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A Whisper of Warning

  • Dark Heart in Aberrus
  • Alleria went to Vereesa before going to Draenor.
    • Check exact wording for the amulet delivery.

The Dragonflight Codex

  • Dracthyr visage
    • the new dragonkin, which he (neltharion) called dracthyr, were capable of... and even utilizing limited visages.
      • They had the power from the beginning, but they started using visages only after coming to Durotar/Elwynn when they learned of them from Ebyssian/Wrathion?
  • Sintharia vs Sinestra
    • Sinestra is used as the main name, while Sintharia is listed among the titles, just like other visage names (Kalec).
      • Chronicle 3 uses Sintharia only.
      • Check NotD, Charge of the Aspects, and Twilight of the Aspects for usage of both names.
  • Aspects in the Chamber of Heart
    • In the game, Chromie present instead of Nozdormu
  • The Heir title
    • The exception being the bronze dragonflight/Anachronos
    • goes on to mention heirs being also Caelestrasz and Arygos
  • Nozdormu not being seen since shortly after the blessing of Nordrassil until the Battle of Grim Batol
    • He went into his lair,[1] but he did rarely emerge from the swirling timeways.[2]
    • In the War of the Shifting Sands, he refused to intercede.
      • Bronzes contacted him in the timeways?
    • Present in Visage Day, but it doesn't have a definitive year/timeline.
    • Due to Chronicles' info, this could actually be Khadgar's wrong info.
  • Chromie
    • "In this role, much of her efforts focused on maintaining the sanctity of the timeline surrounding the Third War, such as the fall of the human capital of Lordaeron and Prince Arthas’s infamous culling of Stratholme."
      • Probably just new lore.
  • Young blue dragons joining the Kirin Tor & "the floating fortress has offered refuge to mortals and dragons alike for generations."
    • Were dragons actually in the Kirin Tor (besides Krasus & Kalec)?
    • Eldragosa was a member of the Council of Tirisfal. Speculatively, she may have been part of the Kirin Tor as well and would thus fit the Codex info.
    • Tides of War - Kalec is the second dragon after Krasus in the ranks of the Kirin Tor
      • Due to it being referenced twice, it is likely new lore and the Tides of War mention is probably retconned.
  • The book says that the opening of Ysera's eyes always portended dire events, such as the War of the Ancients, the Second War...
    • However, she never opened them during the Second War. Curiously the same thing was mentioned on her wiki page when talking about Day of the Dragon. (the word was changed to after the Second War once spotted.)

Visage Day

The exact timeframe of the story is not given, and the hints are also not clear with respect to the overall Warcraft information and story:

  • The dragons use the name Northrend, but according to World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 the name was for the new continent after the Sundering.
  • Chronormu saw Malygos in his visage once or twice.
    • When exactly, as he was insane in the Nexus post-Sundering?
  • Chronormu was sent to visit the black dragonflight by Kalecgos and thought to himself: "You're among your own people. There's no reason to be afraid." Considering their betrayal in the War of the Ancients and the subsequent Dragon Wars and the "hunted to extinction" (Df Codex 50), it is dubious that Chronormu would feel safe when the other dragonflights were at war with the black dragonflight.
    • "Onyxia's flight was clearly out of favor with the others" during Chronormu's Visage Day ceremony.
      • This might be a reference to their betrayal. Speculatively, this could be the case similar to the diplomatic Nalice who was permitted among the dragonflights at Wyrmrest Temple during the Nexus War.
  • The gnome visage itself, but the timelines for visages do not make sense for the Aspects as well (having human and high elf visages during the War of the Ancients).




Now leaderless, the Scourge still has great numbers in the areas of Northrend.

A Frostborn patrol came into a skirmish with the undead near Icecrown, and the frost dwarves recovered a weapon.[3]


Mistakes and inconsistencies

23 maybe the ship
  • or not, it could be functional since it is after the reclamation of Brill and Lordaeron Keep.


The trio traveled through the Dragonblight and the Path of Titans. Surely the giant maw creatures would be a noteworthy mention if they saw them.

  • No longer in the Dragonblight and the land/holes restored?
  • Blizz forgot.

WoW: Sylvanas


Sylvie found it as it was about to attack the wounded Alleria, so she took the kill from her sister, leaving Alleria in disbelief.

  • Battle of Seven Arrows (or Battle of the Seven Arrows)
  • Artists’ Quarters
  • Remembrance
  • The horse mentioned, would it be elven horse?
  • Thalassians
  • Somehow, Nathanos knows about the Well of Eternity and night elves.
    • Wasn't it known only to Medivh & Kirin Tor? (check tlg)
  • gray color
  • Darkfallen
    • Are there more groups of Darkfallen/San'layn? The ones raised in the invasion of Quel'Thalas and the ones raised from Kael'thas' army in Northrend.
  • Forsaken regaining free will (and simply being mindless) vs. Sylvanas freeing Scourge to Forsaken
    • Check wording in that short story, Traveler, RotLK, WoW manual
  • Halduron mentions his trick, disguising to lure trolls, which he does in ToD.
  • Some Farstriders are from RotLK and BtDP.
  • ToD scene where the three Windrunners found themselves during the Burning, now from the perspective of Sylvanas.
    • Dialogue almost verbatim, and extended a bit.
  • Sylvanas being transformed, dialogue taken from RotLK.
  • Lireesa and Verath's death - died before the burning of Quel'Thalas (but during the onset of the Second War), retconning many previous statements (TWeD (unknown fate after the Third War), ToD (both being in Silvermoon during the attack))
    • It is very close to the description in Tales of the Hunt
    • Dark Mirror - Nathanos is already ranger lord when she visits him prior to the burning.
      • In Sylvanas, he is just to become a Farstrider when the burning occurs, and Sylv only thought of making him a ranger lord.
  • In BotH, Liadrin says in Year 25 that in the far south, "the Scourge had recently erected walls, fortifications, stygian edifices... structures built of bone and iron", hinting that Deatholme was built near Year 25. In Sylvanas, Deatholme was already built and ruled by Dar'Khan by the time Arthas returned from Kalimdor to Capital City in TFT.
  • In W3, Kel'Thuzad and his undead killed the banshees that were following Sylvanas. In Sylvanas, some banshees fled with Sylvanas.
  • Eversong Woods existing prior tbc?
    • check ToD for Eversong Forest description
  • probably "grandmagister"
  • Northwatch Tower = Northpass Tower?
  • Archimonde, one of the most powerful of the demonic dreadlords.
    • Could technically be not referring to the nathrezim, but to a "rank".


To do

When the Darkspear trolls crossed the Great Sea and found the Echo Isles, Zekhan was no bigger than a hatchling raptor. From his childhood, he remembers the Isle of Night.

He was a child on the first isle

He first learned about Bwonsamdi during a pohkisa.

  • Varok told him about the Ahn'Qiraj raid, 111-112.

was on Teldrassil, Azuremyst Isles, and near Blackfathom Deeps/Zoram Strand and with Misha rescued Hekazi, Feralas, Silithus, Un'Goro.

Reused sources/sentences
  • Description of Bilgewater Harbor from the Cata site (Azshara/Bilgewater Harbor page)
  • possibly wowpedia Felwood lede (Felwood page)
  • Midsummer (doublecheck Ruttheran page)
  •  [Moonkin Hatchling] (p.63)
  • Description of murlocs (79) reused from W3 manual
  • Description of the Gordunni very similar to as it was described in Traveler, which is Cata.
  • First part of the description of the Writhing Deep very similar to Writhing Deep.
  • Twin Colossals description very similar to Twin Colossals.
  • From Lands of Mystery, pg. 54 - 55, for Scarab Wall.
  • The entry of Ossirian is a simplified version of Game Guide/Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj with little to no new info.
  • Lakkari Tar Pits taken from Lands of Mystery.
  • In Cata, there are two sand trolls captured at Sandsorrow Watch. Six or so years later, the camp still has two sand trolls captured.
  • Silithid Hatchling
  • Energy from the Well of Eternity (Chronicle, arcane) specified as ley lines (114) (which other sources have confirmed to be arcane)
    • The difference of details (energy vs ley lines) may be due to the stories being titan PoV vs myth from locals.
  • What's the status of Elmarine and the quilboar living in Freewind Post since now it is controlled by Horde?
  • Not covered - Moonglade and Desolace.

Retcons and inconsistencies

  • It switched the stories of Hauteur and Temper.
    • Or "If the stories are true" might be crucial.
    • There may also be a cycle of both of them ruling and sending adventurers to kill each other, with being reborn afterward.
  • Blood elf allies and the Horde (64-65) vs the Sunhawks.
    • While it could refer to the time period when the Horde didn't know about Kael's betrayal, Zekhan calling them Horde now seems odd.

  • N [15-30D] Into Zul'Farrak has Trenton ending his search for Sul'thraze, but EA: K says that he is still searching for it. (has two prisoners to interrogate about the legend of the blade)

  • tug of war between gnolls, yetis, silithid, and Horde.
    • the gnolls and yetis are supposed to be allies as per Traveler.
      • Falling out, different group of yetis, or poor choice of words?
  • Bathiel taking Blackfathom Deeps and the Guardian chasing out Serra'kis after the Cataclysm.
    • After the Cataclysm as in WoD, or after the Cataclysm as if during the Cata xpack?
  • Grommash Hold moved vs destroyed?
  • Goblins being in Azshara before Cata (p.20)
    • Poor choice of words because another page says they arrived and built quickly after Kajaro eruption.
  • "According to draenei historians, it [Azuremyst Isles] was left unsettled on purpose"
    • Even tho there was some night elf presence, including a city.
    • Poor choice of words?
  • Exodar being repaired vs being crippled in N [45] The Vindicaar.
    • With the Legion's defeat in Argus, they could have spent BfA repairing the Exodar?
    • ?Velen simply didn't want to use the Exodar as it was ***home on Azeroth****.
  • Gazlowe owns the recipient's Steamwheedle boss? Why would he?
  • 89, context for the letter
  • Gazlowe is portrayed somewhat out of character, as he writes in a letter that he "owns the recipient, their Steamwheedle boss, their Bilgewater cronies, and their shoes", that he "goes wherever he wants on his property", and he concludes that the recipient expect the bill for his time. This stands in contrast with Gazlowe's previous depictions such as in Battle for Azeroth where he cares about his team in the Mechagon introduction.
    • Might not be an inconsistency at all, but an intended warning as the context of the letter is finding the whereabouts of missing profit from the days of Jastor.
      • Tho he could have used a different approach.

Grimoire of the Shadowlands and the Beyond

Ve'nari timeline
  • (pg. 9), new knowledge and the Maw Walkers were the reason to sent Cartel Ve to the Maw. The expedition was led by Ve'nari.
  • In N [60] Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable, Ve'nari says that she was sent to the Maw years ago.
    • Ve'nari lying, or Ta'lora has wrong info.
Night elf magic
  • Healers appear to combine arcane and nature magic to mend the dead body.
    • Arcane was banned till Cata, so it may be a new addition.
    • Maybe the word "appear" is key, and Ta'lora is wrong.
      • [Starshards] is arcane, so is cool.
        • If arcane was banned, why use it, tho?
        • Add mention to sisterhood of elune about their use of arcane?? (with speculation that it may have been astral?)

(Add mention of their personality to the broker page)


  • Scourge in Hillsbrad.
    • Maybe meant to be an insult to the Forsaken by Shaw.
    • In game limitations, and the Scourge is indeed there somewhere lorewise.
    • Or the undead unleashed by Warden Stillwater in the Sludge Fields and at Brazie Farmstead.
    • Scourge attacked Southshore before WotLK - remnants of it?

Are the entries from an older date?

  • HC: In relation to the Scholomance point and the Nefarian's head description, all "main" entries are from an older date, and the ones with the asterisk are meant to be understood as coming from after the end of the Fourth War.

With revelation that Gandling and Jandice are active, Lord Alexei Barov wasn't redeemed?

Thorns (Warbringers) and novellas differences

  • "The Horde shouldn't waste its armies on a desert the Alliance has no intention of invading."
    • Alliance is already there.
  • Zoram'gar Outpost is said to be a ruin.
    • It is ok in the Thorns and BfA missions
  • Silverwind Refuge
    • is recaptured by the Alliance in Elegy; still Horde in BfA missions.
  • It's implied that Sylvanas wasn't telling Varok everything (25) + "The kaldorei knew they were outnumbered. They knew their homeland was lost. Maybe a few of them knew in their hearts—just as she knew—that Darnassus would one day burn to ashes." possibility of the Burning plan before Sylvanas got pitied by Delaryn.
  • Map of Stormwind vs map of an icy land.
  • the “Sword in the Sand” debacle
  • Zoram Strand vs Zoram'gar Outpost
  • Gilneans
    • Elegy - Before the Burning, all Gilneans were sent to Stormwind
    • Sister Almyra was still in the temple (and at least 3 worgen in the city)

Tides of War

  • Baine claims that Hawthorne had refused to slaughter civilians, and had ensured that the civilians of the camp would be allowed to leave unharmed. (Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, chapter 7, 8)
    • Appears to be in conflict with the game where it shows that some civilians did die.
    • However, the book mention might not be an inconsistency since some of the civilians' deaths could still happen, despite the general's best interests. The book focuses on the general's intentions, and not necessarily the fact of what exactly happened with the civilians.
  • Black dragons in the Dustwallow Marsh post-Cata.
    • They should be dead.
    • Jaina might have been joking.
    • Or last remaining that eluded Wrathion.


  • Cont - CV3, chapter V
  • All three books place the Zul'Aman dot inconsistently.
  • WoWCV3 simply states that Thrall rallied orcs, Darkspear, tauren, and Stonemaul, omitting the involvement of Rexxar who was, in fact, the one who did the rallying.


  • The text from Always Remember was changed to say "pandaren brewmaster" instead of "monk" and included a mention of Kang's wife.

Retcons and inconsistencies

Wailing Caverns?
  • Chronicle III says that the Cenarion Circle investigated the world for the Emerald Nightmare, and that the Wailing Caverns became one of the first points of conflict.
    • Leaders of the Fang and Deviate Eradication say that the druid order originally wanted to heal the Barrens through the Dream.
    • Dungeon journal for Anacondra says that it was Naralex's self-appointed mission.
    • The ingame version could still be true; it would mean that the Circle failed their investigation and did not learn about the Nightmare in the Caverns.
War of the Ancients trilogy
  • Present time moved to year 25.
    • This would mean Giramar and Galadin are 8 (Legion) instead of ∼10.
    • Problems with Dalaran and other descriptions?

  • Check Nefarian's death in chronicle and ttota.
  • Dranosh death.
  • Possible retcon: whether the scourge was active (a cleansing fire) or not (chronicle) when Arthas was in Northend.
  • Trolls one race (with "groups" similar to orcs and their clans) instead of 5+
    • Probably just simplification since it doesn't really cover the troll types, just focuses on the tribes.
    • If one race, then "other troll races" descending from the Zandalari also retconned. However, there's also a gap of centuries where the other troll races lore could be expanded/explained.
  • There seems to be an inconsistency given the Chronicle's timeline, Garona would be recognized as a skilled fighter and linguist at the age of 3 while staying with the Bladewing clan.
    • Likely a mistake in wording and not clearly elaborated with Comic info.
    • HC: Gul'dan aged Garona when she was in the Bladewind clan, and not after joining the Shadow Council.
  • Shadow Wing moved after the Sunwell event. (Previously at the beginning of TBC; living Illidan mentioned there which may mean it's still not after the Sunwell)
  • ICC dungeons appearances by women.
  • Chronicle vaguely says that Arthas Menethil burned his own ships in Northrend. In Warcraft III, he hired mercenaries to do it.
  • Thrall demo missions switched / Medivh warning people.
  • Anasterian being on Quel'Danas[citation needed]  (hinted by BotH when Dar'Khan wondered where the king had run off to); Anasterian and the remaining elves retreating to Quel'Danas (p. 96)
    • Was in Silvermoon, went to Quel'Danas, to Sunwell and returned to the icy path?
  • Volume 3 says that there were three magical barriers in Quel'Thalas, two elfgates in addition to a third barrier called Ban'dinoriel,[4] while there were supposed to be two barriers, the inner and the outer elfgate, with Ban'dinoriel being a component of the inner elfgate.
    • Each temple was constructed on an intersection of ley lines, similar to the Sunwell itself, the traitorous elf had told him, gleeful to be betraying his people so. The ley lines were like blood vessels of the earth, carrying magic instead of scarlet fluid. Thus interconnected, the crystals created a field of energy known as Ban’dinoriel—the Gatekeeper. All he needed to do was find these sites at An’telas, An’daroth, and An’owyn, slay the guards, and find the mooncrystals.
    • Charged by the ley lines, the three crystals fed the earths aracne energies into the magical web that protected Silvermoon. This dome of energy was knon by the elves as bandinoriel, the gatekeeper. A defensive barrier of immeasurable force, dwarfing even the might of the Runestones that powered the outer dampenign field, a field that restricted the use of magic to that wielded by the elves themselves
    • In W3, Arthas needed the crystals to destroy a gate.
    • The gates being called barriers seem to be new / wrong.
  • Stonetalon vs Ashenvale
    • Jaina trekked toward Stonetalon Peak
    • The Alliance reached Ashenvale
    • Jaina reached the foothills of the Stonetalon Mountains, Warsongs emerged from the forest undergrowth.
    • Warsongs had been in Barrens for many days before finding Jaina in Ashenvale.
    • Expedition reppeled the orcs, and Jaina led the refugees up to the slopes of the Stonetalon Mountains. Some of them remained.
    • Thrall and co arrived to the foothills. He ordered to ignore the Alliance but many orcs refused because of "something" since they arrived in Ashenvale.
    • Thrall sent the Warsongs deeper into Ashenvale.
  • Upon awakening, Malfurion and Tyrande trekked across Hyjal to get to Winterspring and get the druids.
  • Arthas scaring dreadlords before Kil'jaeden made contact with Illidan?
  • Azjol-Nerub - city pg. 98
  • Merge with Arthas in order not to fade from existence.
  • pg. 100 - new kingdom (also in Dark Mirror), instead of the former kingdom (Timeline (Ultimate Visual Guide)) ; and the Undercity (became known, previously, the Undercity was always named)
  • pg. 102 - Balnazzar

Events of UVG's Year 22 are detailed under Year 21 (although everything till Y25 is under Y21; timeskip maybe?)

"peace for years" - did the bonus campaign replace Cycle of Hatred in the timeline?

  • Chronicle hints at a large gap between the establishment of Durotar and the Kul Tiras attack whereas previous sources state that it was when Orgrimmar was still being built (Cycle of Hatred, ch. 9)

Sunwell Trilogy chronology kinda not ok.

  • Hakkar killed by the Horde - previously stated to have been killed by Alliance and Horde, BfA also states both factions (it does not mention Alliance; re-check the BfA for wording).
  • Rend killed in vanilla, mentioned The Comic.
  • Dragon manga put at the end of the tbc instead of the beginning.
  • Illidan ordering blood elves to attack Shattrath did happen. Check illidan novel for any mentions.
  • Cairne makgoring Garrosh because he had sent the Horde into Ashenvale (Shattering's Twilight's Hammer retconned. Despite the wording, it may possibly be meant as an absent detail).
  • Genn's color changing.
  • Kael traveling from Outland to Sunwell through the Dark Portal instead of a portal in the Throne of Kil'jaden.

The Chronicle indicates that he throws his lot in with Kil'jaeden and leaves the Black Temple in response to the Scryers' defection to the naaru, yet it then states that when he leaves the Black Temple and goes to the Netherstorm it's before Tempest Keep arrives, meaning the naaru weren't in Outland yet.

  • The events of the novel Day of the Dragon, in which Alexstraza is rescued from Grim Batol, have been greatly changed. In the novel, Rhonin and Vereesa set off to Grim Batol, but are beset by many attacks along the way by Dragonmaw Orcs. Vereesa initially does not know of Rhonin's true mission, and the dwarf Falstad Wildhammer joins their party much later in the novel. Rhonin at one point is even captured by Deathwing and to be used as a pawn for negotiation. In Chronicle, Rhonin recruits Vereesa and Falstad Wildhammer at the start for his mission and the novel simply describes them as arriving at Grim Batol to find the battle under way.

Rhonin had been stunned to find that an orc clan still had this much power after the Second War, and he was determined to break its strength. He rallied a small group of friends--including the high elf ranger Vereesa Windrunner and the dwarf gryphon rider Falstad Wildhammer--and rushed to Grim Batol to free the red dragons.

  • In Arthas: Rise of the Lich King we learn that Arthas and Ner'zhul merged together when Ner'zhul called Arthas to him for aid after defying Kil'jaeden. Arthas is then drawn to the armor by his own volition, and the two beings fuse into one as the Lich King planned. As he travels to the glacier, he hears the warning voices of Uther and Muradin in his head as doubts. In Chronicle, he is commanded to merge by the Lich King, who believes Arthas will be easy to subdue. Before Arthas took up the helm, he has hesitations--but this time he is concerned about being used by his master or having his mind destroyed.

At his master's command, Arthas stepped before the Frozen Throne and shattered it with a single strike from Frostmourne.

    • Bulshit, Ner'zhul called him in ROTLK / W3 too.
  • Balnazzar's involvement in the Ashbringer weapon is clarified. Originally, Sylvanas ordered Varimathras, Balnazzar's brother, to kill him as a sign of loyalty--but his death was staged, as the two brothers worked together to undermine Sylvanas. Balnazzar then entered into a pact with Kel'Thuzad--Mograine would be eliminated, as he was unstoppable at defeating the Scourge with Ashbringer, and Balnazaar could continue to pursue the plans of the dreadlords. To this end, he then killed the Paladin Saidan Dathrohan and inhabited his body. Saidan then founded the zealous Scarlet Crusade and corrupted Renault Mograine to kill his father. The death of Mograine corrupted Ashbringer, which Kel'Thuzad claimed upon resurrecting Mograine as a Death Knight.
    • Check the comic for a pact (it is somewhat implied when Saidan goes to Mograine in the room, but not directly stated or confirmed).
  • In Chronicle, Balnazzar is attacked by Sylvanas' forces and flees into the Plaguelands. His motivation to kill Saidan came from a desire to protect himself through creating a new army--the Scarlet Crusade. He needed to kill Mograine, the example of piety and valor, to make it easier to turn the Paladins to the dark side. Kel'Thuzad does retrieve Alexandros's corpse and the Ashbringer eventually, but this is treated as an unrelated act.

He kept to the shadows, fearful that the Scourge might one day discover his presence. In the paladins, Balnazzar saw a means to protect himself--a means to create a new army.

  • Balnazzar killed a venerated paladin named Saidan Dathrohan, and then he assumed his form. In the guise of such a respected holy warrior, the dreadlord was confident that he could twist most of the paladins into his service. Yet there was one he believed was beyond his reach: Alexandros Mograine. The wielder of the Ashbringer embodied piety and valor. The sooner he was gone, the sooner the other paladins would fall under Balnazzar's influence. (pg 103)

  • In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Rexxar reconnects with the Horde as the dying orc Mogrin asks Rexxar to deliver a message to Thrall. He also adventures frequently, meeting up with Chen Stormstout and Vol'jin. In the war against Kul Tiras, Rexxar organizes and rallies the troops. In Chronicle, Rexxar cautiously joins the Horde as it feels like a place of pride and honor. Chen and Vol'jin are not mentioned and Thrall rallies the troops instead. But in both stories, Rexxar has credit for slaying Daelin Proudmoore.

The settling of Durotar drew the attention of Rexxar, an old beastmaster who had invaded what it had become. For years, he had lived alone, learning how to survive and thrive in Azeroth's wilds. Thrall's Horde seemed like a force of pride and honor, and Rexar cautiously joined the orcs in their new home.

...Thrall rallied the orcs, the Darkspear Trolls, the Tauren, and even the nearby Stonemaul Ogre clan for battle.

    • Technically, he did and did not, he was there, but Rexxar was the one rallying them.

  • As Me'dan is not present in Chronicle, much of the story with Cho'gall from the comics is changed. In the comics, Cho'gall has Med'an kidnapped when Garona is mindcontrolled and forced to attack Varian during a peace meeting between the Alliance and Horde leading up to Wrath. Cho'gall brings Med'an to C'Thun's room, who is later rescued by Meryl and Valeera. Garona then sought to kill Cho'gall, who wanted to kill Med'an and use his energy to summon the Old God back to Azeroth. With the help of the Council, Meryl, Aegwynn, and Atiesh, Cho'gall is buried in a pile of rubble, only resurfacing in Cataclysm.
  • However in Chronicle, Cho'gall has a more interesting story. He sets out on a quest to awaken the Old Gods, which is sidetracked at first by Garona's successful attempts to assassinate many of his followers. After luring and entrapping Garona, Cho'gall once again focuses on his mission, making his way to Ahn'Qiraj and breaking C'Thun's chains through a powerful ritual. C'Thun was now free to awaken the dormant silithid and prepare for war, events which led to the Opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and the 40-player raid.

But Cho'gall did not need to physically pass it. Outside the wall, he and his cultists performed a great ritual. Their magic extended beyond the barrier, piercing into the prison chamber where C'Thun was chained. The influx of power shattered the Old God's bonds. C'Thun's liberation came at a price for Cho'gall's followers. The energies unleashed by the ritual destroyed most of the cultists who had taken part.

    • The Comic part starts after this chapter. Garona's story is indeed changed, tho, (she was in Duskwood when Med'an was first introduced; and only got enscrolled later.
    • No mention of Med'an and C'Thun's resurrection at all either.
  • In The Burning Crusade, we learn that blood elves such as Varedis (Varedis Must Be Stopped) were handpicked by Kael'thas and sent to Illidan for training (N [25-30] Illidan's Pupil). In Chronicle, Kael'thas doesn't really know what's going on and doesn't appear to have picked any for Illidan.
    • Check Illidan novel for mentions of belves.

  • Instead of being buried in a pile of rubble by Med'an, Cho'gall now sets out to Northrend during the events of Burning Crusade. He loosens the bonds of Yogg-Saron, providing the Old God with greatly-strengthened powers. He then escalates the conflict between the Alliance and Horde, commanding Garona to attack Varian at a peace summit. This is similar to existing lore, but without details on Med'an's recapture by the Twilight Hammer cult. With no Med'an in this story, Garona pledged to work with Jaina and Aegwynn to learn more about the Twilight Hammer, instead of only providing information if she'd receive help saving her son.

The two-headed ogre willingly chipped away at Yogg-Saron's enchanted bonds. He could not break them, but he managed to weaken the chains.

    • This is described before The Comic would take place, so no.

  • The Lich King, in a dormant slumber, wars with the competing voices of Arthas, Ner'zhul, Matthias Lehner, a representation of Arthas' humanity. He runs through Matthias with Frostmourne. Ner'zhul is initially pleased that he can now merge fully with Arthas, who has other plans. He doesn't want to follow anyone's orders again, and so runs through Ner'zhul with Frostmourne.

In Chronicle, Arthas decides that sharing the Lich King's power with Ner'zhul would lead to disorder and that one mind was needed for maximum power. He waged war on Ner'zhul, torturing the Orc with his lingering guilt at sending the orcs to the Burning Legion. He then subdues Ner'zhul to nothing but sorrow in his consciousness. The two beings went to war for permanent control of the Lich King's power. Ner'zhul had the initial advantage, for he had lived with this power far longer than Arthas had. But Arthas was prideful, stubborn, and determined. He found the single weakness in Ner'zhul's soul: the lingering guilt over his unwitting role in enslaving the orc race to the Burning Legion...Through force of will, Arthas clawed his way through the orc's mental wounds and tore apart Ner'zhul's mind...Not only did Arthas drown him in his guilt, but he deliberately snapped the bonds of his sanity, causing the orc to spiral further and further into despair.

  • In the short story "Edge of Night," Sylvanas enters into a pact with the Val'kyr because she is terrified of the hell she has found herself in death. Before throwing herself off the wall, she has a vision that the Forsaken would be exploited, but that doesn't stop her. In Chronicle, her motivations for accepting the help of the Val'kyr also involve protecting the Forsaken.

  • In the novel Stormrage, Xavius is dealt with and simply the nightmare is sealed away. In Chronicle, Xavius' spirit is also sealed away in the Rift of Aln, which is where we fight him in Legion.
    • Check Stormrage, should be there.


Canon lines of instances and main wars

  • Northrend war invasion line - Horde from west, Alliance from east???
  • Horde did Hellfire Citadel (Alliance retconned); retconned Illidan novel (ch 25) which says that both shacked the Citadel
    • Check wording for the Citadel dungeons and the Magtheridon raid in both sources
  • Alliance did Serpentshrine Cavern (Horde retconned)
  • Horde did Bastion of Twilight (Alliance retconned)
    • Although later it says that the Horde and Alliance vanquished Nefarian and Sintharia, meaning both factions were in the Bastion of Twilight (?)
  • Alliance did Grim Batol (Horde retconned)
  • Blackrock Depths - Alliance victory. Moira stayed behind, drew as much attention as possible to the mountain in order to get people to kill Ragnaros so that the Dark Irons could be free.
    • Corresponds with the Shattering
  • Molten Core - Unknown (both?). Hydraxian Waterlords showed up based on Moira's rumors, basically recruited whoever to challenge Ragnaros.
  • Maraudon - Horde victory. Magram tribe and its leader Warug had no loyalty to Theradras, told the Horde the story of how Desolace happened and the centaur legends on how they came to be. Technically, Warug and his Magram are allies of the Horde and ruled over a united centaur, who were now bloodlust free with Theradras's death.
    • Check Bloodsworn for any mention of the attack
    • Check wording for who led the clan.
  • Dire Maul - Horde victory. Found out about Immol'thar, banished it to the Nether, pissed off and fought the highborne there, killed Prince Tortheldrin, and scattered the survivors into the wilds who were left to wean off from the magic. Also vague if they killed Gordok.
    • Tortheldrin being alive in Legion non-canon.
    • No elves mentioned in Traveler, and in fact ogre implied to be the only ones in DM, so kinda ok.
    • No named Dire Maul ogre NPCs in Traveler because they canonically dead. Probably.
  • Upper Blackrock Spire & Blackwing Lair - Horde victory. In a means to secure Shadowforge City, Moira made sure to spread news about Rend's "true Horde" in the Blackrock Spire - doubly making sure the news reached Orgrimmar. Rend is killed by the Horde. Horde marches into Blackwing Lair and kills Nefarian, as well, taking Neferian's head back to Orgrimmar.
    • Check for year Rend died, probably retconned his Comic mention
  • Wailing Caverns - Horde victory.
  • Sunken Temple - Alliance victory.
  • Dragons of Nightmare - Seems like both sides, not exactly clear. Some green dragons saved, most killed.
  • Zul'Gurub - Horde victory. Zandalari sent word to the Horde through the Darkspear. Horde strike force actually allowed their own blood to be poisoned to poison Hakkar, who could not stop feasting on their blood due to his nature to consume blood. Thus making the raid mechanic canon as well. (Corrupted Blood outbreak, however, is seemingly not canon, lame).
    • Previously said to have been done by both. (in a summary?)
  • Classic!Naxxramas - Alliance victory. Canonwise, it seems like raiders never actually fought Alexandros Mograine as one of the Four Horsemen. Darion, the Argent Dawn's first raid on Naxxramas, and Darion's self-sacrifice to free his father's soul and save Light's Hope Chapel by impaling himself with the blade, all occurred before the Alliance heroes came to Naxx40 and killed Kel'thuzad. Afterwards, Naxxramas fucked off to Northrend.
    • Check the Ashbringer comic, should be in line with it.
  • Tempest Keep (the Eye) - Horde victory.
  • Black Temple - Unified Horde, Alliance, and Shattrath City's forces victory
  • Zul'Aman - Horde victory.
  • Magister's Terrace - Horde victory.
    • UVG implies SSO, check ItSotS for any mentions
  • Sunwell Plateau - Alliance victory (mostly thanks to Anveena's sacrifice), Kalec fight done by the Alliance.
  • Onyxia - Alliance victory. As told in the comics about Varian. Takes place after TBC, before Wrath. Her head was strung up in Stormwind.
  • WotLK!Naxxramas - Both
  • Eye of Eternity - Both
  • Ulduar - Both.
  • Trial of the Crusader - Both (Argent Tournament - both (annual))
  • Icecrown Citadel - Both
  • Firelands - Both
  • Halls of Origination - Both
  • Vaguely Deepholm, Vashj'r, Uldum - Both
  • Skywall - Both
  • Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub - Both
  • End Time - Horde
  • Well of Eternity - Alliance
  • Benedictus and DW - Both

Unanswered question

  • If killed in vanilla, cata quests non-canon?
  • Shadowfang Keep not covered because???? Due to the appearance of Arugal in Northrend, the Keep must have been raided by the time of WotLK. Ashra Valandril fought here by the time of the Cata too. Updated in Cata.
    • Shadowfang Keep raided by the Horde prior WOTLK (EA: EK)
  • Scarlet Monastery not covered because of Ashbringer / Cata raid? Cata should have happened given Velonara's story. Update was in MoP.
    • MoP dungeon acknowledged in EA.
  • Blackfathom Deeps not covered because the WoD inhabitants killed them in canon? + Ashra Valandril fought here by the time of the Cata.
  • Dire Maul - Tothreldin dead, thus Legion appearance non-canon; vague if the Horde killed Gordok or not. No named ingame mobs in Traveler, tho.
  • Zul'Farrak not covered because of Traveler's Chief Ukorz Sandscalp? Then Zul called Zul'Farrak wasteland because???
  • Ragefire Chasm not covered because of Cata additions / MoP update? + Ashra Valandril fought here by the time of the Cata.
  • Stockade - Cata update? BfA involvement?
  • Gnomeregan not covered because ???
    • Covered in Exploring Azeroth as being raided during its liberation. Thermaplugg threw everything he had, including the Electrocutioner.
      • Since Shaw mentions reclaiming surface and part of its interior, which the gnomes have dubbed New Tinkertown, and "reclaiming even part of Gnomeregan" implies Operation Gnomeregan instead of Cata quests, which doesn't make sense because in Cata Thermaplugg is confirmed to be alive and should have been killed by G-Team.
  • Uldaman - ??? (headcanon: not raided at all in order to keep the keepers alive?)
    • Chamber of Khaz'zmul not being raided somewhat hinted at in Exploring Azeroth where Mathias Shaw says he hasnt seen anyone with the  [Staff of Prehistoria] and that Ironaya is yet to be encountered. However, he also mentions words like rumor and story so he couldn't be less cryptic. And he also says that the Discs of Norgannon in Khaz'goroth Seat were unearthed, and adventurers disabled Archaedas, so someone did raid it.
  • Stratholme - ??? (Vanilla didn't happen, because Balnazzar killed the Crusade side in Cata. Then he should have been defeated, and the Crusade should have taken the city but didn't as seen in Legion. Vanilla Scourge side should have happened in order to be in line with UVG's wording. Rivendare in Plaguelands!Acherus says hi.)
    • Exploring Azeroth says that weapons were recovered from Balnazzar's body.
  • Lower Blackrock - unmentioned but possibly down with Dal'rend? In WoD, it's overrun by drakonid.
  • Collectively all instances of Hellfire Citadel, Coilfang Reservoir, and Tempest Keep, and the Nexus, Ulduar?
Also not covered
  • Karazhan, Caverns of Time, Auchindoun, Gruul's Lair (confirmed in the Illidan novel; Maulgar alive as of Legion, however.)
  • Azjol-Nerub, Aspect Chambers, Drak'Tharon & Gundrak, Utgarde, Archavon, Violet Hold
  • Blackrock Caverns & Baradin Hold


  • The Artificers & the Vindicators

vs ToD

  • Chronicle
    1. Gul'dan falls into coma. Orgrim kills Blackhand, then conquers Stormwind.
    2. Orgrim led the Horde into the Spire because Garona revealed it to be the hideout of the Shadow Council. While Orgrim killed majority of the warlocks, he found Cho'gall who introduced him to the Dark Iron dwarves who allowed the Horde to take the spire as base.
    3. Zuluhed is bombarded with visions of the Demon Soul, then directed to Redridge.
    4. Orgrim wants Lordaeron. The Horde prepares.
    5. THe Demon Soul is found, but the power not unlocked.
    6. The forest trolls ally with the Horde. The Horde learns from them that Zul'jin is captured in a prison near Hillsbrad / prison camp near Durnholde Keep.
    7. Gul'dan awakes from coma, and promises Orgrim help. He also learns of the Tomb of Sargeras. Needs a new clan.
    8. Gul'dy creates death knights, including Teron'gor.
    9. Horde marches on Khaz Modan, and Alexstrasza is captured. Horde takes Grim Batol.
    10. Naval battle, Alliance retreats.
    11. Battle for Hillsbrad.
    12. Zul'jin is rescued by Orgrim from a prison camp near Durnholde. First reluctant, but then joined the Horde in exchange for attacking Quel'Thalas.
  • ToD
    1. After killing Blackhand, Garona is interrogated to reveal the location of the Shadow Council.
    2. The Shadow Council is defeated. Gul'dan wakes from coma after months. He wants to have Stormreavers and army for Orgrim.
    3. Another meeting between Gul'dan and Orgrim (about power).
    4. Zuluhed had already been working on finding the mountain range (started months ago). He now has the Demon Soul, but is working on triggering its power.
    5. Orgrim and Rend are on an island (possibly Zul'dare). A party of forest trolls come there. An orc scout then reports to Orgrim that more forest trolls are captured by humans ("Not far from the shore, along the hills just within the forests"). Rend is sent to liberate Zul'jin from the mainland (possibly Hillsbrad). Mission success, Zul'jin meets Orgrim on the island's north shore. Zul'jin joins the Horde.
    6. Gul'dan and his followers work on rituals. Then presents death knights to Orgrim (including Teron).
    7. Week later, Orgrim was addressing the Horde in front of Blackrock Spire.
      1. Orgrim had invaded Blackrock Spire when Zuluhed sensed a power there, and the Dragonmaw chieftain had led them there after Gul'dan provided the Horde with death knights.
      2. Zul'jin revealed the Blackrock name.
      3. The Horde also killed Dark Iron dwarves that they encountered in there.
    8. The Horde prepares to invade Lordaeron, across Khaz Modan.
    9. Hillsbrad battle.
    10. Nekros and Zuluhed work in Grim Batol on Alexstrasza.


  • Mar'li's entry - could be considered a retcon of the backstory of her being a Zandalari.
    • Says she acted as representative of the Gurubashi tribe. Dungeon journal says she was a leader. Technically could be both.

UVG 2 mistakes

  • (also in the first) Draka and Durotan were killed on their way home (check).
  • Alexi & Weldon not deceased, hinting they are still alive after wod?

UVG 2 differences

  • "Each member of the Pantheon possesses an important role in shaping the worlds they encounter" removed.
  • Illidan consumed the skull's power, not the skull. It was fel magic (p. 52).
  • Velens are draenei not eredars.
  • Exodar is italicized

Dark Riders

The Cloak

“(after handling the Cloak of Purity to Brink) It seemed to me that a higher purpose was working through me, and I delivered the cloak where it was intended. My mission will be accomplished once I return the artifact.”

  • ? the "handling of the cloak" / Revil's quote / and "handling of the artifact (last page)"
  • Was the Cloak of Purity not the artifact that Benedictus sent Revil after? The one he wanted was one of the unnamed artifacts Revil and Brink found with the Cloak in the Menagerie?
    • When Revil got separated in Kara, he says that he is looking for the artifact, and he finds the Cloak, so it should be the Cloak? (hopefully true)
    • On another note, Brink only took the amulet that teleported them in time, and Revil was not seen taking anything. (they took them offscreen?)
    • As such, at the end of the book, the Cloak ended up with Brink, and Brink gave Revil the unnamed one, hence Revil's comment about his mission. (probably false)
    • Brink's comment with "actually intended" should signify him giving the Cloak back to Revil.

To accommodate for the Exploring Azeorth info, (if the artifact is the Cloak and was given back to Revil), then it would mean that Revil did not return it to Benedictus (due to his Twilight betrayal?) but kept it for himself and returned it to Kara when Khadgy made it his home. Or Brink took it and only later and offscreen gave it back to Revil.

  • Portrayed to be bigger (more buildings/houses) than in the game.
Karlain's timeline
  • Mardigan was just a babe when Aredhel died, and they moved after she died (ever since mother died, you've done nothing but run from place).
  • Based on the fact that Mardigan looks like young aduil, it should be before the Third War.
  • Due to Karlain appearing in Reforged (Archimonde's summoning after Antonidas' death), when exactly the move happened.
    • What was Karlain doing in Dalaran.
    • Emergency teleport back?

Beyond the Dark Portal

  • There's a hint that the events of Day of the Dragon happened before this book, as Krasus was absent for months. However, other sources and timelines put Day of the Dragon two years after Beyond the Dark Portal.

Rise of the Horde vs Chronicle

  • Rise of the Horde describes the orcs drinking Mannoroth's blood and sacking Shattrath several months before the Dark Portal was opened.[1] Chronicle states this happened 3 years before the Dark Portal.[2]
    • The three years in ROTH may have been confused and put to Chronicle, as a later chapter says that it was "After the Horde had taken Shattrath. Sightings of the draenei had dwindled. It had been a full six months since anyone had reported even glimpsing one of the elusive blue-skinned beings." and ... "The war machines that had so devastated Shattrath several months earlier now."

The Last Guardian

Chapter 8

"If Medivh noticed the young mage’s reaction he did not say anything. “The Lord of the Burning Legion was both powerful and subtle, and worked to corrupt the early magic-users, the Kaldorei. He succeeded, for a dark shadow fell upon their hearts, and they enslaved other races, the nascent humans as well as others, in order to build their empire.”

  • Not really accurate since Sargeras has nothing to do with the building of the Kaldorei Empire in current canon. The empire had existed for thousands of years when War of the Ancients/Sargy started.
  • Humans could technically be enslaved to help build it, but without the influence of Sargeras.
  1. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 22; pg. 470 (ebook): "While the portal was being completed over the last several days, other tasks had been finished as well. The war machines that had so devastated Shattrath several months earlier now were again pressed into service, repaired, oiled, and tested."
  2. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 88 - 93