Scarab Wall

The Scarab Wall[33, 82.5] lies at the southern edge of Silithus, marking the boundary between the silithid-controlled desert and the ruined city of Ahn'Qiraj, spanning from its east boundary to its west. The wall was molded from the very sands beneath it at the end of the War of the Shifting Sands, rising at least a hundred feet above the desert. Where its height ended, the magic of the bronze dragonflight took over, forming a barrier many times taller than the sandstone beneath it. The night elves named their shared creation Irana'ethil, "Shield against the Shadow." The walls kept C'Thun and its crawly minions sealed within.[1]
The opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj was a World Event. While in-game a player attains the rank of [Scarab Lord] when opening the wall, it is known that either Kalahad or Shiromar was the one who rang the gong in the lore.
The Scarab Wall was one of the only two parts of Silithus to survive Sargeras's destruction of the zone, the other being Valor's Rest.
The wall still stands after the Fourth War, and is a place of remembrance for the losses of two wars and for the victory of the Might of Kalimdor over the unending armies of the Old God.[1]
In the RPG
The Scarab Wall is a massive, slippery barrier bisecting Silithus. Standing a hundred feet high, this impassible obstruction stretches between the mountains from west to east. The lands beyond, which can only be seen by climbing a high cliff some distance away, appear much the same as the rest of Silithus—dry, windswept desert. The elves called the area beyond the Scarab Wall, Ahn'Qiraj. They advised to steer clear of it although it seems there is no way to breach or climb the wall, at least without the use of magic.[2]
The silithid and qiraji clashing with the Might of Kalimdor, TCG art.
Assault on Ahn'Qiraj from Chronicle Volume 3.
Key art of Ahn'Qiraj for Classic.
See also
- Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and The Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest chain for details on the massive quest to open those gates.
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 107
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 54 - 55
External links