Dustwallow Marsh quests

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Zone Map (as of The Burning Crusade)

This is a list of all Dustwallow Marsh quests in table format (arranged by level).

For the post-Cataclysm storyline of Dustwallow Marsh, see Dustwallow Marsh storyline.

Quest tables

Quests that take place outside of Dustwallow Marsh are denoted by a This quest takes place outside this zone.

Quests that are part of a longer chain are denoted by This quest is part of a chain .

Quests which were added in The Burning Crusade are denoted by Bc icon.gif

Quests which are not available in Wrath of the Lich King Classic are denoted by WoW Icon update.png

Quest givers may have Availablequest to indicate they only start the quest, but may have AvailablequestActivequest to indicate they start and finish a quest.

Alliance Crest Alliance quests

AllianceAlliance quests
Level Quest name Quest giver Subzone Prerequisites
20 A [20] Fiora Longears (Classic only) AvailablequestAlliance  Red Jack Flint Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
20 A [20] Journey to Astranaar (Classic only) AvailablequestAlliance  Fiora Longears Theramore Isle This quest takes place in Ashenvale
30 A [30] Highperch Venom (Classic only) AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Fiora Longears Theramore Isle This quest takes place in Thousand Needles
33 A [33] The Missing Diplomat AvailablequestAlliance  Mikhail Menethil Harbor, Wetlands A [33] The Missing Diplomat This quest is part of a chain
35 A [35] The Missing Diplomat AvailablequestAlliance  Commander Samaul Theramore Keep on Theramore Isle A [33] The Missing Diplomat This quest is part of a chain

A [36] The Missing Diplomat

AvailablequestAlliance  Archmage Tervosh North Point Tower A [35] The Missing Diplomat This quest is part of a chain
38 A [38] The Missing Diplomat AvailablequestAlliance  Private Hendel Sentry Point A [36] The Missing Diplomat This quest is part of a chain
38 A [38] The Missing Diplomat AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Lady Jaina Proudmoore <Ruler of Theramore> Main Tower on Theramore Isle A [38] The Missing Diplomat This quest is part of a chain
36 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] A Disturbing Development AvailablequestAlliance  Lieutenant Aden Theramore Isle Not required but continuation of A [38] The Missing Diplomat This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Defias in Dustwallow? AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Captain Wymor Sentry Tower just northwest of Theramore Isle A [15-30] A Disturbing Development (optional) This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Renn McGill AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Wymor Sentry Tower just northwest of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Defias in Dustwallow? This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Secondhand Diving Gear AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Renn McGill <SI:7 Salvage Diver> Offshore of second island north of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Renn McGill This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Recover the Cargo! AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Renn McGill <SI:7 Salvage Diver> Offshore of second island north of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Secondhand Diving Gear This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Jaina Must Know AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Renn McGill <SI:7 Salvage Diver> Offshore of second island north of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Recover the Cargo! This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [37] Survey Alcaz Island AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Lady Jaina Proudmoore <Ruler of Theramore> Main Tower on Theramore Isle A [15-30] Jaina Must Know This quest is part of a chain
37 WoW Icon update.pngA [37] Warn Bolvar! AvailablequestAlliance  Lady Jaina Proudmoore <Ruler of Theramore> Main Tower on Theramore Isle A [37] Survey Alcaz Island This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stormwind City
37 WoW Icon update.pngA [15-30] Return to Jaina AvailablequestAlliance  Highlord Bolvar Fordragon Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City A [37] Warn Bolvar! This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] The Orc Report AvailablequestLoose Dirt Swamplight Manor, Witch Hill This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] Captain Vimes AvailablequestAlliance Theramore Lieutenant Theramore Isle A [15-30] The Orc Report This quest is part of a chain
35 A [35] James Hyal AvailablequestAlliance  Vincent Hyal Menethil Harbor, Wetlands A [35] James Hyal This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim AvailablequestAlliance  Guard Byron Outside the inn, Theramore Isle This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [35] James Hyal or
A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim
This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestBlack Shield On the fireplace, Shady Rest Inn A [35] James Hyal or
A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim or
Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] The Black Shield This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestAlliance  Caz Twosprocket Smithy, Theramore Isle A [15-30] The Black Shield This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] Suspicious Hoofprints AvailablequestHoofprints Just outside the Shady Rest Inn A [35] James Hyal or
A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim or
Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
This quest is part of a chain
35 A [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe AvailablequestTheramore Guard Badge On the floor, Shady Rest Inn A [35] James Hyal or
A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim or
Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
This quest is part of a chain
38 A [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe This quest is part of a chain
38 A [15-30] Daelin's Men AvailablequestAlliance  Adjutant Tesoran Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe This quest is part of a chain
38 A [15-30] The Deserters AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Daelin's Men This quest is part of a chain
38 A [15-30] The Deserters AvailablequestAlliance  Balos Jacken Lost Point A [15-30] The Deserters This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] A Grim Connection AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] The Black Shield
A [15-30] Suspicious Hoofprints
A [15-30] The Deserters
This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Confirming the Suspicion AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Captain Darill North Point Tower A [15-30] A Grim Connection This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Arms of the Grimtotems AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Captain Darill North Point Tower A [15-30] A Grim Connection This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Tabetha's Assistance AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Darill North Point Tower A [15-30] Confirming the Suspicion
A [15-30] Arms of the Grimtotems
This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post! AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm A [15-30] Tabetha's Assistance This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Justice for the Hyals AvailablequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post! This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Peace at Last AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Captain Garran Vimes Inside the keep, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Justice for the Hyals This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] This Old Lighthouse AvailablequestAlliance  Sergeant Amelyn Docks, Theramore Isle This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Thresher Oil AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Babs Fizzletorque Lighthouse island just northeast of Theramore Isle A [15-30] This Old Lighthouse This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Dastardly Denizens of the Deep AvailablequestAlliance  Babs Fizzletorque Lighthouse island just northeast of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Thresher Oil This quest is part of a chain
36 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Is it Real? AvailablequestAlliance  "Dirty" Michael Crowe <Fish Merchant> Docks, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Dastardly Denizens of the Deep This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Nat's Bargain AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Nat Pagle Nat's Landing, southwest of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Is it Real? This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Oh, It's Real AvailablequestNeutral  Nat Pagle Nat's Landing, southwest of Theramore Isle A [15-30] Is it Real? This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Take Down Tethyr! AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Major Mills Docks, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Oh, It's Real This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Traitors Among Us AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Calia Hastings Docks, Theramore Isle This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Propaganda War

AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Calia Hastings

Docks, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Traitors Among Us This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Discrediting the Deserters AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Calia Hastings Docks, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Propaganda War This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] The End of the Deserters AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Calia Hastings Docks, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Discrediting the Deserters This quest is part of a chain
38 A [38] Morgan Stern AvailablequestAlliance  Angus Stern Blue Recluse, Stormwind City This quest is part of a chain
38 A [15-30] Mudrock Soup and Bugs

AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Morgan Stern

Inn, Theramore Isle A [38] Morgan Stern (optional) This quest is part of a chain
40 A [15-30] ... and Bugs AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Morgan Stern Inn, Theramore Isle A [15-30] Mudrock Soup and Bugs This quest is part of a chain
37 A [15-30] Stinky's Escape AvailablequestNeutral  "Stinky" Ignatz North of North Point Tower
38 A [15-30] Feast at the Blue Recluse AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Angus Stern Blue Recluse, Stormwind City A [15-30] Mudrock Soup and Bugs
A [15-30] Stinky's Escape
This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Tabetha's Farm AvailablequestAlliance  Guard Byron Theramore Isle
36 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] The Hermit of Swamplight Manor AvailablequestAlliance  Sergeant Amelyn Theramore Isle A [15-30] The End of the Deserters or
A [15-30] Take Down Tethyr!
This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Raptor Captor AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Sergeant Lukas Near North Point Tower This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Prisoners of the Grimtotems AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Sergeant Lukas Near North Point Tower A [15-30] Raptor Captor This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Unleash the Raptors AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Sergeant Lukas Near North Point Tower A [15-30] Raptor Captor This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifA [38] The Apothecary's Letter Availablequest [Sealed Letter] The Quagmire north of Tabetha's Farm
39 Bc icon.gifA [15-30] Mission to Mudsprocket AvailablequestAlliance  Lieutenant Aden Theramore Isle
42D A [42D] Shadowshard Fragments AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Archmage Tervosh Theramore Isle This quest takes place in Maraudon
43 A [43] Akiris by the Bundle AvailablequestNeutral  Privateer Bloads Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale N [43] Akiris by the Bundle This quest is part of a chain
45Fishing A [45] I Got Nothin' Left! AvailablequestAlliance  Grimnur Stonebrand The Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge
45First Aid A Tailoring [15-30] Alliance Trauma AvailablequestAlliance  Nissa Firestone Ironforge Physician, Ironforge
45First Aid A Tailoring [15-30] Triage AvailablequestActivequestAlliance  Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen <Trauma Surgeon> Theramore Isle A Tailoring [15-30] Alliance Trauma (optional)

Horde Crest Horde quests

HordeHorde quests
Quest name Quest giver Subzone Prerequisites
35 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins AvailablequestHorde  Krog Brackenwall Village This quest is part of a chain
35 H [15-30] Suspicious Hoofprints AvailablequestHoofprints Shady Rest Inn H [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins (optional) This quest is part of a chain
37 H [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe AvailablequestTheramore Guard Badge Shady Rest Inn H [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins (optional) This quest is part of a chain
37 H [15-30] Questioning Reethe AvailablequestHorde  Ogron Brackenwall Village H [15-30] Lieutenant Paval Reethe This quest is part of a chain
35 H [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestBlack Shield Shady Rest Inn H [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins (optional) This quest is part of a chain
35 H [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestHorde  Krog Brackenwall Village H [15-30] The Black Shield This quest is part of a chain
37 H [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Do'gol Brackenwall Village H [15-30] The Black Shield This quest is part of a chain
37 H [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestHorde  Do'gol Brackenwall Village H [15-30] The Black Shield This quest is part of a chain
37 H [15-30] The Black Shield AvailablequestHorde  Krog Brackenwall Village H [15-30] Suspicious Hoofprints
H [15-30] Questioning Reethe
H [15-30] The Black Shield
This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
38 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Return to Krog AvailablequestHorde  Mosarn Hunter Rise, Thunder Bluff H [15-30] The Black Shield This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] More than Coincidence AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Krog Brackenwall Village H [15-30] Return to Krog This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] The Grimtotem Plot AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Krog Brackenwall Village H [15-30] Return to Krog This quest is part of a chain
37 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Seek Out Tabetha AvailablequestHorde  Krog Brackenwall Village H [15-30] More than Coincidence
H [15-30] The Grimtotem Plot
This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post! AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm H [15-30] Seek Out Tabetha This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Justice Dispensed AvailablequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm H [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post! This quest is part of a chain
35 H [15-30] Theramore Spies AvailablequestActivequestHorde Nazeer Bloodpike Brackenwall Village This quest is part of a chain
35 H [15-30] The Theramore Docks AvailablequestActivequestHorde Nazeer Bloodpike Brackenwall Village H [15-30] Theramore Spies This quest is part of a chain
35 H [15-30] The Lost Report AvailablequestLoose Dirt Swamplight Manor at Witch Hill This quest is part of a chain
35 H [35] The Severed Head AvailablequestLoose Dirt Swamplight Manor at Witch Hill H [15-30] The Lost Report This quest is part of a chain
35 H [35] The Troll Witchdoctor AvailablequestHorde  Nazeer Bloodpike Brackenwall Village H [35] The Severed Head This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stranglethorn Vale
40 H [40] Marg Speaks AvailablequestBubbling Cauldron Grom'gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale H [35] The Troll Witchdoctor This quest is part of a chain
40 H [40] Report to Zor AvailablequestHorde  Nazeer Bloodpike Brackenwall Village H [40] Marg Speaks This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
40 H [40] Service to the Horde AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Zor Lonetree Grommash Hold, Orgrimmar H [40] Report to Zor This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
37 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] The Hermit of Witch Hill AvailablequestHorde  Draz'Zilb Brackenwall Village
37 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Check Up on Tabetha AvailablequestHorde  Nazeer Bloodpike Brackenwall Village
37 Bc icon.gifH [15-30] Twilight of the Dawn Runner AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Balandar Brightstar Brackenwall Village
37 H [15-30] Stinky's Escape AvailablequestNeutral  "Stinky" Ignatz North Point Tower This quest takes place in The Barrens
39 Bc icon.gifH [38] Signs of Treachery? Availablequest [Sealed Letter] The Quagmire
41 H [15-30] Army of the Black Dragon AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Tharg Brackenwall Village
41 H [15-30] Deadmire AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Melor Stonehoof Hunter Rise, Thunder Bluff
41 H [15-30] Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Overlord Mok'Morokk Brackenwall Village
41 H [15-30] Identifying the Brood AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Draz'Zilb Brackenwall Village This quest is part of a chain
41 H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia AvailablequestHorde  Draz'Zilb Brackenwall Village H [15-30] Identifying the Brood This quest is part of a chain
41 H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia AvailablequestHorde  Overlord Mok'Morokk Brackenwall Village H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia This quest is part of a chain
41 H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia AvailablequestActivequestHorde  Draz'Zilb Brackenwall Village H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia This quest is part of a chain
45Fishing H [15-30] You Too Good. AvailablequestHorde  Lumak The Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar
45G H [15-30G2] Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk AvailablequestHorde  Overlord Mok'Morokk Brackenwall Village
60R WoW Icon update.pngH [60R] Emberstrife AvailablequestNeutral  Myranda the Hag Sorrow Hill, Western Plaguelands H [60R] Oculus Illusions This quest is part of a chain
60R WoW Icon update.pngH [60] The Test of Skulls, Chronalis AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Emberstrife Emberstrife's Den H [60R] Emberstrife This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Tanaris
60R WoW Icon update.pngH [60] The Test of Skulls, Scryer AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Emberstrife Emberstrife's Den H [60R] Emberstrife This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Winterspring
60R WoW Icon update.pngH [60] The Test of Skulls, Somnus AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Emberstrife Emberstrife's Den H [60R] Emberstrife This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Swamp of Sorrows
60R WoW Icon update.pngH [60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Emberstrife Emberstrife's Den H [60] The Test of Skulls, Chronalis
H [60] The Test of Skulls, Scryer
H [60] The Test of Skulls, Somnus
This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Wetlands
60R WoW Icon update.pngH [60] Ascension... AvailablequestNeutral  Emberstrife Emberstrife's Den H [60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace or Feralas

Neutral Neutral quests

Descriptive info about neutral quests in this zone (not many for this faction, a safe area for this faction, part of zone favorable to this faction, etc.).

Neutral Neutral quests
Level Quest name Quest giver Subzone Prerequisites
35 N [35] Soothing Spices (Classic only) AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  "Swamp Eye" Jarl Swamplight Manor This quest is part of a chain
35 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Marsh Frog Legs AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  "Swamp Eye" Jarl Swamplight Manor A [15-30] The Hermit of Swamplight Manor or
H [15-30] The Hermit of Witch Hill (both optional)
This quest is part of a chain
35 N [15-30] Jarl Needs Eyes AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  "Swamp Eye" Jarl Swamplight Manor N [35] Soothing Spices or
N [15-30] Marsh Frog Legs
This quest is part of a chain
35 N [15-30] Jarl Needs a Blade AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  "Swamp Eye" Jarl Swamplight Manor N [15-30] Jarl Needs Eyes This quest is part of a chain
36 N [15-30] What's Haunting Witch Hill? AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Mordant Grimsby Swamplight Manor This quest is part of a chain
36 N [15-30] The Witch's Bane AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Mordant Grimsby Swamplight Manor N [15-30] What's Haunting Witch Hill? This quest is part of a chain
36 N [15-30] Cleansing Witch Hill AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Mordant Grimsby Swamplight Manor N [15-30] The Witch's Bane This quest is part of a chain
36 N [36] Hungry! AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Mudcrush Durtfeet
38Mage N Mage [38] Journey to the Marsh AvailablequestMage trainer Capital city This quest is part of a chain
38Mage N Mage [40] Items of Power AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [38] Journey to the Marsh This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Arathi Highlands
38Mage N Mage [38] Hidden Secrets AvailablequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [38] Journey to the Marsh This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Tanaris
40Mage N Mage [40D] Rituals of Power AvailablequestNeutral  Magus Tirth Tabetha's Farm N Mage [30] Get the Scoop This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Scarlet Monastery Library
40Mage N Mage [40] Mage's Wand AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [40] Items of Power
N Mage [40D] Rituals of Power
This quest is part of a chain
38 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] The Grimtotem Weapon AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Apprentice Garion <Tabetha's Apprentice> Tabetha's Farm
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] The Reagent Thief AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Apprentice Garion <Tabetha's Apprentice> Tabetha's Farm
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Direhorn Raiders AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Apprentice Morlann <Tabetha's Apprentice> Tabetha's Farm
40 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] The Zeppelin Crash AvailablequestNeutral  Apprentice Morlann <Tabetha's Apprentice> Tabetha's Farm
40 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Corrosion Prevention AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Moxie Steelgrille Beezil's Wreck N [15-30] The Zeppelin Crash (optional)
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Secure the Cargo! AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Moxie Steelgrille Beezil's Wreck N [15-30] The Zeppelin Crash (optional) This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Delivery for Drazzit AvailablequestNeutral  Moxie Steelgrille Beezil's Wreck N [15-30] Secure the Cargo! This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Help for Mudsprocket AvailablequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Bloodfen Feathers AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Brogg <Stonemaul Survivor> Mudsprocket This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Banner of the Stonemaul AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Brogg <Stonemaul Survivor> Mudsprocket N [15-30] Bloodfen Feathers This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] The Essence of Enmity AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Brogg <Stonemaul Survivor> Mudsprocket N [15-30] Bloodfen Feathers This quest is part of a chain
39 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous AvailablequestWanted Poster Mudsprocket
40Mage N Mage [40] Return to the Marsh AvailablequestMage trainer Capital city This quest is part of a chain
40Mage N Mage [40] The Infernal Orb AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [40] Return to the Marsh This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Desolace
40Mage N Mage [40G] The Exorcism AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [40] The Infernal Orb This quest is part of a chain
40DMage N Mage [40D] Power in Uldaman AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [40G] The Exorcism This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Uldaman
40Mage N Mage [40] Mana Surges AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [40D] Power in Uldaman This quest is part of a chain
40Mage N Mage [40] Celestial Power AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Mage [40] Mana Surges This quest is part of a chain
40Warlock N Warlock [40] Fragments of the Orb of Orahil AvailablequestNeutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet, The Barrens Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil This quest is part of a chain
40Warlock N Warlock [40G] Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Warlock [40] Fragments of the Orb of Orahil This quest is part of a chain
40Warlock N Warlock [40] Returning the Cleansed Orb AvailablequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N Warlock [40G] Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil This quest is part of a chain
40 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Catch a Dragon by the Tail AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Gizzix Grimegurgle Mudsprocket
41 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Spirits of Stonemaul Hold AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Brogg <Stonemaul Survivor> Mudsprocket N [15-30] Banner of the Stonemaul
N [15-30] The Essence of Enmity
This quest is part of a chain
41 Bc icon.gifN [15-30] Challenge to the Black Flight AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Brogg <Stonemaul Survivor> Mudsprocket N [15-30] Spirits of Stonemaul Hold This quest is part of a chain
43 N [43] Cortello's Riddle AvailablequestA Soggy Scroll Swamp of Sorrows N [43] Cortello's Riddle This quest is part of a chain
51 N [51] Cortello's Riddle AvailablequestMusty Scroll Bloodfen Burrow N [43] Cortello's Riddle This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Hinterlands
45Fishing N Fishing [15-30] Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Nat Pagle Nat's Landing A [45] I Got Nothin' Left! or
H [15-30] You Too Good. (both optional)
This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas and Swamp of Sorrows
46 N [46D] Tabetha's Task AvailablequestCapital city Mage Trainer Capital city
46D N [46D] Tiara of the Deep AvailablequestNeutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm N [46D] Tabetha's Task (optional) This quest takes place in Zul'Farrak
60 N [60R] Nat's Measuring Tape Availablequest [Nat's Measuring Tape] Zul'Gurub
60 N [60G] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future... AvailablequestActivequestNeutral  Bodley Blackrock Mountain The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet This quest is part of a chain

Quest chains

The Missing Diplomat

Original chain

This is the quest chain The Missing Diplomat.

  1. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  2. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  3. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  4. A [28] The Missing Diplomat
  5. A [30] The Missing Diplomat
  6. A [30] The Missing Diplomat
  7. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  8. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  9. A [31] The Missing Diplomat
  10. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  11. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  12. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  13. A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  14. A [35] The Missing Diplomat
  15. A [36] The Missing Diplomat
  16. A [38] The Missing Diplomat
  17. A [38] The Missing Diplomat
Bc icon.gif The Burning Crusade continuation
  1. A [15-30] A Disturbing Development (optional)
  2. A [15-30] Defias in Dustwallow?
  3. A [15-30] Renn McGill
  4. A [15-30] Secondhand Diving Gear
  5. A [15-30] Recover the Cargo!
  6. A [15-30] Jaina Must Know
  7. A [15-30] Survey Alcaz Island
  8. A [15-30] Proof of Treachery
  9. A [15-30] Return to Jaina

Shady Rest Inn

  1. Optional breadcrumbs: A [35] James Hyal > A [35] James Hyal
  2. A [15-30] They Call Him Smiling Jim (optional)
  3. A [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [15-30] A Grim Connection
  6. A [15-30] Confirming the Suspicion & A [15-30] Arms of the Grimtotems
    • Side chain:
    1. A [15-30] Raptor Captor
    2. A [15-30] Unleash the Raptors & A [15-30] Prisoners of the Grimtotems
  7. A [15-30] Tabetha's Assistance
  8. A [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post!
  9. A [15-30] Justice for the Hyals
  10. A [15-30] Peace at Last
  1. H [15-30] Inspecting the Ruins
  2. Complete all of:
  3. H [15-30] The Black Shield
    • Bc icon.gif from this point onward
  4. H [15-30] Return to Krog
  5. H [15-30] More than Coincidence
  6. H [15-30] The Grimtotem Plot
  7. H [15-30] Seek Out Tabetha
  8. H [15-30] Raze Direhorn Post!
  9. H [15-30] Justice Dispensed

Bc icon.gif Tethyr

  1. A [15-30] This Old Lighthouse
  2. A [15-30] Thresher Oil
  3. A [15-30] Dastardly Denizens of the Deep
  4. A [15-30] Is it Real?
  5. A [15-30] Nat's Bargain
  6. A [15-30] Oh, It's Real
  7. A [15-30] Take Down Tethyr!

Bc icon.gif Traitors Among Us

  1. A [15-30] Traitors Among Us
  2. A [15-30] Propaganda War
  3. A [15-30] Discrediting the Deserters
  4. A [15-30] The End of the Deserters

Service to the Horde

  1. H [15-30] The Lost Report
  2. H [35] The Severed Head
  3. H [35] The Troll Witchdoctor
  4. H [40] Marg Speaks
  5. H [40] Report to Zor
  6. H [40] Service to the Horde

The Brood of Onyxia

  1. H [15-30] Identifying the Brood
  2. H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia
  3. H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia
  4. H [15-30] The Brood of Onyxia

Jarl's Needs

  1. Bc icon.gif A [15-30] The Hermit of Swamplight Manor / H [15-30] The Hermit of Witch Hill
  2. WoW Icon update.png N [35] Soothing Spices / Bc icon.gif N [15-30] Marsh Frog Legs
  3. N [15-30] Jarl Needs Eyes
  4. N [15-30] Jarl Needs a Blade

Witch Hill Haunting

  1. N [15-30] What's Haunting Witch Hill?
  2. N [15-30] The Witch's Bane
  3. N [15-30] Cleansing Witch Hill

Bc icon.gif Stonemaul Enmity

  1. N [15-30] Bloodfen Feathers
  2. N [15-30] Banner of the Stonemaul & N [15-30] The Essence of Enmity
  3. N [15-30] Spirits of Stonemaul Hold
  4. N [15-30] Challenge to the Black Flight