Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable

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NeutralRule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable
Start Ve'nari [46.9, 41.5]
End Ve'nari [46.9, 41.5]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category The Maw
Rewards 77g 22s
Previous N [60] Rule 6: Concealment is Everything

Ve'nari starts Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable when players have reached Appreciative (Exalted) standing with her. This concludes her storyline in Patch 9.0. Note that, as always, there is no special dispensation for the Eye of the Jailer. If players are at max threat, they should wait to return after it has reset.


Recover the broker device outside of Perdition Hold.


Our arrangement has been quite lucrative. Reliable associates like yourself can be so hard to find.

I believe I can entrust you with a task I would usually perform on my own.

While working with the tracking runes you retrieved for me earlier, I detected a device of broker origin nearby. It must have been brought into the Maw by the captured expedition.

Please examine it and prepare it for transport back to the refuge. I will join you shortly.

This could be a valuable discovery.


You will receive:

  • 77g 22s


Have you found the device?


It seems our partnership has become rather permanent. Cartel Ve will not rest until we are both eliminated.

I suppose now would be the time to share one of my most important rules with you.


The Broker Device is outside Perdition Hold on the Face of Oblivion, inside the Woeful Cavern where Yero the Skittish retreats to. Interact with the device, which is obviously a trap, as it stuns the player while Ve'brax and Ve'nari spawn in:

Ve'brax says: I tried to warn you, Maw Walker. But you wouldn't listen.
Ve'nari says: Did you think they'd take the word of an assassin?
Ve'brax says: Over yours? Of course. You broke your contract and betrayed the cartel! Now you'll pay the price!
Ve'nari says: I think not. Maw Walker, let us end this nuisance.
Ve'brax yells: One way or another, you will be my way out of the Maw!

Fight Ve'brax off, and get him to 50% health, when he pops an immunity shield:

Ve'brax yells: Enough of this! I'll end you both and find another path back to Oribos!
Ve'nari says: No, Ve'brax. You will leave the Maw... but you will never return to the cartel.
Ve'nari places several Soul Wards around Ve'brax.
Ve'brax says: AGH! What... are you... doing... ?!
Ve'nari says: Utilizing one of my more interesting devices. I'm afraid it will prove quite painful for you.
Ve'brax says: No! You cannot hide, Ve'nari! You--AHH!
Ve'nari says: That took quite a bit of stygia... but I suppose that's the cost of doing business.
Ve'nari says: Come, Maw Walker. I believe we have much to discuss.

On complete:

Ve'nari says: Rule 7: Betrayal is inevitable, even from those close to you. Especially from those close to you.
Ve'nari says: Now that we know there are mortals who can leave this realm, I suddenly find myself in what is, shall we say, an enviable position.
Ve'nari says: And my cartel does not handle envy particularly well. Those who assigned me here years ago are now sending assassins to destroy me.
Ve'nari says: Should you encounter others of my cartel in the Shadowlands, they are not to be trusted.
Ve'nari says: If they realize that you are my trading partner, I suspect they will eagerly end you in an effort to harm my prosperity.
Ve'nari says: For that is what we are, <name>. Partners. From now until our last flame flickers.
Ve'nari says: In closing: Do not betray me.


  1. N [60] Trust Issues
  2. N [60] Rule 4: Make A List
  3. N [60] Rule 5: Be Audacious (requires Tentative)
  4. N [60] Rule 6: Concealment is Everything (requires Ambivalent)
    • Optional side chain:
    1. N [60] Rule 6 Footnote: Don't Forget Anything (optional breadcrumb)
    2. N [60] Rule 6 Addendum: Save Me At Any Cost
  5. N [60] Rule 7: Betrayal is Inevitable (requires Appreciative)

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Speak with Ve'nari to hear Rule 7.


We have worked together for some time now, Maw Walker. Despite initial trepidation, I can say now you are a worthy partner.

I have one last rule. It will be vital knowledge in days to come.

Patch changes

External links