User:Vrak123/Vrak's Roleplay Characters

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Hmm? What's this, visitors? My my, you've delved deep into the mysteries of Wowpedia to come this far, mortals. Read on if you wish, read of characters that exist only in my mind. But be warned; it's been many eons since one has come to this place, and you may not like what you find...

Neutral Characters

My characters not aligned with either the Horde or Alliance.

Gorshank the Ruiner

Image of Gorshank
Title <the Ruiner>
Gender Male
Race Nathrezim
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
Occupation Commander of the Bleeding Battalion, Overseer of Forgecamp: Pain
Location Outland, Bc icon.gif Felwood Cataclysm Broken Isles Legion
Status Alive
Relative(s) Bogorzz(associate), Cwi (minion), Crilftah(Right Hand)
Alignment Lawful Evil

"What we are going to do here will be glorious!"


Gorshank the Ruiner is a powerful Dreadlord of the Burning Legion, regarded as a skilled tactician and a gifted sorcerer. He will stop at nothing until the universe burns , and the Legion's greatest demons regard him as the one of the most powerful Nathrezim.


Gorshank came to Azeroth soon after the Highborne summoned Hakkar the Houndmaster, ten thousand years ago. He did very little fighting during the War of the Ancients, working with the Highborne, eredar, satyrs and other Dreadlords to build the portal within the Well of Eternity.

He was later able to briefly study the Dragon Soul when it was brought to Zin-Azshari. He was unable to access its magics, but knew it to be great. When Azeroth's forces invaded the city as Sargeras was coming through the portal, Gorshank was then forced to fight. He slaughtered elves and dragons as they attacked the castle, but was later sucked into the Twisting Nether when the portal was reversed.

Gorshank remained within the Nether for six thousand years, when he later left to live on Argus. There, he studied magic with three powerful eredar; Jorhi the Bloated, Khalan and Ilanna. After a long period of study, he rejoined the Burning Crusade and helped with several Legion invasions.

Gorshank reports to his superiors.

On the world known as Wellew, he stopped the natives' plan to unleash a horrible gas the fed on fel energy, literally devouring the demons from the inside out. For this act, he gained the title 'Ruiner' and the command of the Bleeding Battalion, aa highly trained military division of the Legion. Here he met Crilftah, a veteran of the War of the Ancients, who became Gorshank's right hand.

Gorshank's Bleeding Battalion returned to the Twisting Nether when he received word that Archimonde the Defiler was invading Azeroth once more. The Bleeding Battalion fought on Azeroth for the first time, fighting alongside orcs and against the races of Azeroth. Gorshank was eager for revenge. But when Gorshank heard that Mannoroth was dead and that the blood curse was lifted, he fled into hiding. Crilftah led the Bleeding Battalion into battle on Mount Hyjal, but he was defeated, losing half of his command. Gorshank later sent his army back into the Nether.

The Dread Pact

WoW Icon update.png "Should you betray me in any way, I will kill you all."

-Gorshank to Deth

In the years that followed in the aftermath of Archimonde's demise, Gorshank found that it was hard for a demon to survive on Azeroth alone, even one as powerful as him. He had several close calls, almost dying multiple times. While working in disguise at Booty Bay, He was contacted by another Dreadlord named Deth Runebreaker who asked him to come to Felwood.

Curiosity aroused, Gorshank consented and met Deth in Felwood, and to his surprise, there were four other Dreadlords there. They were Bogorzz, Zadaz the Eliminator, Ormak and Pukax. Deth proposed a union between the six of them, to survive and conquer while the Legion was away. They agreed, forming the Dread Pact.

The six Dreadlords began to wage a war against the Cenarion Circle in Felwood. They fought many battles, using the demons in Felwood to fight the druids off. Gorshank did not summon his army. Unfortunately, the furbolg were rallied against them by the druids and Adventurers, and the Dreadlords were defeated and driven deep into the forest.

Knowing that the Nathrezim still existed in Felwood, the Cenarion Circle sent assassins after them, and Pukax was killed. The Cenarion Circle then began transporting valuables through Felwood, believing to be contained and a quicker route to Moonglade. The five remaining Dreadlords plotted to steal the goods from the caravan.

But they discovered that an ancient artifact, a sonic weapon, was being moved separately. Deth proposed that three Dreadlords go after the weapon, and two stay behind to capture the resources. They began to argue with each other, not trusting a certain Dreadlord to go after the weapon. Insults turned blows, and Ormak was killed. No one knew who had fired the shot that killed him. With that, they decided to disband the Dread Pact and went their separate ways.

Gorshank asked Bogorzz if he was still interested in the weapon, and Bogorzz agreed to go after it. Gorshank intended to use the weaker Dreadlord as a meat-shield. When they arrived, they found that Zadaz the Eliminator was attacking it. Gorshank and Bogorzz attacked their old friend. After a fierce bloody battle, Gorshank and Bogorzz killed Zadaz, but the Cenarion Circle rescued the weapon in the confusion.

Dril'Enthak, Goddess of the Wind

"Get away from me, monster"

"You are the only monster here, demon."

-Gorshank to Dril'Enthak

Gorshank left Felwood, fearing retribution from Deth, but he stayed in contact with Bogorzz, who was heading to the Eastern Kingdoms. Gorshank decided to go into the Stonetalon Mountains and see what could be done there. He ended up remaining there for several months, observing the warring orcs, elves and tauren. One day, after slaughtering a goblin convoy, Gorshank returned to the mountain peak, where he was living, only to find a strange, small golden hawk perched there.

Without a thought, he incinerated the bird and went about his day as normal. The next day, he was suddenly knocked out of the sky by a monstrous version of the bird he had killed. The giant attempted to kill Gorshank, screaming that he had slain her son. Gorshank attempted to fight the bird, who called herself Dril'Enthak, the Goddess of Wind. But he did not have the strength to kill a god.

The Dreadlord fled from Dril'Enthak like a sparrow from an eagle. The goddess pursued, cawing in rage. Gorshank shot spells back at the bird in a futile effort. She was relentless in her pursuit, and Gorshank felt the sting of her talons more than once. The Dreadlord left the mountains and was knocked down in the Barrens, Gorshank took refuge in the Wailing Caverns and Dril'Enthak eventually gave up.

Gorshank fled the caverns and went to Un'goro Crater, he has retained a great fear of all birds to this day.

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif "Lord Maladred, I am Lord Gorshank the Ruiner."

-Gorshank to Maladred

Gorshank soon heard that the Legion was invading through the Dark Portal, so he left Un'goro and went to Outland. There he summoned the Bleeding Battalion and sent Crilftah to join in the attack. Gorshank soon made an alliance with the Pit Lord, Anhi the Tumultuous, who was spying on the Illidari.

After the attack on Azeroth failed, Gorshank joined up with Bogorzz once more and began working on rebuilding the battered Bleeding Battalion. Here, Gorshank enlisted the aid of the imp, Cwi. Together, the two Dreadlords watched as the Legion fought with the Illidari and the Azerothians.

Later, Gorshank and Bogorzz traveled to the Craven Halls, which was ruled by a Dreadlord named Maladred. Gorshank and Bogorzz were accepted into Maladred's service, and they planned to eventually betray and overthrow him. Before any of their plans could come to fruition, the Craven Halls were attacked by Fel Orcs. Gorshank summoned Crilftah, and the two of them battled through out the Craven Halls. But, the Fel Lord, Maladred's creation, was destroyed and the Dreadlord himself was slain. Bogorzz fled the Craven Halls, going to Netherstorm.

Gorshank laments his failures in Outland

Gorshank allied himself to the terrorguard, Captain Groth, who became empowered through the Fel Lord's crown. The two of them went to Nagrand and took over a Forgecamp called Pain by slaying an Illidari Pit Lord named Jun'thak the Siege Lord. Reth'hedron the Subduer, who was in control of Legion operations in Nagrand, accepted the two of them into his command. Gorshank began to make plans to expand his domain in Outland.

Groth and Gorshank established their Forgecamp with ease, and the Dreadlord summoned Crilftah to help run it. The two mighty demons then went south, bringing into their army a group of warlocks and unfortunate Broken. They then attempted to secure a tunnel in preparation for an eventual attack on Shattrath. Unfortunately, the were repelled by paladins who were defending the tunnel and they returned to the Forgecamp, Groth wounded slightly. After a falling out over tactics, Groth left Gorshank, calling him a fool.

Crilftah explained that they needed Groth, and Gorshank set out to find the Terrorguard and apologize. Gorshank found Groth at Warmaul Hill, slaughtering the ogres that lived there. Gorshank told the Fel Lord that he was sorry, and the terrorguard accepted it. Together, they purged the ogres from the Hill and began to fortify it.

After the Hill was fortified, Gorshank attempted to secure the Twilight Ridge after the downfall of Reth'hedron the Subduer. Unfortunately for the Dreadlord, he discovered that the Illidari Lord Balthas, brother of Reth'hedron, had come to secure the Ridge for the Illidari. Gorshank fought Balthas, but the eredar defeated the Dreadlord, leaving him badly wounded. Balthas began gathering an army to storm Warmaul Hill. Gorshank, in a very bad shape, returned to the Hill and announced the impending attack before passing out.

Hearing this dire news, Crilftah and Groth made sure Gorshank was cared for and began preparing for battle. Balthas' Illidari soon attacked the Hill, commanded by the ancient Pit Lord Hell'ran, and Crilftah led the defence. Soon, the Illidari began opening portals into the Hill and Groth roused Gorshank to shut them down. Balthas appeared and tried to kill Gorshank, but Groth defeated Balthas in single combat.

The strange creature known as Life's Bane appeared, revealing that he had manipulated Balthas into attacking the Hill in the name of the Keeper. Life's Bane wants Groth because he may know how to recreate the slain Fel Lord. After a brief duel, Groth and Gorshank, who was also there with the Fel Lord, agree to go with Life's Bane. The Voidwalker orders Hell'ran to retreat and ushers the two demons to the Keeper's domain.

Ar'antar tasked them with finding Ahab Voidgaze, sending the two demons to Shadowmoon Valley. There the two began their search for the Voidelf. Gorshanka and Groth caught the Voidelf and took him to the Nethervoid. There, they met with Ar'antar's other allies; Jezebel and Curho Demoneye.

They all accepted offers of power from the Keeper, and went to the Isle of Quel'danas, to draw power from the Sunwell. However, the events turned sour, with Curho betraying Ar'antar and Life's Bane revealing his godhood. In the resulting battle, Gorshank brushed with the god's mind and was rendered unconscious.

After awakening, Gorshank, Curho and Groth decided against working with Life's Bane and aided the Legion in the fight for the Sunwell. After the Deceiver's defeat, Curho parted ways and Gorshank began to make new plans with Groth, returning to Felwood.


Mists of Pandaria "It will be mine. It MUST be mine."


Gorshank went to Pandaria when the mists parted, exploring it's entirety and seeing a grand opportunity to raise a new, mighty army. Gorshank met up with the Pit Lord, Anhi, resurrecting their old alliance. Together, they devised a plan to enslave the pandaren by having one drink Anhi's blood.

As Anhi prepared a well of blood within the Nether, Gorshank went to Menethil Harbor, disguised as a draenei paladin named Sagohkrn. There, he met a young pandaren named Pui and a dwarf Death Knight named Hexic, who both agreed to accompany him on a 'noble quest'. To this end, Gorshank had hired a high elf named Abigail Brightwing to capture a naaru named A'ruu. Abigail succeeded and fled to Booty Bay as Gorshank used her to set up his quest for Pui.

Unfortunately, before his quest could be carried out, Menethil Harbor came under attack by the Twilight's Hammer, working with faceless ones, and the Infinite Dragonflight. Pui was lost in the confusion, and Gorshank managed to fight his way out of the Harbor, still working with Hexic.

Traveling to Booty Bay, Gorshank switched his plans, intending for Hexic to now drink the blood, bringing the dwarves under his command. They 'tracked' Abigail down, boarding the boat she was on, which would take them to Northrend. The boat soon came under attack by the Faceless, led by General Fzz'axx, who had hunted Gorshank down from Menethil Harbor. Gorshank and Hexic managed to fight off the Faceless, but their boat was shipwrecked at Tol Barad.

Gorshank shed his disguise and revealed himself to Hexic, offering him the powers of the Legion. Hexic refused and Anhi opened a portal into Tol Barad, dragging Hexic and Abigail into the Nether. Gorshank was locked out and couldn't find a way in. Anhi attempted to force the dwarf to drink his blood, but Hexic fought him off.

Anhi used Abigail's body to trap Hexic, sealing the High elf's soul in the orb that was A'ruu's prison. Suddenly, the Infinite Drakonid, Aika, entered the Nether, intent on destroying Gorshank's plans. Aika fought Anhi, mortally wounding him. Drandormu, a bronze dragon, arrived and destroyed Aika before bringing Hexic out of the Nether and to safety.

Anhi emerged, still alive, and grabbed onto Drandormu. Suddenly, A'ruu broke free from his prison and sacrificed himself in a brilliant explosion of light. The well of blood was obliterated and all that remained of Anhi was a blackened skeleton. Of A'ruu and Abigail's soul, there was no sign. Drandormu and Hexic departed.

Meanwhile, Gorshank forced his way into the Nether, finding Anhi's corpse and his plans in ruin. Gorshank tried to leave, but his body was torn apart by the chaotic energies left behind by Aika's time rift. Bodiless, Gorshank possessed Abigail's corpse and left the Nether.

Hunt for the Artifact

"My agents have reported that a...artifact...of significant importance was stolen from the Cenarion Circle. Bring it to me unharmed and unopened."

-Gorshank to Crilftah

After a few months, Gorshank was able to reconstruct his body and leave Abigail's husk behind. The Dreadlord returned to his old lair in Felwood and he soon became aware that an artifact was stolen from the Cenarion Circle. He summoned Crilftah and tasked him to find it and bring it to him. Crilftah went forth, but could not find the thieves. He did, however, run into the famed demon killer, Vrak. Vrak slew his command, and though Crilftah was able to wound him, Vrak defeat him as well. Wounded, Crilftah returned to Gorshank and made his report. In a fit of rage, Gorshank killed Crilftah and set forth to hunt the artifact himself.

He found Bogorzz in Ratchet, under disguise and with a group of treasure-hunters. Gorshank followed the group as they went after the artifact. Later, when Bogorzz was revealed and forced away, Gorshank attacked and killed his rival. Vrak later found the artifact and Gorshank attacked, but Vrak defeated him and Gorshank barely escaped with his life. He presumed that the artifact was safely returned to the Cenarion Circle.


"Where am I? Or more importantly, when?"


After these events, Gorshank was taken into Grimmwald. There he confronted and killed the dark assassin, Eye of the Three Minds. With his dieing breath, Eye praised the Shadow That Never Moves. Curious, and stuck in Grimmwald, Gorshank went deep into the Forest, where he confronted many dangers and perils.

Eventually, he came to a temple. Inside he found the Shadow That Never Moved, a ghastly silhouette of supreme power. Gorshank fought the Shadow for a month in an extreme mental battle. After this time had passed, Gorshank defeated the Shadow and drained it of essence and power. Filled with new might and supreme power, Gorshank easily left Grimmwald and arrived back on Azeroth.

Gorshank after consuming the Shadow That Never Moves.

But the moment he stepped foot on the mortal world, Gorshank lost all of his new powers. Since then, he has remained in Felwood, studying himself and trying to tap into his lost powers. He has had no success thus far.

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor "What?!"

-Gorshank, upon hearing of what happened to the Dark Portal.

Gorshank went to Orgrimmar to watch Garrosh's downfall. He espied Vrak's brother, Bathal, and killed the Death Knight, as an act of revenge against Vrak. Gorshank then transferred Crilftah's soul into Bathal's corpse, resurrecting his minion. After revealing this insult to Vrak, and enraging the orc, Gorshank and Crilftah returned to Felwood.

Bogorzz, recently returned from his death, attacked Gorshank in an act of revenge. Unfortunately, Bogorzz was outmatched by Gorshank and Crilftah gutted the lesser Dreadlord from behind. Gorshank congratulated Crilftah on this victory, stating that he had gained favor.

Crilftah, under the name of Bathal, participated in the fight against the Iron Horde, serving under Commander Vrak but steering clear of the orc. Through Crilftah, Gorshank watched the Legion fail and Archimonde die.


Legion "Blood for blood, Gorshank. You owe me a debt."

-Deth Runebreaker to Gorshank

After the heroes of Draenor began returning to Azeroth, Gorshank and Crilftah left Felwood. The clever Dreadlord sought out the defeated warlock, Gul'dan. Gorshank pledged his service to the orc and prepared for the new invasion.

Gorshank participated in the battle of the Broken Shore, and curried favor with his masters due to his aide in slaughtering the Argent Crusade's advance.

After the battle's conclusion, Gorshank remained on the Broken Shore, overseeing the arrival and deployment of many of his own troops. He called upon Crilftah to lead the Bleeding Battalion into Suramar City, to help secure it for the Legion.

To Gorshank's surprise, Deth Runebreaker emerged from the Tomb of Sargeras, accompanied by a very smug Bogorzz. Gorshank prepared himself for a fight, but Deth revealed that he held no ill will over the dissolution of the Dread Pact. He did, however, imply heavily that Gorshank owed him a debt.

In order to avoid conflict, Gorshank agreed to aide Deth in his plans. Borgorzz, though disappointed that Gorshank would avoid punishment, was eager to reign over him. As Horde and Alliance forces pushed deeper into the Broken Isles, the Dreadlords took refuge in the shelter of the Nighthold. Crilftah was sent to infiltrate Dalaran, where he was instructed to assassinate Khadgar and Kalecgos. This plot was foiled by Vrak, who slew Crilftah and reclaimed his brother's body.

With Gorshank's second-in-command banished to the Nether, he found his grip on events was slipping. Deth seized control of the Bleeding Battalion, setting Borgorzz in charge of Gorshank's army. Fearing the wrath of Tichondrius, Gorshank dared not defy Deth, and was reduced to a station lowly as a Wyrmtongue; Deth's personal servant.

Yet Gorshank waited patiently for an opportunity to break free...

That opportunity came when the Army of the Light assaulted the Nighthold. Nightborne defenses crumbled before the onslaught and Tichondrius was slain. Gorshank viciously attacked Deth while he was busy aiding Legion soldiers. The two Dreadlords fought fiercely, and Deth was forced to flee into the Nether. Knowing that he couldn't be discovered by the other Nathrezim, Gorshank followed after Deth and dueled him within the Nether itself. Though their fight was harrowing, Gorshank proved himself to be the stronger of the two. Slain within the Twisting Nether, Deth Runebreaker died forever.

Returning to the desecrated Nighthold, Gorshank hunted Borgorzz, but could not find him. With Gul'dan dead, Gorshank seized control of Legion forces, preparing to lead the Burning Crusade to their long awaited victory...

(Will be updated as the story continues.)


Gorshank is taller than the average Dreadlord, due to exposure to the Well of Eternity. His pale skin is lightly purple, and he has glowing blue eyes. He wears the armor typical to the Nathrezim, his painted an odd green. His left horn is cracked from a blow received by the Wind Goddess. After his encounter in Grimmwald, his eyes have been green.


Gorshank is crafty and tenacious, but tends to underestimate his opponents and overestimate his own abilities. Despite his several grand victories for the Legion, Gorshank has failed many times due to his own incompetence or poor choice in minions. He does not easily give up once he has his eyes set on something, and also isn't to proud to not listen when others offer advice. He has a very acute fear of all birds, which he hides, and goes out of his way to kill them.

"The nathrizem saw a small pet shop and had to force himself away. He loathed birds with a passion. He took every opportunity to kill them as slowly and painfully as possible. Back in his fortress in Felwood, he had dozens of caged birds for him to kill at his leisure. In fact; he despised all winged creatures; but not as much as birds. The unfortunate few who had mentioned that Gorshank himself was a winged creature had mysteriously disappeared without a trace."


Gorshank is a particularly powerful Dreadlord, proficient in all shadow and fel magics. He doesn't come close to masters like Mal'Ganis, and envies them greatly. After consuming the Shadow in Grimmwald, Gorshank had access to unlimited shadow magic. However, he has lost his connection.


"Here he comes now; as annoyingly punctual as usual."

"I shall soon let him know...that I can undo undeath."

"If you will share this one's fate..."

"You are forgiven, Crilftah." Gorshank, seconds before murdering Crilftah.

"Truthfully you aren't the lightest thing I've ever carried..."


  • Gorshank's first appearance in a story was actually as an orc named Gorshnak.
  • Gorshank tends to ignore Crilftah's advice, causing the Wrathguard to do his own thing. Gorshank is sure to claim all of those victories for his own.
  • In the entirety of his life, Gorshank has never died. The closest was when his body was ripped to shreds, but his spirit still endured.
  • Though he will never know this, Gorshank is far too insubordinate and rash to ever achieve a position of any true power in the Burning Legion.

General Fzz'axx

Fzz'axx is a C'Thrax in service to N'Zoth and the Twilight's Hammer.

General Fzz'axx
Image of General Fzz'axx
Gender ?
Race Faceless One
Affiliation(s) Old Gods' forces, Twilight's Hammer, N'Zoth
Occupation General of the Faceless
Location Unknown, Presumed to be in Ny'alotha
Status Alive
Relative(s) N'Zoth(Creator)
Alignment Chaotic Evil


Fzz'axx fought at Wyrmrest Temple during Deathwing's final attack on the world, under the command of Warlord Zon'ozz. After the Destroyer fell, Fzz'axx was one of the few faceless ones to survive and retreat. Fzz'axx then rose into the position of general, and joined the Twilight's Hammer, or what was left of it. Fzz'axx worked to rebuild the cult, and restore it to it's former glory.

Some time later, the Twilight's Hammer attacked Menethil Harbor and Fzz'axx came to their aid with Faceless Ones and hydra. Fzz'axx encountered the Dreadlord, Gorshank, during this battle. Gorshank was under the guise of draenei priest. They fought, but Gorshank escaped to Tol Barad.

General Fzz'axx was a powerful warrior.

The Faceless General followed, attacking Gorshank on his boat. The Dreadlord and his allies defeated and slew the faceless ones, tossing Fzz'axx overboard. The Dreadlord then left the scene, but Fzz'axx was still alive. The C'Thrax sank below the waters, and hasn't been seen since.


As a C'Thrax, Fzz'axx was massive and extremely strong. His hide was so tough, that even Gorshank's enchanted sword could not pierce it.


Fzz'axx knew his way around a battle field, both in commanding it and fighting in it. Any opponent he faced would have a hard staying alive. Fzz'axx was a veteran of one of the fiercest battles in Azeroth's history, and countless fights before that under N'Zoth. When the Old Gods return, they will have a brilliant mind leading their forces.


""Ag plahf ilith! Uhnish uull uovssh thoq ilfah!" We know you! Endless darkness waits for you!

"Sk zuq gag uhn..." Your life will end...

"Grsh nalak fer ungk-k-k-k," I told you I'd find you...

"Gaal u tik zer, Mig, Ilfah yi nunap ol gu haw yeh'glu gat Shath'Yar?" How quaint, Dwarf, You seek to fell us with the blood of the Old God?

"Grush nal manourg! Y'Shaarj, C'Thun, N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron; ghur loog zaxunt opil radh! Meenul rand full intu, gu shan shuul fa!" The Hour of Twilight comes! Y'Shaarj, C'Thun, N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, it does not matter, not until they all return! They shall be resurrected and freed; and they shall consume your souls!


  • Even though Fzz'axx sensed that Gorshank wasn't a draenei, he never discovered that he was a Dreadlord.
  • Some of Fzz'axx's lines are actually in the faceless language.


Aika is an infinite drakonid in service to Murozond and the Infinite Dragonflight. He travels through time, altering events to create new outcomes.

Image of Aika
Title <the Epoch Lord>
Gender Male
Race Infinite Drakonid
Affiliation(s) Infinite Dragonflight
Occupation Time-traveling warrior
Location The Twisting Nether
Status Deceased Cataclysm (Alive in other Timelines)
Relative(s) Murozond (Master)
Alignment True Neutral


Aika's first work was in the Black Morass when he tried to stop the Bronze Dragonflight from undoing their work. Unfortunately, he failed and the timeline was preserved. Aika worked his dragonflight on several more occasions, several times he provided key victories for the infinite.

Impressed by his work, the flight gave Aika a solo mission; to kill the Twilight Lords and slay the two conspiring demons, Anhi and Gorshank. To this end, Aika was given an artifact, the Black Hourglass, which could kill demons with ease. So, Aika went into the timeline, arriving in the Wetlands, Menethil Harbor.

Aika entered the town and waited. Soon enough, the Twilight Lord Brakkis attacked the Harbor. Aika went into the battle, dueling Brakkis and a strange parasite. Unfortunately, the flood killed Brakkis before Aika could do it, and Gorshank escaped the battle. As did the Twilight Lord Roltusk.

Undaunted by this failure, Aika pursued Gorshank to Booty Bay. The Dreadlord then boarded a boat before entering the Twisting Nether. Aika folloed him once more, and found that Gorshank was with Anhi, preparing a well of blood to enslave the undead. Gorshank left once more, and Aika attacked Anhi.

Aikai bested Anhi, mortally wounding him. Drandormu, a bronze dragon who had hunted Aika, arrived and attacked. Aika tried to fend off the attack, but he lost the Black Hourglass. Drandormu attacked Aika with a time blast, and the infinite drakonid exploded in a flash of sand and blood.

Alternate Timelines

  • At some point in time, Aika prevented a group of Death Knights from being assassinated on Pandaria in an alternate timeline. The Death Knights created an army and with this 'New Scourge', they conquered all of Azeroth before being wiped out, effectively bringing that timeline to the End Time.
  • Aika's death, occurring soon after the Cataclysm, caused an alarm within the hierarchy of the Infinite Dragonflight, as Murozond had also been killed. Aikas from other timelines, those who had successfully brought their Azeroths to the End Time, formed the Council of Twenty. These Twenty Aikas are now working together to bring an end to the failed Aika's Azeroth.




"How untimely..."

"What is this thing?!"

"This timeline must change!"

"Oh, I don't think so, not this time."

"Begone, anomaly!"


  • 'Aika' means 'time' in Finnish.
  • Aika has personally ended at least three timelines.


Drandormu is a bronze dragon in service of the Infinite Dragonflight. He is cleverly manipulating the orc Vrak into thinking himself the Chosen One, a champion who will fight the Old Gods. His reasons and goals are currently unknown.

No image available
Title <Eternity's Steward>
Gender Male
Race Bronze Dragon
Affiliation(s) Infinite Dragonflight
Location The Broken Isles
Status Alive
Relative(s) Murozond (Master)
Alignment True Neutral


Though his origins and true motives are unknown, Drandormu first appeared to Vrak during the Scourge War. The clever bronze dragon began to subtly manipulate the young orc through falsified tablets from Ulduar. Drandormu has remained by Vrak's side through the events of the Cataclysm and the Mists of Pandaria, and even consoled Vrak after his brother's demise. As Vrak slowly spirals into madness, Drandormu is there to fan the flames of insanity, though what exactly he is setting ablaze, cannot be determined.


Crilftah was a Wrathguard warrior and captain of the Bleeding Battalion.

Image of Crilftah
Gender Male
Race Wrathguard
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
Occupation Captain of the Bleeding Battalion
Location The Twisting Nether
Status Banished, Cataclysm Reincarnated, Warlords of Draenor Banished Legion
Relative(s) Gorshank the Ruiner (Master)
Alignment Lawful Evil


Crilftah fought in the War of the Ancients, and for his efforts there, he became a captain of the Bleeding Battalion. After several thousand years, Gorshank became the commander of the Battalion, and Crilftah served under him. Crilftah has served Gorshank faithfully, fighting wherever the Dreadlord wished. Crilftah has fought in many places, Argus, the Swamp of Sorrows, the Blasted Lands, Hellfire Peninsula, Netherstorm, Nagrand, Icecrown, the Storm Peaks, The Barrens, Felwood and even in the Nether.

After these many events, Gorshank sent Crilftah out to fetch and artifact stolen from the Cenarion Circle. To the best of his ability, Crilftah hunted it. After a duel with Vrak, which left them both badly wounded, Crilftah returned to Gorshank to ask for aid and report his failure. In a fit of rage, Gorshank killed him on the spot before trapping his soul in a Felstone. This prohibited him from returning to the Twisting Nether, keeping him trapped in limbo.


Warlords of Draenor "Master...I'm alive?"

"For now. I remembered that you were useful."

-Crilftah to Gorshank

Crilftah, wearing the body of Bathal.

When Gorshank traveled to Orgrimmar while it was besieged, he espied Vrak and his brother, Bathal, from afar. When the two were separated, Bathan very badly wounded, Gorshank swooped in and dealt the orc a death blow. Gorshank then transferred Crilftah's soul into Bathal's corpse, resurrecting the wrathguard as an orcish death knight. Crilftah thanked his master for the second chance, and after Gorshank had concluded his business in Orgrimmar, the two departed for Felwood.

Soon after arriving in Felwood, Bogorzz attacked them, hungry for vengeance. Unfortunately for Bogorzz, who had heard of Crilftah's demise, he was caught off guard and Crilftah stabbed him through the back. After finishing off the other Dreadlord, Gorshank congratulated his servant, stating that he had regained some of his favor.

Crilftah then infiltrated the Horde's forces, careful to avoid Vrak, and fought against the Iron Tide. Crilftah then entered the Dark Portal to the Alternate Draenor and fought with the Horde against this new enemy. Crilftah then was stationed in the Horde Garrison and later participated in the battle for Shattrath, then returning to Frostfire Ridge.



Crilftah, still inhabiting the body of the dead Orc, accompanied Gorshank to the Broken Isles. He participated in the battle of the Broken Shore and led the Bleeding Battalion in other conflicts across the isles.

At one point, Crilftah was sent to Dalaran to spy on the inner workings of the Kirin Tor. When it was discovered that Khadgar would interfere with the Legion's progress in Karazhan, Crilftah was ordered to assassinate the High Mage. This plot was foiled by Vrak, who killed Crilftah before he could strike.

Crilftah was banished back to the Twisting Nether, where he awaits reincarnation...




"I do not trust this one, Master."

"Rally to me! Rally to me! Lord Gorshank requires aid!"

"I am...sorry, Master. I have failed."

"I have fought a thousand battles, and never lost one. I know how to fight."

"Fall back to the Portal! The battle is lost!"


  • Even though Gorshank can resurrect Crilftah at any time, he chooses not to do so, simple because Gorshank is still angry, and likely to kill him again.
  • Crilftah narrowly avoided being killed by Rhonin during the War of the Ancients.
  • Crilftah finds Gorshank's fear of birds very odd, but has not dared confront his Master about the issue.

Life's Bane

Life's Bane is the darkened god of a world destroyed by the Burning Legion. He seeks to regain power and take vengeance for all that has befallen him.

Life's Bane
Image of Life's Bane
Gender Male?
Race Ancient Shapeshifter/fallen god
Affiliation(s) Himself
Occupation god of a destroyed world
Location Outland
Status Alive, Bc icon.gif defeated Wrath-Logo-Small.png
Relative(s) Ar'antar, Keeper of the Void(Slave), Numerous Subjects
Alignment Chaotic Evil, (As Life's Bane) Chaotic Good (As Life's Hope)


WoW Icon update.png"I am peace. I am war. I am life. I am death. I am all. You are dust."

-Life's Hope, confronting the Burning Legion for the first time.

The Burning Legion has claimed millions of worlds in it's conquest for dominion, and one of those worlds -name long forgotten- belonged to the being known as Life, who was the god of that particular world. Life was a strange being, ancient as life itself and similar to the naaru as it could be either dark or light. The dark was called Life's Bane, and the light was called Life's Hope. After millenniums of chaos, the Life's Hope became the persona of the god and the world lived in peace, as Life's Hope drew incredible powers from the world's natural magic sources. However, the peace ended when the Legion came. Life's Hope could not stand against their might and was killed, and the world was obliterated.

Life's Hope, benevolence incarnate.

Immortal, Life reincarnated as Life's Bane, as it had been Life's Hope last. With no power to draw upon, Life's Bane was a shadow of Life's Hope. And so, it roamed the galaxy, enraged and desperate for revenge. Thousands of years passed and it could find no power to feed upon. But then, following Legion armies, it found a world with a similar fount of power: Azeroth. Life's Bane had enough power to prove a match for most mortals and could shapeshift. So, it posed as a Legion terrorguard and searched for the power. Life's Bane discovered the power as the Sunwell, which was destroyed before it could drink from it. Life's Bane despaired, until it sensed that the Sunwell could be rekindled. Being a patient, clever god, Life's Bane worked through the years with the Legion, until he sensed that the time had come.

The First Attempt

Bc icon.gif"You will be my anchor."

-Life's Bane to Jezebel

Life's Bane soon found the perfect pawn for his games; a young, broken man named Jason Ravenbanner. Life's Bane enslaved the unsuspecting soul, turning him into Ar'antar, Keeper of the Void. Life's Bane also tricked the Keeper into believing that it served him as a Voidwalker. On Outland, the Keeper secured the powers of both Fel and Void, inadvertently increasing Life's Bane's power. Now, using the Keeper, Life's Bane manipulates all it can find as it waits for the Legion to deliver the Sunwell right into it's waiting hands. Then, it will take revenge for it's world and return to godhood. Life's Bane is close now...

And Life's Bane brought his pawns to the Isle of Quel'danas and began to draw powers from the Sunwell. However, he was betrayed by the warlock, Curho Demoneye. Life's Bane was forced to flee to the Nethervoid, but soon returned to the Isle. Life's Bane forged an alliance with Jezebel, the succubus queen, and her minions. Convincing the demoness of his worth, he fooled them into returning to the Sunwell.

Once more he began his ritual, using a girl named Demine as his anchor, and grew powerful. However, as adventurers fought the Deceiver, so too did warriors fight Jezebel and Ar'antar's minions. Curho and Life's Bane dueled, and the warlock was rescued before the god could kill him. However, he lost his anchor as Demine abandoned him after Jezebel's demise.

Life's Bane sought out Ar'antar, who had resumed being Jason Ravenbanner. Enticing the young man back, Life's Bane prepared to finish his spell, which was only seconds from completion. However, now freed from Life's Bane's magic, Jason attacked and slit the god's throat. In a fit of rage, Life's Bane killed Jason and ripped his soul to shreds, tossing the pieces into the Nethervoid. Then Life's Bane perished, knowing full well that he would return again.

Blood Magic


The restless spirit of Life's Bane, now finished with torturing Jason's soul, sensed power on the world of Azeroth once more. However, he was now formless after the destruction of his body. He knew that it would be years before he could construct a new one for himself.


Nothing is known about Life's Bane's true form, save that it could be either dark or light. However, Life's Bane has appeared in many forms, including monstrous demons, Voidwalkers, fel orcs and even Balthas.


Life's Bane is the manifestation of the darkness in the galaxy, a malevolent spirit driven mad by the thirst for vengeance. Lie's Bane cares nothing for mortals or it's underlings. Life's Bane is clever, crafty and extremely patient. It is willing to wait for thousands and thousands of years to gain what it wants, and has no morals, scruples or emotional weaknesses.


  • Life's Bane cannot die unless he is separated from the power sources he is connected to. If he were to be killed, he would later reincarnate as the just Life's Hope.
  • Life's Bane has no affiliation with the Void Lords.


"So...This is the best Azeroth has to offer in the ways of magic?"

"None on your world know my name. And that is a fact that will never change. You may simply call me...Life's Bane."

"The Keeper wishes to speak with you both." -To Gorshank and Groth

"FAILURE IS ONLY TOLERATED ONCE." -After removing Balthas from the Hill


Bogorzz is a Dreadlord that works for the Burning Legion.

Image of Bogorzz
Title <the Thief-Lord>
Gender Male
Race Nathrezim
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
Location The Twisting Nether
Status Banished,Mists of Pandaria Alive Legion
Relative(s) Gorshank the Ruiner (Associate), Maria Amberwave (Wife)


Bogorzz has always been a particularly weak Dreadlord, and ever since the beginning of the Burning Crusade he has been obsessed with all sorts of artifacts to improve his magical abilities. He is a crafty Dreadlord, content to rule -if he can- from the sidelines whenever possible.

When he came to Azeroth with Archimonde at the start of the Third War, Bogorzz found the planet to be a treasure trove and decided to remain there to set himself up as ruler of this world. His intentions were to deliver a conquered Azeroth to Kil'Jaedan and Sargeras.

To this end, he joined with Gorshank in the Dread Pact. After the Pact fell apart, Bogorzz went to the Eastern Kingdoms but still remained in contact with Gorshank. The two often plotted together. Bogorzz assumed the guise of a human, a rich lord from Westfall named Bartholomew. He moved into Stormwind City, where he met and married the powerful Lady Maria Amberwave. With this new position of power, he began to make his move in the city, especially when the King was absent. Though he found himself outmaneuvered constantly by the disguised Onyxia.

Soon the Burning Legion invaded through the Dark Portal and Bogorzz went to Outland where he formed and alliance with Gorshank, Cwi and Anhi the Tumultuous. Soon, Bogorzz, Gorshank and Cwi settled into the Craven Halls and worked under Lord Maladred, a powerful Dreadlord.

The Craven Halls came under attack by Fel Orcs, and Bogorzz fought alongside the Demons of the Halls. He soon heard that Maladred has been killed and, fearing for his own life, fled the Craven Halls. He followed Jezebel to Manaforge Ara and hid there while things cooled down.

If forced into a fight, Bogorzz won't go down easily!

Unfortunately for Bogorzz, the Manaforge was attacked by those who sought Jezebel's life. The weak Dreadlord attempted to flee the Manaforge, but he was soon murdered by Ahab Voidgaze and a vengeful Cwi.

Bogorzz had a special artifact known as the Fel Stone, which allows him to reincarnate much quicker than the average Dreadlord. Upon resurrecting in the ruins of Ara, Bogorzz collected Cwi's soul and promptly fled Outland. He was content to remain within the Twisting Nether for a few years, torturing Cwi for his betrayal.

At the time of the Cataclysm, Bogorzz emerged and entered Azeroth when he heard of a mysterious, powerful artifact that had been stolen from the Cenarion Circle. He attempted to take the artifact, but found himself face to face with Gorshank the Ruiner. Ignoring their previous history, Gorshank overwhelmed and killed Bogorzz over the Crossroads, denying him the opportunity to steal the artifact.

Bogorzz used his Fel Stone to bring him back to life a couple months later. The Stone was nearly destroyed, because it had not yet fully recharged after it's last use. After the Siege of Orgrimmar had ended, Bogorzz tracked Gorshank to Felwood and attempted to enact his vengeance upon him. Bogorzz was stabbed from behind by the newly reincarnated Crilftah and was finished off by Gorshank.

Now, unwilling to use his Fel Stone again, Bogorzz is trapped within the Twisting Nether, waiting for his eventual release and plotting his revenge...

Deth's Second Pact

Legion "Gorshank will bow to you."

-Deth's promise to Bogorzz

Sometime before the opening of the Tomb of Sargeras, Bogorzz was approached by Deth Runebreaker, the Dreadlord with whom he had once collaborated. Deth offered Bogorzz the opportunity to crush Gorshank, while also currying favor with the upper echelons of the Legion.

Bogorzz agreed, and the two of them arrived on Azeroth shortly after the battle for the Broken Shore. There, Deth forced Gorshank into subservience, forging a second Dread Pact. While Deth plotted within the Nighthold, Bogorzz went out into the Broken Isles to hunt for more powerful Artifacts.

He avoided Deth and Gorshank as much as he could, returning to the Nighthold only to deliver reports and stockpile powerful weaponry. Unfortunately, Bogorzz found himself trapped when the Nighthold came under attack by the Army of the Light. Enemy forces swept through the fortress, eventually killing Gul'dan and other high profile Legion officials.

Bogorzz truly panicked when he felt the Dread Pact break. He arrived just in time to witness Gorshank murder Deth in the Twisting Nether. Fearing for his life, Bogorzz fled before he was noticed, escaping Gorshank's wrath.

Forced to abandon his precious artifacts, Borgorzz fled to a Legion safe hold, to try and formulate a new plan...

Ahab Felgaze

Ahab Felgaze is a Felblood elf who served the Legion within the Craven Halls.

Ahab Felgaze
Image of Ahab Felgaze
Gender Male
Race Felblood elf/Voidelf
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
Occupation The First Voidelf
Location The Sunwell
Status Deceased Bc icon.gif
Relative(s) Lord Maladred (Former Master) Ar'antar (Current Master)
Alignment Chaotic Evil


"My old life no longer matters; now I am Felgaze."

-Ahab Felgaze

Ahab left his home of Quel'thalas when he was very young, becoming a pirate. This attempt at a life did nothing for Ahab. But when the young mage heard that the Scourge were advancing on his home, he returned and left the life of pirating behind. Ahab fought on the walls of Silvermoon City against the attacking undead, until the Sunwell was destroyed, at which point, he fell unconscious.

Ahab during his more reckless days.

Ahab later followed his Prince, Kael'thas Sunstrider, to Outland and joined the Legion at the Prince's behest. Ahab drank deeply into the fel magics, sating his hunger, until he had become a Felblood elf. He took on the name 'Ahab Felgaze'. He was later relocated to the Craven Halls, were he served Lord Maladred and Jezebel.

Felgaze confronted the incubus, Zalexdrad, and the captured paladin, Felicity, in an attempt to 'prove' that they were willing to betray Jezebel. This was an effort to boost his own popularity in the eyes of his masters. When the pair failed to comply, Ahab tried to kill them. Unfortunately for him, they proved to be stronger and Ahab was killed.

Ahab Voidgaze

"Rise, Ahab Voidgaze!

-the Keeper

Ahab was tortured for what seemed like an eternity before he regained consciousness. He found himself within the Twisting Nether, in the presence of a mysterious, shrouded figure. The figure revealed that Ahab had been resurrected and given a second chance. The figure showed Ahab a special part of the Nether, where it and the Void collide, creating a fountain of power called 'the Nether Void.'

Ahab is reborn!

The figure commanded Ahab to serve, and use the Nether Void to assemble an army for the final battle, in which the Legion would destroy all. The figure stabbed Ahab with a void shard, linking him to the Nether Void and the figure. This process turned Ahab into the first 'Voidelf.'

The figure then dubbed him 'Ahab Voidgaze' and deposited him outside of the Black Temple, in order to pretend to be an Illidari and gather fel energies. The figure was revealed to be Ar'antar, Keeper of the Void. Ahab entered the Temple, and after an interrogation with Illidan Stormrage, began his duty of gathering energy, though he knew not why.

After a time, Ahab Voidgaze gathered the energy needed, and the Keeper arrived to collect it, commending him on a job well done. Ar'antar was accompanied by a strange voidwalker called 'Life's Bane'. Before the two left, the Keeper told Ahab to stay put and await further orders.

Ahab was then joined by the imp named Cwi, who told Ahab that Lord Maladred still lived, simply imprisoned, and was in the possession of a warlock named Curho Demoneye. Shocked by this news, Ahab began to wonder if contact could be established with Curho.

Ahab and Cwi set off and arrived in Netherstorm. They came to Manaforge Ara as it came under attack by a group of unknown attackers. Ahab set off to find Curho in the confusion. The following ensued:

"Cwi blinked his large eyes in surprise as a he saw a familiar figure dash out of the debris and struggling elves. It was Bogorzz. “Hey,” the imp tugged on Ahab’s ear, “I know that Dreadlord.” Cwi pointed at the winged demon.

Ahab turned to look at the Dreadlord, “Is he friend or foe?”

Cwi opened his mouth to say ‘friend,’ but then thought better of it, “Foe. He left me in the Craven Halls to die.”

“Pity,” the Voidelf said, “I could have used his aid. But I cannot afford his ire.” Quickly, Ahab charged the Dreadlord, unleashing a ball of black fire.

Only Bogorzz’s cowardly nature saved him. The Dreadlord was frantically looking in every direction as he fled, and he happened to see the fire ball coming. He leapt into the air, flying high.

Ahab launched slivers of dark magic, like a thousand tiny razors, at the Dreadlord. The shards tore through Bogorzz’s wings like a knife through parchment paper, drenching the ground below in green blood that fell out of gaping holes in the Dreadlord’s leathery wings.

With a shriek of unearthly pain, Bogorzz fell out of the sky, landing awkwardly at Ahab’s feet. The Voidelf kicked out, catching the Dreadlord under his chin and knocking him backwards.

Bogorzz came up, spitting out a fang and blood. His wings were spasming and the Dreadlord was shaking badly. Cwi danced about on Ahab’s shoulders, “You shouldn’t have left me behind, ‘master!’”

The Dreadlord’s eyes widened with shock, “C-Cwi? How?” Bogorzz’s face darkened with fury, “I’ll kill you!”

Cwi smirked, ”You’ll have to kill Ahab Voidgaze first!”

Reaching into his armor, Bogorzz pulled out a small golden locket and tore it open. A column of fel fire burst from the locket and he directed the black towards the Voidelf and imp.

Ahab let the flames wash over him, his dark shield enveloping him completely. Cwi cringed nonetheless.

As the flames faded, drained from the locket, Bogorzz dropped in shock, face going white. “That’s n-not possible!”

“Obviously you’ve never met a Voidelf,” Ahab said calmly.

Bogorzz rushed forward, a small sword materializing in his clawed hands. He thrust the blade forward and Ahab dodged to the side. Cwi squeaked in surprise as the blade tore through his side. The imp fell off of Ahab’s shoulder and hit the ground.

Ahab grabbed the sword and snapped it in half on his shoulder before punching Bogorzz full in the face with his other hand, sending the Dreadlord reeling. Bogorzz turned, spitting out another fang, and unleashed a blast of fel magic, which Ahab easily brushed aside.

“Wait! Wait!” Bogorzz said, backing away from Ahab, wings fluttering uselessly, “I have connections! I can-ghk!” Ahab grabbed the Dreadlord and snapped his neck, cutting him off. Bogorzz collapsed and faded from sight, leaving nothing but his armor behind.

Staring over his defeated foe, Ahab smiled with triumph. He then shivered as he came to a startling revelation. Long ago, when had been dead, when he had been Ahab Felgaze, he had told Ar’antar that he would never be able to kill a Dreadlord. And now? Voidgaze had done just as was foretold. How much did the Keeper know? What was her game?

He would worry after he found Curho and Maladred. With a nod, Ahab turned and walked over to Cwi, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m okay,” Cwi said, wincing as he put a tiny hand to his side. He sat up, “It’s just a scratch.”

“That’s good,” Ahab nodded, “I was worried for a moment.”

Cwi smiled, “You were? Aw, I’m-Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Cwi let out a shrill scream as Ahab stamped down on the imp’s little legs, which promptly broke like toothpicks.

Ahab leaned over the squirming imp, “I’m done with your whining and your annoying voice. I don’t need you anymore.”

“No, no!” Cwi said, cringing with pain, “There’s something I didn’t tell you!”

“Oh?” Ahab raised an eyebrow, “What was it?”

Cwi’s breaths started coming in huge gulps as his eyes darted frantically, seeking an answer. Ahab ground his foot into Cwi’s face, spraying gore and tiny fragments of bone across the rocks.

The Voidelf continued his search with a new-found feeling of peace, “I probably shouldn’t have killed him that way,” he mused aloud, “I know for a fact that getting your face crushed is a painful experience.”


"I'll crush your skull, Felicity!"

-Ahab Voidgaze to Felicity Brighthammer.

Ahab, now alone, was unable to find Curho at Manaforge Ara. But, he witnessed his sworn enemies, Zalexdrad and Felicity, destroy the Forge. He followed them into Blade's Edge Mountains where he met Servion, the fel dragon servant of Jezebel. He allied with the dragon after failing to kill Felicity and the incubus. With Servion, he was taken into Shadowmoon Valley, to a secret fortress of Jezebel's. There he waited, growing increasingly more paranoid that the Keeper was coming for him.

His worst fears were realized when Groth and Gorshank, hired by Ar'antar, came for him. Ahab was captured and brought to the Nethervoid. There he was tricked into going to the Sunwell to help the Keeper obtain ultimate power. All went wrong when Curho Demoneye, a warlock, betrayed them. Ar'antar was badly wounded and the strange voidwalker, Life's Bane, fled the scene. Surrounded by enemies, Ahab found himself trapped.

Ahab stood around mutely with Groth, Gorshank and Curho, having no purpose and no hope. When Lie's Bane returned, he fought any who attacked him during the battle. He was stabbed and badly wounded by Felicity, who left him for dead. After Ar'antar and Life's Bane had died, Ahab pulled himself back together and attacked Felicity and Zalexdrad in a desperate attempt at revenge.

However, even with his newfound void powers, he was no match for Zalexdrad and Felicity. The Paladin and Incubus cut Ahab down, and he crumbled to dust, weeping in despair.





"I mark you mine!"

"And now my little die."

"It would have to be done carefully, however. Interested?" Ahab makes his offer to Zalexdrad and Felicity.

"“I serve only the Burning Legion,"

I am a Felblood no longer, now I am something more. Something greater."



Eye was a shadowy assassin created from the minds of three beings, bonded together by the Shadow That Never Moves.

Image of Eye
Title <Of the Three Minds>
Gender Male
Race Orc/Human
Affiliation(s) Himself, the Shadow That Never Moves
Occupation Assassin
Location Grimmwald
Status Deceased Mists of Pandaria
Relative(s) Karlington, Brong, Eyeogluhk (Past Souls)
Alignment Chaotic Evil


"I am a killer. Nothing can change that now."


The assassin, known in the present day as 'Eye', served the Shadow without question. It was created long ago by the Shadow That Never Moves, turning Karlington, a fallen paladin, into a monster of the shadows by consuming his soul. Eye is constantly tortured unless he kills something that can fight back, and he gains pleasure from these deaths. The Shadow chooses targets for him. Eye has no memory of his past lives. Every two thousand years, a new soul must be added to the assassin, or he dies. Eye begins to remember his past lives and returns to the Shadow, who will have chosen a new mortal. The newest mortal becomes the face of Eye, rejuvenated and with new powers. The second soul was the orc warlock, Brong. After Brong came a mage named Eyeogluhk, who is the current assassin.

The Shadow began to command Eye to exterminate the vampires, which pose a threat to it, and all intruders within Grimmwald. Eye travels through the sewers, killing those that the Shadow deems unworthy of existence. Shortly after Eye murdered a Balogh, one of a very powerful noble house, Gorshank the Ruiner found himself trapped within Grimmwald.

Sensing the Dreadlord, the Shadow ordered Eye to kill him. The assassin attacked, and for the first time in over six thousand years, Eye found himself bested and defeated. Curious piqued by Eye's strange powers, Gorshank proceeded to torture the assassin. As Eye's time of rejuvenation was approaching, he remembered where the Shadow was. With this new information, Gorshank murdered Eye, and the assassin's soul went to the Shadow.

Gorshank followed Eye's instructions and arrived at the Shadow's citadel. There, Gorshank dueled the Shadow in a battle of magic, the likes of which had never before been witnessed. In the end, the Dreadlord devoured the Shadow, and the souls of the assassin were released at last.


How Karlington looked when he was the assassin.

Karlington was a paladin, whose mind became deeply troubled by the horrors that lurked in the Forest. The Shadow began to whisper to him, calling for his aid. Karlington dueled with the Shadow mentally for over a decade, but in the end he was not strong enough. The Shadow told him to kill his mother, and Karlington obeyed. Broken, Karlington fled into the Forest, and was confronted by the Shadow. Karlington submitted to the Shadow's will, and became the assassin.


The orc warlock, Brong, became the second assassin, merging with Karlington.

Brong was a warlock who fell deeply into darkness and evil long before the Shadow found him. As Karlington's two thousand year period came to an end, the Shadow called to Brong, offering him power beyond imagining. Brong readily accepted the Shadow's offer, murdering his partner and blood brother at the Shadow's request. Brong entered the forest and joined the Shadow and Karlington within the citadel. Brong then surrendered his soul and merged with Karlington, becoming the assassin. The Shadow did much evil through Brong.


The assassin's current form, Eyeogluhk.

Eyeogluhk, named by his creative parents, (He shortened it to Eye), was a powerful mage who enjoyed learning. More than once, he hunted the shadowy assassin in an attempt to stop the murders that plagued Grimmwald. He never even saw Brong. But as the assassin's period approached it's end, the Shadow disguised Brong as a citizen, who went to Eye with 'information' about the assassin. Brong explained to Eye that the assassin lived in a citadel deep within the Forest.

Bolstered and with great confidence, Eye gathered five of his strongest and closed friends. Together, they set off into the Forest to put an end to the assassin's bloody reign of terror. The Shadow guided Eye through the Forest, and they came upon the Citadel. Once inside, Brong attacked, killing Eye's companions after a long, bloody duel. Once they were dead, the Shadow attacked Eye mentally. They fought for a year, and Eye's will simply broke. Once Eye was basically dead, the Shadow easily consumed his soul, and Eye became the assassin.


The Shadow That Never Moves briefly manifested itself during it's duel with Gorshank.

Karlington was a young man in his early twenties, with tan skin and raven dark hair. He was well built and skilled with the sword and the powers of the Light.

Brong was powerfully built, with blackrock skin and runic tattoos that came from years working with fel magic. A powerful sorcerer, Brong could magically best any opponents, yet rarely did any hand to hand fighting.

Eyeogluhk was skinny and old, well into his sixties. Yet his skill with the arcane arts were unsurpassed. He had salt and pepper hair and pale skin, both of which have grown more ragged and dull as his time as the assassin progresses. As the assassin, his body is constantly shimmering to disguise his identity, only a severe blow can cause the shimmering to cease. Occasionally, the features of Brong or Karlington will surface on Eye.




"I ended those who lived here. My Master says, 'strike!' so I strike."

"I am Eye."

“But you...I knew you would be no easy meat.”

“You don’t understand. You don’t understand! I was forced to kill them all! Forced!”

“Please...Finish it…” Eye to Gorshank, after being tortured.


Athal, Tempest's Shield

Athal was once a Blood Knight stationed at Manaforge Ara in service to Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. However, she has renounced all ties to the Legion and now serves in the Alliance.

Image of Athal
Title <Tempest's Shield>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Affiliation(s) The Illidari (Formerly), Kael'thas' Forces (Formerly),Bc icon.gif the Alliance, Wrath-Logo-Small.png the Burning Legion (Unwillingly) Legion
Occupation Blood Knight
Location Netherstorm, Manaforge Ara
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral Good


Athal was a warrior of Quel'Thalas before the fall of the Sunwell. She became a Blood Knight and followed her Prince, Kael'thas Sunstrider to Outland in service of Illidan Stormrage. She was fanatically loyal to her Prince, believing his every word and treating them like law.

Finding Yourself

Bc icon.gif Athal was soon stationed in Netherstorm, at Manaforge Ara under the command of Lord Azadrad, a wrathguard. All was going well, but Athal was not aware that Kael'thas no longer served the Illidari, instead working for the Burning Legion. Soon, the succubus queen, Jezebel, and her entourage arrived at Ara. Athal immediately reported the incident to Azadrad, who refused to kill the Legion demons.

Athal is willing to pay any price for the Prince.

Thinking that this was a betrayal, Athal attacked Azadrad and tried to kill him. But the demon beat her down and locked her away in the mines under Ara to work as a slave. Soon, Athal murdered her guards and escaped from the mines, trying to slay Jezebel, whom she blamed for taking over and turning Azadrad. But she was badly wounded and fled the Manaforge, taking refuge in an Eco-Dome.

Once she had fully recuperated, she went to Tempest Keep and reported the 'takeover' to the Prince. The Prince corrected Athal, telling her that she was wrong and that he served the Legion. Broken by the news and her failure, Athal fled back to the Manaforge, vowing to serve Jezebel in all things or die to atone for her mistakes.

Jezebel welcomed Athal, seeing her value. Soon, the warlock Curho offered her the blood of Terrorguards. And as an ultimate act of repentance, she drank the blood without hesitation. Transformed into a Felblood elf, Athal found that she had a clear vision of the future and knew that she would bring her Prince glory.

Athal resumed her duties as the Tempest's Shield. However, she still bore animosities towards the foul Jezebel. Eventually, an attack was led against Ara, led by Felicity Brighthammer, Zalexdrad, Silvia Lightdoom and others. Ara fell and Jezebel was killed in the ensuing battle. Athal surrendered to Felicity, and begged to be spared. She claimed to seek redemption from her fel taint, and the paladin agreed to let her accompany them.

They traveled together for some time, eventually coming to Shattrath, in order for the naaru to purify Athal, as well as pick up supplies. However, they discovered that Jezebel had survived the battle at Ara, and was hiding in Shadowmoon Valley. They tracked her and fought her there, as well as encountering Groth, Gorshank and Ahab Voidgaze. Jezebel fled and Athal was gutted by the Dreadlord.

They returned to Shattrath to plan their next moves. That night, immediately following the revelation that Kael'thas had survived and was working with Kil'jaedan, Athal decided that she really did want to be cured. She fought with herself, and eventually purged the Felblood from her, though the process left her scarred. Now a blood elf, she stood ready to join with the Shattered Sun Offensive, along with her companions.

The invasion of the Isle of Quel'danas began, and Athal participated in the battle. Eventually, she led them into the Sunwell Plateau, and they found Jezebel, Ahab, Gorshank and their minions. The battle began, and Athal found herself dueling Merriweather. She tried to convince him to give up the demonic curse as she had done, but he rejected her. When she hear Kael'thas was dead, she wept bitterly. Athal defeated Merriweather, forcing him to flee but she was heavily wounded and blacked out.

When she awoke, healed by Felicity, she found that Jezebel was dead and the battle was over. They had won. Thanking her friends, she decided to leave her lands, and find another place. When asked where, Athal simply said that she would go somewhere to do good. Finally knowing who she was, she departed.

Paladin of the Alliance

Wrath-Logo-Small.png "I cannot erase the sin of my past, but perhaps I may atone for it." -Athal

After the events of the Sunwell, she joined the Alliance as a Paladin. Despite her being a blood elf, she was given asylum due to the vouching of Felicity Brighthammer. She honed her skill with the light during the time of peace after the Burning Crusade's end. However, war returned in the form of the Scourge, an enemy Athal had thought long dead.

Athal was on the front lines of Northrend when the battle was joined. She fought to avenge her fallen kin, and battled on the Borean Tundra's front. She then was sent to aide Alliance efforts in the Storm Peaks, and though she fought against the iron dwarves, she did not participate in the siege of Ulduar.

There, she briefly met Vrak, who called her cowardly for joining the Alliance. Yet, Athal remained steadfast and battled valiantly. She earned much honor in Wintergrasp and in the final battles of Icecrown. She was, however, absent from the battle of Icecrown Citadel, having gone to relieve crusaders in Zul'drak.

After the battle of Northrend was finished, she remained behind for some time, aiding in the relief efforts and clean up. When the earthquakes began, she returned to the Eastern Kingdoms.

Blaze of Glory

Mists of Pandaria

"You cannot stop the Hour of Twilight!"

"Perhaps not, but I shall die trying!" -Athal's response to Roltusk's threat.

During the Cataclysm, Athal fought in the Twilight Highlands and on Mount Hyjal. She believed, as many did, that the war ended there. However, during the events of Pandaria, Athal heard rumors of the Twilight's Hammer operating in Loch Modan. She traveled there with a score of night elven sentinels to investigate.

What they found was chaos. A troll named Roltusk had gathered the shards of the Hammer of Twilight and had forged a sword from its ruin. This Twilight Sword had only a fraction of the Hammer's power, but it was enough to summon scores of faceless ones, including a monster known as General Fzz'axx.

She led her forces against the cultists, but was outnumbered. Though many of the cultists died, the Faceless Ones were too powerful. Only Athal and three of her sentinels escaped to tell the tale. Roltusk sent his remaining cultists, Faceless Ones, and summoned hydra, to Menethil Harbor, where a battle was taking place.

Athal sent her sentinels home to tell of what happened. She then pursued the Twilight Lord and the C'thraxx into the harbor, wielding her fiery sword; Phoenix Flame.

There, in the chaos of the battle, she cut down several cultists and one monstrous hydra. Though she lost General Fzz'axx, she found Roltusk. And she dueled the Twilight Lord in the flooded streets of the city, flaming sword against blade of twilight. And Athal proved stronger. Roltusk fled through a portal into Dalaran.

Athal, wounded, pursued and chased the troll through the city. Roltusk was rescued by a twilight drake and was whisked away, bound for Ulduar. Athal did not give up, and pursued the Twilight Lord into the prison of Yogg-Saron. There, Roltusk brought his full power to bear, infusing the Twilight Sword with the raw power of the fallen Old God. Athal, wielding Phoenix Flame, confronted the evil one in the city's inner sanctum, and the might of their conflict shook the halls of Ulduar.

In the end, Athal threw Roltusk down into the pit of his master, where the troll fell screaming into the gaping maw of the slain Old God. The Twilight Sword fell in a pool of Yogg-Saron's saronite blood, and Athal hurried to retrieve it. Yet, the voice of Roltusk prodded her, and she sensed a darker power behind the troll's presence. The Twilight Lord's corpse rose from between the teeth of monster, torn, bleeding and stained dark violet. Roltusk took up the sword, and they fought again in the bowels of Ulduar. There, Roltusk whispered to Athal, calling to the demon that had once dwelt within her. Feeling the temptation of fel power, Athal struggled to resist the dead being's influence, and fought on.

After defying the demon within her, Athal cut through the Twilight Sword with Phoenix Flame, shattering it completely, and her blade struck the Twilight Lord. Roltusk was instantly set ablaze, and the former troll died a fiery death, his ashes falling upon the ruin of his master. Athal departed from Ulduar victorious, but ever since that day, she has felt her former demon stirring inside her.

Athal returned to Kalimdor in time to participate in the Siege of Orgrimmar, where she helped bring an end to the reign of Garrosh Hellscream.

The Legion's Puppet


(This will be updated as the RP continues.)






Anhi the Tumultuous

No image available
Title <the Tumultuous>
Gender Male
Race Annihilan
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
Occupation Legion Commander
Location Outland, Bc icon.gif Twisting Nether Cataclysm
Status Deceased Cataclysm
Relative(s) Gorshank (Associate)
Alignment Lawful Evil

Anhi is an Annihilan commander of the Burning Legion.


Anhi, a powerful Pit Lord, participated in the conquest of Argus thousands of years ago. His exploits between then and the discovery of Draenor are unknown.

When the Burning Legion invaded Outland, in order to reclaim it from Illidan Stormrage, Anhi led demonic forces across the battlefield. He formed an alliance with Gorshank the Ruiner, in order to coordinate specific attacks. However, due to the events of the Craven Halls, their alliance fell apart.

Later, Anhi was contacted by Ar'antar, Keeper of the Void. The Pit Lord disregarded his advances and went to the Isle of Quel'danas to aid Kil'jaeden. When the Deceiver was defeated, Anhi was stranded on Azeroth. He remained stranded and alone for many years, until the events of the Cataclysm.

Soon after Deathwing's demise, Gorshank rekindled their old alliance. The Dreadlord had a plan to enslave the newly discovered Pandaren, using Anhi's blood. The Pit Lord agreed, heading into the Twisting Nether to create a well of blood. Unfortunately, their plan fell apart and Anhi was killed by a naaru, Drandormu and Aika.

As Anhi died within the Twisting Nether, he is permanently dead.


Cwi is an Imp of the Burning Legion who is a prisoner of the Dreadlord, Bogorzz.

Image of Cwi
Gender Male
Race Imp
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion
Occupation Trickster
Location The Broken Isles
Status Banished, Bc icon.gif Alive Legion
Alignment Lawful Neutral


WoW Icon update.png"It's your call, Boss. And your dime."

-Cwi to Gorshank

A crafty and an ambitious imp, Cwi is a loyal servant of the Burning Legion. In his many thousands of years, he has served many masters and borne witness to the destruction of countless worlds. A veteran survivor and no push over, Cwi takes what he wants, when he wants it.

Cwi ode took command of a Legion Battleship and scourged an untamed world, declaring himself its overlord. He was killed by the native inhabitants, and for this failure, he was demoted and put into the ranks of the Hleeding Battalion. Meeting Gorshank the Ruiner, Cwi became a trusted advisor of the Dreadlord of for many years. He stood at Gorshank's side during the War of the Ancients and also served him the following 10,000 years.

Descent into Disgrace

Bc icon.gif "Mallard-dred. Come on, does no one get it? He has a rubber duck, for fel's sake!"

-Cwi commenting on the irony of Lord Maladred's name.

Cwi followed Gorshank, who at the time was allied with Bogorzz, into Outland, where they came into the service of the Dreadlord, Maladred and his companion, Jezebel. They remained in the Craven Halls over Hellfire Peninsula for several months, before the fortress was sacked by enemy forces.

In the confusion that followed, Cwi was abandoned by his masters, who fled in different directions. Cwi found himself rescued by Ar'antar, Keeper of the Void and puppet of Life's Bane. Pledging his loyalty to the mysterious being, Cwi found himself set as the advisor to Ahab Voidgaze, and the two of them were sent to hunt the warlock, Curho Demoneye.

Tracking Curho to Manaforge Ara, Ahab and Cwi failed to capture the warlock, but instead found Bogorzz. While Cwi watched and cackled, Ahab fought and killed Bogorzz. Then, much to Cwi's horror, Ahab disavowed himself of all contact with the Legion and crushed Cwi's skull.

After Bogorzz had reincarnated himself, he captured Cwi's soul and bound the imp to himself, forever. Ever since, Cwi has acted unwillingly as Bogorzz's thrall, even serving as a spy in the Broken Isles.

Alternate Timeline

Mists of Pandaria "Surprise, boss!"

-Cwi reveals his duplicity.

In an alternate timeline, Gorshank was captured during the War of the Ancient by the Nerubians and imprisoned in the ancient city of Ahn'kahet. For ten thousand years, Cwi wandered Azeroth, seeking a means of escape for his master.

Finally, during the time of Garrosh Hellscream's reign over the Horde, Cwi found a young warlock Orc named Bazath. Cwi told Bazath of the Dreadlord sleeping in Azjol-Nerub, helpless and alone. He convinced Bazath that he could bind the soul of the Dreadlord to himself. With Gorshank's help, Bazath planned to join the Council of the Black Harvest.

Bazath and Cwi traveled to Ahn'kahet and found Gorshank down in its depths. Bazath bound Gorshank to himself, gaining control over the demon. They then traveled to the Black Temple to meet with the Council.

However, once there, Gorshank revealed himself to be fully in control. In secret, he had been directing Cwi all along, and that the imp had done the binding, not Bazath. Gorshank then captured the warlock and brought them into the Twisting Nether to present to his masters.

Yet, Archimonde sensed that he could make a powerful servant of Bazath, and offered him the power to save the Council in return for his soul.Bazath accepted, and turned on the demons, rescuing the Council. Right before defeating Gorshank, Bazath took up Cwi and poured immeasurable fel power into him. Unable to contain the powers filling him, Cwi exploded like a balloon, and died forever within the Nether itself.





  • "Heheheheheheh! Yea, he can go on and on about how interesting books are and such nonsense! He'll last ten minutes with a real warlord! Remember that time that he spent a year studying that 'magic' ball on a string? The kids called it a 'yoyo!'"
  • "Yeah, that's real subtle..."

Horde Characters

Here are all of my characters aligned with the Horde.


Vrak is an orc rogue that seeks to unite Azeroth in preparation of the supposed final battle between all worlds against the Old Gods.

Image of Vrak
Title <the Chosen One>
Gender Male
Race Orc
Affiliation(s) Azeroth, the Wyrmrest Accord, Wrath-Logo-Small.png Old Gods' forces (unknowingly) Legion
Occupation Rogue
Location The Blasted Lands
Status Alive
Relative(s) Bathal, (Brother)
Alignment Lawful Good, WoW Icon update.png, Lawful Evil (unknowingly) Legion


Vrak and his twin brother, Bathal, were born in Durotar after the establishment of the Horde in Kalimdor. Together, the two trained as rogues and fought with their orcish brethren many times as they grew into adulthood. They tricked their superiors into thinking that they were adults, allowing them to fight at a very young age.

Vrak, Rogue of the Horde.
Bathal, Vrak's twin.

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif "Brother, want to kill some demons?" -Vrak to Bathal

When the Burning Legion invaded through the Dark Portal, Vrak and Bathal joined the Horde forces and went to Outland, fighting in every battle they could right up to the siege of the Black Temple itself. They became decorated for their combat prowess and tactical genius. Together, they were an unstoppable force. When entering the battle, they would sneak behind enemy lines, slaughtering the Dreadlords and other powerful commanders before attacking the foot soldiers from behind.

On the Isle of Quel'Danas, Vrak and Bathal aided in pushing the Legion back, and were instrumental in stopping a final desperate plan involving Felblood Elves, Fel Orcs and Voidwalkers. Once Kil'Jaedan was banished back into the Nether, Vrak and Bathal joined with their fellow soldiers and returned to Durotar, partaking in the many celebrations that followed their total victory in Outland.

Brotherly Love


They lived in peace for a time, honing their skills. But the Lich King soon invaded Orgrimmar and the Rogues' skill was put to the test as they defended their city. Together they went to Northrend, fighting in the Warsong Offensive under Garrosh Hellscream.

After the campaign in Dragonblight, the Nexus War and the Wrathgate massacre, Vrak became very interest in the comings and goings of the dragons, and spent a lot of time in the Wyrmrest Temple. He asked the dragons many questions about Azeroth's history, and learned of the Old Gods, and that the sacred duty of the dragons was to defend against the Hour of Twilight. Vrak began to see that there was something larger, more deadly, than the Lich King's war happening. And so, Vrak traveled to the Storm Peaks, leaving Bathal behind, who went to Icecrown.

Vrak focused on battling the Iron and dismantling Loken and his plans. He was greatly perturbed by all that was happening around him, sensing something dark. When Brann Bronzebeard emerged from the Titan city, Ulduar, screaming about an Old God, Vrak immediately volunteered to invade the city. Joining with the dwarven forces, Vrak fought against the Iron armies that rallied to defend Ulduar. He also fought the titan defenses left behind by the creators to safeguard the horror within.

Pushing deep into Ulduar, the attackers fought off the faceless ones and found themselves face-to-face with Yogg-Saron, Old God of Death. Though it cost many lives, Yogg-Saron was killed beneath Ulduar, and the dwarven armies emerged victorious. Vrak returned to Wyrmrest with the news.

Meanwhile, the Horde had attempted an attack on Malykriss. The battle was bloody, and many orcs were killed. The Death Knight commander, Orbaz Bloodbane, took several Horde warriors prisoner. Bathal was one of them. When word reached Vrak of his brother's fate, he immediately traveled to Icecrown, infiltrating the Citadel.

He fought his way down into the Scourge's vile flesh twisting chambers. There he found that all of the orcs had been killed and resurrected as Death Knights, thralls of the Lich King. Vrak attacked, defeating and slaying the undead around him. Finally, he dueled with his brother before rendering Bathal unconscious. Dragging his brother out of Icecrown Citadel, Vrak brought him to the Shadow Vault, which was in the possession of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. The Knights used the  [Sovereign Rod] to free Bathal from the Lich King's grasp, restoring him to his true mind.

Chosen One

Cataclysm "I am he. I was chosen by the Titans. I am your savior." -Vrak

Vrak and Bathal both marched on Icecrown Citadel with the armies of the Horde, Alliance and their other allies, helping to kill the Lich King and end the war in Northrend. Bathal returned to Durotar, but Vrak remained with the dragons in Wyrmrest. As the months passed, Vrak began to become more and more worried about the supposed, 'Final Battle', when the Old Gods would break free and wage a final war against all worlds, and consume all. He began to travel through old Titan cities, unearthing what he called 'prophetic stones.' Through these stones, Vrak became convinced that he was the 'Chosen One', destined to face the Old Gods personally and duel for the fate of all worlds.

A bronze dragon named Drandormu traveled with Vrak, confirming these stones as the truth. The dragon encouraged Vrak to begin uniting Azeroth in preparation for the Last Battle. Later, Deathwing emerged from Deepholm, causing the Cataclysm. Vrak fought against the dragon, and when he discovered that Deathwing was working with the Twilight's Hammer, a cult that served the Old Gods, he began to fear that the Last Battle was approaching. He fought against Deathwing and the Hammer whenever he could, defeating the enemy no matter the cost. He only saw his brother once, during the battle in the Firelands. Bathal still fought like a Death Knight, shunning the armor of the Horde. Vrak found how much they had both changed amusing.

When Vrak heard that Deathwing had announced that the Hour of Twilight was at hand, he rushed to the Wyrmrest Temple just as the Aspect of Death prepared for his siege. When the siege began, Vrak fought for the defense of his home, slaughtering faceless ones by the score, and learning the name of the third Old God; N'Zoth. When the sky turned dark with Ultraxion's approach, Vrak knew that the Hour of Twilight had come. Even though Ultraxion fell, and Deathwing himself was killed in the Maelstrom, Vrak became convinced that the Last War had begun, and that the Final Battle wasn't far away.

Vrak remained in Northrend after the Cataclysm, glad that the Horde and Alliance were still in an uneasy peace. He studied more prophecies, and became proficient in the arcane arts, training under a blue dragon, Calligosa. Drandormu and Vrak went to Ulduar, where the orc found a new set of Titansteel armor, and two daggers left behind by Algalon.

Hunt for the Old Gods

Mists of Pandaria "If I can kill the Old Gods while they slumber in their prison, they will have less power when the Last Battle comes. I wil fight them. I will save use all, and I shall die doing it."

-Vrak delivers his ultimatum.

Later, Vrak received word that the Horde and Alliance were fighting in the new continent, Pandaria. He went to the strange land, conquering the sha and mogu as they rose up. Eventually, Vrak decided that Garrosh had to be deposed, he was tearing the Horde apart.

The Horde loyalists and Alliance armies were gathering in the Barrens, sides were being taken. To his dismay, Vrak discovered that Bathal was a Kor'kron, serving Garrosh's bodyguard. When the Siege of Orgrimmar began, Vrak fought his way into the city, and dueled his brother to a stand still. Despite that Garrosh and Bathal were breaking the world apart, making them weak, he was unwilling to kill his brother. He left Bathal unconscious and badly wounded.

Vrak aided in the confrontation with Garrosh, discovering to his horror that Garrosh had recovered the heart of the Old God, Y'Shaarj. After Garrosh was defeated and imprisoned, Vrak ensured that the Heart of Y'Shaarj was destroyed. Upon going back up to the surface of Orgrimmar, Vrak found Gorshank and Crilftah, possessing Bathal's corpse. With a yell of rage, Vrak tried to kill them, but the Dreadlord and his minion escaped.

Later, Vrak attended the Garrosh's trial, observing all the evidence poised against him. When Kairoz broke the  [Vision of Time], rescuing Garrosh and summoning warped versions of the assembled people, Vrak found himself face-to-face with a vile, alternate version of himself. This 'Dark Vrak' was a twisted thing, a black servant of the Old Gods, horribly mutated by their dark powers.

Vrak dueled himself, the Dark Vrak claiming that he was what Vrak was destined to become. Eventually, Vrak threw down the Harbinger of Darkness, stabbing him through the heart. With his final words, the Dark Vrak mocked his counterpart, 'showing' him his destiny. Vrak incinerated his alternate form with a monstrous fireball. When he left the Temple of the White Tiger, Vrak mused that he had just saved an alternate timeline. Not that it mattered at all.

A Broken Heart

Warlords of Draenor"Bathal was blind. Mourn him not, Chosen One, for the Last Battle comes."

-Drandormu manipulates Vrak's emotions.

Vrak despaired after the loss of his brother, consoled only by the devious Drandormu. Consumed by hatred for Garrosh Hellscream, Vrak volunteered to join the suicide mission into the alternate Draenor. His only desire was to see Garrosh dead, even if it cost him his life.

Taking command of the Horde Garrison, Vrak lead the forces of Azeroth to war against the terrible Iron Horde, fighting them on every front. Soon, Garrosh was struck down and killed by Thrall, ending Vrak's vendetta once and for all. The Orc despaired, but Drandormu gave him the courage to continue down the path he walked, citing the coming war with the Old Gods.

Vrak continued to lead Horde forces, often finding himself at odds with Gul'dan, working with Khadgar to hunt the nefarious warlock. After the fall of Blackrock Foundry, resulting in the deaths of Blackhand and Kargath Bladefist, the Iron Horde fell apart, and Gul'dan stepped in to fill in the pieces, allying himself with Kilrogg Deadeye and capturing Grommash Hellscream.

Gul'dan summoned the Burning Legion's forces to the alternate Draenor, including arch-demons Mannoroth and Archimonde. The final battle for the world began in Tanaan Jungle, as Horde and Alliance forces blocked the Legion's path to the Dark Portal and Azeroth. There, Archimonde was struck down and slain, and the remaining Iron Horde forces were wiped out. However, Gul'dan escaped to Azeroth.

Returning home, Vrak set to work with Khadgar to hunt Gul'dan and put an end to his evil machinations.

To Be King

Legion "I am Azeroth."


Soon after escaping death, Gul'dan opened a portal in the Tomb of Sargeras on Azeroth, beginning the third true Legion invasion. War came to the Broken Isles, and Vrak was at the forefront of the conflict, leading Horde forces into battle against the demonic foes.

Alliance Characters

Here are all of my characters allied with the Alliance.


Ar'antar, formally known as Jason Ravenbanner, was a mage of the Alliance.

No image available
Title <Keeper of the Void>
Gender Male
Race Human
Affiliation(s) Alliance WoW Icon update.png Himself, Life's Bane (Unknowingly) Bc icon.gif
Occupation Master of the Nethervoid
Location Isle of Quel'danas
Status Deceased Bc icon.gif Soul known to be in eternal limbo Wrath-Logo-Small.png
Alignment Lawful Good WoW Icon update.png, Chaotic Evil Bc icon.gif


Jason Ravenbanner was born only five years prior to the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and he was quickly sent to Stormwind City to train as a mage when he turned fifteen. He served in the Alliance military, participatig in a large skirmish in Westfall. He didn't see much more active duty.

Jason Ravenbanner, Mage of the Alliance

Bc icon.gif "W-wait for me!"

-Jason pursuing Felicity Brighthammer

Jason's life was soon to change. The Burning Legion invaded through the Dark Portal, pushing all the way to the gates of Stormwind City itself. There, Jason held the line of advancing demons, standing alongside numerous other spellcasters and soldiers. But one by one, the soldiers of the Alliance were butchered, until Jason stood alone.

There he met Life's Bane, who was disguised as a Terrorguard, and was bested in magical combat. After regaining consciousness, he found that the battle had concluded with the Legion's retreat, and joined a small group of survivors, one of which was Felicity Brighthammer. Jason was enraptured by the young woman, and followed her adoringly.

They traveled into Outland. It was there, in a battle on Hellfire Peninsular, that Jason was separated from his group during a battle with the vile Jezebel. Abandoned, Jason tried desperately to find his companions, but was stabbed in the back by Bogorzz, while Gorshank watched. Jason was left for dead.

However, he did not perish. Life's Bane, the fallen god, found Jason and took him to the Nethervoid. There, Life's Bane healed Jason's body, but poisoned his mind beyond comprehension. The core of Jason's being was dissolved, leaving him with nothing but a few basic memories and instincts. Life's Bane simply recreated the memories until he had a puppet; powerful and completely unaware that he was not the master. A perfect herald.

Keeper of the Void

With the proper push from Life's Bane, he became Ar'antar, Keeper of the Void. Ar'antar now had unfathomable powers, linked to the Nethervoid, Life's Bane's personal reservoir of magical energy. Believing Life's Bane nothing but a servant, Ar'antar began setting up the pieces to a cosmic game, thinking that it was all his plan. He would achieve ultimate power. But in reality, he was only creating the means to which Life's Bane would return to godhood. The Sunwell was key.

However, Ar'antar had an anomaly Life's Bane had not foreseen. His love for Felicity persisted, along with all the blame for being abandoned. In all he unknowingly did for the dark god, he prepared to take his vengeance of Felicity. He wanted to kiss her, proclaim his love. This one fragment of Ar'antar's soul hid the love from Life's Bane by disguising it as lust and hate; tools the god found useful.

And so, Ar'antar prepared in secret. Soon, he began the assault on the Isle of Quel'danas. First he challenged Felicity to pursue them, and then brought his so-called pawns to the Sunwell. He began his spell, unwittingly feeding Life's Bane. However, suspecting a trap, Curho attacked Ar'antar and branded him with a mark of subjugation and a mark of power-draining. Life's Bane was wounded and fled, leaving a badly wounded Ar'antar behind.

Life's Bane's link was severed, and Ar'antar began to remember. He was Jason Ravenbanner again, and he rushed to the Sunwell. There, after the final battle had raged, he confronted the terrible god. Jason slit Life's Bane's throat, and the god tore him apart before dieing. Jason was dead even before Life's Bane had breathed his last.


Wrath-Logo-Small.png "The Keeper? I tortured him to death a thousand times before his soul was destroyed."

-Life's Bane about Jason's fate.

After his death, Life's Bane tortured Jason within the Nethervoid. Only after enduring unimaginable pain within limbo was his soul at last allowed to dissipate. The god mentioned that not even his magic could ever bring Jason back, marking his death as permanent.






Jahz'rune is a Felguard who betrayed the Burning Legion and is loyal to the Light.

No image available
Gender Male
Race Fel Lord
Affiliation(s) The Burning Legion(formerly), Bc icon.gif the Alliance Wrath-Logo-Small.png, Army of the Light Legion
Location The Broken Isles
Status Alive
Alignment Lawful Good
