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Severed Threads

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NeutralThe Severed Threads
Main leader IconSmall Nerubian2.gif Widow Arak'nai
IconSmall NerubianVizier2.gif Executor Nizrek
  Formerly IconSmall NerubianSpiderlord.gif General Anub'azal †
Race(s) NerubianNerubianNerubianNerubian Nerubian
Base of operations The Weaver's Lair, Azj-Kahet
Quartermaster Y'tekhi

The Severed Threads is the fourth Major Faction of The War Within. They represent the conspiracy aimed at dethroning Queen Ansurek and restoring Azj-Kahet to its former glory.

It has three sub-factions, based on favor gained with Anub'azal (The General), Executor Nizrek (The Vizier), and Widow Arak'nai (The Weaver).


After Queen Neferess was seemingly killed, Widow Arak'nai, her former Royal Weaver, believed her daughter Ansurek was being led astray by Xal'atath. She wanted to free the queen from the harbinger's influence, but knew she could not do it alone. Thus, she sought the aid of an overcrawler who was aiding the Earthen and Arathi.[1]

She sent them to gather allies, starting with the individual responsible for a series of military failures in the north.[2] They learned that Anub'azal, the former general of Azj-Kahet, was sabotaging the military after he was replaced by Zev'kall. Anub'azal agreed to aid them in exchange for support against Zev'kall and helped free the remaining prisoners within Siegehold.[3] They were then sent an invitation to meet a mysterious nerubian known as "the Vizier" within the City of Threads. They revealed themself as Executor Nizrek, a noble who had pretended to be one of Ansurek's loyal confidants but was secretly horrified by her actions. Nizrek agreed to ally with them, but revealed that Ansurek made her choices free from Xal'atath's influence and believed she had to be eliminated as well.[4] With two powerful conspirators recruited, Arak'nai held a conference with Nizrek and Anub'azal, formally establishing themselves as the Severed Threads. Nizrek convinced Arak'nai that Ansurek was beyond saving, but they three could restore Neferess' ideals.[5] Soon, Nizrek and Anub'azal sent representatives to the Weaver's Lair to aid the cause.

The Severed Threads undermined the queen's rule by attacking figures pivotal to her plan of ascending the kingdom. They assassinated both Izo, the Grand Splicer in the City of Threads and Ki'katal the Harvester in Ara-Kara, City of Echoes to slow down the ascension process.

Some time later, their quartermaster Y'tekhi underwent the ascension process, allowing them access to the Transformatory. Arak'nai sent word to the surface for assistance, so Alleria Windrunner sent Lilian Voss and an adventurer to aid them.[6] They planted shadecasters across the City of Threads and learned that the queen's forces were mobilizing for war and smuggling Black Blood from the Maddening Deep.[7] While scouting the Transformatory, the trio encountered an imprisoned nerubian hulk called the First Ascended. They snuck into the Grand Splicer's lab to figure out the queen's plan for it and discovered the truth: the First Ascended was Queen Neferess, mutated into an ascended after being betrayed by her daughter.[8] While they tried to free the queen, Xal'atath arrived and seized control of Y'tekhi's mind, turning them against their allies.[9] Voss and the adventurer subdued Y'tekhi and returned to the Weaver's Lair to debrief Arak'nai. The Widow was horrified by what befell her queen and pondered if death would have been preferable, but Voss believed as long as she was still alive, anything was workable.[10]

Soon, Xal'atath decided to make her move and had the nerubians launch an all-out assault against the Arathi, while she headed to the Priory of the Sacred Flame. While she went inside the Priory to siphon Beledar's power, Neferess stood outside to guard her. Alleria Windrunner and her allies realized the former queen was trying to resist Xal'atath's commands and opted to subdue her. In the aftermath of the battle, Nizrek arrived to collect Neferess and thanked them for sparing her. Now safely back at the Weaver's Lair, Widow Arak'nai began to treat Neferess.[11]

After the attempt on her life, Ansurek grew more unstable and began to tighten her grip over Azj-Kahet. In response, Nizrek summoned their overcrawler friend to disrupt her efforts.[12] After eliminating Anub'arash's guards and destroying Skeinspinner Takazj's shadecasters in the Umbral Bazaar,[13] Nizrek sent them to meet with his contact, Gut'usul, after learning of a string of disappearances in the Burrows.[14] Gut'usul revealed that the queen's forces have been abducting people and taking them to the Transformatory to be ascended and asked for their aid in stopping them.[15][16] After slaying the abductors and freeing the citizens, they reported back to Nizrek.[17] The Vizier was appalled to learn that Ansurek had been forcefully ascending her subjects and decided it was time to end the queen's life.[18]

The Severed Threads and their allies then mounted an assault on Nerub-ar Palace. After Ansurek was killed, the leaders of the Severed Threads arrived to thank the overcrawlers for their aid in ending the queen's madness but noted their alliance must remain a secret for now.

After the assault, Anub'azal was ready to take his revenge on Zev'kall for killing his disciple and tasked an abettor with challenging his rival. They planted a flag outside of his stronghold, formally challenging him.[19] Wishing to duel Zev'kall himself, Anub'azal ordered the abettor to prevent any of his lackeys from interfering and to leave the fight solely to him. Anub'azal emerged victorious in his match, but was fatally wounded by Zev'kall.[20] The General sent the abettor to debrief Arak'nai, while he left to rest. He made his way to the Twitching Gorge[47, 57] and took a final look at his beloved city before he succumbed to his wounds. Though she thought his decision to challenge Zev'kall foolish, Arak'nai could not deny the General's strength and acknowledged that Zev'kall's death dealt a major blow to the loyalist forces.[21]

Nizrek eventually felt his time as the Vizier was coming to an end and needed to change how he served Azj-Kahet. He sent an abettor to gather their allies at the Umbral Bazaar for an announcement.[22] He also tasked them with eliminating the rest of the queen's assassins before his grand address.[23] After a crowd gathered at the Bazaar's square, a shadecaster projecting the Vizier began to speak. Nizrek explained that he worked from the shadows in hope of securing their people's future, but times have changed. He pledged to stop feigning support for their oppressors and to serve them as a fellow citizen. Nizrek then stepped out from the shadows and revealed himself as the Vizier. He invited them to walk beside him into the future, unburdened, together.[24]

Faction description

Queen Ansurek's tumultuous reign has not been without its detractors. The Severed Threads work cleverly and quietly behind the scenes to unravel the tapestry of Ansurek's iron rule from within.


Renown levels

  1. Cutting the Cord
  2. Kej Vendors Unlocked
  3. In The Shadows, Resonance Crystals, Restored Coffer Key
  4. World Buffs I, Weathered Harbinger Crests
  5. All that Glitters I, Valorstones, Notoriety Pays Off
  6. World Buffs II, Resonance Crystals, Restored Coffer Key
  7. Thread-Bearer's Cloak
  8. Bazaar of Wonders, Resonance Crystals, Weathered Harbinger Crests
  9. Earth-Encrusted Gem
  10. Tabard of the Severed Threads, Satchel of Resonance Crystals
  11. All that Glitters II
  12. Carved Crests
  13. Restored Coffer Key
  14. Cornering the Market, Satchel of Resonance Crystals, Valorstones
  15. Jumping Through Hoops (Jump Jump)
  16. Thread-Bearer's Pauldrons
  17. Rolling in the Depths I (Ferocious Jawcralwer)
  18. Restored Coffer Key, Trove of Resonance Crystals, Carved Crests
  19. All that Glitters III
  20. Earth-Encrusted Gem
  21. Cornering the Market II, Carved Crests
  22. Restored Coffer Key, Trove of Resonance Crystals, Valorstones
  23. Rolling in the Depths II ( [Aquamarine Swarmite])
  24. Treasure Trove Key, Resonance Crystals
  25. No Loose Threads (<Thread-Spinner>), A Heroic Reward


Y'tekhi <Severed Threads Quartermaster>
Renown Item Cost Type
16 Jump Jump 1 Resonance Crystals Pet
23  [Ferocious Jawcrawler] 1 Resonance Crystals Ground mount


The Weaver's Legacy
Part one unlocks at the "Accomplice" rank with the Weaver:
  1. N [80] Saving Private Spindle
  2. N [80] Personal Pilfering
Part two unlocks at the "Abettor" rank with the Weaver:
  1. N [80] Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spider
  2. N [80] Wine and Die
  3. N [80] The Weaver's Legacy
The General's Conviction
Part one unlocks at the "Accomplice" rank with the General:
  1. N [78-80] Absent Errand
  2. N [78-80] An Honorless Kill
Part two unlocks at the "Abettor" rank with the General:
  1. N [80] Demand Satisfaction
  2. N [80] Duel of the Fates
  3. N [80] The General's Conviction
The Vizier's Resolve
Part one unlocks at the "Accomplice" rank with the Vizier:
  1. N [80] Socialized Medicine
  2. N [80] Rules and Consequences
Part two unlocks at the "Abettor" rank with the Vizier:
  1. N [80] A Cordial Invitation
  2. N [80] Knives in the Dark
  3. N [80] The Vizier's Resolve

Patch changes


External links

Faction Paragon