User:Morec0/Neutral Roleplaying Characters

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
For links to other fan-creations by this user, see User:Morec0.

A list of the self-aligned characters or those who are affiliated with a faction that is not playable in-game (i.e. the Burning Legion, the Old Gods) that I use for Roleplaying. Enjoy, and be sure to look at my Horde and Alliance characters, as well as the organizations and locations I've created.

Erao Palehoof

NeutralErao Palehoof
Image of Erao Palehoof
Title <The White Wanderer>
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Class Mounted warrior, Spirit Walker
Affiliation(s) Self
Occupation Adventurer
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Huasho'tha ("Wanderer", kodo mount)
Alignment Neutral good
"Not all who wander are without purpose."
— Erao Palehoof

A spirit walker who wanders all of Azeroth chasing vision, Erao has known no strong home. Erao was viewed with a mixture of awe and ill-favor that all spirit walkers were, and so, finding it to his displeasure, left Mulgore for new pastures. He is always accompanied by his closest friend: Huasho'tha, "Wanderer" in Taur-ahe, a kodo that shares his wanderlust.


Erao Palehoof2.jpg









No image available
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Class ?
Status Alive









Image of Sil'thosara
Title Lady, the Seeker, Mistress of Self-interest, the Individualist
Gender Female
Race Eredar (Demon)
Class Warlock
Affiliation(s) Self, Burning Legion,
Cata-Logo-Small.png Demon's Eye Clan
Occupation Commander of the Burning Legion,
Relic Collector,
Cata-Logo-Small.png Consultant to the Demon's Eye Clan,
Third-in-Command of the Demon's Eye Clan (Presumed)
Location Twisting Nether, Various (by means of projections)
Status Alive
Relative(s) Ormador (uncle),
Kayava (first-cousin-once-removed)
Companion(s) Nipsy (fel imp), Negathion (void lord), Illyrogg (observer), Caversia (shivarra), Mek-amal (wrathguard)
Alignment Chaotic evil
"Isn't that adorable."
— A typical Sil'thosara reaction

Sil'thosara was one of the Eredar to take up Sargeras' offer of power when he came to Argus. While powerful she has no real interest in leader the forces of the Legion along the great Burning Crusade, and while she still very much serves its interests she does so in her own way - seeking out powerful items and individuals, generally for her own amusement than any grand scheme.


Sil'thosara's fel-crystal staff.


Sil'thosara has little faith in the Demon's Eye Clan, but the mere existence of Curho and his clan as a whole amuses her. She lends them some aid and council from time to time so that they may continue to amuse her for some time to come. She is aware of Curho's reputation when it comes to dealing with demons, though, and is wary of any offers Curho makes to summon her to the mortal plane of Azeroth.


Though rarely so serious, if she is brought to such an expression there is no more fooling around


Sil'thosara maintains a generally cheerful attitude towards even hostile threats when she faces them, especially given most pose little to no threat to her and her immense power. While she has set goals and is capable of planning around a number of scenarios, she is easily distracted by other side projects or new developments. If something catches her eye she may very well move on to dealing with it and forego her previous goal of individual of interest, but more often than not it takes something of supreme interest for her to completely drop and previous engagements.









  • "My messenger, warlock? You require my messenger?... Very well; Nipsy, assist the warlock with his goals." (Lending Curho Demoneye her fel imp servant, Nipsy)
  • "If you require the power of my shield-bearer, warlock, you shall have it. Negathion, defend the warlock." (Lending Curho Demoneye her void lord serbant, Negathion)
  • "You require my wisest servitor, warlock, and so you shall have him. Illyrog is at your disposal, for now." (Lending Curho Demoneye her observer servant, Illyrog.)
  • "Caversia, my beautiful herald, give the warlock your aid... Touch her, orc, and you will regret your hands." (Lending Curho Demoneye her shivarra servant, Caversia)
  • "Mek-amal, my vanguard, my most fearsome servant, my most loyal in all things, lend the warlock your strength and destroy his foes." (Lending Curho Demoneye her wrathguard servant, Mek-amal)


No image available
Gender Male
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Occupation Unknown
Location Various
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Unknown






Timothy Vrote

NeutralTimothy Vrote
Image of Timothy Vrote
Title <Twilight Master>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Warrior, Alchemist,
Cata-Logo-Small.png Geomancer
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer Clan, Old Gods
Occupation Mortal Servant of the Old Gods, Mid-ranking member of the Twilight's Hammer Clan
Location Silithus
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic evil
"This world will return to the state that he Ancient Gods wish it! Surrender to the only true masters this world has ever known and be blessed as I have been!"
— Timothy, rallying the Twilight's Hammer Cult.

Timothy Vrote is a human member of the Twilight's Hammer clan. He has served the cult in their efforts to bring about the end of the world for some time, and for his zealous loyalty the Old Gods granted him their blessing. They disfigured his left hand, giving it the appearance of one of their faceless one minions and much greater strength. This mutation, however, may simply be the result of the chemical expiraments he tests upon himself, but both he and the Twilight Cultists around him belive it be a gift from their masters.



Timothy after the Sundering

Even after the Cataclysm, Timothy remained in Silithus, taking command of the Twilight's Hammer forces there. Within what remains of the fallen kingdom of Ahn'Qiraj he plots the Hammer's next move from this location. He also awaits orders from Cho'gall, believing that the chieftain of the Twilight's Hammer is working on a very special plan for the Hammer in Silithus. He also began practicing elemental magic, becoming a fairly potent geomancer. He also continued his experiments in communing with the Old Gods.

Despite the death of Cho'gall - and later on the death of Deathwing - Timothy has remained unfalted in his goals like most of the Twilight's Hammer. However, he is skeptical of the "Twilight Father" figure that is slowly assuming control of the cult, as he believes him to be an Alliance spy working to destroy what remains of the Hammer. Even so, he follows what orders are given to him by the Father, but never without doing his own research into the matter to see if these missions will truly further the goals of the Old Gods. After news of the Father's death he worked to consolidate as much power as he could to try and assume command of the Twilight's Hammer in Silithus.

As the Alliance-Horde War spilled over into Pandaria and the Sha reached the attention of the greater world, Timothy took the time to travel to Pandaria, hoping that in the Sha he could find the salvation of the quickly-failing Twilight's Hammer.


Timothy has blond hair that extends to the chops on his face. The robes he wears are the same as any memebr of the Twilight's Hammer; Violet, and both fufilling cerimonial and protective needs. His left has was mutated by the power of the Old Gods, and transformed into a disgusting mass of purple flesh, his fingers becoming little more then three tenticals that writhe around with a mind of their own when he does not put them to any type of work. His right hand has remained untouched, however, and he carries a tonfa-style blade in his hand, weilding it with amazing - deadly, even - skill.

Timothy Vrote, all but fully consumed by the mutations coursing throughout his body

Furthered expiramentation on his part after the Cataclysm also caused massive eyeballs to grow on his shoulders, a further sign of the Old God's influence and - in his eyes and the eyes of many of his associates - an further blessing from his masters. Just before Deathwing's defeat Timothy had yet another breakthrough, mutating his body even further; specifically his face. After this he began to wear a thicker cowl pulled over his head, strange mists blocking view of his face. He does this to "spare his fellow cultists from going blind from the glory of the Old God's blessing." All that is visible of whatever his face has become is writing, coiled mass of tenacles that rests just above his chest and strange horn-like growths that peirce the left and right sides of the cowl. Wether he actually belives this to still be a blessing from the Old God's or is hiding his face out of shame of his appearence is something only Vrote himself knows.





No image available
Title <?>
Gender ?
Race ? (Humanoid)
Class ?
Affiliation(s) ?
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment ?








Image of Ahkrahm
Title <Wind Trader> Wrath-Logo-Small.png
Gender Male
Race Ethereal (Humanoid)
Class Smuggler, Arcanist
Affiliation(s) Self, Consortium
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic neutral
"Shall we reach an accord?"
— Ahkrahm's approach to potential conflict

Ahkrahm is a Ethereal with an agenda: profit. Though officially a member of the Consortium, Ahkrahm primarily works alone - aside from the occasional adventurers he hires to assist him. He looks for anything that might turn him a profit and will gladly steal anything that has such potential - from more mundane artifacts to even sacramental relics, even those of his own species.


Ahkrahm is both cunning and powerful

After learning of the Ethereum's expansion into Azeroth, Ahkrahm piggybacked off of their transportation technology and found himself in Northrend. Now calling himself a Wind Trader, he immediately set out to find allies and items with potential high-resale value to "salvage." He is fascinated by the surge needles of the Blue Dragonflight, but because of their developing ties with the Ethereum he has chosen to leave them be.






  • "Fascinating."


  • Ahkrahm's name comes from an alteration of the Arabic surname "Akram" which means "most generous" or "charitable".

Ormador the Mad

WoD-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Image of Ormador
Title <the Mad>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Class Dark Paladin
Affiliation(s) Self
Location Draenor (alternate universe)
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic evil

For the original character, see Ormador of Argus.

"I see now, I see it all clearly! It is not the Legion that is the evil in existence, but existence itself! To rid life of suffering, life must end!"
— Ormador the Mad

Ormador is a Paladin of the Draenei, and one of the most ancient of their people. He witnessed the horrors the Legion brought down upon them as Argus fell, but when the Iron Horde, unprovoked and uncorrupted by the Legion, began to slaughter his people, he began to slip in his sanity. Since the draenei fled Argus he had believed that the Legion was the source of all evils in the universe, the driving force behind all suffering; but as the orcs attacked them of their own free will, he was forced to question his reality, and soon had a break with it. He swore upon the Light that he, alone if he had to, would put an end to the evils of life - by ending life. He wanders Draenor alone, friend to no one, not even his own race, the power of the Light twisted by his disturbed mind to still obey his every command.




In his heart is now nothing but hate




Mizzey G. Missilescrap

NeutralMizzey Grindsnap Missilescrap
Image of Mizzey Grindsnap Missilescrap
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Shaman
Affiliation(s) Tinker's Union (Formerly), Earthen Ring
Occupation Adventurer
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Mizzey J. Missilescrap
Alignment Lawful good
"Let the elements aid us who stand against their abusers!"
— Mizzey G. Missilescrap

Formerly of the Tinker's Union, mechanics never really caught on with Mizzey. In time she turned away from trying to work with machines and found herself on the doorstep of the Bilgewater Cartel. She studied with a few groups before falling in with their shamans, and when the time came that the Cartel had to evacuate Bilgewater Port and fall in with the Horde she studied under their shamans to further hone her skills. After falling well into the Earthen Ring, she set to wandering the world to aid the elements - and seek her own fortune while doing so.


When she was young her father gave Mizzey and her sister a wrench a pointed at a hunk of metal. A proud member of the Tinker's Union, he wanted his girls to be just like him. After some time of tinkering and testing their skills with the mechanics and parts of machinery, Mizzey and Mizsey politely declined their father's goals - by running away and joining up with a group of Earthen Ring shamans that were wandering Kezan. They were hesitant to take the girls, but after spinning false accusations about their parents and showing just how willing they were to learn about the elements, the shamans agreed. They took the girls with them away from Kezan and began to tutor them in the ways of the shaman.

That is where the story of the sisters splits. While Mizsey found she really didn't care, Mizzey was more than happy with her new life, finding purpose and joy within the elements. After landing in Stranglethorn, Mizsey remained with the shamans without her sister, where she continued her training under their ways. It was slow going, having to unlearn much of goblin culture or change her views on it to truly accept the path, and it took time for her to become quite adept at communing with the elements to her aid.





The general term to describe Mizzey would be "stick up the butt". She's about as proper a lady a goblin shaman can get, with a sense of morals and ethics stickier than a Kezan tar pit. It's actually something of a wonder she didn't fall into a Priesthood, but given the attitude of the general Goblin priest, or any Goblin "religious" sect, it was ultimately a toss up. She can't stand for debaucheries of any kind, and has at least once brought down elemental fury on an "establishment of ill repute" - or, at least there's a rumor going around saying so; still, she's a goblin at heart and does love everything gold.

These morals extend to the the elements as well, seeing the tainting and corruption of water, earth, air, and fire just as bad as any perversion of the flesh. She despises the dark shaman for their twisting of the elements, and even looks down on her own kind for how they trick or bully the elements for their own ends. Her totems are a trio of otherwise-blank coins with totemic symbols carved into them - an iron coin for Earth, a copper coin for Water, a silver coin for Air, and a gold coin for Fire.





Kal'shaga Steelstorm

NeutralKal'shaga Steelstorm
Image of Kal'shaga Steelstorm
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Blademaster
Affiliation(s) Dragonmaw clan;
Cata-Logo-Small.png Horde (Formerly),
Mists-Logo-Small.png True Horde,
WoD-Logo-Small.png Iron Horde (In Spirit)
Location Twilight Highlands,
Cata-Logo-Small.png Various,
Mists-Logo-Small.png Pandaria,
WoD-Logo-Small.png Ring of Valor
Status Alive
WoD-Logo-Small.png Imprisoned
Student(s) Mists-Logo-Small.png Trakges Longrunner
Alignment Neutral evil,
Mists-Logo-Small.png Chaotic evil


Kal'shaga Steelstorm 2.jpg


Kal'shaga after Garrosh's defeat






No image available
Gender Male
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Status Alive





