Glaive of the Aspects

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Highlord Kruul, who found and reclaimed the Aspect Shards.

The Glaive of the Aspects is a powerful weapon forged by the demons of the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. It was imbued with powers taken from the five dragonflights: the forces of earth, time, dream, magic, and life. Millennia later, the Legion possessed the weapon during their second invasion of Azeroth during the Third War. However, when the Legion was defeated at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the glaive was shattered and its fragments, known as the Aspect Shards, were hidden away for safekeeping.

Years later, after reopening the Dark Portal, the Legion general Lord Kazzak entrusted his most powerful lieutenant, Highlord Kruul, with finding and retrieving the Aspect Shards. Kruul succeeded, and the glaive was reforged. There were fears that the weapon would make the Legion unstoppable.[1] However, the glaive's current whereabouts are unknown.


  • Virtually all of the information about the Glaive of the Aspects comes from Doom Lord Kazzak's page in the Burning Crusade-era Game Guide. Highlord Kruul mentioned his objective of finding the Aspect Shards in his appearance during Dark Portal Opens, the pre-expansion event for The Burning Crusade,[2] but neither the shards nor the reforged glaive ever appeared in-game and the plot point was never followed up on.
  • The Glaive of the Aspects is thematically similar to the Demon Soul, another superweapon from the War of the Ancients imbued with the powers of the dragonflights.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It can be assumed that the Legion created the glaive to serve as an imitation of or counter to the Demon Soul after Deathwing used the latter against them to devastating effect during the War of the Ancients.


  1. ^ Burning Crusade Raid Dungeons: Doom Lord Kazzak
  2. ^ Highlord Kruul#Dark Portal Opens: Your fate is sealed, Azeroth! I will find the Aspect Shards, and then you will not stand against our might!