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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
For the old and not as well thought out version, see Morec of Gilneas.
For Morec's old account, see Morec of Rivendare

Morec0 is a fan of Warcraft Lore who plays on the Rivendare (US) server. Needless to say, his love of Warcraft lore makes Wowpedia one of his favorite sites. He not only reads lore, he attempts to write it - you can find links to his various fan fics and on his Wowhead page.

If you need to contact him for any reason, seek out his death knight (Morec), rogue (Talah), paladin (Silian), priest (Pullix), warlock (Curho), shaman (Mizzey), hunter (Vrem), druid (Salja), mage (Laktuk), or monk (Pandden) on the Rivendare Server.

Besides this, he is also an avid Roleplayer. Some of his Characters are listed below.


These are found on the four pages listed below:

Horde Roleplaying Characters

A list of the Horde characters I use for Roleplaying.

Alliance Roleplaying Characters

A list of the Alliance characters I use for Roleplaying.

Neutral Roleplaying Characters

A list of Neutral characters I use for Roleplaying.


A list of organizations specifically created for my roleplaying characters.


A list of locations specifically created for roleplaying purposes.

Splinterscale Naga

A race idea created by Morec0 - also used for roleplaying purposes.

The Splinterscale Naga are a group that have managed to escape Queen Azshara's domination of their race and have sworn to see the Mistress of Nazjatar slain and the naga allowed to rejoin the surface world - albeit under the rule of the Splinterscale regime. Sending emissaries to both the Alliance and Horde, the Splinterscale try to negotiate an accord to defeat their mutual enemy.


A list of character based on Morec0's in-game character list (or, what he would like to be his in-game character list). While all in-game characters are (or would be) of the Horde faction, but for story and character purpose here they would be a little more divided between Alliance, Horde or third-party factions (i.e. the Burning Legion).

For other Horde, Alliance, or third-party characters, see the above page links.


Image of Morec
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Undead)
Class Death knight
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade, The Forsaken
Occupation Death Knight of the Ebon Blade
Status Unknown (Presumed Dead)
Relative(s) Sithia Frozenbone (on-again-off-again lover)
Companion(s) Two voices in his head, Pebblekeeper (ghoul minion), Spectral (undead dragon mount)
Alignment Chaotic Stupid (Formerly); Chaotic evil
"Who am I? I am the darkness. I am the chaos. I am the Lich King!"
"Heh, I jest."
— Morec introduces himself.

Morec was a warrior in service to the Banshee Queen before his second resurrection. Any occupation he may have had and even his real name - Morec being a name he chose for himself after an unfortunate encounter with a Scourgelord named William Morec - are unknown. All that is known for sure is that Morec is somewhat mentally unstable, it has been speculated by some that he may not even know the secrets of his past anymore.


Little is known about Morec's past. There has been much speculation, including talk that he might have been of Gilnean origin due to a slight Gilnean accent noticeable in his voice, but all that is known for certain is that before becoming one of the Ebon Blade Morec was a warrior of the Forsaken that went by some other name. He traveled to Northrend in a foolish attempt to strike at the Scourge, and it was there that he met and was slain by William Morec - the Scourgelord. He awoke in the Ebon Hold shortly thereafter, and was set to the task of crushing the Scarlet Crusaders in their own Enclave alongside the other death knights of Acherus.

At Light's Hope Chapel he, like all of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, was freed from the grip of the Scourge. He then proceeded to Northrend, seeking the same vengeance against the Lich King all of his brothers and sisters of the Ebon Blade - although he held more allegiance to the Forsaken then the death knight of Acherus did, but also seeking to crush the Scourgelord that had forced him to again serve the wills of the Scourge. He crafted himself a set of darkruned armor and stole a massive blade,  [Armageddon], from the Military Quarter of Naxxramas for his own use against the Scourge. He also encountered and teamed up with Sithia Frozenbone - who he quickly set to wooing - and Vrem Dartskul.

Becase a crazy Death Knight needs an oversized sword.

Despite his lust for vengeance, he spent most of his time in Dalaran, where he drank his time away - all the while complaining about how the "ale is so weak" that he couldn't taste anything, almost if he didn't realize that his taste buds stopped functioning around the time of his first resurrection. When he did go out to face the Scourge, though, he was relentless, merciless, and often got a tad bit carried away.


Sometime after the fall of the Lich King he assisted the Forsaken in their assault against Gilneas alongside Vrem. Upon returning, he and Vrem discovered that Sithia had been captured and executed by the Scarlet Crusade. The two assaulted the Scarlet Monastery, slaying many Crusaders and relcaiming Sithia's body, which had been damaged beyond any hope of reanimation.

Morec; Rocking-Out Since 2011
Morec's minions; Spectral (undead dragon), Pebblekeeper (ghoul), Deathcharger (undead horse)

Morec's lover was buried in the Brill graveyard, but the death knight seemed to be blind to the fact. In his mind, Sithia is still alive and living somewhere in the Western Plaguelands. The reason he dosn't see her; they're taking some time apart. He and Vrem also went their separate ways, leaving the insane death knight, his sword, and his unholy powers to be unleashed upon the world. Morec used much of the fortune he had to commission the creation of new, stronger, and more intimidating armor. However, his definition of "intimidation" turned out to be "demonic clowns."

An unknown ammount of time later, Morec was slain in battle yet again, this time by a death knight loyal to the Alliance, and his corpse was left in the Battlescar of the Southern Barrens. By some unholy miracle, however, Morec was reanimated by his own necromantic powers. The death knight would continue to wander Azeroth after that, taking part in whatever he saw fit but, mostly, doing his own thing without any heed to the needs of others. That didn't stop him from saying he took part in those events, even in the downfall of Deathwing, though whether or not he was actually there is very much unknown.

New Alliances

It was as the Horde and Alliance was pushing into Pandaria and Morec himself was interested in venturing forth to the rediscovered continent himself that Amanda the Shadowheart began a confederation between herself, Vrem, and Vala'sin Seeker. Because of his connection to the Knights of the Ebon Blade, the most powerful undead group to not be affiliated with the Forsaken, Morec was asked to join - with the intention of him acting as some sort of ambassador between the Knights and the Deiciples. He agreed without much of a fuss or many demands - though whether or not he will be useful in Amanda's goals remains to be seen.

He has had no reaction to Sithia's reanimation, in fact he doesn't even recognize her as being present within the group - even when she is standing in the same room as him, next to him, or even when he looks right at her. It's as if he simply can't see or hear Sithia at all.


Like all death knights, Morec's eyes glow icy blue, and, like all Forsaken, he has a considerable ammount of rot. He uses a combination of his own unholy magic and various alchemical potions to keep the deterioration of his body to a slow crawl. His hair is pitch black, and his skin has taken on a very pale color in death. He wears his magma-plated armor and carries Armageddon with him at all times, not even noticing the discomfort that doing so would bring upon a living being. He stands at six feet five inches, weighs one-hundred-fifty pounds, and has lost all of the skin on his lower jaw to reveal a graying bone.

After his third reanimation, Morec scrapped his magma plated armor in favor of something less comical and more menacing. He even began wearing a helmet! Besides that, however, he has remained virtually unchanged.


Morec is a death knight who uses the Blood and Unholy aspects of the Ebon Blade's powers to kill... well, whatever he feels like killing at the moment. He is skilled with his stolen blade in combat situations, and will even attempt to bite anyone that he faces in battle - although shortly afterwards, if he does succeed in sinking his teeth into their flesh, he will likely complain about the "nasty flavor." He can speak Orcish, Common, Gutterspeak, and claims to be able to understand the Shath'yar language of the Old Gods and their minions.


Whenever they are asked about Morec, his fellow death knights, as well as a few others, have almost always claimed that "when the grip of the Lich King left him, so did his sanity." Morec supposedly lost his mind sometime after having to break free of the Scourge for a second time, but his will and intellect remains fully intact. Still, he has developed a habit of claiming to be various classes, as well as even heroes and villains of Azeroth and beyond - regardless of gender or race. Needless to say, it has confused more than a few adventures that have encountered him.

Ever since his free will was returned to him for a second him, he has had a voice in his head that he converses with outloud. This often leads people think think he is talking to himself - which, technically, he is. After the Cataclysm, or, more specifically, after Sithia was buried, Morec developed a second voice. This did nothing to help him in any way.


  • "You dare to mock me? Feel the fury of the elements and excellent cuisine!" (claiming to be "Warchef" Thrall)
  • "This tavern shall fall, and from the broken dishes shall arise a better general goods store that will sell products for outrageously low prices." (said after being refused service at the Legerdemain Lounge)
  • "I know that you know that I know what they know that you know what I don't know that we know, which is what I know that you know that Sylvanas doesn't know that I know and you know not what just happened!" (rambling)
  • "Waa, waa worgen, can you feel pain? Yes sir, yes sir... I'm gonna feast upon your brains." (mocking a worgen before killing and partially-eating her)


The portion of Morec's history that states he was a warrior before being turned to a death knight and "that he might have been of Gilnean origin" is based off of Morec0's original Forsaken Warrior, also named Morec. The character was later discarded when Morec0 transferred from Gilneas to Rivendare, leaving the original Morec behind and creating a death knight of the same race and name on his new server.

Curho Demoneye

NeutralCurho Demoneye
Image of Curho Demoneye
Title <Grand Warlock>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Affiliation(s) Burning Blade (formerly); Shadow Council, Burning Legion,
CataclysmDemon's Eye Clan
Occupation Master Warlock of the Burning Blade Clan (formerly), Initiate of the Fourth Circle of the Shadow Council,
Cataclysm Chieftain of the Demon's Eye Clan
Location Felwood
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lak'tuk Demoneye (adoptive daughter)
Companion(s) Ziljub (imp), Zangthak (voidwalker), Bronaith (succubus), Luukun (felhunter), Bleekgozin (felguard) Tainthoof (fel/ [Dreadsteed])
Alignment Chaotic evil
"Chaos, it is the only absolute in this world and all others. The Legion recognizes this, and attempts to teach the mortal races that lesson. Those that listen are rewarded with great power, those that do not are slaughtered without mercy - both you will soon see."
— Curho

Curho is a warlock of the Shadow Council with strong ties to the Burning Blade, and a servant of the Burning Legion. Long ago, when he was first attempting to worm his way into the service of the Legion, he traded his eye to a demon know as Ambassador Hellmaw for the devil's luck. Even if the fiend's promise was a hollow one, Curho has felt more powerful ever since that day.


Curho had been small for an orc child, and being raised in the Lordaeron internment camps wasn't a plus either. Every day of his life the guards and larger children would push him around for reason he couldn't understand. When Thrall can to rescue the orcs from the camp, his mother, as well as several others, were killed in an attempt to stop the orcs from escaping. He promised her he'd do whatever he could to serve the Horde that had come so close to freeing them both.

Curho attempted to join the ranks of the grunts, but was quickly turned away from them because of his lack of strength. He also showed no ability to serve as a shaman, and was too clumsy to be a scout. This left him with only a peon as a option to serve. He tried hard, and was able to assist the Horde in several of its battles, but the constant beatings and dehumanizing comments from his overseers began to have a slow toll on his sanity.

After some time, he finally snapped. He killed the Overseer and fled deep into the Barrens, eventually meeting up with a caravan of warlocks. They attempted to kill him, but Curho, in a blind fury, murdered many of them. Those left standing decided that they might be able to use an orc with his apparent disdain for life, and so welcomed him to join them. With no other place to go, he went.

Curho before his disappearance.

He was taught how to use the powers of the Burning Legion, how to summon demons, and the warlocks took the hate within him and twisted it to be pointed at their enemies. Unfortunately they went too far in one training exercise, pushing him and ordering him around too much, and he murdered them all. He spent the next few days mulling over their tomes and what to do with himself. After some time he successfully communed with a demon named Hellmaw, and gave the fiend an eye in return for even greater power.

After that, Curho proceeded north to Felwood, where he joined the rest of the Burning Blade clan and other servants of the Burning Legion. He trained and eventually found his way into a position of power within the Fifth Circle of the Shadow Council. Now at his full power and in the prime of his life, he seeks to throw the world into the fiery, demonic chaos that he believes only the Legion can bring, even if that means serving the Horde once again to bring his enemy down from the inside out.

After the Legion's defeat at the Sunwell, however, Curho vanished, his disappearance lasting throughout the entire campaign against the Scourge. He told no one where he was going, and after months of absence most of the other members of the Shadow Council believed him to be dead.


Curho after his return

With the sundering of the world brought by Deathwing, however, Curho has returned to the world, far more powerful than before. In his absence from Felwood, he had traveled to Outland in an attempt to find and retrieve artifacts and other support that may be used to further the power of the Legion. He stumbled upon the powerful Apexis Crystals and, after much trial-and-error research, managed to learn how to corrupt them with fel energy, turning the untold magical reserves within the crystals into a powerful source of energy to help fuel his demonic magic.

Curho now wears one of these corrupted crystals around his neck, drawing power from it whenever he needs to do so. The orcish warlock also works tirelessly to bring more of the crystals to Azeroth for use by the Shadow Council, believing them to be the savior of the Burning Legion's holdings in Azeroth.

Curho also forsake the Burning Blade Clan - the repeated failures of the clan proving to him that it was too weak to be worth his while. With him he took the most powerful members of the Burning Blade, and even some from other clans and even organizations, and with them forged a new clan under his rule; the Demon's Eye Clan. He continued to search for new recruits worthy of the clan as he plotted and acted upon his plots, attempting to stretch his influence from Felwood all across Azeroth and beyond.


Though the Demon's Eye had powerful members, failures and defeats at the hands of various adventuring heroes began to undermine both Curho's confidence in it and his patience with it. As the Cataclysm started to come to a close and none of his plans reached any sort of fruition, the Grand Warlock began to sacrifice its weaker members to summon replacements from the Void - demons that he hoped would be able to move his goals along. Though he is displeased with the choices he must make, he knows that they are his only potential means to success.


Curho's skin is a dark shade of green and his remaining eye, although not the same shade of red as many other orcs infused with demonic might, glows red with hatred for all who do not serve the Legion. His robes are blood red and black, helping to identify him as a warlock, and he carries a sword that's fel-infused blade matches the color almost perfectly, and the black eye patch he wears does the same. The tome he carries at his side contains a number of demonic incantations - most of which he's already memorized - for summoning demons, casting destructive spells, and enhancing his own power. He stands at six feet one inch and weighs three-hundred-twenty-five pounds.

In his demon form, Curho has a pair of black, bat-like wings sprouting from his back (although these do not allow him to fly), and his feet and hands changing into giant talons and claws. His face transforms from orcish features into something that resembles a pit lord, his tusks growing larger and sharper, and a tail that also resembles the annihilan sprouts from his back. His size also increasing, reaching a point where one could never have imagined he was anything smaller than the monster he becomes in demon form - standing at fifteen feet tall and weighing some one-thousand-nine-hundred pounds.


Curho hates anything that isn't sided with the Legion in some form or another; however he is smart enough to realize that killing them isn't always the answer. He is capable of entering Horde society when he has need to, but prefers to spend his time in the company of other warlocks directly aligned with the Burning Legion and its many servants. He treats his demon minions with even less respect and more hatred then he does the enemies of the Legion on a daily basis, torturing and disfiguring them as he sees fit. Because of this, his demons fear him, and do what he wishes without question - which very well may have been the results Curho was looking for while he was inflicting the pain and disfigurement onto them. This likely comes from Curho's deep-seated belief that if a demon can be controlled, it is completely subject to its masters wishes (regardless of what or who they are) and a desire to impose this belief his allies.

Despite this, he carries the - as many other warlocks would see it - weakness of still holding onto a code of honor - twisted though it may be.


Curho is a powerful warlock with particular skill in the mastery of demons - his powers in that field of demonic so advanced that he can keep two of his summoned minions out to battle from him at once. Whenever he fights, he enters combat with one goal in mind: cause as much destruction as is physically possible. Of course, he realizes that a blood-thirsty rampage isn't always the answer, and so does his best to stay out of battle when it doesn't suit his intentions. No matter which demon he sends in to the battle to attack his foes, he expects the same result; the death of his enemies, and he can empower his minions to the point where he thinks they can achieve that goal. He also has a decent amount of knowledge in regards to demonic runes, and uses what he knows to benefit himself, the Burning Blade, and the Legion. He can speak Common, Orcish, and Eredun.



Ziljub's skills include defensive and offensive magics, and, in the interest of avoiding more suffering, he balances these out to best aid his master. Hurling firebolts and creating shields of demonic flames, as well as the occasional phasing in and out of reality and an insignificant blood pact, are the only abilities that the tiny demon possesses, but he uses them with surprising efficiency. So long as his usefulness in combat doesn't end, Curho refrains from taking out his frustration on the imp any more then he already does.

Ziljub's left ear, left eye, and two fingers from both his left hand and his right have been removed. His body is also bruised from Curho kicking him around - literally - as the warlock sees fit, and his horns have been forcibly sawed down to nothing more than a pair of nubs. Other than that, his appearance is the same as most other imps, black flesh and glowing yellow eyes. His hands burn with fel-fire even when he is not preparing or casting a spell. As this causes him great pain it is likely the work of Curho's magic, and the agony has caused him to develop a slight twitch.


Zangthak's stamina is great, and his strength matches it. Curho uses him the same way any warlock uses such a creature; as a meat shield and occasional means of attack. The natural ability of voidwalkers to drink in the shadows around them to regenerate their strength is enhanced by Curho's mastery of demons, though the orcish warlock will occasionally torture Zangthak by forcing him to fight with only a little life left in him - nor does Curho care if Zangthank becomes grievously wounded or even killed, due to his ability to regenerate from most injuries and death experiences.

Zangthak's body has been altered by Curho in less drastic ways then his other, more physical, demon minions. The voidwalker's body is still a deep blue color, but runes inscribed on the bracers that bind him to this plane of existence cause a storm of demonic lightning to rage inside of him. Zangthek is unable to use this lightning in any form of offensive or defensive spell or ability, and the only purpose it serves is to torture the poor demonic being for his master's amusement.


Bronaith's true appearance leaves much to be desired, but when he uses the runes carved into her back she becomes a distraction to all men and even some women. All of her other traits are the same as the other succubi; low stamina, skilled with a whip, and a limited affinity for magic. Curho has some use of her in combat, but most other times uses her as a stewardess and entertainment for the powerful members of the Burning Blade and Legion that visit him.

Bronaith's skin tone has a few shades of red, and she wears the same armor as any other succubus in the thrall of a warlock. Unfortunately, she does not share much of their alluring appearance, thanks to Curho's work. Her skin has been scarred all over, making the once silky-smooth flesh of this demon coarse and rough. Her right horn has also been removed, and her leathery wings have been torn to shreds. Curho knows that an attractive succubus is a more useful than an ugly one, and so painfully carved a set of runes into her back that she can use to make herself appear beautiful once again, however, she is only able to do this when Curho allows her too - the warlock being able to activate and deactivate the runes at will.


Because of Curho's magic, Luukun is eternally hungry, and satisfies this hunger by draining magic from others - be it beneficial spells from enemies, or harmful spells off of his master. This felhunter is also an excellent tracker, and Curho uses him to hunt down any that escape imprisonment by the Shadow Council or the Burning Blade. Luukun's stamina is not great, but his ferocity and cunning makes him an invaluable asset to Curho's work.

The tendrils on Luukun's back have been heavily scarred and some have even been removed by Curho. These scars still cause the felhunter great pain, and the beasts red flesh has been torn open in some places and then fused back together with demonic flames. Runes painfully inscribed all over the body of this creature make him eternally hungry, always craving more magic. This hunger makes him especially helpful against magic users and even those who don't use magic, because Luukun will often attempt to feed the hunger for magic with blood. However he does not attempt to drain Curho's magic, knowing very well what would happen to him if he tried.


Bleekgozin is the most physically imposing of Curho's minions, and is more then capable of taking down something as strong as a large abomination singlehandedly. He wields his axe with not only a great amount of brute force but also great skill, and this finesse can be surprising coming from something that should only be able to display feats of barbarian-like strength. Curho is able to further his demon's strength by sending Bleekgozin into a blind battle rage through the infusion of demonic magic.

Bleekgozin is also the most defiant of Curho's demon minions, as such the warlock has had to go to great lengths to break him. The left half of the felguard's pale-white skin is charred black because of demonic fire that Curho has burned him constantly over the course of several days. Even with that, the muscular demon is still very willing to talk back at any orders given, although he will follow the orders given immediately. His armor is yellow-green, and he wields two weapons: a massive fel-iron axe in his left hand and an equally massive fel-iron claymore in his right.


Tainthoof's speed and stamina is unrivaled by all but the other steeds used by the Legion. Because of these characteristics, Curho uses the mount to distract his enemies when subtlety is needed, or for offensive purposes if his situation is that dire. Still, the beast has only one true use: carrying the orcish warlock to any destination of his choice.

Tainthoof is the only one of Curho's demons that seems to have avoided the grotesque disfigurement the others were put through. This may be due to that fact that, if harmed too much, the demonic steed may not be as strong as is needed to carry his master the great distances he sometimes travels. Tainthooof's demonic armor is inscribed with runes, but it is unknown what effect - beneficial or harmful - these demonic symbols have on the beast.


  • "If you seek death, then stay where you stand. Death will come to you."
  • "Ziljub, you pathetic, cowering worm, come here and attempt to make yourself useful this time!" (Summoning his imp minion, Ziljub)
  • "Zangthak, I call you from the nether! Come and protect your master - OR IT WILL BE THE END OF YOU!" (Summoning his voidwalker minion, Zangthak)
  • "Bronaith, come and serve me as I command or suffer a fate worse then death! The chose is yours, demoness." (Summoning his succubus minion, Bronaith)
  • "Luukun, you pathetic hound! Come from the Nether and feast upon those who could dare stand against the Burning Legion!" (Summoning his felhunter minion, Luukun)
  • "Bleekgozin I again have need of your assistance. Come and serve me, fail to do so and you will suffer like you have never suffered before!" (Summoning his felguard minion, Bleekgozin.)
  • "Come Tainthoof! Your master has need of your service." (Summoning his demonic mount, Tainthoof)


In one RP, Curho was transformed into a fel orc after a extended period of direct exposure to the energies of the Twisting Nether.

Curho Demoneye after being transformed into a fel orc.

Vrem Dartskul

HordeVrem Dartskul
Image of Vrem Dartskul
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Undead)
Class Hunter, Epic marksman
Affiliation(s) Forsaken,
Cataclysm Necrohunters
Occupation Deathguard (Formerly); Explorer and murderer of the living,
Cataclysm Leader of the Necrohunters (Presumed)
Status Active
Companion(s) Rottalon (pet undead eagle), Marrow (pet plague-dog), Deathpelt (pet undead panther), Skitter (pet bone spider), Scarmaw (pet undead bear)
Alignment Chaotic evil
"Does the Banshee Queen benefit from your actions? No? Then die."
— Vrem Dartskul

Vrem is a hunter and marksman of the Forsaken. He is fiercely loyal to the Banshee Queen, and approves of nothing if Sylvanas is not aided in some way by the action in question. Some say he is obsessed with following her orders, but he says that he is merely following them to the letter.


Before his death, Vrem Dartskul was a simple farmhand on the Solliden Farmstead, but when the Scourge came he and several others fled. In order to insure his own survival he left those who traveled with him to die one by one at the hands of the Scourge, eventually leaving him as the only survivor. Unfortunately his idea turned out to be less than the brilliant plan he had thought it to be, and shortly after he left the last of his companions to die he was attacked and killed by a pack of blood-crazed wolves. They left little of him to later be resurrected by the Forsaken, but he made do by robbing several other corpses of their body parts.

He pledged his loyalty to Lady Sylvanas and began to train as hunter of the Forsaken. He managed to capture an undead eagle - which he named Rottalon - as his pet of choice and later constructed a small plague-dog which he named Marrow, training both to seek and devour flesh whenever they could. He then proceeded to slaughter both the Scourge and the living - with the exception of his 'allies' in the Horde. Although several orcs and trolls that have aided him against the Scourge have "fallen in battle," but the number of these disappearances has been decreasing over the years.

Dartskul during the War Against the Lich King

His actions while in the Tirisfal Glade put him at odds with the Scarlet Crusade a number of times, and at one point they captured and attempted to execute him. They, however, underestimated his zealous loyalty to the Banshee Queen and overwhelming hatred of the living. By the end of the day, the forty-something Crusaders that had gathered to watch him burn were all dead by his and a few Forsaken that had come to his aid's hands.

After battling against the Scourge in the Plaguelands, Vrem ventured into Northrend alongside the other forsaken of the Hand of Vengeance, and it was during this time he met Morec, and Sithia Frozenbone. The three Forsaken were united in their common goal to see the end of the Scourge and the living alike, and became allies quickly. During his time in Icecrown he also freed a now-undead blood elf assassin named Talah from the Scourge, which indebted the elf to him.

He was not present what Arthas eventually died, but it is said that upon hearing about the Lich King's death he spent the rest of the day smiling.


He and assisted the Forsaken army with the assault of Gilneas, alongside Morec. When he and the insane death knight returned to Tirisfal, they learned that Sithia had been captured and killed by the Scarlet Crusade. He and Morec slaughtered their way through the monastery and retrieved her body, and, upon learning it would be impossible to reanimate her, buried it within the graveyard at Brill. Vrem and Morec then parted ways.

Vrem shed his war-armor in favor of gear more suited for travel and stealthily killing the living and set up a small home in the Alterac Mountains to house his every-growing collection of "trophies" - various body parts that he has taken from the living races. He spent little there, however, instead traveling the world gathering more and more trophies while leaving an assortment of traps and his favorite pet - Deathpelt - there to guard it from would-be robbers. In more recent times, however, Vrem has moved his operations out of his mountain-shack and into the Aghal manor in the Eastern Plaguelands.

Vrem is the founder and a member of the Necrohunters; a subgroup of the Forsaken operating outside of even their laws - although most often with enough subtly to avoid action against them. He gathered into this group a collection of Forsaken with varying skills but similar mindset: the Forsaken and their Queen should rise above all others, especially the living. Despite having organized it, it is unclear as to whether or not he officially leads the group. After having acquired the Aghal manor[1] and fortune through dubious means, he set the location up as a base of operations for the Necrohunters and used the fortune to finance their work. Thought that wealth did not last. As the money ran out, though, he looked to new sources of income; attempting to ally himself with the Shadowheart Disciples to secure the money he needed. This alliance, however, would start to deteriorate - and with it, Vrem's hopes and goals for his fellow Forsaken.

New Alliances

Dartskul after the formation of his newest alliance.

As the war between the Alliance and Horde heated up and spread to Pandaria, Vrem and his group had a resurgence. The Necrohunters crawled out of their poverty to become a major player in Azeroth once again. Amanda the Shadowheart, interested in gaining as much influence within Forsaken politics as possible, proposed a union of their groups and others into a confederation. Despite theological differences, Vrem agreed. Now he and his Necrohunters primarily serve as enforcers for the Disciples, and bring her corpses from their hunts for reanimation into undeath.

Vrem was less-than-pleased when he heard about the return of Sithia Frozenbone to the fold of undeath, and when he was first reintroduced to Sitha during a meeting at Amanda's church he walked out without a word upon seeing her.


Vrem's eyes were once a dark brown, but now the unholy magic and potions that taint his body and keep him from rotting into a useless pile of flesh and bones have caused his eyes to glow yellow, like many other Forsaken. His hair has remained blond, though, despite the taint flowing through his body. He must also strap his face into place to keep it from falling off, but it is still mostly intact. He wears a set of Scourgetalker armor and carries his gun whenever he thinks a battle might be in the near future. After the Cataclysm he chose armor more suited for stalking stealthily; mostly leathers but a bit of mail armor for extra protection. He also has an number of worgen-pelt cloaks from various kills of the wolf-like beasts he wears. He stands at six feet two inches and weighs one-hundred-twenty-five pounds.


Vrem aims for any weak spots on his enemies with his rifle and sharpshooting skills while he uses Rottalon or Marrow as a distraction whenever he finds himself in combat. If that strategy fails, however, then he reverses tactics: using his shots as a distraction while having Rottalon and Marrow tear his foes to shreds. Though he prefers to keep out of direct combat himself, he is as skilled in melee combat as he is ranged. Though he fancies the use of guns and single-handed axes, he is also greatly capable of fighting with almost all manner of weapons as well - and, in more recent times, he has taken to using a a unique weapon designed for him by his ally Mortiky Slaughter. He can speak Common, Orcish, and Gutterspeak.



Marrow is the physically strongest, and most deadly, of Vrem's pets. The undead dog has demonstrated the ability to tear limps off of a variety of creatures - perhaps most notably a full grown human male - as well as having enough bulk on his rotting frame to be able to deal massive damage if he rams into someone. He has an extremely high pain tolerance, and will willingly take a blow for his master without Vrem even ordering the plague dog too.

Marrow's appearance has been significantly altered by Vrem and the Royal Apothecary Society, turning him from a simple hunting hound into a monstrous beast. Putrid green slime drools out from this hounds mouth, and his claws and fangs and stained red from blood and gore. His body, although his ribs are showing, still carried much weight do to the various heavy objects that have been placed inside of it.


Rottalon is the quickest and most intelligent of Vrem's two pets. The diseases that fester in the wounds over his body are extremely deadly and infectious. Even if the prey has escaped, if Rottalon has managed to sink his talons or peck his beak into its flesh, the diseases are likely to kill them within a few days to weeks. The rotting eagle uses his incredible speed and agility in whatever he can to divert the attention of enemies from his master. Rottalon is also the second most intelligent of Vrem's minions, as well as the most versatile.

Vrem has had all unnecessary parts of Rottalon removed, giving his pet very little air resistance and much, much more speed and agility. Even though much of his wings have rotted away, Vrem has managed to use bandages and the same processes that keep him from rotting to help minimize the loss of necessary mass on the undead bird. The creature has become something like a nightmare, and Vrem uses this to psychological advantage.


Is the fastest, second strongest, most silent, and absolute deadliest of Vrem's pets. His grey-black coat allows him to easily blend into the shadows, and his metal fangs and claws allow him to tear apart his prey in seconds. A cunning beast, Deathpelt will stalk around his prey for a minute or two before actually engaging it in combat. Although Vrem does not like to risk his favorite pet's life, he will do it if he has to. Since Deathpelt does not normally accompany Vrem into combat, though, he does not have to do so often.

Deathpelt is probably the only pet Vrem has left fully intact. The only noticeable unnatural changes to this beast are that his claws and fangs have been replaced by metal ones. Deathpelt has grey and black fur covering his body, and green eyes. As with all of his pets, Vrem has used the exact same methods that prevent him from rotting on Deathpelt, leaving the beast almost looking as if he was alive - except for a few scars and disease-ridden patches hidden underneath of the cat's fur.


Like Marrow, Skitter was built by Vrem with the aid of the Royal Apothecary Society. Not horribly resilient, Vrem uses this pet to set trap for prey, using the webs of unnatural strength Skitter weaves those that come into contact with them - be it by careless wandering or more fiendish trapping. After setting these webs, Skitter will lurk close to the battle but decently out of sight - either concealed by line of sight barriers on the ground or lurking in treetops. If the opportunity to do so safely presents itself, he will have Skitter bite with his envenomed fangs.

Deathly pale and spindly, Skitter lives up to the name "bone spider". Despite the frail look, however, Skitter moves with speed and grace befitting of any living arachnid, and unnaturally is still able to produce webbing from its spinneret. Loose and old webbing arcs between its legs and across its body, dusty and as rotten as Skitter is; for while the beast's carapace is intact, all organs save for its venom sacks and spinneret have been removed by this creature's undead master.



Vrem is a cold, dark, and somewhat grim character in terms of his personality. He hates the living with a passion, and kills as many of them as he can whenever the opportunity presents itself - always with Sylvanas' permission, or more often implied permission, of course - and kills the Scourge even more often. The only things that Vrem seems to care for besides himself are his pets, and is visibly devastated whenever one of them takes considerable damage. The encounter with wolves that led to his death resulted in a deep hated, and maybe even fear, of canines. This hatred would later extend to worgen, which Vrem takes grim delight in slaying, skinning, and wearing their pelts as a cloak.


  • "Rottalon; shred." (siccing Rottalon on target)
  • "Marrow; devour." (siccing Marrow on a target)
  • "Deathpelt; slay." (siccing Marrow on a target)

Marisa "Talah" Blackswallow

NeutralMarisa "Talah" Blackswallow
Image of Marisa "Talah" Blackswallow
Gender Female

Blood elf (
WoW Icon update.png-Wrath-Logo-Small.png Humanoid
Wrath-Logo-Small.png-Cataclysm Undead

Cataclysm Humanoid)
Class Rogue, Assassin
Affiliation(s) Self, Current employer
Location Silverpine Forest,
Cataclysm Ghostlands
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral evil
"Pay me, give me a target, or get out."
— Marisa, said to many who seek her valuable services.

When you care enough to send the best, call for Marisa Blackswallow - or "Talah" as she is known to most others. Marisa studied under some of the greatest rogues of Ravenholdt but, with nothing more to learn from them, she no longer associates herself with them. If one seeks to find her, almost all rogues in the Horde cities and a few that reside within the capitals of the Alliance can direct anyone that has need of her abilities to her "vacation home" in Silverpine Forest.


Marisa Blackswallow was a young girl when the orcs attacked Silvermoon. Her mother, a ranger of Quel'thalas, was killed the trolls who had allied themselves with the Horde. From that day, Marisa never able to think straight again, and her father's telling her to "forget about mommy" didn't help her clear psychological problem either. She fled from her family at the first opportunity that presented itself and spent the rest of her life as a street urchin in the less then magnificent parts of Silvermoon.

Talah before her death.

She taught herself how to avoid the guards and steal from the various shops that filled Silvermoon's steets. Her father offered many rewards for anyone that could bring Marisa back to him, unfortunately she managed to elude every attempt made to - as she began to see it - capture her. She barely managed to escape the undead Scourge when they came to Silvermoon, but not before seeing her father and grandmother ripped to bloody shreds by them. Although she didn't care for him anymore, the horrific sight still had as much of an effect on her brain as the death of her mother had.

She traveled around the Northern Eastern Kingdom's for some time after that, avoiding the Scourge at all costs, but also seeking to find a new home for herself. She was eventually found and taken in by Myrokos Silentform of the Ravenholdt Guild, who trained her as best they could to become a talented rogue. Over many years of training her skills, abilities, and knowledge of poisons and underhanded tactics steadily improved, but so did her ambition and love for wealth. One day she attacked and severely injured Myrokos as well as several other rogues before fleeing Ravenholdt Manor for good.

A few weeks later, she came across and claimed an old farmhouse for herself in Silverpine as her own. From there she welcomed anyone that came to her with a job. She spends her time alone and rarely leaves her home, but if one asks around enough, they can gather the information they need to find her - although she is known only as "Talah" to all others.

A few years later she was hired by Argent Crusade to assist them with their war against the Scourge. All went well until she reached Icecrown and was assigned to assassinate the cultist Alumeth. This went horribly wrong when she discovered that Alumeth had transcended into undeath, and she was captured. Instead of killing her, however, the Scourge experimented on her, combining her blood with various poisons and venoms, keeping her alive through dark magic.

When finally they did decide to kill and resurrect her, they were shocked to discover that her hatred of them had grown so strong that it was actually able to overpower the might of the Lich King's domination. She slew them all, some with weapons others with the poison that now filled her veins. As she was fleeing, though, they made another attempt to stop her and almost succeeded. Had it not been for a quick intervention by Forsaken hunter and marksman Vrem Dartskul, Talah would, very likely, have not escaped the Scourge.


After her mysterious Resurrection.

After the Cataclysm brought the worgen-Forsaken conflict into the forest, the now-undead Talah was forced to move in the interest of personal safety. She took up residence in Quel'thalas, in a small but elaborately furnished home - including a large fel crystal. Despite the move, she remained aloof from the rest of her kind - whether this was because of her continued love of fel crystals, her undead state, or both she would never say.

About midway through the Cataclysm event she was slain again while on assignment, but by some miracle was not only spared this death but was brought back to life fully. Now once again amongst the living, she is able to prepare herself just that much less when dealing with targets. The source of this miracle is, as of yet, unknown; Talah herself may not even know, but she has made no effort to try and discover the origin of it. If this is because she does know the origin or simply doesn't care about the origin, is unknown.

As the Alliance-Horde war heated up and kicked off, Talah found her skills in higher demand than ever. From political pundits to enemy and even rival military leaders, Talah was called in to deal with all types on both sides. She raked in a viable fortune, spending the majority of her profits on additional fel crystals to decorate her home and sate her addiction - she also is considering expanding her home in order to house the crystals, although in the blood elf society of the restored Sunwell finding someone willing to assist despite her "habits" has proven difficult.


Marisa, heavily disguised as a high elf.
Marisa, lightly disguised as a high elf.

Marisa is a shapely elf for one of her age, and the visual appeal has helped her many times over with reaching and dealing with her targets. She wears black leather armor most of the time, although she also has more comfortable and far more expensive clothes in her possession. Her fel-green eyes clearly show that she is a blood elf, but the deep blue contacts she has managed to get her hands on allow her to mask this when she is dealing with races who would be less then hospitable towards her presence. When more than a simple pair of contacts is needed to hide her true identity, though, she lets her hair down from the pony-tail she usually keeps it in and puts on a brown linen robe. This allows her to assume the appearance and false identity of a high elf commoner - or mage, depending on how one looks at it.

Even after death she retained much of her physical attractiveness, the poison in her body doubling as a preservative. The only noticeable difference about her - besides paler skin, much colder flesh, and a slightly thinner physique - is that now, although one eye still glows green with fel magic, her other eye now glows yellow like many Forsaken. Her ressurection removed this glow, as well as the poison, and returned her body back to its healthy state.


While it couldn't be said that she is evil, Marisa is a bitter character and most certainly doesn’t care much for anyone besides herself. She doesn’t care for the life of those she assigned to kill, or the life of anyone who gets her in way. Despite her seemingly and overly-homicidal view of those around her, Marisa isn't one to simply walk through the streets killing innocents - unless, of course, she is being paid by someone to do so. She doesn’t like to be touched by anyone, but when her sexuality it being used to lull her targets into sense of safety and distract them from the very thing from which she takes her nickname that is quickly coming for them she tolerates it enough to get the job done. Like many blood elves before the restoration of the Sunwell, she is addicted to fel energy and even prefers it over the magic of the now-holy fount of power. This may or may not have anything to do with why she refuses to fully rejoin blood elven society.

After becoming undead Talah's usual bitterness has grew slightly, almost to the point of sheer hatred. She has also become a much crueler and colder person, caring almost nothing for anyone she meets. Even in death she is addicted to fel energy, and still enjoys draining large amounts of it into her blood stream. Her resurrection to full-life did not managed to change this either, though her almost-nihilistic demeanor seemed to stick with her.


Quick thinking, murderous, and even more beautiful. There are few combinations that are as deadly as these, and Marisa uses them to her advantage. While she uses her... assets to distract her targets and general enemies, she slowly moves in for the kill. She is highly skilled at stealth, the use of smoke bombs, and other subtle and distracting methods as well, though, and whenever she cannot seduce her targets into coming to her, she makes the decision to go to them, dagger in each hand, and ready to kill. She also has the talents to pull off a clever, non-magical disguise that gives her the appearance of any normal high elf through the use of blue contact lenses.

Her undead body was filled with poison, and Talah's very touch was toxic, able to poison someone instantly and kill within a few days. She had also developed a way to drain her own venomous blood to use as a poison to coat her daggers - though she lost these abilities upon her resurrection. She remains as subtle, clever, and deadly as ever, though, and still is hired by many people who seek other dead. She can speak any of the more common languages of Azeroth, though she knows next to nothing of the rarer or less-civilized ones.


  • "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If no poisons are available, however, a dagger planted firmly between the ribs should work just fine. If that doesn't work either... well, then I suggest ripping their head from their shoulders." (Marisa on the male species)
  • "Talah" (Marisa's calling card, said to anyone she kills as the life seeps from them)


  • Due to the well-cultivated reputation Marisa has created, only those that were members of Ravenholdt during her time there know her true name. To the civilians of Azeroth's various factions and even newer Ravenholdt members - the older one's respecting her impressively infamous reputation - she is simply known as "Talah." As Death.
  • The infobox image of the undead Talah was created by fellow RPer Skreeran.

Lak'tuk Demoneye

NeutralLak'tuk Demoneye
Image of Lak'tuk Demoneye
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Mage, Shadowmage
Affiliation(s) Burning Blade (formerly), Shadow Council, Burning Legion,
Cataclysm Demon's Eye Clan
Occupation Curho Demoneye's Apprentice,
Cataclysm Second in Command of the Demon's Eye Clan
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) Curho Demoneye (adoptive father)
Alignment Chaotic evil
"My name means 'suffering,' but I have no intention of letting you live long enough to even speculate as to why."
—Lak'tuk Demoney

Lak'tuk Demoneye's true name has been lost to history, as those who knew it at the time of Curho's claiming of her were all killed and she has matured beyond recognition for any others. She is a powerful Shadowmage and fully loyal to the cause that her father serves.


Lak'tuk prior to the Shattering.

Lak'tuk was only a seven years old when the caravan that she, her parents, and several other Horde members were traveling through Ashenvale with was ambushed by assailants of the Burning Blade, one of which was the warlock Curho Demoneye - who was then merely an initiate of the Shadow Council. They slaughtered each and everyone of the caravan members except for Lak'tuk, who managed to hold back many of the clan's warriors with very basic magic powers despite her young age. Curho was impressed by her innate feel for battle and magic, and so brought her with him back to Jaedenar. There he began to teach her in the ways of the warlock and Legion, and she quickly caught on.

In time she forgot about the fact that Curho had slaughtered her real parents, and came to call the warlock of the Shadow Council father as she forgot about any other members of her family. Although she never fully mastered the ways of the warlock proper, she did find her niche in the powers of archaic mage magic. She stood by her father's side throughout all of his work before and for a short while after the Dark Portal was opened, assisting him and his allies in all of his projects and becoming ever-more adept and zealous at using her power to further the cause of the Legion.

After learning of the Legion's defeat at the Sunwell, Lak'tuk was devastated, but was even more devastated when Curho left Felwood withotu even saying where to he was going. While her father was absent, Lak'tuk assumed his duties in Felwood as best she could. She was one of the few that believed her father still was alive despite the length of his absence.


Lak'tuk Affter Curho's return.

When Curho returned he gifted Lak'tuk with one of the corrupted Apexis Crystals he had created. She then assisted him in forming the Demon's Eye Clan and, being the daughter of the clan's chieftain and despite being only sixteen years old, became second in command of it. She was then sent by her father to the Eastern Kingdoms to attempt and secure a hold for their clan and the Shadow Council. She left in secret and alone, but began to gather allies to her side - either new ones found in the east or ones summoned to her by slowly-growing mastery of arcane portal magics.


As news of Curho's sacrificing other members of the clan reached her ears, she began to fear for her own life. Her own failure to establish a meaningful hold in the Eastern Kingdoms for the Demon's Eye led her to believe that she may be one of the next sacrificed for the greater good of the clan; she considered more than once forgoing the mission she had been sent to complete and fleeing from her old life, but could never muster the willpower to do so. As time passed on and she continued to live, though, her fears began to diminished - though she was never able to fully escape the worry that she would one day be among those Curho Demoneye called back to the Shadow Hold, never to be heard of again.

Lak'tuk herself began to fall into the desperation consuming her father and the whole of the Demon's Eye Clan. She began forgoing the subtly and silence that she had previously worked in to establish her Shadow Council stronghold in and began to openly try to recruit the more shadowy adventurers that she encountered to work with her - often regardless of whether or not they had others of more benign-alignment traveling with them.


Lak'tuk's skin is a light green and her eyes are a light violet color unlike her father's red eyes - much to her dismay. Her dark brown hair has been shaved off, save for a single, dark brown braid that runs down her back. She stands at nine feet tall and weighs five-hundred-eighty pounds. She wears plain green robes and carries a sword for protection in case her magics ever falter, just like Curho. After Demoneye's return from Outland and gifting his daughter with a corrupt Apexis Crystal necklace Lak'tuk began wearing more elaborate and colorful clothing that she felt fit her newly increased power. As time passed, though, she returned to the more muted and dart colors she had previously worn, feeling more comfortable in them than any more elaborate apparel.


Lak'tuk is fully loyal to her father and his vision of the Legion's return and destruction of Azeroth, and thus does not doubt Curho's actions or power. She has less faith in her own abilities, however, as she has failed time and time again to fully grasp the power of the Legion. When facing others she starts out extremely confident in her ability to win, but if the battle drags on for too long she is likely to start becoming unnerved and may retreat. Even though she may not remember or care about her real parents being slaughtered by her adoptive father.


Lak'tuk has learned to compensate her lack of demonic power with arcane might; relying heavily on portals and teleportation and defensive spells to protect herself from harm. Her limited affinity for the power of the Legion taints all of her spells with a noticeable essence of fel, however, giving her some hope in her ability to one day master the demonic powers of the Legion. She prefers fire to use fire spells, but most often uses typical arcane ones. She can speak Orcish and is studying Eredun.


"All will perish before the Legion!" (said in orcish)


In one RP, Lak'tuk began to impersonate the dreaded warlock Dag'rema after the later was slain by heroes seeking to stop her evil goals.

Lak'tuk impersonating Dag'rema.

Mizsey J. Missilescrap

NeutralMizsey Jamlack Missilescrap
Image of Mizsey Jamlack Missilescrap
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Tinker, Shredder, Steam Warrior, Semi-Dark shaman
Affiliation(s) Tinker's Union (Formerly), Self, Highest Bidder
Occupation Mercenary
Location Various (Primarily Around Goblin Territory)
Status Alive
Relative(s) Mizzey G. Missilescrap
Alignment True neutral
"I em gonna mess. Ya. UP!"
— Mizsey Jamlack Missilescrap

Formerly of the Tinker's Union, Mizsey holds no strong allegiances to anyone anymore. A mercenary for hire, she'll work for nearly anyone that can pay, and will switch alliances on the dime - most of the time; despite herself, Mizmey still maintains a strong morale compass and tends to back away from working for or with the more evil side of Azeroth's populace. Despite being handy with machines, her only real inventions include a custom rifle and her Shredder: "Big Load."


When she was young her father gave Mizsey and her sister a wrench a pointed at a hunk of metal. A proud member of the Tinker's Union, he wanted his girls to be just like him. After some time of tinkering and testing their skills with the mechanics and parts of machinery, Mizsey and Mizzey politely declined their father's goals - by running away and joining up with a group of Earthen Ring shamans that were wandering Kezan. They were hesitant to take the girls, but after spinning false accusations about their parents and showing just how willing they were to learn about the elements, the shamans agreed. They took the girls with them away from Kezan and began to tutor them in the ways of the shaman.

That is where the story of the sisters splits. While Mizzey was more than happy with her new life, finding purpose and joy within the elements, Mizsey found she didn't really care. After landing in Stranglethorn, Mizsey fled without her sister south to Booty Bay, where she slowly found a rekindled interest in tinkering. Taking up training with the local Tinker's Union she slowly began to improve her technique and knowledge, and over time became quite adept at the technology she was working with.




Mizsey: less than humble

Mizsey is usually incredibly upbeat, and it takes a lot to bring her down, however this doesn't mean she is friendly; quite the contrary, if you are or get in between her and her current job or destination she'll have no problem with taking you down - though, when it comes to doing so, she can sometimes be less than direct with dealing with her enemies. Of course, if you do manage to stay on her good side you'll find no shortage of (sometimes very poor) humor from an extremely friendly individual. If you're attractive, you're more likely to end up on that good side; Mizsey is a hedonistic, xenophilic, bisexual flirt that loves to spend time "blowing off steam" however she can after a long day of mercenary-ing, or traveling, or nothing. Needless to say, this bleeds over, often inappropriately, into her personality and conversations.

When it comes to her job, though, Mizsey tends to be slightly less-than professional, but she'll do the work and she wont ask questions other than "what, when, and there"; and she'll work for just about anything and anyone. Generally loud, she doesn't like assignments that ask her to do things stealthily (though she wont pass them up). She'll keep to a contract until the end, unless something that offends her - albeit loose - morals comes up, at which point she will switch sides, and just take payment off of her former-employers body.


Mizsey's self-designed backpack-shredder: Big Load

As is any tinker, Mizzey is more than capable of handling herself around machinery - be it operating or inventing it - courtesy of her training from the Tinker's Union. Unfortunately, this leads her to be virtually incapable of handling herself if she is ever separated from her gear. Despite years of mercenary-work, Mizzey's skill with conventional weapons is founded in just one: her customized - if surprisingly low-tech - sniper rifle. However, when it comes to operating vehicles and robotics, Mizmey is a maestro; she is capable of piloting both goblin and gnome inventions, but prefers to stick to her own creation.

That creation is her custom-built, personally-designed, and "totally sweeeeeeet!" shredder, which she had dubbed "Big Load." Big Load comes equipped with thorium-plating, sharpened-clawed-fingers capable of piercing iron and cutting through anything softer on it's right hand and a flamethrower in and retractable buzz-saw on its left arm, and full-rotatable cockpit - all of which can be folded up and stored in the (albeit large) backpack Mizzey carries. Big Load is her go-to plan for every encounter, even though it can take a minute for the machine to fully deploy.

Despite giving up on the path, Mizsey has never quite unlearned some of her shamanistic knowledge. She doesn't call on it often, in fact she rarely even recognizes she has it, but if the situation absolutely forces her to do so she's not afraid to tap into her old knowledge - however by force it need be.


  • "Ya can't just slap two gears tagetha an' call it a machine; ya need at least three gears, an' a lotta torque."
  • "I call 'im 'Big Load', and he's QUITE the handful, let me tell ya!..."



Image of Salja
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Class Loa Priestess (Formerly), Druid
Affiliation(s) Darkspear tribe
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral good
— Salja


Salja as a Loa Priestess.





Pullix Puulzrigg

NeutralPullix Puulzrigg
No image available
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Priest
Affiliation(s) Self, Crimson Ring, Alchemists' Union
Occupation Slaver
Location Kalimdor
Status Alive
Companion(s) Kayu'mee Moonspark (Partner)
Alignment Lawful evil







Ssathar Depthrend

AllianceSsathar Depthrend
Image of Ssathar Depthrend
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Splinterscale Rebellion, Hatecoral's Onslaught
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic good








Silian Lighteye

HordeSilian Lighteye
Image of Silian Lighteye
Title <Lady>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Priestess (In-training, Formerly),
Paladin (In-training), Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Blood Knights
Occupation Noble of Silvermoon, Blood Knight Trainee
Status Alive
Relative(s) Cedrian Lighteye and Nilon Lighteye (Brothers), Glori'ann Lighteye (Sister), Thurian Lighteye and Gali'a Lighteye (Grandfather and Grandmother), Bal'thier Lighteye and Malisina Lighteye (Father and Mother)
Alignment Lawful good
"The Light is my greatest weapon!"
— Silian


Silian after choosing to walk the path of the Blood Knight.
Silian during her training to become a Priestess.








Image of "Pand-den"
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Class Monk, Mistweaver (Presumed)


Occupation Unknown
Location Various
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Unknown
Student(s) Dannic Ebonclear, Gul'morak
Alignment Lawful neutral
"Wisdom, understanding, knowledge; such things are the right of all people, should they be willing to listen."
— Pand-den

"Den" means "master" in the tongue of the Pandaren, while "Pand" is used to describe one of Pandaren origin as is pertains to a certain role; these two words form the name this mysterious Pandaren chooses to go by - his real identity known only to himself. Believed to be a monk by those who encounter him, Pand-den is a wanderer who appears in many places across Azeroth, and even beyond.

He is a provider of wisdom, and does so to any who listen to it, be they Alliance or Horde or otherwise. He does not discriminate with those he lends his aid to and has appeared in cities of both the Alliance and the Horde all across Azeroth, spreading the wisdom of both the way of the Tushui and Huojin.


The first interaction between Pand-den and an outsider was when Dannic Ebonclear and Gul'morak wounded each other to incapacitation on the Wandering Isle. He rescued both from the battlefield and tended to their wounds. After they was healed, the two demanded to return to their commanding officer so he could continue the battle, and even began to try and fight one another; Pand-den, however, refused to allow them to leave. In Dannic he sensed the bitter hate and rage that brewed in his heart and in Gul'morak's the sorrow and pity of a life seen as a failure, and knew that such poisons would only kill them if he were allowed to continue in such a state. But the two soldiers were insistent, so Pand-den made a deal with them: if either could leave the camp without Pand-den stopping him, he was free to go; until then, they would stay.


All ever seen of Pand-den's face




  • "If you can pass me, I shall allow you to leave this camp." (Pand-den's deal with Dannic and Gul'morak)
