The Barrens quests

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For the Cataclysm quests in the Barrens, see Northern Barrens storyline and Southern Barrens storyline.
Zone map

This is a list of all quests from the Barrens in table format (arranged by level).

For a questing guide detailing the best order to obtain and complete quests in the Barrens, see The Barrens questing guide.

Alliance Alliance
There are few Alliance-only quests which take place in the Barrens. Many Alliance warlock quests take place in Ratchet - those are listed below in the class quest section. In addition, Alliance players can partake of several neutral quests from Ratchet.
Horde Horde
The Barrens is a huge questing hub for the Horde from level 10-20. It is the main 10-20 area for 3 of the Horde's 5 races, and even undead and blood elves often choose to come here to quest.
Class quests
The Barrens serves as the location for a huge number of class-specific quests, particularly for Horde but with many neutral class quests as well. Classes with many quests here include shaman, warrior, and warlock.

Quest table

Quests that take place outside the Barrens are denoted by a This quest takes place outside this zone. Mouse over the icon to see where the quests take place.

Quests that are part of a chain are denoted by This quest is part of a chain . Click the downward arrow to the right of the icon to view the chain.

Level Quest name Quest giver Subzone Prerequisites
Alliance 25 (15) A [25] In Nightmares Neutral  Falla Sagewind Shrine of the Fallen Warrior[48, 33] N [26] The Glowing Shard This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Darnassus
Alliance 25 (20) A [25] Mage Summoner Alliance  Sentinel Velene Starstrike Silverwind Refuge, Ashenvale[50, 67] A [24] Elemental Bracers This quest takes place in Ashenvale
Alliance 30 (25) A [30] The Barrens Port Alliance  Thyn'tel Bladeweaver Warrior's Terrace, Darnassus[62, 40] A [30] Velinde's Effects This quest takes place in Darnassus
Alliance 30 (25) A [30] Passage to Booty Bay Neutral  Wharfmaster Dizzywig Ratchet[63, 38] A [30] The Barrens Port This quest takes place in Stranglethorn Vale
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 10 (10) H [10] The Barrens Oases Horde  Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff[78, 29] This quest is part of a chain
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 10 (10) H [10] Sergra Darkthorn Horde  Melor Stonehoof Hunter Rise, Thunder Bluff[61, 81] H [10] The Hunter's Way This quest is part of a chain
Horde OrcOrc OrcTrollTroll Troll 10 (10) H [10] Meats to Orgrimmar Horde  Zargh <Butcher> Crossroads[53, 30] This quest is part of a chain
Horde OrcOrc OrcTrollTroll Troll 10 (10) H [10] Ride to Orgrimmar Horde  Devrak <Wind Rider Master> Crossroads[52, 30] H [10] Meats to Orgrimmar This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
Horde OrcOrc OrcTrollTroll Troll 10 (10) H [10] Doras the Wind Rider Master Horde  Innkeeper Gryshka <Innkeeper> Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar[54, 68] H [10] Ride to Orgrimmar This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
Horde OrcOrc OrcTrollTroll Troll 10 (10) H [10] Return to the Crossroads. Horde  Doras <Wind Rider Master> Orgrimmar[45, 64] H [10] Doras the Wind Rider Master This quest is part of a chain
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 10 (10) H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] A Bundle of Hides Horde  Jahan Hawkwing <Leather & Mail Armor Merchant> Crossroads[51, 29] This quest is part of a chain
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 10 (10) H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Ride to Thunder Bluff Horde  Devrak <Wind Rider Master> Crossroads[52, 30] H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] A Bundle of Hides This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 10 (10) H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Tal the Wind Rider Master Horde  Ahanu <Leather Armor Merchant> Hewa's Armory, Crossroads[45, 55] H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Ride to Thunder Bluff This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 10 (10) H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Return to Jahan Horde  Tal <Wind Rider Master> Thunder Bluff[47, 50] H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Tal the Wind Rider Master This quest is part of a chain
Horde 11 (9) H [11] Wharfmaster Dizzywig Horde  Apothecary Helbrim Crossroads[52, 30]
Horde OrcOrc OrcTrollTroll Troll 12 (10) H [12] Conscript of the Horde Horde  Takrin Pathseeker Razor Hill, Durotar[51, 44] This quest is part of a chain
Horde OrcOrc OrcTrollTroll Troll 12 (10) H [12] Crossroads Conscription Horde  Kargal Battlescar Far Watch Post[62, 19] H [12] Conscript of the Horde This quest is part of a chain
Horde TaurenTauren Tauren 12 (9) H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [12] Journey to the Crossroads Horde  Kirge Sternhorn Camp Taurajo[45, 59]
Horde 12 (10) H [12] Plainstrider Menace Horde  Sergra Darkthorn Crossroads[52, 30] H [10] Sergra Darkthorn (optional) This quest is part of a chain
Horde 12 (9) H [12] Disrupt the Attacks Horde  Thork Crossroads[52, 31] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 13 (10) H [13] The Forgotten Pools Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H [10] The Barrens Oases (optional) This quest is part of a chain
Horde 13 (10) H [13] The Zhevra Horde  Sergra Darkthorn Crossroads[52, 32] H [12] Plainstrider Menace This quest is part of a chain
Horde 13 (9) H [13] Raptor Thieves Horde  Gazrog Crossroads[52, 30] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 13 (8) H [13] Ak'Zeloth Horde  Neeru Fireblade Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar[50, 51] H [12] Neeru Fireblade This quest is part of a chain
Horde 14 (10) H [14] Wenikee Boltbucket Neutral  Sputtervalve <Tinker's Union> Ratchet[63, 37] N [16] Samophlange This quest is part of a chain
Horde 14 (9) H [14] The Demon Seed Horde  Ak'Zeloth Far Watch Post[62, 20] H [13] Ak'Zeloth This quest is part of a chain
Horde 14 (10) H [14] Flawed Power Stone Flawed Power Stones Far Watch Post[62, 20] H [14] The Demon Seed (in-progress) This quest is part of a chain
Horde 14 (9) H [14] Supplies for the Crossroads Horde  Thork Crossroads[52, 31] H [12] Disrupt the Attacks This quest is part of a chain
Horde 14 (9) H [14] Centaur Bracers Horde  Regthar Deathgate Forgotten Pools[45, 28]
Horde 15 (10) H [15] Prowlers of the Barrens Horde  Sergra Darkthorn Crossroads[52, 32] H [13] The Zhevra This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (10) H [15] Fungal Spores Horde  Apothecary Helbrim Crossroads[52, 30] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (10) H [15] Apothecary Zamah Horde  Apothecary Helbrim Crossroads[52, 30] H [15] Fungal Spores This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde 15 (10) H [15] Mura Runetotem Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H [16] Altered Beings This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Silverpine Forest
Horde 15 (10) H [15] The Disruption Ends Horde  Thork Crossroads[52, 31] H [12] Disrupt the Attacks This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (12) H [15] Harpy Raiders Horde  Darsok Swiftdagger Crossroads[52, 31] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (11) H [15] Chen's Empty Keg  [Chen's Empty Keg] Various spawn points in the Barrens This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (11) H [15] Chen's Empty Keg Horde  Brewmaster Drohn Ratchet[62, 38] H [15] Chen's Empty Keg This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (11) H [15] Nugget Slugs Neutral  Wenikee Boltbucket South of the Mor'shan Base Camp[49, 11] H [14] Wenikee Boltbucket This quest is part of a chain
Horde 15 (10) H [15] Sample for Helbrim Horde  Apothecary Zinge <Royal Apothecary Society> Apothecarium, Undercity[50, 68] H [15] Zinge's Delivery This quest is part of a chain
Horde 16 (12) H [16] Harpy Lieutenants Horde  Darsok Swiftdagger Crossroads[52, 31] H [15] Harpy Raiders This quest is part of a chain
Horde 16 (10) H [16] The Stagnant Oasis Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H [13] The Forgotten Pools This quest is part of a chain
Horde 16 (10) H [16] Altered Beings Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H [16] The Stagnant Oasis This quest is part of a chain
Horde 16 (10) H [16] Hamuul Runetotem (Dungeon) Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H [16] Altered Beings This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde 16 (10) H [16] Nara Wildmane (Dungeon) Horde  Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff[78, 29] H [16] Hamuul Runetotem This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde 16 (10) H [16] Echeyakee Horde  Sergra Darkthorn Crossroads[52, 32] H [15] Prowlers of the Barrens This quest is part of a chain
Horde 16 (10) H [16] Kolkar Leaders Horde  Regthar Deathgate West of the Crossroads[45, 28] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 17 (10) H [16] The Angry Scytheclaws Horde  Sergra Darkthorn Crossroads[52, 32] H [16] Echeyakee This quest is part of a chain
Horde 18 (13) H [18] Jorn Skyseer Horde  Sergra Darkthorn Crossroads[52, 32] H [16] The Angry Scytheclaws This quest is part of a chain
Horde 18 (9) H [18] Stolen Silver Horde  Gazrog Crossroads[52, 30] H [13] Raptor Thieves This quest is part of a chain
Horde 18 (10) H [18] Rilli Greasygob Neutral  Wenikee Boltbucket Southeast of the Mor'shan Base Camp[49, 11] H [15] Nugget Slugs This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
Horde 18 (11) H [18] Verog the Dervish Horde  Regthar Deathgate West of the Crossroads[45, 28] H [16] Kolkar Leaders This quest is part of a chain
Horde 18 (10) H [18] Enraged Thunder Lizards Horde  Jorn Skyseer Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [19] Ishamuhale This quest is part of a chain
Horde 19 (17) H [19] Report to Kadrak Horde  Thork
Horde  Darn Talongrip
Crossroads[52, 31]
Malaka'jin[73.2, 94.8]
Horde 19 (10) H [19] Ishamuhale Horde  Jorn Skyseer Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [18] Jorn Skyseer This quest is part of a chain
Horde 19 (11) H [19] Hezrul Bloodmark Horde  Regthar Deathgate West of the Crossroads[45, 28] H [18] Verog the Dervish This quest is part of a chain
Horde 19 (17) H [19] The Warsong Reports Horde  Kadrak Mor'shan Rampart[48, 5] H [19] Report to Kadrak This quest takes place in Ashenvale
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Consumed by Hatred Horde  Mankrik Crossroads[52, 32]
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Lost in Battle Horde  Mankrik Crossroads[52, 32]
Horde 20 (12) H [20] Serena Bloodfeather Horde  Darsok Swiftdagger Crossroads[52, 31] H [16] Harpy Lieutenants This quest is part of a chain
Horde 20 (15) H [20] Letter to Jin'Zil Horde  Darsok Swiftdagger Crossroads[52, 31] H [20] Serena Bloodfeather This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
Horde 20 (10) H [20] Cry of the Thunderhawk Horde  Jorn Skyseer Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [18] Enraged Thunder Lizards This quest is part of a chain
Horde 20 (20) H [20] The Ashenvale Hunt Horde  Jorn Skyseer Camp Taurajo[45, 59] This quest takes place in Ashenvale
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Agamaggan's Agility (Repeatable) Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Agamaggan's Strength (Repeatable) Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Rising Spirit (Repeatable) Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Razorhide (Repeatable) Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Spirit of the Wind (Repeatable) Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
Horde 20 (14) H [20] Wisdom of Agamaggan (Repeatable) Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
Horde 20G (11) H [20] Counterattack! Horde  Regthar Deathgate West of the Crossroads[45, 28] H [19] Hezrul Bloodmark This quest is part of a chain
Horde 20 (13) H [20] The Guns of Northwatch Horde  Captain Thalo'thas Brightsun Ratchet[62, 39]
Horde 20 (13) H [20] Free From the Hold Horde  Gilthares Firebough Northwatch Hold[62, 55]
Horde 21 (14) H [21] Tribes at War Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 21 (14) H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Tribes at War This quest is part of a chain
Horde 22 (17) H [22] Egg Hunt Horde  Korran Crossroads[51, 30]
Horde 22 (10) H [22] Lakota'mani  [Hoof of Lakota'mani]
drop from Lakota'mani
North of Camp Taurajo[46, 50]
(coordinates approximate)
Horde 22 (10) H [22D] Leaders of the Fang (Dungeon) Horde  Nara Wildmane Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff[75, 31] H [16] Nara Wildmane This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Wailing Caverns and Thunder Bluff
Horde 23 (17) H [23] Gann's Reclamation Horde  Gann Stonespire Southern Gold Road[46, 77]
(coordinates approximate)
This quest is part of a chain
Horde 24 (17) H [24] Weapons of Choice Horde  Tatternack Steelforge Camp Taurajo[45, 58] This quest is part of a chain
Horde 24 (11) H [24] Chen's Empty Keg Horde  Brewmaster Drohn Ratchet[62, 38] H [15] Chen's Empty Keg This quest is part of a chain
Horde 24 (10) H [24] Owatanka  [Owatanka's Tailspike]
drop from Owatanka
South or East of Camp Taurajo[49, 59] or [44, 62]
Horde 24 (10) H [24] The Harvester  [Harvester's Head]
drop from Silithid Harvester
Field of Giants[45, 69]
(coordinates approximate)
Horde 25 (17) H [25] Betrayal from Within Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [21] Tribes at War This quest is part of a chain This quest is part of a chain
Horde 25 (19) H [25] Betrayal from Within Horde  Mangletooth Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [25] Betrayal from Within This quest is part of a chain
Horde 25 (10) H [25] In Nightmares Neutral  Falla Sagewind Mountain north of Lushwater Oasis[48, 33] N [26] The Glowing Shard This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde 25 (10) H [25] Washte Pawne  [Washte Pawne's Feather]
drop from Washte Pawne
Southern tip of Barrens[45, 79]
(coordinates approximate)
Horde 25 (15) H [25] The Runed Scroll  [Runed Scroll] drop from
Alliance  Aean Swiftriver <Alliance Outrunner>
All along Southern Gold Road
Horde 26 (17) H [26] Revenge of Gann Horde  Gann Stonespire Southern Gold Road[46, 77]
(coordinates approximate)
H [23] Gann's Reclamation This quest is part of a chain
Horde 26 (17) H [26] Revenge of Gann Horde  Gann Stonespire Southern Gold Road[46, 77]
(coordinates approximate)
H [26] Revenge of Gann This quest is part of a chain
Horde 27 (14) H [27] Mahren Skyseer Horde  Jorn Skyseer Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H [20] Cry of the Thunderhawk This quest is part of a chain
Horde 27 (10) H [27] Isha Awak Horde  Mahren Skyseer Tidus Stair[66, 44] H [27] Mahren Skyseer This quest is part of a chain
Horde 27 (22) H [27] Warsong Supplies Horde  Locke Okarr Splintertree Post, Ashenvale[71, 68] This quest takes place in Ashenvale
Horde 29G (15) H [29] Horde Presence (Group) Horde  Kadrak The Mor'shan Rampart[48, 5] H [25] The Runed Scroll This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
Horde 29 (25) H [29] A New Ore Sample Horde  Tatternack Steelforge Camp Taurajo[45, 58] H [24] Weapons of Choice This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thousand Needles
Horde 30 (22) H [30] The Tear of the Moons Horde  Feegly the Exiled Bael Modan[49, 86]
Horde 30 (20) H [30] Melor Sends Word Horde  Jorn Skyseer Camp Taurajo[45, 59] This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
Horde 32 (30) H [32] Regthar Deathgate Bc icon.gifHorde  Vol'jin
Horde  Belgrom Rockmaul
Horde  Krusk
Grommash Hold, Orgrimmar[34, 36]
Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar[75, 34]Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills[63, 20]
Horde 32 (30) H [32] The Kolkar of Desolace Horde  Regthar Deathgate West of the Crossroads[45, 28] H [32] Regthar Deathgate (optional)
Horde 33 (29) H [33] The Swarm Grows Horde  Korran Crossroads[51, 30] This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
Horde 35 (28) H [35] Parts of the Swarm Horde  Korran Crossroads[51, 30] H [35] Parts of the Swarm This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
Horde 52D (47) H [52] Marvon's Workshop Horde  Larion Marshal's Refuge, Un'Goro Crater[45, 8] H [52] Larion and Muigin This quest is part of a chain
Horde 52D (47) H [52D] Zapper Fuel (Dungeon) Neutral  Liv Rizzlefix <Workshop Assistant> Ratchet[63, 39] H [52] Marvon's Workshop This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Swamp of Sorrows, The Sunken Temple, Un'Goro Crater
Neutral 14 (9) N [14] Southsea Freebooters Neutral  Gazlowe Ratchet[63, 36] This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 14 (9) N [14] The Missing Shipment Neutral  Gazlowe Ratchet[63, 36] N [14] Southsea Freebooters This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 14 (9) N [14] The Missing Shipment Neutral  Wharfmaster Dizzywig Ratchet[63, 38] N [14] The Missing Shipment This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 14 (10) N [14] Samophlange Neutral  Sputtervalve <Tinker's Union> Ratchet[63, 37] This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 14 (11) N [14] Samophlange Control Console Southwest of the Sludge Fen[52, 12] N [14] Samophlange This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 14 (11) N [14] Samophlange Control Console Southwest of the Sludge Fen[52, 12] N [14] Samophlange This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 16 (9) N [16] Stolen Booty Neutral  Gazlowe Ratchet[63, 36] N [14] The Missing Shipment This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 16 (9) N [16] WANTED: Baron Longshore WANTED Ratchet[63, 38]
Neutral 16 (11) N [16] Samophlange Control Console Southwest of the Sludge Fen[52, 12] N [14] Samophlange This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 18 (13) N [18] Miner's Fortune Neutral  Wharfmaster Dizzywig Ratchet[63, 38]
Neutral 18 (13) N [18] Raptor Horns Neutral  Mebok Mizzyrix Ratchet[62, 38]
Neutral 18D (13) N [18D] Smart Drinks (Dungeon) Neutral  Mebok Mizzyrix Ratchet[62, 38] N [18] Raptor Horns This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Wailing Caverns
Neutral 18D (14) N [18D] Trouble at the Docks (Dungeon) Neutral  Crane Operator Bigglefuzz Ratchet[63, 38] This quest takes place in Wailing Caverns
Neutral 18 (13) N [18] Ignition Neutral  Wizzlecrank's Shredder Sludge Fen[57, 8] This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 18 (13) N [18] The Escape Neutral  Wizzlecrank's Shredder Sludge Fen[57, 8] N [18] Ignition This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 20 (15) N [20] Deepmoss Spider Eggs Neutral  Mebok Mizzyrix Ratchet[62, 38] This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
Neutral 21 (16) N [21] Ziz Fizziks Neutral  Sputtervalve <Tinker's Union> Ratchet[63, 37] This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
Neutral 26D (20) N [26D] Blueleaf Tubers (Dungeon) Neutral  Mebok Mizzyrix Ratchet[62, 38] This quest takes place in Razorfen Kraul
Neutral 26 (15) N [26] The Glowing Shard  [Glowing Shard]
drop from Mutanus the Devourer
Wailing Caverns This quest takes place in Wailing Caverns
Neutral 21 (17) N [21] Further Instructions Neutral  Ziz Fizziks <Tinker's Union> Windshear Crag, Stonetalon Mountains[59, 62] N [21] Super Reaper 6000 This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 27 (17) N [27] Further Instructions Neutral  Sputtervalve <Tinker's Union> Ratchet[63, 37] N [21] Further Instructions This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
Neutral 35D (28) N [35D] A Host of Evil (Dungeon) Neutral  Myriam Moonsinger Entrance to Razorfen Downs[49, 95]
Neutral 35 (30) N [36] Wharfmaster Dizzywig Neutral  Kravel Koalbeard Mirage Raceway, Thousand Needles[78, 77] N [31] Rocket Car Parts This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 35 (30) N [36] Parts for Kravel Neutral  Wharfmaster Dizzywig Ratchet[63, 38] N [36] Wharfmaster Dizzywig This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thousand Needles
Neutral 37 (29) N [37] Goblin Sponsorship Neutral  Pozzik Mirage Raceway in Thousand Needles[80, 76] N [30] Load Lightening This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 37 (29) N [37] Goblin Sponsorship Neutral  Gazlowe Ratchet[63, 36] N [37] Goblin Sponsorship This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stranglethorn Vale
Neutral 51 (46) N [51] The Stone Circle Neutral  Marvon Rivetseeker The Broken Pillar in Tanaris[53, 46] B [51D] The Sunken Temple This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 52 (48) N [52] Seeking Spiritual Aid Neutral  Greta Mosshoof <Emerald Circle> Emerald Sanctuary in Felwood[51, 82] N [52] Collection of the Corrupt Water This quest is part of a chain
Neutral 54 (48) N [54] Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood Neutral  Islen Waterseer Tidus Stair[66, 44] N [52] Seeking Spiritual Aid This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Felwood
Neutral 55 (49) N [55] Volcanic Activity Neutral  Liv Rizzlefix <Workshop Assistant> Ratchet[63, 39] This quest takes place in Un'Goro Crater
HordeWarrior 10 (10) H Warrior [10] Veteran Uzzek Warrior Trainer This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 10 (10) H Warrior [10] Path of Defense Horde  Uzzek Southwest of Far Watch Post[61, 21] H Warrior [10] Veteran Uzzek This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Durotar
HordeWarrior 10 (10) H Warrior [10] Thun'grim Firegaze Horde  Uzzek Southwest of Far Watch Post[61, 21] H Warrior [10] Path of Defense This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 10 (10) H Warrior [10] Forged Steel Horde  Thun'grim Firegaze Mountain south of Thorn Hill[57, 30] H Warrior [10] Thun'grim Firegaze This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 20 (20) H Warrior [20] Speak with Ruga Warrior trainer This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 20 (20) H Warrior [20] Trial at the Field of Giants Horde  Ruga Ragetotem Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H Warrior [20] Speak with Ruga This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 20 (20) H Warrior [20] Speak with Thun'grim Horde  Ruga Ragetotem Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H Warrior [20] Trial at the Field of Giants This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 30 (20) H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor Horde  Thun'grim Firegaze Mountain south of Thorn Hill[57, 30] H Warrior [20] Speak with Thun'grim This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains and Razorfen Kraul
HordeWarrior 30 (20) H Warrior [30] Brutal Hauberk Horde  Thun'grim Firegaze Mountain south of Thorn Hill[57, 30] H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarrior 30 (20) H Warrior [30] Ula'elek and the Brutal Gauntlets Horde  Thun'grim Firegaze Mountain south of Thorn Hill[57, 30] H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Durotar
HordeWarrior 30 (20) H Warrior [30] Orm Stonehoof and the Brutal Helm Horde  Thun'grim Firegaze Mountain south of Thorn Hill[57, 30] H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Thunder Bluff
HordeWarrior 30 (20) H Warrior [30] Velora Nitely and the Brutal Legguards Horde  Thun'grim Firegaze Mountain south of Thorn Hill[57, 30] H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Undercity
NeutralWarrior 30 (30) N Warrior [30] The Islander Warrior Trainer This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarrior 30 (30) N Warrior [30] The Affray Neutral  Klannoc Macleod Fray Island[69, 49] N Warrior [30] The Islander This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarrior 30 (30) N Warrior [30] The Windwatcher Neutral  Klannoc Macleod Fray Island[69, 49] N Warrior [30] The Affray This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Alterac Mountains
HordeRogue 13 (10) H Rogue [13] The Shattered Hand Horde  Therzok Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar[44, 53] H Rogue [10] Therzok This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
HordeRogue 16 (16) H Rogue [16] Wrenix of Ratchet Horde  Zando'zan Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar[43, 53] H Rogue [16] Zando'zan This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
HordeRogue 18 (16) H Rogue [18] Plundering the Plunderers Neutral  Wrenix the Wretched Ratchet[63, 36] H Rogue [16] Wrenix of Ratchet This quest is part of a chain
HordeRogue 20 (20) H Rogue [21] Deep Cover Horde  Shenthul <Rogue Trainer> Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar[43, 53] H Rogue [20] The Shattered Salute This quest is part of a chain
HordeRogue 24 (20) H Rogue [21] Mission: Possible But Not Probable Horde  Taskmaster Fizzule Northwest of the Sludge Fen[56, 6] H Rogue [21] Deep Cover This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
HordeDruid 14 (14) H Druid [14] The Principal Source Neutral  Dendrite Starblaze Nighthaven, Moonglade[56, 31] H Druid [14] Lessons Anew This quest is part of a chain
HordeDruid 14 (14) H Druid [14] Gathering the Cure Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H Druid [14] The Principal Source This quest is part of a chain
HordeDruid 14 (14) H Druid [14] Curing the Sick Horde  Tonga Runetotem Crossroads[52, 32] H Druid [14] Gathering the Cure This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Moonglade
HordeMage 26 (26) H Mage [26] Laughing Sisters Horde  Deino <Mage Trainer> Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar[39, 86] H Mage [26] Waters of Xavian This quest is part of a chain
HordeMage 26 (26) H Mage [26] Nether-lace Garment Horde  Kil'hala <Journeyman Tailor> Crossroads[52, 32] H Mage [26] Laughing Sisters This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 10 (10) B Shaman [10] Call of Fire Shaman Trainer This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 11 (10) H Shaman [11] Call of Fire Horde  Kranal Fiss Grol'dom Farm[56, 20] B Shaman [10] Call of Fire This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Durotar
HordeShaman 12 (10) H Shaman [12] Call of Fire Horde  Telf Joolam Shrine of the Dormant Flame, Durotar[39, 59] H Shaman [11] Call of Fire This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Durotar
HordeShaman 12 (10) H Shaman [13] Call of Fire Horde  Telf Joolam Shrine of the Dormant Flame, Durotar[39, 59] H Shaman [12] Call of Fire This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Durotar
HordeShaman 13 (10) H Shaman [13] Call of Fire Brazier of the Dormant Flame Shrine of the Dormant Flame, Durotar[39, 58] H Shaman [13] Call of Fire This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 20 (20) Call of Water Shaman Trainer This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 22 (20) H Shaman [22] Call of Water Neutral  Islen Waterseer Tidus Stair[66, 44] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 22 (20) H Shaman [22] Call of Water Horde  Brine Northern Blackthorn Ridge[43, 77] H Shaman [22] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 22 (20) H Shaman [22] Call of Water Horde  Brine Northern Blackthorn Ridge[43, 77] H Shaman [22] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Hillsbrad Foothills
HordeShaman 23 (20) H Shaman [23] Call of Water Horde  Brine Northern Blackthorn Ridge[43, 77] H Shaman [22] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Ashenvale
HordeShaman 23 (20) H Shaman [23] Call of Water Horde  Brine Northern Blackthorn Ridge[43, 77] H Shaman [23] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 20 (20) H Shaman [20] Water Sapta Neutral  Islen Waterseer Tidus Stair[66, 44] H Shaman [23] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain
HordeShaman 23 (20) H Shaman [23] Call of Water Neutral  Islen Waterseer Tidus Stair[66, 44] H Shaman [23] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Silverpine Forest
HordeShaman 23 (20) H Shaman [23] Call of Water Neutral  Minor Manifestation of Water Silverpine Forest[39, 45] H Shaman [23] Call of Water This quest is part of a chain
AllianceWarlock 20 (20) A Warlock [20] Devourer of Souls Alliance  Gakin the Darkbinder Slaughtered Lamb, Stormwind City[39, 85] A Warlock [20] Gakin's Summons (optional) This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stormwind City
AllianceWarlock 20 (20) A Warlock [20] Heartswood Alliance  Takar the Seer East of Camp Taurajo[49, 57] A Warlock [20] Devourer of Souls This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Ashenvale and Stormwind City
HordeWarlock 20 (20) H Warlock [20] News of Dogran Horde  Zankaja Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar[37, 60] H Warlock [20] Blind Cazul This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarlock 20 (20) H Warlock [20] News of Dogran Horde  Gazrog Crossroads[52, 30] H Warlock [20] News of Dogran This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
HordeWarlock 20 (20) H Warlock [20] Ken'zigla's Draught Horde  Ken'zigla Malaka'jin, Stonetalon Mountains[73, 95] H Warlock [20] News of Dogran This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stonetalon Mountains
HordeWarlock 20 (20) H Warlock [20] Dogran's Captivity Horde  Grunt Logmar Camp Taurajo[45, 59] H Warlock [20] Ken'zigla's Draught This quest is part of a chain
HordeWarlock 20 (20) H Warlock [20] Love's Gift Horde  Grunt Dogran Agama'gor[43, 48] H Warlock [20] Dogran's Captivity This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Orgrimmar
HordeWarlock 20 (20) H Warlock [20] Hearts of the Lovers Horde  Godrick Farsan Temple of the Damned[85, 15] This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Silverpine Forest and Undercity
NeutralWarlock 25D (20) N Warlock [25D] The Orb of Soran'ruk (Dungeon) Neutral  Doan Karhan East of Camp Taurajo[49, 57] This quest takes place in Blackfathom Deeps and Shadowfang Keep
Both 32.pngWarlock 30 (30) A Warlock [30] Seeking Strahad
H Warlock [30] Seeking Strahad
H Warlock [30] Seeking Strahad
Alliance  Gakin the Darkbinder
Horde  Gan'rul Bloodeye
Horde  Carendin Halgar
Slaughtered Lamb, Stormwind City[49, 57]
Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar[48, 45]
Magic Quarter, Undercity[85, 25]
This quest is part of a chain
AllianceWarlock 30 (30) A Warlock [30] Tome of the Cabal Neutral  Strahad Farsan Ratchet[63, 36] A Warlock [30] Seeking Strahad This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Ironforge
HordeWarlock 30 (30) H Warlock [30] Tome of the Cabal Neutral  Strahad Farsan Ratchet[63, 36] H Warlock [30] Seeking Strahad or
H Warlock [30] Seeking Strahad
This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Undercity
NeutralWarlock 30 (30) N Warlock [30] The Binding Neutral  Strahad Farsan Ratchet[63, 36] B Warlock [30] Tome of the Cabal This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Undercity
Both 32.pngWarlock 31 (31) In Search of Menara Voidrender Warlock trainer Capital city This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarlock 31 (31) N Warlock [31] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] In Search of Menara Voidrender This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarlock 34 (31) N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] N Warlock [31] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stranglethorn Vale
NeutralWarlock 34 (31) N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe Neutral  Xizk Goodstitch <Tailoring Supplies> Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale[29, 77] N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stranglethorn Vale
NeutralWarlock 37 (31) N Warlock [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] N Warlock [34] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Desolace
NeutralWarlock 37 (31) N Warlock [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] N Warlock [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Stranglethorn Vale and Arathi Highlands
NeutralWarlock 38 (31) N Warlock [38] The Completed Robe Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] N Warlock [37] Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe This quest is part of a chain
Both 32.pngWarlock 40 (40) Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil Warlock trainer Capital city This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] Fragments of the Orb of Orahil Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] Knowledge of the Orb of Orahil This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Dustwallow Marsh
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] Shard of an Infernal Neutral  Acolyte Magaz Ratchet[63, 35] N Warlock [40] Fragments of the Orb of Orahil (in-progress) This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Desolace
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] Shard of a Felhound Neutral  Acolyte Wytula Ratchet[63, 35] N Warlock [40] Fragments of the Orb of Orahil (in-progress) This quest is part of a chain This quest takes place in Desolace
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] Returning the Cleansed Orb Neutral  Tabetha Tabetha's Farm, Dustwallow Marsh[45, 67] N Warlock [40G] Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] The Completed Orb of Dar'Orahil Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] N Warlock [40] Returning the Cleansed Orb, N Warlock [40] Shard of a Felhound This quest takes place in Dustwallow Marsh
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] The Completed Orb of Noh'Orahil Neutral  Menara Voidrender Ratchet[63, 36] N Warlock [40] Returning the Cleansed Orb, N Warlock [40] Shard of an Infernal This quest takes place in Dustwallow Marsh
Both 32.pngWarlock 40 (40) Summon Felsteed Warlock trainer Capital city This quest is part of a chain
NeutralWarlock 40 (40) N Warlock [40] Summon Felsteed Neutral  Strahad Farsan Ratchet[63, 36] Summon Felsteed (quest) This quest is part of a chain

Quest chains

For as huge as the zone is it has an apporpriately huge number of quest chains.

Flight path chain (orcs and trolls)

  1. H [10] Meats to Orgrimmar
  2. H [10] Ride to Orgrimmar
  3. H [10] Doras the Wind Rider Master
  4. H [10] Return to the Crossroads.

Flight path chain (tauren)

  1. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] A Bundle of Hides
  2. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Ride to Thunder Bluff
  3. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Tal the Wind Rider Master
  4. H IconSmall Tauren Male.gifIconSmall Tauren Female.gif [10] Return to Jahan

Hunting and Hunting

  1. H [10] The Hunter's Way
  2. H [10] Sergra Darkthorn
  3. H [12] Plainstrider Menace
  4. H [13] The Zhevra
  5. H [15] Prowlers of the Barrens
  6. H [16] Echeyakee
  7. H [16] The Angry Scytheclaws
  8. H [18] Jorn Skyseer
  9. H [19] Ishamuhale
  10. H [18] Enraged Thunder Lizards
  11. H [20] Cry of the Thunderhawk
  12. H [27] Mahren Skyseer
  13. H [27] Isha Awak

The Forgotten Pools

  1. H [10] The Barrens Oases
  2. H [13] The Forgotten Pools
  3. H [16] The Stagnant Oasis
  4. H [16] Altered Beings
  5. H [16] Hamuul Runetotem
  6. H [16] Nara Wildmane
  7. H [22D] Leaders of the Fang

Chen's Empty Keg

  1. H [15] Chen's Empty Keg
  2. H [15] Chen's Empty Keg
  3. H [24] Chen's Empty Keg

The Missing Shipment

  1. N [14] Southsea Freebooters
  2. N [14] The Missing Shipment
  3. N [14] The Missing Shipment
  4. N [16] Stolen Booty


  1. N [14] Samophlange
  2. N [14] Samophlange
  3. N [14] Samophlange
  4. N [16] Samophlange
  5. H [14] Wenikee Boltbucket
  6. H [15] Nugget Slugs
  7. H [18] Rilli Greasygob
  8. H [19] Samophlange Manual

Harpy Raiders

  1. H [15] Harpy Raiders
  2. H [16] Harpy Lieutenants
  3. H [20] Serena Bloodfeather
  4. H [20] Letter to Jin'Zil

Betrayal from Within

  1. H [21] Tribes at War
  2. H [21] Blood Shards of Agamaggan
  3. H [25] Betrayal from Within
  4. H [25] Betrayal from Within

Gann's Revenge

  1. H [23] Gann's Reclamation
  2. H [26] Revenge of Gann
  3. H [26] Revenge of Gann