The Missing Courier

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AllianceThe Missing Courier
Start Latronicus Moonspear
End Ginro Hearthkindle
Level 43 (Requires 40)
Category Feralas
Experience 360 EXP (or 2s 10c at level 70)
Next A [43] The Missing Courier


Speak with Ginro Hearthkindle in Feathermoon Stronghold.


An associate of mine, Ginro Hearthkindle, is looking for assistance concerning the location of a courier and the parcels he was carrying. It has been a week or so since the courier went missing; our own searches have proved fruitless, and we're at an impasse. Unfortunately, I have had to declare the courier as missing in action.

If you have the time and resources to spare, please speak with Ginro. He should be here in the Stronghold - perhaps in his quarters.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 360 XP (or 2s 10c at level 70)


Latro sent you to me, I presume. While I think it is a lost cause at this point, I'll take whatever assistance you can offer. I must admit... I'll be glad once I can put my mind to rest on this matter. Every day I set out into the wilds of Feralas looking for signs of Raschal, and every night I have come back with nothing to show for my work save gnoll teeth and disappointment.


  1. A [43] The Missing Courier
  2. A [43] The Missing Courier
  3. A [44] Boat Wreckage
  4. A [44] The Knife Revealed
  5. A [44] Psychometric Reading
  6. A [44] The Woodpaw Gnolls
  7. A [46] The Writhing Deep & A [44] Thalanaar Delivery
  8. A [46] Freed from the Hive
  9. A [46] A Hero's Welcome
  10. A [46] Rise of the Silithid

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