User:Morec0/Alliance Roleplaying Characters

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
For links to other fan-creations by this user, see User:Morec0.

A list of my Alliance-allied characters that I use for roleplaying. Enjoy, and be sure to look at my Horde and Neutral characters, as well as the organizations and locations I've created.

Krozand Stormrider

AllianceKrozand Stormrider
Image of Krozand Stormrider
Gender Male
Race Wildhammer dwarf (Humanoid)
Class Gryphon Rider
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Wildhammer Clan, Aerie Peak
Occupation Adventurer
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Star'mora (gryphon mount)
Alignment Chaotic good
"Ah'm gonna rip out yer appendix!
— Krozand

Krozand is a Wildhammer dwarf who finds even the skies of the Hinterlands too small for him. He travels the world with his gryphon Star'mora, doing what he can for the Alliance but, more so than anything, living free and on his own, with the restraints of society to hold him down. He is a proud member of the Wildhammer Clan, and holds deep loyalties to it over all else.










The Jeret Family

Lady Anna Jeret - Mother
Lord Viktor Jeret - Father

Nobles of Gilneas, loyal to their homeland - even if it has rejected some of them. The family owns their own private mansion in the mountains of Gilneas south of Aderic's Repose[1]. There are two roads leading to the mansion; one leading from the southern road near King's Gate and one from the graveyard to the north. The Jeret family line dates back for many generations, to almost the dawn of the Kingdom of Gilneas. Their line has had its share of both cruel and kind nobles, but they have always maintained a strong loyalty to the Gilnean Royal Family and have always demanded respect - through whatever means - of the citizens under their watch. The parents of the currently living generation of Jerets - Lord Viktor and Lady Anna - were know for aiding the poor and common folk with the troubles that befell them.

  • IconSmall Human Male.gif Viktor Jeret (and IconSmall Human Female.gif Anna Jeret) - Head of the Jeret Southern Gilnean Noble family before the close of the Greymane Wall. Anna was the wife of Viktor and the mother of Ivan, Krista, and Blaine. Both perished to disease at the same time, leaving their three children orphaned.
    • IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Male.gif Ivan Jeret - Oldest of the three siblings, former heir to the Jeret family title, currently exiled for crimes committed by his worgen half.
    • IconSmall Human Female.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif Krista Jeret - Second-born of the three siblings, currently in self-imposed exile alongside her older brother.
    • IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Male.gif Blaine Jeret - Youngest of the three siblings,current heir to the Jeret family title, currently working to clear his older brother's name.

Ivan "Bloodhowl" Jeret

AllianceIvan "Bloodhowl" Jeret
Image of Ivan "Bloodhowl" Jeret
Title <Lord>
Gender Male
Race(s) Human/Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warrior, Aristocrat, Tainted One (Presumed)
Affiliation(s) Gilneas, Bloodhowl Pack (Formerly); Self
Occupation Noble of Gilneas (Formerly); Wanderer
Status Alive
Relative(s) Krista Jeret (Sister), Blaine Jeret (Brother), Viktor Jeret and Anna Jeret (Father and Mother)
Alignment Neutral good
"I.. I can't f-fight it any l-longer. I can't... I can't control myself. Go! Get- get away from me! Now!"
—Ivan's reaction to his first worgen transformation

Eldest son of the Jeret family, Ivan is a good-hearted man with the mind of a monster lurking inside of him. While his human side seeks to help his people and others, his other side - a worgen named Bloodhowl - seeks only to further is own ends and cares nothing of who he has to harm to do so.


After the deaths of his mother and father, Ivan and his siblings were the only members of the Jeret family left alive. Even so, they strive to uphold their duty to the crown in Gilneas at all costs. He joined the Gilnean military as soon as he was old enough to, although his siblings were disappointed again and again when he refused advancement to the commanding ranks when the positions were offered to him.

Ivan in his noble clothing.

He was one of the first (outside of Genn Greymane's confidants) to actually encounter the worgen creatures face-to-face, and battled them many times afterwards. Unfortunately in his attempts to protect the people of Gilneas he was bitten by one the creatures and turned into one of them a few days afterwards - the second Jeret to do so. After losing his mind to the instincts of the worgen within him he lived amongst the ever-increasing feral packs that roamed the nation, biting and infecting his own sister when she led a group of Gilnean soldiers to try and capture him during this time.

FinallyKrennan Aranas managed to create a partial cure to the worgen curse, and, after being captured by the alchemist, Genn's guards, and his own brother and sister, Ivan was saved from being a wild animal for eternity. Unfortunately it came at a terrible cost, for although he was spared the fate of becoming a beast for all eternity, a new part of his mind was awoken within him - the part of him that would come to be called Bloodhowl.

When the Forsaken came to Gilneas Ivan fought alongside the other redeemed Gilneans against them, however he never saw whether they defeated the Forsaken or not. Bloodhowl took control at one point, a period of time during which he murdered and left the body of a wife of a commander of the Gilnean army - and one of Ivan's close friends - to be devoured by the invading Forsaken - although the investigation by Gilnean authorities mistakingly concluded that it had been Bloodhowl, and by relation Ivan, that had eaten the woman. Despite his attempts to convince the courts that he could not be held responsible for his worgen side's actions he was still found guilty. For his actions he was banished from Gilneas and was informed that, should he ever return, he would be executed.

With a heavy heart and even deeper loathing of his other side, he left his homeland.

Ivan Jeret in his battle armor.
Bloodhowl - Ivan Jeret's worgen side.


Ivan has slightly tanned white skin, brown hair - which, in the absence of a barbershop during his exile, is tied up in a long ponytail and comes down in a thick beard -, and light green eyes. He has a muscle-heavy build, developed through years of training and working with the Gilnean military. Although much of his armor was repossesed by the Gilnean military when he was exiled, he was allowed to keep a few peices - as well as his broadsword and a sheild and shortsword. What he is missing of his armor, though, he has replaced with leather. He stands at six feet two inches and weighs two-hundred-seventy pounds.

Bloodhowl's fur color is similar to Ivan's hair but just slightly darker. His eyes are green in color and look surprisingly kind, a trait that he uses to his advantage when luring someone away for him to deal with them as he seems fit. He dosn't care for the armor Ivan wears, but dosn't purposefully remove it, but he also makes no additional attempts to make sure that it stays on his body. Like his human form, his body is highly muscled. He stands at seven feet five inches and weighs two-hundred and thirty pounds immediately after the transformation, although he can quickly regain the loss in weight if left in control for some time.


Ivan is an honorable noble that wants the best for the people of Gilneas but will follow King Greymane's orders no matter how others are affected by them. This sometimes puts him at odds with his brother, but in the end Blaine respects him for it. Even so he loves both of his siblings, and tries to make sure that they stay out of harm’s way, even if that means putting himself between it and them. He will help anyone that genuinely needs it, but seriously thinks about the situation before acting. He fears nothing, save the worgen mind that lives inside of him and so works hard to make sure that it can never escape the confines of his consciousness. He is haunted by the vauge memories of what Bloodhowl did while he was in control and hates worgen with even more of a passion because of it.

Bloodhowl, in near-stark contrast to Ivan's personality, is a self-absorbed, self-serving creature of darkness. He's an opportunist, taking whatever he wants whenever he can - which usually means when Ivan's mental guard is down. He harbors no love for Ivan's kin, although he views their worgen sides as his siblings. That considered he works well with them, but is always more focused how or what of his actions benefit himself - and if that means nearly killing one or both of his siblings, then so be it. Also in stark contrast to Ivan's personality, Bloodhowl hates humans with as much of a fervor as his human side hates worgen - although he is crafty enough to know not to kill them on sight.


Ivan is a skillful warrior in use of the broadsword, as well as many other melee weapons, but has also trained in hand-to-hand martial arts - just to be safe. His preferred combat stance is one that balances his ability to defend himself and others with his ability to cut down anyone or anything that attacks him, his siblings, or his allies. He doesn't see himself as a leader, but is able to rally any soldiers working with him or under his command at the time. He can speak Common.

Whenever Bloodhowl takes control he discards Ivan's weapon in favor of his own claws and fangs. He is extremely agile and quick, able to dodge most attacks, as well as fairly strong. The way he fights clearly displays his opportunist nature, only striking whenever he sees and opening, and refraining from attacking until he does. He fancies himself a leader and tactical genius, but in truth his skill at such is only moderate. He can speak Common and Worgen.


Krista Jeret

AllianceKrista Jeret
Image of Krista Jeret
Title <Lady>
Gender Female
Race(s) Human/Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Mage, Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Gilneas, Bloodhowl Pack (Formerly); Self
Occupation Noble of Gilneas (Formerly); Wanderer
Status Alive
Relative(s) Ivan and Blaine Jeret (Brothers), Viktor Jeret and Anna Jeret (Father and Mother)
Alignment Neutral good
"My... my face! My h-hands! No, no, NO!"
—Krista's reaction to her first worgen transformation

Krista is the second eldest Jeret siblings and a noble of Gilneas. Her human side is cautious, constantly thinking, but her worgen side is a fearl wild card who is prone to extremely violent outbursts and uses this rage to tear opponents apart.


Before Gilneas closed its borders, forcing her to return to the nation, she had been taking an extended vacation to study magic in Dalaran. Her brief time learning amongst the great wizards of the Magocracy was enough to give her a slight control over the forces of arcane magic. Her control over the elements through arcane means, however, is not all that fluent, and her attempts to cast spells around them while in Dalaran led to more then a few accidents.

Krista Jeret's human form.

Krista, like most of the nobles, knew about the worgen during the early stages of the infestation. She, though, unlike her brothers, she didn't step in herself to try and deal with the problem, and was content to let the military. After Ivan's transformation into a worgen, however, Krista went with the soldiers that were going to try and subdue him in order to bring him back to Krennan Aranas so that the alchemist could use him to further his research towards finding a cure for the Curse. The rescue attempt turned into a trap, in which they were the ones being caught, and Krista was bitten by Ivan and transformed into a worgen like her two brothers.

After some time of living as one of the wild worgen in her brother's pack, Krista - who called herself Blackbite during this time, was administered the cure by a Gilnean soldier - although it took him a bit of effort to do so. She then assisted a group of worgen hunters in the capture and curing of her two brothers. Unlike her elder brother but like her younger sibling she did not have a second personality created within her by Krennan's potion, although when she shifts to her worgen form she becomes a much more aggressive person.

Despite Krennan's potion, by the time the Forsaken appeared in Gilneas Krista was starting to lose herself to the feral nature of the worgen. She barely managed to keep her worgen side in check, but was able to keep it contained enough so that she did not lose herself to the nature of the curse. When Ivan was tried for murder because of Bloodhowl's actions Krista tried to speak on his behalf, but the courts didn't see things the way she did.

When Ivan was forced to leave Gilneas Krista left with him to make sure he didn't end up killing himself and to try to show the courts of Gilneas how their decision on the matter had been wrong.

Krista a time after her self-imposed exile.
Krista Jeret's worgen form.


Kritsa's hair is a significantly darker shade of brown then her brother's and has also grown out in the absense of any way to keep it up. Her pale skin and kind, contemplating blue eyes can make one forget that there is a beast lurking within her. In her self-imposed exile alongside her brother, Krista's once beautiful, regal robes have become torn, covered in muck, and so patched up that they now resemble little more then a those of a peasent. She has also taken to carrying a dagger for protection along with her own shortstaff, and, despite her thin body structure, she can use both well enough.

Krista's worgen form's fur is black, and her rage-filled red eyes, sharp canine fangs, and wild loose hair give her the appearance of an utterly feral worgen. In human form she stands at five feet four inches and weighs one-hundred-seventy-eight pounds. In her worgen form she is five feet nine inches and weighs one-hundred-forty-nine pounds just after transformation.


It wouldn't be at all difficult to call Krista "stuck up," but it wouldn't be difficult to, at the same time, call her a caring person. She was extremely protective of her brothers, a fact only supported by her decision to leave Gilneas with Ivan, and wasn't afraid to fire an arcane bolt or two into anyone who tried to harm them. She isn't comfortable with using any type of magic other then pure arcane because of the chance there is for her spells to mess up in some fashion - then again it may be this lack of faith in her own capabilities that causes her arcane-element spells to backfire the way they do. She hates the curse that infects her, her brothers, and many other Gilneas and refuses to accept that it might be something that they have to learn to live with.

When transformed she seems to lose all interest in protecting her siblings, not even their worgen sides. She also doesn't care to use magic, preferring to use her claws to attack - much like Bloodhowl and Blaine when in worgen form. Her feral nature makes her a threat to herself, her allies, and, especially, her enemies. Although there is no proof to suggest it is another personality entirely in control of her worgen form, Krista refuses to accept that there is none.


Krista is trained to an extent in the way of a mage, and has mastered arcane magic - although the correct use of the elemental forms of it eludes her still. She isn't physically strong (not in her human form) but her mind is clever enough to make up for that, using her arcane spells in ways that tend to give her the upper hand. Even though she cannot fully master the elemental forms of the arcane, she can still cast spells which revolve around them - although this tends to lead to somewhat chaotic results. When transformed Krista is quick, agile, smart, and ruthless. She doesn't hesitate to close the gap between her and her opponent, making it difficult for him or her to attack, and then proceeds to rake her opponent's body with her claws and tear at his or her flesh with her fangs. Krista can speak Common and Thalassian, and when in her worgen form she can understand and speaks solely in the worgen language.


Blaine Jeret

AllianceBlaine Jeret
Image of Blaine Jeret
Title <Lord>
Gender Male
Race(s) Human/Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Rogue, Fighter Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Gilneas, Stormwind; Bloodhowl Pack (Formerly)
Occupation Noble of Gilneas
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) Krista Jeret (Sister), Ivan Jeret (Brother), Viktor Jeret and Anna Jeret (Father and Mother)
Alignment Lawful good
"Wha- what is ha-happening to me? Krista... Ivan... h-help..."
—Blaine's reaction to his first worgen transformation

Blaine is the youngest of the Jeret siblings and a skilled politician. He has trained in combat for whenever he finds himself in a situation that requires "aggressive negotiations" and needs to defend himself. Unlike his siblings he did not have a second personality created within his mind by Krennan's partial-cure.


Blaine had never been outside of Gilneas prior to the Forsaken invasion, and that suits him just fine. During his time in the land he was taught by the best tutors his parents could afford and also started training in the ways of a rogue at an early age - which his parents were not overly thrilled with, but let him continue all the same. Even so, after his parents died he stepped up to fill the rather large shoes they left behind for him and his siblings to fill, and he succeeded. He's assisted Genn as many times as he could, and although Krista is the smartest of the three he has proven to be of more assistance to the Greymane line then she has to date.

Blaine in his casual clothing.

Like his brother and sister, Blaine was aware of the worgen problem from its early stages, but wasn't fully sure of how serious it was until much later. During at attempt to save his brother from an attacking worgen he was bitten and infected with the Worgen Curse. Ivan had his brother sent to Greymane City for propper treatment - not aware of the nature of the Worgen Curse and the transformation that took effect. On the way Blaine transformed into a physically powerful worgen that killed and devoured the humans, along with the horses pulling the carriage that were taking him to Greymane City for treatment.

Blaine went on to assist the other Gilneans that had become infected by the worgen curse in attacking and terrorizing the countryside - calling himself Painfang. He later was present for when the worgen invaded and took over Gilneas city, and was responsible for more then a few infections that occurred during the battle. The next time he met his brother was shortly after Ivan's transformation, and then accompanied him back to their manor home in the mountains of Gilneas. There he assisted his brother in luring Krista into a trap, allowing Ivan - now Bloodhowl - to infect her with the worgen curse.

He lived in the wild as a worgen for some time afterwords, Blaine was captured by Krista - who was assisted by Genn's guards - and was administered Krennan Aranas cure for the worgen curse. He then helped his sister in the capture and curing of Ivan - which was no easy task - and then hunted down any of the remaining infected citizens of Gilneas.

After the Forsaken assaulted the nation Blaine chose to stay behind the scenes, helping the military commanders coordinate the attacks against their living-dead adversaries. And, like Krista, Blaine attempted to convince the courts that Ivan was innocent after his brother was charged with murder, but his words of wisdom fell on deaf ears.

While his brother was exiled and his sister went with him, Blaine remained behind in the nation he'd spent all of his life untill the time came that they were forced to leave. He went to Stormwind with his king to pledge his allignce to the Alliance. He now works effortlessly on two things; strengthing the resolve of the Gilnean people and trying to prove his brother's innocence.

Blaine Jeret's human form.
Blaine Jeret's worgen form.


Blaine's eyes and hair are both about the same color as his brother's eyes and hair, and his body, although not as muscular as his brother's, is still plenty physically strong. He keeps his hair cut short, unlike his brother, and his face clean-shaven. He dresses in noble outfit unless he is dealing with the common folk of Gilneas to help show his authority in Gilnean lands. And it is with this aouthority that he is allowed to carry a concealed dagger on his person for protection. He stands at six feet one inch and weighs two-hundred-fifty-one pounds and stands.

His worgen form's fur is a brillient white-silver color, and his eyes are a grayish-white - which give him a very thoughtful look. He also maintaines a poweful build, but that dosn't keep him from being far more agile then Bloodhowl - although his sister's worgen form still has him beat. Being much more aggressive in his worgen form he usually resorts to using his claws to attack, although he continues to use certain combat skills that he has aquired to surprise his opponent with how good a fighter he truely is. In his worgen form he stands at six feet six inches and weights two-hundred-twenty pounds.


Blaine is a kind person. While his brother and sister simply carry out Genn Greymane's orders as their King directs them, Blaine tries to make sure that, whatever those orders are, the citizens of Gilneas - in particular the farming families - are benefited or at least warned of anything that could possibly possibly affect their way of life. He isn't as smart as is sister, but he has a clam manner of thinking that makes him good at diffusing potentially dangerous political situations. He believes that, if given the opportunity to do so, all Gilneans would be able to make peace with their worgen sides and learn to accept them. Unfortunately he also realizes that most Gilneans wouldn't even want to make the effort. While in worgen form he is much more aggresive.


From the moment he was able to, Blaine trained to use daggers and throwing knives for self-defense - realizing that his role as a politician would put him in substantially dangerous situations. He is as quick as and strong as any normal human can be, and is skilled of not being seen when he doesn't want to be. Despite what his skills suggest, though, he is not skilled in anyway at picking locks and the pockets of others. In his worgen form he his is much physically stronger then his human form but retains his intelligence. He can speak Common, Thalassian, Gnomish, Dwarven, broken Orcish and Darnassian, and can understand some of the barks and growls of the worgen language.


Dannic Ebonclear

AllianceDannic Ebonclear
Image of Dannic Ebonclear
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Soldier (Formerly),
Mists of Pandaria Monk
Affiliation(s) Operation: Shieldwall (Formerly), Stormwind,
Mists of Pandaria Tushui
Status Alive
Mentor(s) "Den"
Alignment Lawful good
"To strike in anger is as to strike a mountain."
—Dannic Ebonclear

Dannic was a soldier of the Stormwind Army who participated in battles between the Alliance and Horde on the Eastern Kingdoms-side of the conflict during the Cataclysm. He was among the troops stationed aboard the Skyseeker when it crashed, and he was badly injured in the crash. When he awoke he found his wounds to be treated by a pandaren who called himself "Den", and who, after many days of refusal on the human's part, helped Dannic put his inner demons at ease and trained him in the path of the monk.


Dannic before he was wrecked on the Wandering Isle


Dannic, deep in meditation





Nilon Lighteye

AllianceNilon Lighteye
Image of Nilon Lighteye
Title <Sir>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Priest, Aristocrat (Formerly),
Affiliation(s) Quel'thalas, Argent Crusade
Occupation Member of the Argent Crusade (Formerly)
Location Northrend
Status Alive
Relative(s) Celen Dawnweaver (lover), Cedrian Lighteye (Brother), Glori'ann Lighteye and Silian Lighteye (Sisters), Thurian Lighteye and Gali'a Lighteye (Grandfather and Grandmother), Bal'thier Lighteye and Malisina Lighteye (Father and Mother)
Alignment Lawful good
"Morec will regret ever crossing paths with me."
— Nilon Lighteye

Nilon Lighteye is a rarity; a blood elf paladin of the Alliance. He mistrusts his own kind for the most part, but doesn't despise the Horde or praise the Alliance (although he favors it) for it being it. Each is made of individuals, and each individual should be accounted for separately, but have their actions blamed on the whole of a race.

Even so, he is a blood elf, and so must fight against the hunter of his people in order to avoid falling into a wretched state. To do so he meditates daily, and doing so keeps the hunger at bay - even though it does not remove the fel-taint that has already taken hold.


Nilon Lighteye was a priest before and for a time after the fall of Quel'thalas, a member of a priest-based noble family. Hoping to strike back at the Scourge, he joined Garithos' resistance force along with many other high elves that became blood elves. He soon fled, however, the horrors of the undead too great for him to face. Ever since he blamed himself for the horrible death they'd suffered, all because he ran. He made his way south, traveling through dwarven lands and hostile territory, eventually reaching Stormwind. There he trained alongside the humans and eventually became a paladin in service to the Alliance.

Light and Death

Nilon from Light and Death.

For three years he remained in the human city, living in relative peace. Unfortunately, that peace was doomed to be disturbed. The Master Paladin of Stormwind - Marcas Holyhammer - dispatched Nilon as well as two other members of the Alliance - the mage Celen Dawnweaver and the warrior Jason Thomas - for a scouting mission to the Eastern Plaguelands that would be the lead in for an attack against the Scourge. Although Nilon was against receiving any kind of help because of his past, Marcus Holyhammer made it clear that there was no way for the paladin to refuse.

While the boat they were using as transportation to the Plaguelands was caught in a a calm a group of naga boarded the vessel and took Nilon captive - Celen and Jason managed to avoid capture. The leader of the naga - a sea witch called Lady Murkdweller - took an interest in Nilon during that time - much to the paladin's dismay. When the ship's captain didn't have what they were looking for the naga attacked, ransacking the ship in search of what they were after. Unfortunately they still failed to find it, but soon after they were done Nilon and his allies began to fight back. They almost defeated the naga but when the sea witch and some of her fellow casters began to channel a magical explosion Nilon and his allies jumped overboard.

The paladin awoke on the shores of the Wetlands, and after just a short period of searching managed to find Jason. Celen, however, remained missing. Nilon wanted to go look for her, but Jason convinced him otherwise and the two headed towards Menethil Harbor to the south. From there they searched for Celen, but they never found her. Nilon was preparing to leave to continue his mission when the harbor was attack by the same sea witch and another, heavily armored naga, as well as many of their minions. The naga had Celen as their prisoner, and managed to use her to blackmail Nilon into surrendering.

Celen managed to escape from the naga's possession, though, allowing Nilon and Jason to fight back. After some time the naga's actual master - Zerksis Scalebender - appeared, and Nilon and his allies were forced to battle his own guard. Their conflict was interrupted, however, when the death knight William Morec and his minions appeared. Nilon, his allies, and Zerksis joined forces - in a manner of speaking - to battle the death knight. After some time they finally managed to cause Morec to retreat. Zerksis then offered Nilon his assistance, and it fell to Nilon to make the decision whether or not to accept it. He did.

After sailing across the Great Sea, Nilon and his allies made it to Dustwallow Marsh where they proceeded to make their way through the marsh towards Ratchet - where they had been told they could find transportation to their ultimate goal. Along the way they were attacked by Morec - now with two more allies aiding him - and were almost defeated. However, the orc shaman Thragg Earthbreaker came to their timely rescue. After spending the night at his home they were again attacked once more by the Scourge. This time Thragg went to deal with a dreadlord that was aiding Morec, leaving Nilon to fight the four undead on his own. His other allies then came to his side, and Thragg returned with the demon's head in hand. Morec fled once more.

With Morec seemingly out of their lives, Nilon and his allies - Thragg now aiding them - made their way through the Barrens. During this time Nilon and Celen were forced to spend time together, and signs of a relationship began to appear. Once they reached Ratchet, Nilon found the goblin they were looking for. The goblin made him a deal: if Nilon could beat him in the card game of Blackwater Twenty-Five, he would give them transportation to the Tirisfal Glades. However, if Nilon lost then Celen would become the goblin's property. Nilon accepted these odds, and by luck or fate bested the goblin.

After crossing the great sea - during which they were attacked by another group of naga and Jason sacrificed his life - Nilon met an old friend - Valinaria Halwing, now a ranking member of the Scarlet Crusade. Morec attacked them once more, but to Nilon's surprise let them live when they were practically at his mercy. He was still struggling with this turn or events when his group came across a group of Scarlet Crusades consorting with demons. After dealing with the Crusaders, Nilon and his allies were faced with another set of problems: Celen had turned into a blood elf, begun a rapid descent into the ranks of the wretched, and then had absorbed the magics of a necromancer - putting her at the mercy of the Lich King.

After seeking out the Argent Dawn's help, it was Nilon who saved her from the grasp of the Scourge. After this both he and Celen confessed their love for each other, but it was not to be. Nilon was asked to lead an attack against the Scourge in Maxwell Tyrosus' absence, a task he accepted, and was faced with battling Morec again. By the end of the battle it came down to a duel of him and Celen against the death knight. He fought as hard as he could, but wasn't able to keep the death knight from killing Celen and fleeing to Northrend.

The Frozen North

Nilon in services to the Argent Crusade.

After burying Celen's body in a safe place, Nilon pursued, and was confronted by the now-Scourgelord Morec and the Lich King. He was seduced by the Scourge for just a moment as the undead revealed they were in possession of Celen's body, and was nearly slain and risen into undeath by the Lich King. However, Tirion Fordring and the Argent Crusade intervened, saving his life. Nilon now fights alongside the Argent Crusade - their battle against the Scourge giving him the greatest chance to face and kill Morec once and for all.


Lighteye new.jpg


Nilon is a level headed paladin, however he is also prone to anger and frustration, as well as to a Light-infused rage when in combat. He is not a Blood Knight, and so he sees the Light as an ally, not a slave. He is usually very trusting of others, as long as they are trusting of him. Even so, he doesn't trust the death knights of the Ebon Blade, and keeps an very, very close watch on any he meets. He's very quick to jump to conclusions regarding them and attacks by the Scourge.

After the death of Celen he was thrown into a cycle of anger an depression. He was angry at Morec for killing her, and that anger became a righteous vengeance driven by the Light. He however, knew that it had been his fault that Celen had been killed in the first place, and can't find the heart to forgive himself. As long as he draws breath, though, he will hunt Morec down and make him pay for not only Celen's murder, but all of the deaths he's caused.


Being a paladin, Nilon has access to the powers of the Holy Light. He is also a skilled with a sword, and uses both in a deadly combination against his enemies. He is powerful in the terms of holy magic, but no where near as powerful as some of the more well known paladins of Azeroth (i.e., Uther, Tirion). Although this put him at a great disadvantage to Morec - who has nearly unlimited dark power - he will not relent in his mission.


"I've never been one for words, they're difficult and have too may meanings. But that's just me. However, I am willing to put aside such beliefs about myself to say these words. After the fall of Quel'thalas, I thought all was lost. My spirit, as well as the spirits of several of my friends, was broken. We thought that this was the end for us, that the time of the elves had finally come to an end. However, I and the other survivors banded together and pressed on, laying the groundwork for what has been done here.

"As fate would have it, I was not meant to stay in the north. I moved south, taking refuge in the great city of Stormwind. I trained and eventually progressed from priest to paladin. But my tale - obvious as that is - did not end there. It was to be a simple mission, but once again the hand of fate decided otherwise. My ship was attacked and we were sent overboard. We washed up in the wetlands, and, after several events, secured the aid of the naga Zerksis Scalebender.

"After that we moved on to Kalimdor, where the shaman Thrrag Earthbreaker saved us and eventually joined us on our mission. After a trek through the water-forsaken Barrens we secured passage to the Eastern Kingdoms aboard a goblin Ship. Again we were attacked by Naga and, again, we managed to fend them off. However, one of our own, a mighty and honorable Warrior by the name of Jason Thomas, gave his life to save us from certain death.

"But his death would not be in vain, for we did make it to the Trisfal Glades, and it was there that we secured the aid of the Scarlet Crusade, for a time. One Crusader, the Ranger Valinaria, still aids us. Redemptions were made through all this, but great sacrifices were made also. Celen Dawnweaver, the love of my life, gave into the hunger of the Blood Elves and was nearly lost to the Scourge. But, even through that, the Light prevailed, and she was saved.

"From Menethil up through the Plaguelands, though, one man has stalked us. Former Lord-Paladin William Morec, now a Death Knight of the Scourge, has hounded our every step. But I feel that there is still good in him, as he has not fought his hardest against us in his supposed quest to kill me, and has even let us go on certain occasions. Through all this I stand before you now.

"The Light made my being here possible and fate sent me for a reason, I see that now. On this day, we will put the fear of death back into death itself. We will give them no quarter, we will show them no mercy, we will not let a single, unliving creature survive this attack! Soldiers of the Argent Dawn: CHARGE!"

— Nilon Lighteye rallying the Argent Dawn for an attack against the Scourge.

Aria Flameleaf

AllianceAraia Flameleaf
Image of Araia Flameleaf
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Class Druid of the Talon,
Cataclysm Druid of the Flame
Affiliation(s) Darnassus, Cenarion Circle (formerly), Cataclysm Self
Occupation Traveler
Location Ashenvale
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kayu'mee Moonspark (Ancestor)
Alignment Neutral good
"Why do you judge me? We all seek the same goals. I am just willing to risk more to see those goals fulfilled."
— Aria to the druids who called her out on her practicing of the arts of Druids of the Flame.

Aria was a Druid of the Talon, born and raised in Darnassus. After displaying skills in the fields of druidism and stealth she was sent to study to become on of the Druids of the Talon. She learned quickly because of her innate cleverness and become one of the youngest night elves to ever fully become a member of the Druids of the Talon.

She became increasingly interested with the powers of fire as the war against Ragnaros in Hyjal continued. She stole knowledge from the Druids of the Flame and learned their ways in order to better fight them, but for this she was condemned to die. She survived and still holds loyalty to Darnassus, but gives any Cenarion holdings a wide berth when she travels.



Aria Flameleaf - Druid of the Flame

With the forces of the Twilight's Hammer and Elemental Lord Ragnaros attacking the World Tree on Mount Hyjal, Aria was called in alongside many other Druids of the Talon to serve as scouts and spies. Though the sheer brute power of the Twilight's Hammer terrified her, Aria stood steady in her resolve to defend her beloved Nordrassil. The joy she felt as she was able to watched the Hammer pushed further and further away from it was unmatched.

As the battle against Ragnaros continued, Aria went with many of her allies over to the Firelands to assist in the battle there. While there, however, she started to become more and more interested in the powers controlled by their newest enemies; the Druids of the Flame. Using the skills she learned as a Druid of the Talon, she stole from the newly created Druids of the Flame some of their knowledge and began to study it. Within a short time she had begun to master the arts that Fandral Staghelm was teaching to those who followed him, although she vowed to never use it for anything other than fighting fire with fire.

Unfortunately, her fellow druids decided that her studies had to stop. She was taken captive by her former allies, only to free herself a short while later. Before her escape was complete, however, she was confronted by Hamuul Runetotem, to which she explained her reasoning. The tauren druid, however, did not see things the same way she did, and he nearly killed her to prevent her escape.

Barely managing to survive but unshaken in her desires, Aria managed to crawl to safety and nurse herself back to health. Despite their attempts on her life, Aria did not begin to hate her former fellow druids. She merely accepted their viewpoint as their own and went on her way. She continued to practice with her fiery powers, becoming more and more certain that her decision to use them was the right one as her powers grew.


Aria as a Druid of the Talon

Originally, Aria's hair was a rich purple and her facial markings were wings that signaled her as a member of the druids of the talon. After learning to become a Druid of the Flame - even if just in power only - she dressed in the colors of fire - reds, yellows and oranges - and her facial markings were magically redesigned as she practiced her powers more, now resembling fire. Her once-purple skin was also altered to become red and black, much like the burning coals of a fire. All hair on her body, including her eyebrows, was burned off by the sheer power of her magic, but she does not pay much attention to the loss of her hair; however, she can sometimes be a little sensitive about people talking about her appearance.


Before taking up the powers of the Firelands Aria was happy, not always outgoing but only rarely completely withdrawn. Since her transformation into a Druid of the Flame Aria has withdrawn from civilization and those who are a part of it because she knows it has made her a target for all those who seek to safeguard Azeroth from the destructive force she gained her powers from - even though she considers them to be her allies still. her withdrawn nature, though, is not to be mistaken for coldness; it is merely caution, and if Aria comes to find someone who does not consider her foe she quickly warms up to them.



Ormador of Argus

Image of Ormador
Title <of Argus>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Exodar, Alliance
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kayava (grand-niece), Sil'thosara (niece)
Alignment Chaotic good
For the Warlords of Draenor version, see [[Ormador the Mad]].
"The draenei will have vengeance against all of those whom have wronged us."
— Ormador of Argus

Ormador is paladin of the draenei, and one of the most ancient of their people to find their way to Azeroth. He witnessed the horrors the Legion brought down upon them - from the fall of Argus to the genocide of his people on Draenor - and as he and his people fled to hide from the orcs hunting them he made an oath to the Light; he, alone if he had to, would met out the justice, the retribution, the draenei so rightfully deserved against all who had harmed his people - both of the past, and any others that would come in the future.



Ormador offers his aid to all who serve the cause of justice




Thagin Fahldrin

AllianceThagin Fahldrin
Image of Thagin Fahldrin
Gender Male
Race Dark Iron Dwarf (Humanoid)
Class Sapper
Affiliation(s) Thorium Brotherhood, Alliance
Occupation Demolitionist
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic good
"An'... here... we..."
— Said by Thagin, followed shortly by an explosion

Though a member of the Thorium Brotherhood, Thagin wants nothing more than to return to Shadowforge City - albeit not while under it's current leadership; and though willing to work with anyone like the rest of the Brotherhood, Thagin leans more on the Alliance-side of politics, and chooses them above all others. He hopes to build strong ties between the Alliance and the Thorium Brotherhood, so that, one day, the Alliance may aid them in reclaiming their home by driving out its current, dark masters.





Thagin lights another fuse


  • "Ohohoho, lad, ye ain't gut nutin' un ah man ah the Brotherhood."


Image of Kayava
Title <Reclaimer>
Gender Female
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Class Death Priestess
Affiliation(s) Draenei, Sha'porosei, Alliance
Occupation Wrath-Logo-Small.png Adventurer
Status Alive
Relative(s) Ormador (grand-uncle), Sil'thosara (first-cousin-once-removed)
Alignment Lawful good
"The relics of my people are for my people alone."
— Kayava

Fascinated by the Auchenai and tutored in their ways since her adolescent years, Kayava is bothered by the fact that the majority of priests that escaped on the Exodar have forgone the rituals practiced on Draenor for ways more similar to their new allies on Azeroth - ways she feels are not their own and never will be. Aside from wishing to see the return of the Death Priests to Draenei society, she also wishes to recover artifacts that were lost to them because of the first Horde's onslaught.


Kayava while she was in-training

Kayava was born well after the fall of Argus, and so has only the memories of others to know her race's original home by. She is far more familiar with Draenor, the refuge of her people, where she reached adulthood and spent her adolescent years. While there she also came into the service of the Auchenai, studying to be one of the "death priests" under the tutelage of the many Auchenai Anchorites. She learned a great deal about communing with the spirits of and caring for the bodies of her deceased people, keeping their souls at rest and even calling for their aid when needed.

She was away from Auchindoun when the Horde attacked and usurped the upper levels of the catacombs from the draenei there, and so rather than flee into them she fled northward across the Zangar Sea with Velen and those that followed him. She lost much of her family and friends that that, and it took everything she had to not become embittered towards the whole of the orcish race; but she managed, she learned to hate what they had done, why they had done it, not who had been the ones to swing the axe.

After reaching the Exodar and fleeing aboard it, Kayava became familiar with the paladin Haavcai and found that she shared with him an anger at having lost so many of their people's relics to the orcish onslaught. After the Exodar crashed onto Azeroth and the draenei learned of the Dark Portal, Kayava and Haavcai decided that they would work to reclaim as many of the artifacts lost on Draenor as they could, and formed the Sha'porosei in order to do that, finding and recruiting as many draenei and krokul as they could to assist them in this. Kayava was one of those who returned to Outland to seek the relics, while others remained at the Exodar to await and sort those relics she and others found.

As Kayava scoured Outland for the relics she sought, she began to develop a great love for adventure and travel, and her gaze slowly shifted away from recovering lost pieces of her people's past and to the greater events of the worlds. She began to participate in the wars that waged throughout Outland, and eventually forsook her original mission altogether to return to Azeroth as it faced the threat of the Lich King.


After the Cataclysm tore Azeroth apart, Kayava decided that it was her duty and the duty of the whole of the draenei to assist the other races of Azeroth in their conflict against the greater foes they faced. Her decision and influence created a divide in the Sha'porosei between those that wished to remain focused on their original goal and those who shared her sympathies towards the rest of the world.




Kayava brandishes her staff


  • "The Death Priests are an ancient order, stretching all the way back to the Age of Argus. To have them die out would be to lose our heritage."

Maria Spellsong

AllianceMaria Spellsong
Image of Maria Spellsong
Gender Female
Race(s) Half-human/Half-elf (Humanoid) (Humanoid)
Class Paladin, Vindicator
Affiliation(s) Sons of Lordaeron, Alliance
Occupation Leader of the Sons of Lordaeron (Actual), Crusader of the Sons of Lordaeron (Official)
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic good
"The undead believe themselves beyond death... they are not."
— Maria



Maria in her priestess disguise



Maria in her battle armor



No image available
Gender Male
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Status Alive







No image available
Gender Male
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Status Alive





