblin engineering.

The Barrens have a large number of zones one can go to after finishing. To the west, Stonetalon Mountains. To the north, Ashenvale. To the south, Thousand Needles. To the west across the sea, both Hillsbrad Foothills and Stranglethorn Vale. The choice is in one's own hands.

Alliance Crest Darkshore

Main article: Darkshore quests

The darkened forest located on the northeastern shore of Kalimdor. Serves as a secondary zone for night elf characters.

The most notable quest chains involve fixing broken communication devices, encountering the Twilight's Hammer for the first time, assisting in uncovering the secrets of the titans and dealing with the mysterious tower and the cult surrounding it.

After completing the quests here, the player is directed towards Ashenvale.

Neutral Stonetalon Mountains

Main article: Stonetalon Mountains quests

A mountain range in central Kalimdor, with narrow paths through it. Likely the first neutral zone Horde characters that start on Kalimdor will encounter. The main opponents here are the Venture Company in Windshear Crag and harpies elsewhere.

The most notable quest chains involve fighting Venture Co. goons, whether it's from the Alliance's perspective, the Horde's or rival goblins'.

Alliance players are directed towards Thalanaar afterward, which can mean two zones - either south-west, through Desolace or through the Barrens, passing through Thousand Needles on the way. Horde characters are directed either north to Ashenvale or south-east to Thousand Needles.

Neutral Ashenvale

Main article: Ashenvale quests

A mystical forest in northern Kalimdor. Mostly Alliance-controlled, but with a sizeable Horde presence. This is one of the first areas where the main antagonist of the zone is another faction, with naga from Zoram Strand, Thistlefur tribe furbolgs and satyr from Xavian acting as secondary antagonists.

The dungeon Blackfathom Deeps and Alliance entrance of Warsong Gulch battleground are both located in this zone. In addition, one of the Dragons of Nightmare can appear in the eastern part of the zone.

Alliance has several notable quest chains in this zone, involving continued investigation of the mystery of the tower on Darkshore, asssiting a druid to find a cure for a sick child, helping another night elf with the Thistlefur problem and investigating the mystery of the Scythe of Elune. The only notable Horde quest chain involves hunting rare and powerful beasts.

Alliance have two ways to go from here - to the south to Stonetalon Mountains or, following the trail of Velinde Starsong, to Duskwood passing through Stranglethorn Vale on the way. For the Horde, the zone is a dead end with no breadcrumbs leading from it - other nearby zones in leveling range are Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles or, for higher leveled characters, Stranglethorn Vale, Desolace and Dustwallow Marsh.

Neutral Thousand Needles

Main article: Thousand Needles quests

A canyon dotted with a large number of spires - the eponymous needles. At its eastern end are massive salt flats, that are being used as a race track. The main opponents here are centaur, harpies and Grimtotem tribe tauren.

This area is mostly Horde-controlled, with roughly half the quests being Horde-only. Most notable quest chains involve accidentally hatching and subsequently dealing with a powerful wind serpent, learning about the history of the Horde, and being tested about it, doing errands for a shifty dwarf and helping a racing team with an unexpected hurdle.

After finishing up in Thousand Needles, the player is directed to Stranglethorn Vale or Searing Gorge across the sea, or Tanaris to the south.

Neutral Dustwallow Marsh

Main article: Dustwallow Marsh quests

An unfriendly marsh in central Kalimdor. The town on Theramore Isle serves as the biggest Alliance town on Kalimdor outside of Darnassus. The main enemies here are Grimtotem tribe tauren, black dragon of Onyxia's brood, and for Alliance only, local deserters.

The raid instance Onyxia's Lair is located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains in this zone include searching for a disappeared high-ranking diplomat for the Alliance, dealing with a troll way to get information for the Horde and investigating a destroyed inn for both factions. Ultimately this zone leaves more questions than answers. It would be years before those questions were answered.

There aren't many breadcrumbs here. Horde gets one to Stranglethorn Vale and Alliance just doesn't have any - for them, the best way to proceed is to either head west-south-east to Tanaris, or head back across the sea to Stormwind City to pick up breadcrumbs to the Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, and Hinterlands.

Neutral Desolace

Main article: Desolace quests

A barren land on the western shore of central Kalimdor. Mostly inhabited by the centaur, Desolace truly lives up to its name. The major enemies here are Kolkar clan centaur, the naga, and the Burning Blade clan orcs.

The dungeon Maraudon is located in this zone.

Desolace is somewhat unique in that it has two neutral quest chains that are mutually exclusive, involving allying with Gelkis or Magram centaur clans. In addition, Alliance's notable quest chains involve doing business with the Reclaimers Inc. in two different ways and searching for a pair of missing Night Elf nobles, while the Horde gets quest chains to fight against Burning Blade orcs and demons.

Desolace doesn't really have any breadcrumbs to other zones. There is a Horde-only breadcrumb to Stranglethorn Vale early on, Feralas to the south is a natural progression from Desolace, while Tanaris far to the south-east can be used as an alternative.

Neutral Tanaris

Main article: Tanaris quests

A huge desert in the southern part of Kalimdor. The presence of Steamwheedle Cartel capital Gadgetzan and the Caverns of Time makes it one of the most interesting areas to visit. The main enemies here are the Wastewanders and the silithid.

The dungeon Zul'Farrak is located in this zone.

The most notable quest chains in this zone include doing a water survey, stumbling on horrifying adversaries, helpitn Marin Noggenfogger create his famous elixir, and helping the ensure the Blood God Hakkar does not come back.

After Tanaris, the player has several directions on where to go. One of the first quests the player gets is a breadcrumb to Feralas, and later on the player gets breadcrumbs to Hinterlands and Un'Goro Crater.

Neutral Feralas

Main article: Feralas quests

Large forest on the south-western shore of Kalimdor. Formerly one of the largest night elf strongholds, currently their reach is limited to their island fortress. The main enemies here are Hatecrest naga, Woodpaw clan furbolgs, Gordunni ogres and silithid.

The dungeon Dire Maul is located here. In addition, one of the Dragons of Nightmare can appear from the dream portal in the northern part of the zone.

The most notable quests for Alliance involve rescuing animals from a Grimtotem camp, only to end up becoming a parent, investigating a missing courier, finding out once-sealed horrors are back and going to the opposite end of the world in a quest for knowledge. For the Horde, the most notable quest chains involve utilizing natural forces in a way they don't like and fighting against the encroaching Woodpaw furbolgs.

After finishing, the player is given directions towards Tanaris, Hinterlands and Felwood.

Neutral Un'Goro Crater

Main article: Un'Goro Crater quests

A crater in the southern Kalimdor. Despite being surrounded by deserts on all sides, this zone is a lush jungle. The main opponents here are silithid.

The most notable quest lines involve doing errands for a pair of guys who hate each other, trying to make sense of the pylons and trying to recover a gnome's memory.

During questing, the player will receive breadcrumbs to both Felwood and Winterspring. In addition, the player can go to any capital city and get the breadcrumb to Silithus, which is right next to Un'Goro Crater.

Neutral Felwood

Main article: Felwood quests

Fel-corrupted forest in northern Kalimdor. The main opponents here are corrupted furbolg and demons.

The most notable quest lines involve dealing blows against the forces of Jaedenar, purifying a flute that can release spirits of fel-corrupted ancients, helping a crazy lady with equally crazy experiments and rescuing a night elf from Jaedenar, and avenging her companion that didn't make it.

After finishing, the player is directed east, through Timbermaw Hold to Winterspring.

Neutral Azshara

Main article: Azshara quests

Beautiful coastal area, dotted by shattered cliffs and night elf ruins. Hard to navigate. The main opponents here are naga.

The world boss Azuregos appears in this zone.

This area is one of the most quest-barren. The most notable quest lines include retrieving and delivering ancient runes, killing a traitorous blood elf, helping a demon hunter create a demon-slaying weapon and assisting the water elementals in their efforts.

After finishing up, the player can follow Duke Hydraxis' quests to Silithus or the Eastern Plaguelands.

Neutral Moonglade

Main article: Moonglade quests

The mysterious forest in the northern part of Kalimdor. Very hard to get to on foot, and the only passage is controlled by the furbolgs of Timbermaw Hold, whose trust the player has to earn to pass through unmolested.

For the most part, the only ones to have any business here are druids. It's only on very high levels that characters of other classes have any reason to come here. The only exception is during the Lunar Festival.

Neutral Winterspring

Main article: Winterspring quests

A high-altitude, low-temperature zone. Despite looking relatively pristine, corruption still seeps here. The main opponents in this zone are demons and Winterfall tribe furbolgs.

The most notable quest chains include investigating the curse of the ruins of Kel'Theril, fighting against the corrupted furbolg and trying to find how they got corrupted and creating a mechanical yeti.

This is one of the end-of-leveling zones, as such no follow-ups are necessary.

Neutral Silithus

Main article: Silithus quests

A silithid-infested desert in the south-west of Kalimdor. Not a particularly interesting zone. Aside from silithid, there are also elementals and Twilight's Hammer cultists to fight.

The raid instances Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj are located in this zone.

Before a certain point in the game the zone was barren, having only a single quest chain and a few quests from other zones. Since then, its quest list was expanded.

The most notable quest chains include finding what destroyed Southwind Village, trying to save the wife of a Cenarion Hold commander and encountering a Twilight's Hammer deserter.

This is one of the end-of-leveling zones, as such no follow-ups are necessary.