Innkeeper Vizzie

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NeutralInnkeeper Vizzie
Image of Innkeeper Vizzie
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Everlook
Location Everlook, Winterspring
Status Alive

Innkeeper Vizzie is a goblin innkeeper located in Everlook in Winterspring. She is afraid of insects.[1]




Quests available

I get a lot of mail, <name>. Most of it is junk, but some of them might be helpful to a helpful <class> like you. Here's a couple of letters sent to Everlook, looking for help in the far corners of the world.

It's almost as if you have a choice for where you go next! Now, let's see...

Quests completed

Come in, come in. Just don't sit too close to the stove. It hasn't exploded yet today, but just to be safe I think you should sit elsewhere.

Inn Make this inn your home.

Buy I want to browse your goods.

Patch changes



External links