Venom Bottles

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HordeVenom Bottles
Start Venom Bottle
End Apothecary Lydon
Level 43 (Requires 40)
Category Hinterlands
Experience 360-3600
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Undercity
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+250 Undercity
Next H [45] Undamaged Venom Sac


Bring a Venom Bottle to an apothecary in Tarren Mill.


These bottles hold a vile, green venom.

Considering the number of bottles in this village, the Witherbarks must deem it very important. Perhaps an apothecary in nearby Tarren Mill would like a sample.


You will receive:


Hello, gentle <class>. The day has been long and not a single experiment successful...I hope you bring good news to me.


Ah, and what is this? It appears to be venom... from some arachnoid creature I deem. And where did you get it?


  1. H [43] Venom Bottles
  2. H [45] Undamaged Venom Sac
  3. H [45G] Consult Master Gadrin
  4. H [45D] The Spider God
  5. H [55E] Summoning Shadra
  6. H [55] Venom to the Undercity

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