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Meat vendors

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Meat vendors, sometimes called 'butchers', sell meaty food that is useful for hunters who have pets with strict diets, such as cats and spiders. General goods vendors also sometimes sell meat.

Alliance Crest Alliance Meat Vendors

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Location Vendor Title Meat Vendor
Lion's Pride Inn, Goldshire, Elwynn Forest Butcher IconSmall Human Male.gif Toddrick
Tradesmen's Terrace, Darnassus Meat Vendor IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Jaeana
Seat of the Naaru, the Exodar Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Caregiver Breel
The Commons, Ironforge Innkeeper IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Innkeeper Firebrew
Military Ward, Ironforge Meat Vendor IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Sognar Cliffbeard
Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Caregiver Topher Loaal
Lakeshire Inn, Redridge Mountains Food and Drinks IconSmall Human Male.gif Bartender Wental
Lakeshire Inn, Redridge Mountains Butcher IconSmall Human Male.gif Sherman Femmel
Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains General Supplies IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Chylina
Silverwind Refuge, Ashenvale Butcher IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Ulthaan (dead)
Silverwing Grove, Ashenvale Smokywood Pastures IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Gapp Jinglepocket
Deepwater Tavern, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands Innkeeper IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Innkeeper Helbrek
Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills Butcher IconSmall Human Male.gif Bront Coldcleave
Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills Speciality Meat and Slop IconSmall Human Male.gif Chef Jessen
Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands Butcher IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Narj Deepslice
Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands Smokywood Pastures IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Targot Jinglepocket
Alliance Alterac Valley entrance, Alterac Mountains Smokywood Pastures IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Mirvyna Jinglepocket
Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh Butcher IconSmall Human Male.gif Craig Nollward
Foothold Citadel, Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh Chef IconSmall Human Female.gif Dwane Wertle
Wildhammer Keep, Aerie Peak, the Hinterlands Bartender IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Truk Wildbeard
Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Human Male.gif Sid Limbardi
Expedition Point, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif General Goods and Repair IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Supply Officer Shandria
Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif General Goods and Repairs IconSmall Human Male.gif Supply Officer Pestle
Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Caregiver Ophera Windfury
Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Food Drink Vendor IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Provisioner Anir
Orebor Harborage, Zangarmarsh Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Broken Male.gif Innkeeper Kerp
Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest Bc icon.gif Rations IconSmall Human Female.gif Supply Officer Mills
Telaar, Nagrand Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Caregiver Isel
Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dreg Cloudsweeper

Horde Crest Horde Meat Vendors

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Location Vendor Title Meat Vendor
Valley of Trials, Durotar Butcher IconSmall Orc Male.gif Zlagk
Sen'jin Village, Durotar Butcher IconSmall Troll Male.gif Hai'zan
Razor Hill, Durotar Butcher IconSmall Orc Male.gif Grimtak
Razor Hill, Durotar Innkeeper IconSmall Orc Male.gif Innkeeper Grosk
Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Marniel Amberlight
Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods Bc icon.gif Food & Drink IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Zalene Firstlight
Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar Meat Vendor IconSmall Orc Female.gif Olvia
Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar IconSmall Orc Male.gif Barkeep Morag
The Drag, Orgrimmar Meat Vendor IconSmall Orc Male.gif Borstan
Wayfarer's Rest, Silvermoon City Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Innkeeper Jovia
Silvermoon City Inn, Silvermoon City Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Innkeeper Velandra
High Rise, Thunder Bluff Meat Vendor IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Kaga Mistrunner
Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands Bc icon.gif Food & Drink IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Heron Skygaze
The Crossroads, the Barrens Butcher IconSmall Orc Male.gif Zargh
Mor'shan Base Camp, the Barrens Smokywood Pastures IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Hecht Copperpinch
Camp Taurajo, the Barrens Butcher IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Gahroot
Mor'shan Base Camp, the Barrens Warsong Supply Officer IconSmall Orc Male.gif Kelm Hargunth
Malaka'jin, Stonetalon Mountains Butcher IconSmall Troll Female.gif Denni'ka
Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains Innkeeper IconSmall Orc Female.gif Innkeeper Jayka
Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains Butcher IconSmall Orc Male.gif Krond
Splintertree Post, Ashenvale Innkeeper IconSmall Orc Female.gif Innkeeper Kaylisk
Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills Innkeeper IconSmall Undead Male.gif Innkeeper Shay
Freewind Post, Thousand Needles Butcher IconSmall Orc Male.gif Turhaw
Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands Smokywood Pastures IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Kosco Copperpinch
Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands Butcher IconSmall Orc Male.gif Uttnar
Grom'gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale Food & Drink IconSmall Orc Male.gif Nargatt
Horde Alterac Valley entrance, Alterac Mountains Smokywood Pastures IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Dillord Copperpinch
Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh Innkeeper IconSmall Ogre.gif "Little" Logok
Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh Butcher IconSmall Ogre.gif Ogg'marr
Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows Food & Drink Vendor IconSmall Orc Male.gif Thultash
Kargath, Badlands Innkeeper IconSmall Orc Male.gif Innkeeper Shul'kar
Valormok, Azshara Food & Drink IconSmall Orc Male.gif Kurll
Stair of Destiny, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Healing & Sustenance IconSmall Undead Male.gif Dark Cleric Malod
Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Undead Male.gif Floyd Pinkus
Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Food and Drink IconSmall Orc Male.gif Cookie One-Eye
Reaver's Fall, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif General Goods and Repairs IconSmall Undead Female.gif Supply Officer Isabel
Spinebreaker Post, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Food Drink IconSmall Orc Male.gif Mondul
Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Innkeeper Bazil Olof'tazun
Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula Bc icon.gif Food Drink IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Provisioner Valine
Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall Orc Female.gif Innkeeper Grilka
Garadar, Nagrand Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Matron Tikkit
Garadar, Nagrand Bc icon.gif Cooking Supplies IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Nula the Butcher
Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade's Edge Mountains Bc icon.gif Butcher IconSmall Orc Female.gif Gholah
Mok'Nathal Village, Blade's Edge Mountains Bc icon.gif Butcher IconSmall OrcBrown Male.gif Braagor
Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley Bc icon.gif Food & Drink IconSmall Orc Male.gif Targrom

Neutral Neutral Meat Vendors

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Location Vendor Title Meat Vendor
Hatchet Hills, Ghostlands Bc icon.gif Food & Drink IconSmall Orc Female.gif Kurzel
Gadgetzan, Tanaris Butcher IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Dirge Quikcleave
Thorium Point, Searing Gorge The Thorium Brotherhood IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif Master Smith Burninate
Marshal's Refuge, Un'Goro Crater General Goods Vendor IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Nergal
Cenarion Hold, Silithus Innkeeper IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Calandrath
Everlook, Winterspring Food & Drink IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Himmik
Everlook, Winterspring Innkeeper IconSmall Goblin Female.gif Innkeeper Vizzie
Lower City, Shattrath City Bc icon.gif Meat Vendor IconSmall Human Male.gif Brendan Turner
Lower City, Shattrath City Bc icon.gif Bartender IconSmall Broken Male.gif Shaarubo
Refugee Caravan, Terokkar Forest Bc icon.gif Food & Drink IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Morula
Mana Tombs, Terokkar Forest Bc icon.gif Shady Dealer IconSmall Ethereal.gif "Slim"
Shadow Labyrinth, Terokkar Forest Bc icon.gif IconSmall Broken Male.gif Provisioner Tsaalt
Ogri'la, Blade's Edge Mountains Bc icon.gif Food Vendor IconSmall OgreMage.gif Ogri'la Grubgiver
Area 52, Netherstorm Bc icon.gif Food & Drink IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Gant
Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley Bc icon.gif Provisions Merchant IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Nanomah
Dragonmaw Base Camp, Shadowmoon Valley Bc icon.gif Innkeeper IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Horus
Argent Tournament Grounds, Icecrown Wrath-Logo-Small.png Fresh Food IconSmall Tuskarr.gif Akrittok
Mar'at, Uldum Cata-Logo-Small.png Butcher IconSmall Tol'vir.gif Husani