Sognar Cliffbeard

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AllianceSognar Cliffbeard
Image of Sognar Cliffbeard
Title <Meat Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Location Military Ward, Ironforge
Status Alive

Sognar Cliffbeard is a wandering dwarf meat vendor located in the Military Ward in Ironforge.


Item Cost
5x  [Tough Jerky] 25c
5x  [Haunch of Meat] 1s 25c
5x  [Mutton Chop] 5s
5x  [Wild Hog Shank] 10s
5x  [Cured Ham Steak] 20s
5x  [Roasted Quail] 40s
5x  [Smoked Talbuk Venison] 56s
5x  [Salted Venison] 85s
5x  [Mead Basted Caribou] 1g 60s
5x  [Roasted Beef] 1g 80s
5x  [Massive Turkey Leg] 2g
5x  [Mutton Stew] 2g 24s
5x  [Pickled Pig's Snout] 2g 56s

He also sells  [Bag o' Sheep Innards] for 4s while on the cooking daily quest A Cooking [10-70 Daily] Keepin' the Haggis Flowin'.

External links