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Image of Olvia
Title <Meat Vendor>
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Location Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Olvia is an orc meat vendor located in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar.

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

After the betrayal of Varimathras and Putress, Sylvanas Windrunner and the Forsaken refugees had to escape to Orgrimmar. During that time Orgrimmar was under martial law and Olvia was complaining about the situation along with other citizens.

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

During the Siege of Orgrimmar, Olvia was seen sleeping in a hut with Horthus and Shan'ti.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

After the battle of the Broken Shore, she could be found alongside other concerned citizens of the Horde in front of Grommash Hold. After Vol'jin's death, she was speaking with Shan'ti.


Item Cost
5x  [Tough Jerky] 25c
5x  [Haunch of Meat] 1s 25c
5x  [Mutton Chop] 5s
5x  [Wild Hog Shank] 10s
5x  [Cured Ham Steak] 20s
5x  [Roasted Quail] 40s
5x  [Smoked Talbuk Venison] 56s
5x  [Salted Venison] 85s
5x  [Mead Basted Caribou] 1g 60s
5x  [Roasted Beef] 1g 80s
5x  [Massive Turkey Leg] 2g
5x  [Mutton Stew] 2g 24s
5x  [Pickled Pig's Snout] 2g 56s

External links